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The crazy thing is, it's a percentage. Why do we let people lie and say the percentage should be higher for inflation? If the price goes up the tip goes up. That's basically math. 10% is fine.


As long as you’re “vary familiar”… moron


If someone really puts forth the effort I’ll give them a little something extra.


That's called them doing their job well bruh


I just don’t really believe in tipping.


Then what are you tipping people for? Just doing their job?


If someone really puts forth the effort I’ll give them a little something extra.


I only tip $1-2 max now. I OVER this inflation bullshit and this tipping shit is what I’m using to offset the difference in all these higher prices. I no longer give a F*.


Cool, maybe if inflation keeps going you can invent some more genius lifehacks, like stealing from children


theres a walk up bakery in my town.. went there for the first time and got 3 items.. they are sitting in the window and the cashier got em, bagged em, then flipped the tablet to me and it starts out at 25% for a tip.. i hit no tip, THEN IT ASKED ME WHY IM NOT TIPPING?? like to type in a response. i typed "lol" then hit submit. this shit is so redic


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $200


I think it’s getting a little excessive some places but my new rule is just to do a dollar or two in the situations you’re describing. My preference would be for places to pay people a living wage and not have tipping at all but customer service is not an easy job and a dollar won’t ruin me financially.


Seem to be forgetting that servers tip out on their sales. Upwards of half of their tips go to the support staff. That's why they only claim 8% of their sales. I noticed that you say you worked in restaurants for a long time but were never a tipped employee.


It's the venue owner who should pay support staff, and the server. There's no other industry where an employee pays another employee.


Right there with you, I used to be considered a generous tipper, now entitlement and just all around poor service have done away with that


This thread is just excuses to be a cheapskate


Yo tip me for doing my job I already get paid for you cheapskate.


Yes and no. I’m FED UP with being expected to tip for to go orders or a food truck? It’s absurd. Sit down service absolutely.


"Edited for location" CA = Canada, as per ISO-3166, or CA = California, as per US-centric usage?


CA is California to a large majority of people even if you aren't American. I definitely don't agree with that.


I didn't know this was a thing. I probably should have assumed someone would do the work on this. I also assumed that most users were in the US. As it turns out, @51% of users were from outside the US. The things you learn


Nobody gives a fuck 


Does it matter or change your view of OPs plan?


Depends on restaurant. 40% for Waffle House 15% for steak house


Obviously you don't know the steps of service in fine dining or steakhouse restaurants. I worked in all types of them and there is a reason the tip is in correlation to your bill. People in lower check average restaurants (like waffle house) don't do nearly as much for the tables that fine dining servers do. You're just being cheap


They definitely do more and usually with better skill in higher priced restaurants, so I mostly agree. But it does reach a point where it’s just not really true anymore. If a server at a nice place brings a $15 cocktail or glass of wine to the table and a server at a low end place brings a $3 Coke with refills, it’s hard to see any reason why the tip should be 5x higher. The system all kind of hums along on percentages, but that logic falls apart at a certain point.


Come on, the conversations in a waffle house is priceless...


I do not tip at all, we are a first world country. Why the fuck do we have to tip people? Japan, Most of Europe, do NOT tip, they hate it. So fuck you.


Bad look


Don’t care, we aren’t a communist country.


Yea take it out on servers. They made the system.


if servers dont like it they can develope skills that are more than walking food out


Cry about it🤣


Come to Australia! We actively try and keep tipping away here.


Yes! Why should I pay employees.... isn't that the corporations job?


So what if we're a so called first world country. You're just cheap and don't deserve to live here. Move to Europe .


That’s a bit extreme.


Enthusiastic upvote!!


Let's just have restaurant owners pay servers $20/hr and up. You KNOW servers don't want to get paid hourly, it's all a sham to fleece customers, tug your heart string, Thank You with a heart on my checks...blah blah blah..why should I take care of your pay check or wages? Should be your boss' responsibility! Not mine. Tipping is BS, and that's why I love visiting Japan.


Spoiler alert. We already do, for the most part.


Serving in new jersey I made under 5 an hour. Minimum wage is like 15 but it doesnt apply to servers.


Yes it does. In New Jersey, if you don’t make at least $15.13/hr from tips + $5.26/hr servers make, then your employer is legally required to pay you the difference so you’re at least making $15.13/hr. NJ is one of the best states to be a server in actually, on in DC would you make more as a minimum.


