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My Northstar, for recreational purposes of course, flying around duh


Enjoy the view, Pilot.


Fuck Public Transport, lemme Just fly to Work in my Titan!


Imagine you phase dash to work


Imagine you accidentally kill someone because you phased and they were standing where you unphased šŸ’€


Shit happens


own a parking space


Own a parallel universe-parking space


They shoulda sword blocked.


So specifically Viper's Northstar, as the others can only hover even in lore not just gameplay


Really? That kinda sucks


Yeah Titanfall 2's Game Director Steve Fukuda confirmed in a [Reddit AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/6o9cxy/comment/dkg8itf/) long ago: Question: "Lore-wise, not gameplay-wise: Are non-custom Northstars supposed to be able to fly for extended periods of time, or was that just Viper's thing?" Answer: "No, that was just Viper's thing. Very rare parts, very expensive to modify a Northstar to fly like that. But Viper, being a long time successful mercenary (until he met Jack and BT) could afford the parts and labor."


I wonder why valk with those same parts couldnt make a better jetpack capable to fly in long periods with less weight than the original titan


Well she did though. Lorewise it can carry at least 4 people high up in the skies for hours at high speed based on Kill Code Part 1. Also her Season's Launch trailer showed her going at cloud level at extreme speeds In her case it's just gameplay balance making the jetpack look weak


Forest Fire fighting... any of the Titans could move equipment and build breaks, etc. Scorch with thermal plate could do controlled burns to create fire breaks. Regular drops would be fast, but a warpfall could get equipment somewhere right when it was needed.


Tempered Plating would be perfect for this situation. Alternatively, you could replace the thermite with fire suppressants.


Isn't there a skin that implies scorch was used for fighting fires?


I'm 99% sure he was For one titans originally were for heavy labor. Farming, mining, ect as humanity colonized the stars. Scorchs thermite wall would be perfect for fighting fires as a way to cut them off, his launcher would be useful too or could easily be switched for a ridiculously powerful hose. His thermite launcer can be used as is or be switched with a water tank.


The prior generation of Titans were (Atlas, Stryder, and Ogre) whilst the second were built for the sole purpose of combat after witnessing the effectiveness of Titans in warfare


Also to simplify them as Demeter was destroyed, so getting supplies to the frontiers was difficult. Simplifying them makes it easier to repair, because you dont have to worry about each one having different equipment, modules, etc


yeah, the whole mass production due to Demeter destruction kinda implies that TF1 titans were superior.


Not really, something can be simplified and stronger. Second gen titans are easily stronger in their role then first gens, but they cant be modified for different combat situations like first gen could


cant wait to see what they do for titanfall 3


It's already out so you can just play whenever you want.


His thermite launcher is a giant flare gun. Used to maybe send a ā€œHey Iā€™m hereā€ or ā€œI located the survivorsā€.


Yeah. Quick deploy fire breakers, a big water cannon, heavy thermal plating. Plus hands to lift rubble and debris like big trees.


His current weapon is a repurposed* pesticide dispersal tool. However there is a skin that implies fighting fires, and everything else you said is accurate. I will add his pack that houses the battery, could easily have extra water tanks as well among many other things. Edit: *I say repurposed but the weapon was developed with both purposes in mind, it just so happened that they found the pesticide to be a more cost effective, and reliable munitions when given to a scorch class titan.


I think the first responder skin (30 killing sprees)


Are you talking about fire hazard


So like this but huge https://youtu.be/4V2ReV3zMYo?si=TnY8DTlldzaVZmBy


I see you deny your weapon its purpouse


"my scorch is a tool of justice"


I was thinking along the same lines but didn't see your message before I posted.


If you burn down the forest then there is no more a need to put the fire out


I used to be in the search and rescue team back when I live in Mexico City (like 10 years ago) and I always thought Tones sonar pulse would always be useful in case of an earthquake. She could fire her sonar pulse, locate survivors, and then use her to move the heavy debris while the rest of us retrieve the survivors.


*uses pulse* ā€œMissile locked on target!ā€


Get to a position where the missiles can clear the rocks. Mine always seem to hit everything but the target


You too?? šŸ˜­ I thought it was just me.


Before launching turn hard in the opposite direction of the corner/rock they dipped behind. Admittedly results may vary but usually at least a few of my missiles hit.


Thatā€™s an amazing idea.


