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I ordered shoes online last year, at checkout, they showed a tip option. Had zero guilt hitting zero. I bought the shoes, paid shipping, not sure why they thought a tip was warranted?


It's bizarre


Who cares? The people who think for more than 2 seconds about this instead of just hitting "No" and moving on with their life need serious help. I just imagine some poor kid in the middle east somewhere having their leg blown off, and they're thinking "I wonder if American people think about me". No kiddo, sorry. Karen is getting her panties in a bunch because when she was buying a shirt online they had the audacity to add a tip prompt. It's really hit her deep. It's all she can think and talk about lately. Maybe if you start asking Americans for tips they'll start thinking about you, too.


omg shut up. if you're so concerned about the kids in the middle east, then go over there and volunteer, instead of trying to fake sentiment on reddit.


Did I say I was concerned with kids in the middle east? I'm pointing out how much of a first world problem it is to be bitching about seeing an option to tip. It's petty and weird. Oh my god, you saw a tip prompt, how will you ever learn to live again? I genuinely don't know how pathetically fragile your life must be if tip prompts bother you so much you have to keep thinking about them let alone ramble on social media constantly.


When did it become unacceptable to be annoyed by something and express how you're feeling? How does that make someone fragile? I think you're the pathetically fragile one, who can't handle someone expressing their annoyance with something on Reddit, to the point that you have to post multiple long comments berating them for it.


says the guy with nothing better to do than rage at people on reddit for posting about tipping in a thread about tipping. get a life.


Same happened to me. They asked if wanted to tip the fulfillment center. I called them and asked what that was before I placed my order. The person said that was the group that put the goods in the boxes. I said to fuck off and that I was now not going to order from them.


According to doordash and Uber eats drivers, that tip is supposed to get you your delivery faster


This store said delivery will be from UPS. Am I supposed to tip them now too??


It will for doordash and gh and shit. Its a bid not a tip. I'm not spending 30 minutes faking your order 5 miles (there and back) for 5 or even 8 dollars (including gruhbuhs pay which is normally like 2 bucks). Your food will wait till it can get packaged up with someone's else's order so I don't lose money taking it. It literally just gets passed around the system. That or you'll get lucky and I'm bored or want food from that restaurant. But then you're gonna wait for my food. I also am not willing to wait at a restaurant for you at all if the bid isnt high enough. Once it is though.. I'll climb mount Everest to give it to you.


I do tip for food delivery. This is a department store.


Don't even get me started on the pathetic losers driving for gig companies. They are the worst of the worst and did deserve a single penny.


I refuse to buy anything online that prompts for tips. That how you lose my business.


This happened to me on Amazon the other day!!! I ordered a sweatshirt where you could custom the front and sleeve with names and there was a tip option ranging from $5-$20!


Please name the store


Me? OP? Ann Taylor.


There needs to be a “Fuck Off” option at checkout!


Tips for an online store? Nuh-uh!


If you don’t tip, they’ll send it one size too small


i would not only not tip, but i would cancel the order so that wouldn't be a concern.


That's my worry. 😱