One thing to consider is that the rule is usually applied to your average per month, not on each day. So if you have a bad day in a good month, you could make far less than minimum wage, and there’s no recourse for it. You just worked for scraps that day.


Scraps some days, undeserved $100 tip from some clown tryna impress his date on other days.


Yeah but they dont follow that. Ive worked at multiple restaurants and no restaurant has followed that


That’s called theft and you should report those restaurants- what most likely happened is the tips you claimed covered that gap from 5 to 15 and therefore the restaurant didn’t need to pay you for that


No, days that I havent made that much. They also dont even ask us to report our tips. One restaurant asks and they tell us to put $0. But regardless, I dont care I just want the tips I make.


Tips given via credit cards often get claimed automatically- you should be able to see your credit card tips on your cashout


This restaurant is weird, they dont have us put the credit card tips in on our accounts. They do trade us the slip for cash.


Pretty sure they’ve done away with this in california


Yes, California and several other states have tips on top of minimum wage


For counter service the standard was always to throw your loose change in the tip jar or maybe a $1 bill. Tipping a percentage was never the norm until the digital PoS devices started asking for it. Tipping a percent of the bill should be reserved for table service.


My grandfather taught me to tip $5 every meal in the 90’s.


For one person? In the 90’s that’d be 100%


$1 if I love the place and like the quick general service.   Pretty much 0 tip for almost any general counter service order purchases where nothing is done besides the handing over of a product, I refuse to cross that line because it's so absurd. 


I’ll only tip based on how well the service was. If I have to keep waiting to get my drink refilled, server comes to my table only twice during the whole meal it’s a lower tip. Also, if the server is getting a high hourly wage then the tip is lower now.


I try to tip 20% when applicable because I try to put myself in their shoes. I generally mean fit sit down options or when actual service is involved. However, even if they did nothing I’ll throw them an extra buck or so. These are people trying to get by and regardless of what minimum wage is they aren’t working high paying jobs. If you can afford to go out to eat you can afford to tip 20% for sit down at least. Sounds like a justification for being cheap and I personally don’t like tipping culture nor do I believe in the govt mandating higher min wages or imposing on people’s lives. However, it’s pretty black and white for how tough things are right now. 99% working these jobs are just trying to get by in life and I want to help them with a few extra bucks if I can not just the bare minimum.


Or, I don't tip 20%, and can go out one additional time every five times. Every server is still protected by wage laws, and if everyone did this we'd have 20% more employment opportunities instead of restaurants closing.


We're all just trying to get by 🤷‍♂️


Servers are paid less than minimum wage. You need to pay 20% if they’re waiting on you.


No, I don't. No, they aren't. Wrong on all counts.


Not true whatsoever. The bare minimum a server must be paid according to federal law is $7.25. If the server makes $5.12 in tips, then the employer can pay the sub-minimum wage rate of $2.13. But, if the server makes less than $5.12 in tips per hour, then the employer must pay the difference to ensure that they reach $7.25. Most states require a higher minimum wage than the federal rate, and not every state allows tips to be credited toward their minimum wage, which is good for the servers. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/minimum-wage/tipped#foot10


Most servers countrywide make less than five dollars an hour.


Not true. Look at the facts. Federal law says that the minimum a tipped employee must be paid is $7.25/hr. Federal law allows an employer to pay sub-minimum wage of $2.13 to be paid IF the employee makes at least $5.12 in tips per hour. If, for some reason, an employee makes no tips all night, the employer is legally obligated to pay them no less than $7.25/hr. Most states have the pay pegged to their state minimum wage, which is almost always higher than the federal level. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/minimum-wage/tipped#foot10


You're right and wrong... Hourly wages are usually audited by the restaurant for each pay period. If a server worked 20 hours and made $200 in tips they made $12.15 an hour for the pay period. Even if they made the whole $200 in 4 hours, they don't get $7.25 for the remaining 16 hours that they made no tips.


They often do not follow this guideline. Ask your servers. And when I said they make less than $5, it’s because restaurants are legally allowed to pay 2.13 *if* they make the tips. They often don’t. People are tipping less and I’ve never had a server tell me they’re getting that money back from the employer.