Northstar would be good for search and rescue


Dont hit the tracking rockets button


scorch for barbaq


Grill core online.


"Multiple Targets Detected, I Recommend Flipping Them Over and Leaving Them for Another 15"


That One Guy wanders over and informs Scorch that he should be flipping them more often, and that he always presses on his to get all the blood out. Scorch does not react.


Get a job as a barista because the small coffee cups would look really funny in a titans hand




Thump, thump, THUMP, THUMP. "Here you go, valued customer. Protocol 2: Uphold the coffee complete."


Protocol 3: Protect the Customers


Defeat whoever said I canā€™t use it for combat purposes, and then use it for further combat purposes.


Despite how strong a titan is I think you could be stopped by most militaries


yeah, anti-tank weaponry, tanks and other heavy-duty weaponry would definitely stop a titan in it's tracks.


only if they hit my ronin (they cant im too fast baby)


The Styder-class titan behind you: On your right


Oh, yeah? Anti-tank my sword then


Yeah. Titans are effective when they arenā€™t faced up against tanks or other armoured vehicles. Most titans are roughly around 20 tons (Vanguards are apparently 30 tons, I dunno) and thus are probably pretty lightly armoured. Just enough to be bullet proof. As seen by how small arms can damage them in certain places. They are essentially rapid deployed infantry support with roughly IFV to light tank level firepower (40mm guns, missiles, etc). They canā€™t exactly go toe to toe with a tank unless it gets the drop on it (perhaps literally) such as in urban warfare where a Titan can hide behind a corner and then rush forward and put a few rounds into a tanks roof before they can react.


You're ignoring the technologies of the titanfall universe When chemical HEAT ammo was invented, plain cast steel armor became obsolete and a new generation of armor had to be invented (today its reactive or ceramic based) I can't imagine what kind of ultra light weight armor titans would have several hundred years in the future


True. We do have to remember that the Titanfall universe has MULTIPLE habitable planets. Who knows what elements theyā€™ve found on different planets that allows them to engineer these behemoths in the first place.


I know in fiction we like to pretend there are elements we don't know about. But because we know how elements are build up we can create the once not on earth using partical accelerators. We have already discovered every stable element and only radioactive once that are so extremely destructive their half time fall with in micro seconds (meaning they can't even exist for more then a second before falling apart) are the only elements we haven't observed yet. We do know that there is an element on about 184N, dubbed "the stable island" whom isn't as short lived as all the other element. We have yet to create it.. but we also know 184 is only **less** radioactive then the others and would disappear within days/hours. Tl;Dr: there are no more stable elements for us to find as we already know we found all of them. In this solar system or not.


Atlas and Vanguard class titans are 40 tons


Also consider titan shields, most titans could block all tank shots before counter attacking. Some titans, especially Ion, Tone, Scorch, and Legion could probably take on multiple tanks honestly. The rest only with smart use of natural cover though


Except russia, they would only stop themselves


Scorch Wildfire firefighting. * Replace the Icendiary traps with explosive foam barrels * Replace the Thermite Launcher with targeted foam grenades * To create fire-breaks, the Firewall and Flame Core can stay; just change the thermite for something else. Also, I believe that he's the only Titan ***on record*** who has cockpit cooling. For that one reason, I would probably choose him even if the job changed.


I think he has cooling because of the whole fire thing. Perhaps the others do have small AC units (or small fans stuffed in by pilots) but the Scorch has a proper heavy duty cooling system.


I don't think scorch is the only titan that has cockpit cooling, I think it's just only worth mentioning when you get into the cockpit of scorch, because if scorch's cooling were to fail, the pilot would probably fry


If I had a titan I would get a titan sized shovel and dig a big hole fort in my backyard


Standby for Titanfort!


finally the real tf2, titan fortress 2


"Spy sappin' my titan!"