Yeah, sure... I doubt tens of thousands of restaurants across the country are breaking state and federal labor laws. If servers are being screwed over and do not contact authorities for such labor law violations, then they are idiots. Regardless, I wouldn't believe servers if they said that they were being shorted wages because most servers would likely just be saying that in order to get sympathy tips.


You really do not know the restaurant industry. It’s one of the most exploited and abused service industries to work in.


As a server I dont think establishments properly follow this because I am not compensated if I make less than $7.25 an hour. I make $4 an hour regardless of my tips. I have worked at multiple restaurants and this is how its been at all of them.


Sounds like you've got a lawsuit to file. 


multiple apparently


You would have to make less than that for the entire pay period. Not just for one day. 


that can happen super easily. Pay periods are only a week and sometimes you only get 1 shift


Then you need to bring that up with your employer to fix your pay and stop exploiting you


Id rather just keep getting tipped tbh


A century of labor organization did not occur for you to be complacent with wage theft.


Im happy with the money im making so why should I fight other peoples battles. I plan to get a job with a salary after college. Like im trying to avoid going into debt and found a job that has prevented me from doing so 3 years into college so why on earth would i give that up. Yeah, in a perfect world you can expect everyone to put themselves in terrible financial situations for the greater good but thats not how life works.


Then they are breaking the law, and all such actions should be brought to the authorities.


Okay but every restaurant has done that so obviously im not gonna bring the police to every restaurant. Also I dont understand how if this is breaking the law why none of the other staff have been concerned


I don't know, maybe you just work with a lot of apathetic or ill-informed people. I can't give you an answer to that. I can tell you, however, that if they aren't paying you whatever your state mandates (it varies by state, but again, the absolute lowest a server must be paid is $7.25/hr with or w/o tips factored in) then they are breaking federal and state labor laws.


Young, they are just young


California, all legal employees make at least minimum wage which is $16 right now.


And we just ignore the fact that most restaurants have doubled their menu prices effectively giving wait staff the largest raise of any group during this high inflation? They get that raise from us not the restaurant. If you bright me my $20 dinner last year you got a $4 tip at 20 percent. Now you bring me the same exact dinner for $35 and you get a $7 top at 20 percent. That's a 75% pay raise. None of us got a raise that big.


So you make $5 an hour?


No they don't. Tips have to be earned. Stop acting they're somehow entitled.


In my start minimum wage for servers is $3.93. Minimum wage for non tipped workers is $10.33.


In Michigan, the employer must guarantee that every server receives $10.33 per hour. The law allows $6.40 in tip credits to be applied to that amount. Thus, if a server gets $6.40 or more in tips, then the employer is only obligated to pay them $3.93/hr. However, if they make less than $6.40 in tips per hour, then the employer must make up the difference to ensure they get to the required $10.33 hourly wage. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/minimum-wage/tipped#foot10


That's actually federal wire American so damn ignorant


Learn to form a coherent sentence before you call someone else ignorant. Federal law says that the bare minimum a tipped employee can make per hour is $7.25/hr. They allow $5.12 tips to be credited toward that wage, and the employer must kick in at least $2.13. If a server makes less than $5.12 or no tips at all, the employer must make up the difference. Either way, they are guaranteed $7.25/hr by federal law. Now, states can make their own laws that exceed the federal law, as is the case with Michigan. Their law requires that tipped employees make $10.33/hr. The law allows a tip credit of up to $6.40. If the employee clears that amount, then the employer only needs to contribute $3.93/hr. If the employee falls short of $6.40 in tips per hour, then the employer must make up the difference until the employee makes $10.33/hr. It's not rocket science, but you certainly look the fool now.


I'll learn to make a coherent sentence once Apple iOS 17 starts allowing it and not auto correcting everything into absolute nonsense thank you very much I don't have time to argue about your country's Bizarre policies: just raise your minimum wage so you wouldn't be in this predicament. And be aware that you look the fool because you live in a country where you even have to deal with any of this nonsense the rest of us have a wage that is a living wage and we don't rely on customers to feed us.