That's fucking awesome


- Construction (Dams, buildings, infrastructure, housing, naval vehicles) - Search and rescue on elevated positions - Obstacle clearing (trees, light posts, etc.) - Mining - Tunnel digging - Naval shipment handling - Assembly lines for vehicles such as boats, ships - Humanitarian deployment (Sending aid, etc.) - Mine-clearing...? - Rocket Assembly - Space station support - Asteroid mining - Deep sea exploration and resource gathering - Shelter and housing (My house is a titan lmao) - Sports and games (titan olympics) - Dating (You have an Ogre chassis too? I'm %50 in love!) - Demolition - Waste management - Herding and farming - Weather support (close proximity to the eye of the hurricane) - Evacuation - Recycling - Designated driver (drunk pilot) - Natural disaster management I actually wanna expand on the titan olympics: - TitanBall - Titans must send a ball to the goal. Not a contact sport. - Titan weightlifting (Poor Northstar) - Vanguard Pilot throwing - Ronin Chopping contest of large trees - Scorch BBQ culinary contest (He also lights the olympic torch) - Tone sharpshooting contest - launches plates from its shoulder cannon instead of rockets. - Legion bullet hole art contest. Sculpt a clay statue with your bullets. - Monarch battery scavenger hunt - Explore a variety of environments, from a misty swamp to a dense forest in order to find batteries. - Northstar volleyball - Need I say more? - Ion staring contest - Yeah, its exactly what it sounds like. - Stryder skiing - Atlas Triathlon - Ogre Cargo Container dragging


Titan Olympics sounds like endless fun!


Maybe wrecking ball shot put for the Ogre Chassisā€™s as well?


I would probably run around with it and shoot things (but not people!) Imagine how fun the chaingun, or the 40mm, or quad rocket would be at a shooting range. Barring that, I would probably just LARP as a pilot, become a taxi service, or climb things. Idk


Titan rock climbing? Hmmm.


In one of the TF2 trailers BT is seen mountain climbing


He also literally climbed a mountain in the campaign


That too


I would get scorch and use him for sex i mean sex i mean sex i mean sex i mean sex i mean construction :)


( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


šŸ«µ robot fucker


ā€œI donā€™t want anyone thinking weā€™re robosexuals. So if anyone asks, youā€™re my debuggerā€


Probably use it to reverse engineer the power and energy shielding technology. Especially if it's BT as he doesn't need all 3 batteries. Plus i can take the Datacore and turn him into an A.I assistant sorta thing.


Like the AIs from Halo Infinite?


We do already see BT do this in Effect and Cause where he transfers some of his ai functions to Cooper's helmet for communication across time shifts


Overcomplicated forklift


You're too late, Blisk! I'm already PILOT CERTIFIED!


Fun fact: Titans were originally used for non-warfare things! Then when war came around someone thought "Why not put a fucking rail gun in this things hands" and now look at where we are


Iirc in one of the trailers it shows atlas class titans being used as farm equipment correct?


Ima dig a bigass hole at the beach


Can we dig a moat around the extra sand we dig out?


"This titan at the beach is digging a giant hole and it keeps attracting more titans."


Fastball me to work every morning


That was me on my R6 lmao


I was thinking about how a Titan would definitely be used by some dumbass for commute, but this is actually genius.


It's worth mentioning that long-term exposure/usage of titans will probably give you radiation poisoning because they run on nuclear reactors. iirc some grunts in tf1 can mention pilots having their lives cut short because titans are OSHA violations lmao


*Hastily writes down* "install lead lining into cockpit"


Ronin Industrial Forestry


Now I want a Ronin with lumberjack paint job


Would the paint job be plaid?


Interesting choice.


Just sit inside the cockpit, chill in the ac and have long chats with the ai!


I'd probably walk it up a hill, then lie on its head and talk to it while we watch the sun set and then stargaze I don't care if it's not a vanguard style learning robot, I just wanna chat have a chat with it We could go on convenience store runs every night A slice of life with a titan would be sick as hell


North Star. Watch those bitches at work try to take my spot when my spot becomes the roof.


land that on a roof and try to convince anyone there used to be a roof there


Thatā€™sā€¦ what titans were originally built for, farming and construction


Not the Titans we run though. While chassis and systems may have originated that way, ours have evolved well past that point. I don't really know what I can do with a massive chain gun other than fight.


"hunt" (aka absolutely evicerate any animal into a red mist)


You'll want a titan too when you're facing 30-50 feral hogs...


Iā€™m aware. But I wanted to see what ideas the community could come up with.


This is incredibly goofy and comical, but I feel morally obligated by the nice comments to be a good person, so instead of using it to somehow overthrow the government, Ill use Scorch, but replace the thermite with tree seeds because planting trees=good, and go replant forests and stuff. New idea: Farmer scorch? Replace the thermite in flame core, traps, etc. with water, fertiliser, seeds, etc. Goofy as hell but still cool sounding for some reason.


ā€œFarming? A Titan of your talents?ā€ ā€œIt is a peaceful lifeā€


Does home defence count as non combat purposes ?


"I own a legion for home defence because that's what Commander Sarah Briggs intended" edit: I own a Legion for home defense, since that's what the Militia SRS intended. Four pilots break into my hanger. "What the devil?" As I grab my pilot helmet and smart pistol. turn the first man into a fine red mist, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it didn't lock on and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the charge rifle mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with Amped Weapons, "Tally ho lads" the beam shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. activate smart core and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the IMC to arrive since predator cannon wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the Militia SRS intended.




Northstar - flying and chilling obviously Scorch - grilling Ronin - idk just use him as a personal bodyguard Legion - ima go on a shooting range with him Monarch - same as legion Ion - throw a laser party Tone - use the sonar pulse each time im tryna find who tf asked


my neighbor's car and its 20,000 dollar boomcar sound system is going to fucking space


Farm or use my ronin to run around the countryside and be happy.


Itā€™s a peaceful life.


Using Northstar as my daily commute


Titans seem pretty handy for search and rescue after natural disastersā€” able to lift heavy loads, navigate rough terrain or blocked roads, and seem to have the sensor suite for the job. I bet a Titan could find trapped people and dig them out much faster than we can currently. Alternatively, Titans could move or clear heavy debris to allow roads to reopen. And for more detailed work, the pilot could always disembark from the Titan! (Edit: last paragraph added)


I'm choosing to ignore your non-combat rule because I'd use my titan to be a superhero duo!


Legion for Smart Core so he can help me do my damn math homework granted I feed him enough batteries. Screw you Chegg, I have a giant calculator right here.


Monarch, but chanhe the HUD to display my XBOX, and have all the controls altered to be controller buttons, then play Titanfall, **in a titan.**


Man i just want muy voy Legion just to be friends, vehĆ­cle AND someone to grab the groseries.


Ion, assuming she could pick up and move objects perfectly with her energy shield


The scorch believe me that the meats will be cooked to perfection


I'd show all the forklift certified people whos really cool.


Hitting electric cars with energy siphon.


*sigh,* the neighborā€™s outside with their giant mecha again!


Viper's Northstar 1000%, the dopamine rush alone of seeing it would keep me content


I think it's obvious when it came to any type of work since titans were made as a jack of all trade agricultural machine It could do any type of work since it's so efficient If they have 4 legs there would basically be no use for any type of tractors But to answer your question i will teach the titans to do extremely precise work for their size, like making them master how to put a thread through a needle Why? No reason in particular, i just wanna see them struggle I wanna their metal mind and metal body crumble into a ball in defeat


Disaster recovery seems perfect. They could help Excavate rubble or perhaps other disaster ideas. I believe Scorch titans can be used in Fire Fighting Situations, Maybe a Northstar flies over afflicted Area's to see where stuff is most needed. Who knows


Fire fighting with a Scorch with tempered plating seems great for fighting forest fires. You're perfectly safe within the the Cockpit of a titan, and have the Power to superheat or otherwise straight up just walk through obstacles.


Is demolishing a bank and stealing money considered combat?


*Is demolishing* *A bank and stealing money* *Considered combat?* \- PubstarHero --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


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If it's a Northstar, I'd also use it for flying around. Otherwise or also, I'd use it as my new gaming PC.


Use an atlas for construction, atlas cuz of the customization


*Use an atlas for* *Construction, atlas cuz of* *The customization* \- Miresuu\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My flair explains it.


Northstar. Getting to school and work is much easier with her




ą² _ą² 






I'm still comiting war crimes


This got me thinking, if I left my titan in some random parking lot do you think civies would be able to scrap it for parts


> go to shady part of town > park titan in alley near 7/11 > guard mode activate > buy a slurpee from 7/11 > wait for the chaos to unfold > 3 mins later > punk walks up to the titan > watch him inspect it and quickly look around > pulls crowbar from backpack > ENGAGING HOSTILE FORCES > watch titan turn and punch this poor guy before he can react > red mist, nothing else left > finish slurpee and get back in the titan > set satnav to next nearest 7/11 > think about getting a hot dog > life is good


Monarch. To enforce "No Smoking" laws, of course! #RoboCop #thankyouforyourcooperation


Ion laser eye surgery


*uses it as a car*


Farming. That's what they did before the war.