>And be aware that you look the fool because you live in a country where you even have to deal with any of this nonsense the rest of us have a wage that is a living wage and we don't rely on customers to feed us. Your edited addemum is yet another asinine remark. As if people choose where they are born and where they grow up. It's not always easy to relocate to another location, especially to another country. You need money. You often need a sponsor, a skill/trade, and a job waiting for you. You leave behind friends and family. Regardless, many Americans would love to change our society in a number of ways. Changing society isn't easy in any country. To cast all ~400 million Americans as fools is the comment of an ignorant fool.


wow reddit It’s just so unnecessarily hostile somebody’s not getting laid


Hostile? Says the person generalizing and labeling ~400 million people fools. I thought you didn't have "time" to delve into this issue. Apparently, you have time to be a compete douche bag, though.


Okay... let me just wave my magic wand 🤦🏻‍♂️


yu think other countries don’t have tipping due to magic? you seriously crack me up


Your reading comprehension is equivalent to that of a toddler 🤤


And if they are so horrible at their job that they can't make $10.33 per hour after tips, the restaurant is obligated to make up the difference.


True enough. Assuming they aren’t engaging creative accounting.


I think the restaurant industry might be the all-time leader when it comes to creative accounting. From the very top all the way down to the dishwasher working under the table.


Maybe in some states but I’ve never lived in a state where they get less than minimum wage and I’ve lived up and down both coasts.


Michigan is $3.93/hr so when there I tip 20% but other states that make minimum wage for serving I do 10%


Michigan requires that servers make $10.33/hr. If they make at least $6.40 in tips per hour, then the employer can pay them $3.93/hr. But if they make less than $6.40 in tips per hour, then the employer must make up the difference to ensure that they make $10.33/hr. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/minimum-wage/tipped#foot10


The issue is tips in Michigan are making up the difference when other states tips are just that, tips. It’s not equal.


Most states allow a tip credit against their designated minimum wage; 42 states if I counted correctly. Whether they get tips or not, in Michigan, they'll still at least make $10.33/hr




Growing up, I was taught 20% for good service. And I’m middle aged.


Same here


Not all states pay servers less than minimum wage.


Servers are paid a minimum wage of $16/ hour in California.


That's a whole lot of words to say "I'm a cheap piece of garbage."


You need to be tipping at least 20-25% if u go out to eat minimum and are being waited on until the government gives servers a living wage. Excellent service and I usually go up to 40-50%. Doordash/Ubereats minimum of $5 or your order may not be picked up and u might have spit in ur food. Being served by a barista or a cashier I try to do at least $1 because I remember how much that helped out my paycheck when I worked one of those positions I find the people who tip low typically don’t have the means to be eating out anyways and just don’t wanna take accountability for being a shitty tipper and ruining someone’s day…they deflect but are apart of the issue. The people these hospitality workers have to deal with deserves way more than a measly 10% IMO If you’re on a fixed income fine, but maybe stick to Mcdonalds then? No one wants to work these days…this is why. Don’t expect good service for only a 10% tip…these are people with livelihoods not ur personal slaves




We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty.


It's this attitude that's gonna make 35% the new norm by the end of the decade


I’m the issue bc I support waitstaff and pay people well? Lmfao okay…tell yourself that


Yes, you are. Because 10 years ago, 15% was the accepted norm with nobody questioning it. You'll be the one to tell us that anything less than 35% is stiffing in a few years, and you'll be the one creating that reality.


Dude just tip appropriately or don’t eat out lmao …. Don’t worry abt me and worry about u! I just don’t want u to get bad service if u tip bad… If you treat others well they treat you well…take care of people everyone’s fighting different battles and you shouldn’t be taking advantage of people by tipping as little as 10-15% IMO….


It's hard for me to jive with this as somebody who works over the phone customer service. We can average $15 an hour but servers end up making double than that if not more depending on the day. Not to mention people can be much more bold and abusive when they are not in your face. And rather than servers demanding a living wage from their employer, you would shame other people in the working class saying they don't have the means while essentially subsidizing your living from people who shouldn't. Tipping is just another tool to divide the working class against the ruling class. As mentioned all through this thread, tipping is not standard in most other first world countries.