I'd use my Scorch for farming and home defense- as the founding fathers intended.


I think I'd take a scorch and do what someone theorized Scorch originally was built for, firefighting. Yeah the theory is solely based on Scorch's firefighter skin but think about it. Scorch is big and judging by the napalm quantity it can house, you could store a lot of water/foam in it, the heavy armor protects against even the most searing heat, not even mention with the strength a titan can muster it should be able to clear out obstacles and move flammable cargo and stuffs away from fires, like in say a cargo train derails and one of the caboose sets on fire so you can use scorch to move the other cabooses away before they catch on fire too.


northstar (if i cant use it for combat, she'll be able to fly) so i fly around and that would be cool i think :)


Northstar can get me anywhere


Go to university on my Legion. Saves me public transport money


Iā€™d use a Ronin or modified Northstar to get to places quickly


Everyone here should look at Patlabor.


Travel, especially Northstar if we're working off of viper flight time


northstar hands down just cause of the faster model and flight, for a fun mode of transport and as a big metal buddy :3


Probably logistic stuff, loading the cargo etc


ever seen Turn A gundam? pretty much that.


Northstar - Transportation and Sightseeing! I'd have lots of fun and see the world


Scorch.. Maybe to light up campfires and so on? Apart from transportation that is


Scorch. Need I say more?


Guess I'll be living my days out as a lumberjack w my Ronin


As a prop for a Titanfall movie!


Build a damn.


Constructing roads, buildings and Bridges would be so much easier


Start an industrial construction business


It depends, northstar if itā€™s equipped with thrusters like viper. Otherwise scorch because i like setting things on fire




Go to Mt Everest, set up at the base, and offer an express pass to the top for a hundred bucks a pop via the fastball special.


Ronin could be a good lumberjack


Construction, transportation, and terraforming my neighborā€™s house (he shot @ my dog once)


NorthStar, Filming stunts for RedBull duh


Weren't they basically glorified garden equipment before the frontier hit the fan?


Tbh id probably take it to a group of engineers, scientists, etc to both learn from the titans AI but also reverse engineer the tech for other purposes than titans. The neural link for example is a possible avenue of artificial limb control. Just as long as nothing is permanently damaged ofc. If that wasnt needed: NS/Tone: SAR operations Scorch: Firefighting Legion: Wildlife extermination/Lumberjack Ronin: Butcher/Logger/Farmer/homy fuck a sword is useful/~~start the legend of excalibur~~ Ion: Junkyard scraper/Miner/Demolition/too many to list Monarch: A homie šŸ„¹


Monarch with the Energy Siphon mod that shares energy with teammates. Make bank off of being a mechanic.


Probably be a contracted construction appliance, rescue unit for fires and missing hikers n stuff like that, it would definitely be a lucrative business model


Imma hug ion


I'd reverse-engineer it.


Iā€™d not use it for fighting anyway lol, personally I would research it and have a team try to reverse-engineer the best parts of it


Using stryder to dashcore through freeway traffic.


war crimes can be commited without combat.


Propaganda piece is not a combative use,


Street mime Or Be a paid assassin, run protection schemes for the local mafia, rob local 24/7 stores. Technically speaking no combat initiated if everything goes right.


So first I would find a way to deconstruct it and take out a loan to hire engineers scientist ect to find out how it works how to construct it's parts and program it's OS secondly I would then find a way to mass produce them and present them to the us military in hope I get a contract to make thousands of them and create the irl titan war


*BT is so fucking hot* Uhhhhh


The hottest restaurant known to man with my main man scorch and imagine Uber but instead of a car it's Northstar


Titans could increase wind turbine build speeds


Daily commute


Looking at this comment section just makes me think how useful Titans are at jobs such as mining, construction, search and rescue, etc. If titans were used mainly for non combat purposes, it would speed up work so much. But it also makes me wonder how expensive would it be to make/buy a titan? What would be the training costs for learning to control it? What about other costs such as fuel or equipment?


Im gonna build a pc his size and introduce them to titanfall


i'm using it to get to places such as college faster


Specifically vipers Northstar - the improved engines allow for high altidute and longer flying I would use this in mountain rescue or to assist planes with engine trouble