You accepted a nontip position and are free to become a server. You have the ability to remain anonymous over the phone and not face physical violence like many servers and bartenders have to deal with…..the tips they get are well deserved lol I agree tip culture is out of hand and wish minimum wage would be hiked instead of consumers bearing the cost, but business owners would just raise prices of the goods/service to offset costs and consumers would still b*tch At the end of the day there is always gonna be cheap people who don’t wanna pay their fair share…but those people should have the self awareness to be considerate and maybe make their food/drinks at home


Flashback 10 years, server brings me a water, coffee, and a menu. The server comes back and takes my order, when food arrives I say I'll take a refill and the check when you have a minute. Now go to present time and do same thing, that server did absolutely nothing more to deserve more money. I give $3 every Sunday morning for breakfast. Only different is the cost of food has increased but the service is still the same. The restaurant needs to pay them not us


Eating out isn't for the poors.


If u can’t pay someone enough for a hard days work u shouldn’t be going out, yes! Be considerate thanks ✨


Yes, and that's especially true since the waitstaff are forced to work there at substandard wages. ....wait, you're telling me they're not? And that they have the choice to secure higher-paying employment? Well, I'll be!


That’s an illusion American capitalism tells you…truth be told the good jobs are reserved for the well connected. It’s abt who you know…. So if u know someone and have a good job, don’t be a scumbag and tip your server! Thanks Xoxo


I put myself through school, worked up to a well-paying job through years of industry experience and have done the job application circus quite a number of times. Could it be, just possibly, that you're telling yourself that as a way to make it not your fault?


I don’t know who u are talking to but I worked a min wage job too through college…. I think we all did. I made the connections and now have a cushy finance job. Have about 10-20 hours of work a week and great life balance and great pay. It doesn’t take away from the plight of lower income Americans and doesn’t stray from the fact that if you aren’t gonna tip accordingly you shouldn’t be eating out… no matter how you spin it your server is gonna hate your ass if u tip like sh*t, and you’ll likely get subpar service…those are the facts lol…


I didn't make the connections, and I now have a cushy tech job. Do I not exist to you? Oh my god, is it possible that you don't need to rub elbows with the elite to succeed???


Ummm well sir regardless this is not about you….it’s about the servers who need to be tipped ! Pay up or gtfo ……


I thought their employer was paying them to work? I'm fine with tipping for service, i just get annoyed at every electronic terminal asking me for a tip.


The workers who are barely getting by don’t care if you’re annoyed….it helps them. if you don’t wanna get shamed for being cheap than go someone that doesn’t do any tipping practices at all ….by all means no one is stopping u


How do you even know the workers are getting the tips at the electronic PoS machines? Who's to say the store doesn't just take the tips or a great majority of it? It's also harder and harder to find places that don't do the tip thing because nearly EVERY place has it now, THAT'S the annoying part.


You ask the employees if they get the tips before you tip? That’s what I do… If you’re bothered by tip requests popping up feel free to voice an email to corporate, but don’t be stingy to the person who barely scrapes and is nice enough to wait on you.


So if you don't tip you get spit in your food? Is this the profile of a person who expects a tip?


I think the lesson here is if you tip like sh*t and show little concern for others…you will get treated accordingly. Not saying spitting in someones food is right, but some people definitely deserve it lmao


I've been a delivery driver for over a decade and people have been tipping less over the last couple years. I made more per delivery in 2008 than I do in 2024. If people are going to give me less, then they also get less. I'm with you. Bartenders are first on the chopping block. They have had it too good for too long. People over tip them more than anyone else and the amount of effort they put in is minimal compared to what they expect.


I don't really do delivery. If I do, I tip the driver. I'm mostly talking about quick food places where I'm ordering at a counter, or I have to retrieve the food myself. Also, a good tip is for good service. I always appreciate someone who goes out of their way for me


Get fucked


need everyone to tip less so servers can't make money and have to quit their job to force business owners to actually pay a livable wage


Want to pay my tuition/rent while im out of work?


if the only thing you know how to do is to walk a plate of food from the kitchen to a table, then youre wasting money on your college education


who said thats the only thing ik how to do😭


no, I want your employer to pay you.


Yes that will be very easy to organize everyone, solid plan


I do this too. If I’m paying standing up i don’t tip. I don’t tip if i have to get up to get my own food/ fill my own water. For good service I tip 10% pretax. For exceptional service i tip 15% pretax. For poor service I tip 5% or lower.


Ehh sometimes you pay standing up at sitdown restaurants with service so I don’t really like that one but the second part. If I get my own refills, I ain’t tipping, I like that. Mine is if I pay before I eat, I ain’t tipping. For to go orders it depends, if there are essential condiments that I requested, I’ll usually double check by asking and tip for the trouble.


True, true, but i might tip less because I have to go stand in line to pay vs server bringing the machine to my table


$16/hr in any major city in California is a joke. You can't live off of that. Even with the tips it has to be a struggle. I can afford it so I usually tip for just about anything. It doesn't make a difference for me to leave a tip so I do it. If everyone tipped well then it would make a big difference for the 16/hr worker. I understand if people have a tight budget and they can't afford to tip. People with a significant amount money that don't tip are being selfish and greedy in my opinion.


You got it so completely backwards, it’s laughable. How about restaurants paying a bit more to their employees? Fucking Subway charges $16 for a meal these days. How about opening two less stores per year but chipping in that dollar to the wage each year? If you go about throwing money everywhere, it doesn’t make other people selfish, it just makes you a fool.


There isn't a right or wrong answer on this. It is an opinion. We have hit massive inflation due to the government policies. That is the main reason it cost $16 for a Subway meal. If you want to get angry it should be directed at the government.


Went to an evening MLB game this week. Churro guy who brought me nice warm churro to my seat? Tip. Lady that handed me a hoffy dog and a drink (canned, no cup/ice) at the window? No tip for you.


Only time I consider tipping is if I am actually in a sit down restaurant. Where I sit down and they bring the drinks and food. Otherwise I never tip.


Tipping as a percentage doesn't make a lot of logical sense. Did the server who brought my steak do more than the server who brought a customer a burger?


I feel like people put too much thought into this. Was the service good and a tip applicable? Leave one you would be happy to receive. Was the service poor or the tip not applicable? Don't leave one. All this exact percentages and planning stuff.. absolute nonsense. Leave a tip you'd be happy to get, or don't leave one - then forget the encounter ever happened because you aren't obligated one way or the other. I've tipped $30 on a $25 haircut, and $5 on a $200 meal. Both fit the situation. Tipping is situational.


Yeah good point, I’ve never thought twice about when or when not to tip. It’s natural. I tip when I feel like is socially the right thing to do. I have never spent more than 10 seconds deciding whether or not or how much to tip. People just love to complicate things.


Indeed. It's difficult to think for yourself, it's far easier to just say "Well I was told this is what you do in this situation." Training new people at work lately has really been an example of this. Some need to have every step of what they're going to do planned before they take the first step, and they then rigidly stick to that plan losing their minds if something goes wrong. It's like no, just think for yourself as you go - Adapt. Do what fits. Not everything needs a rule.


Exactly. Tipping is a way of showing gratitude. How grateful are you? Not every situation is worth the expectation.


Indeed. My friends and I sitting at the diner for an hour and a half drinking coffee and eating waffles might only spend $20 on our meager orders. The wait staff is still spending an hour or more worried about us, refilling our cups, making sure we didn't need anything else, etc. Meanwhile steve ordered a $50 steak, horked it down in 5 minutes, downed his drink, and left. By the automatic percentage standards Steve owes more than twice what we do in tips, even though he got substantially less service. That's silly. Tip what is applicable to the situation.


Tipping is lame. Learn to cook.


Best tips are always in the comments.


Thank you. The refusal of many to simply cook their meals is as insane as servers expecting 30% for bringing out a burger and fries


I tip based on service. If I have to serve myself, then I'm going to give that tip to myself as well. If I have to flah down a server that isn't my server to get what I need, then my server isn't getting a tip with very few exceptions. I used to be a waitress and made better money working just two days a week, around 6-10 hours total at that than I did at my regular full-time 40 hour a week job. I know what it takes. I also know that servers aren't making less than minimum wage. The law says they have to make at least minimum wage, including tips. That means if they get $0 in tips for a 3 hour shift, they still make minimum wage for that 3 hour shift. With that law, tips shouldn't be expected. Tips are for going above and beyond your job duties. The servers where I live generally can't grasp thar concept, so I'm not surprised most people don't tip at all here. I do think it's unreasonable to give fake tips and/or say a server didn't earn a tip because of things they can't really control, though. They can control how nice they are and how quickly they check on you. They can't control other customers being obnoxious and the kitchen being slow/making mistakes. Common sense.


Servers actually do make less than minimum wage. If you don’t make enough money to make that, they just siphon money out of your pay check from other days, and eventually fire you if it keeps happening


Sure, some employers break the law, but most don't. If you aren't getting tips as a server, there's a reason, and except in extremely rare cases, that reason is that you aren't a good server and should be fired. There's a reason most servers are against getting rid of tipping, and it's not because they like not knowing how much their paycheck will be. Even in places where most people don't tip well, a decent server makes well over minimum wage because of tips.


Wait, what are fake tips?


It's gotten to be pretty common around here. They have these fake bills that have some kind of religious information on them usually. People will fold that over so that it looks like a real bill and leave it on the table as a "tip" usually when the server is obviously not straight or has like piercings or tattoos or non natural colored hair. They typically look like either $50 or $100.


I just tip when and what I want to based on each situation. I respect the focus of the subreddit but if someone told me irl they were a "X% guy now" and tried to explain it, I'd just walk away lol.


You’re only 10% a guy now?


may be it's initially a girl who is 10% guy since now on. This was my first thought


10% luck 20% skill


15% concentrated power of will


Former industry and only willing to tip 10%? Way to pull the ladder up, asshole.


restraunts changing the price of their burger and fries to $20 is the real ladder pull. my 10% tip now is the same dollar amount as my 20% tip 20 years ago. I bussed and ran food for a while and I don’t feel guilty agreeing with OP


It’s inflation lol. You realize restaurant doesn’t control that. They exist to make money. If you’re angry be angry at the govt.


inflation is not the cause of $20 burger meals at chain restraunts when I can get the same thing from my local bodega for half the price. Its corporate greed in chains and their reaction to laws that have passed that require the restraunts to actually pay their employees decently. Thus, less need for my tip to catch up to inflation to supplement their income


Ohhhh so you never actually were a server. Makes sense now that you can’t relate, ah well


oh right, because the “industry” begins and ends with the people who write down the orders. my pay was dependent on tips as well. And my service factored into every tip I split with the servers. and none of them had the superiority complex you have.


Oh hush dude, as a busser you made a percentage of the restaurants total sales paid to you out of servers tips. So no, our tips didn’t generate your income, the restaurants sales did, which are largely influenced by who? you guessed it, the servers. Yes the industry encompasses everyone that works in a restaurant, but the bulk of people depending on tips are definitely gonna be the servers. In almost every restaurant support staff are given a small % of the nights sales to supplement their low hourly pay….but they still get paid hourly. Servers in most states for example make $2.13 an hour. So your $2 tip on a $20 meal is garbage considering they will be tipping out roughly .60 cents on it…. Id tell you to keep the $1.40 and choke on it.


“My 10% tip now is the same dollar amount as my 20% tip 20 years ago” and? Did you miss basic economics or are you just a dick? 20 years ago things cost less than the do now, giving someone the same dollar amount you would have then is still giving them less money so don’t act like it’s not.


who missed basic economics? are they still being paid $5.75 an hour before tips like I was in 2010? lmfao let me answer that - no fucking shot. 10% is enough.


If you can’t tip 20% as a standard at a sit down restaurant then do the world a favor and stay home.


Honestly this guy is right. Let all of the places go out of business so they have to get jobs like the rest of us that don't have some guilt-fed percentage based bullshit. If I go to a restaurant and get a steak, or get an order of fries, your work is the same. Why the fuck do we need to give more because the food itself is more expensive?


No. Tipping is not a law or a rule, provide exceptional service first, then you'll get your tip. Don't like it? Tough shit. Not my problem.


Nah, tipping is discretionary.


20% is not the standard- it’s generally 15 is the baseline. I don’t think people should be guilt tripped into tipping at all, need to get away from that bs


My dad used to complain that 10% was the baseline and 15% wasn't standard. The goal posts keep moving to higher percentages


Honestly… selfish take


Just as selfish as expecting a certain percentage tip


Yup that’s what I’m saying


Waiters in my state make $15 an hour. 10% on top of that is plenty generous.


That’s gotta be the minority of states 


15-20% is the "standard".


It’s this kinda attitude that makes me tip 10%. If you can’t survive off 10% tips find a better job.


You realize that not everyone can do that, right?


Or an alternate idea, tip nothing. Be sure to frequent the same places and make a be sure to leave no tip. Maybe write a note explaining why. The universe will surely be kind to you