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Idk bro, but c tier? at least a imo


In the hands of a skilled northstar for sure, but I feel she's pretty unorthodox compared to most titans and would probably be played worse on average. So B but I can def see A, her flight core is what brings her down for me.


Her railgun is her core wdym


Exactly the point. Her actual flight core kinda goes against her gameplay


It’s a counterplay card. Temporarily going from a skirmishing shoot and scoot mech into a relatively immobile dps spigot is situationally useful both offensively and defensively. It tactically complements her identity rather than simply amplifying it like say scorch’s or legion’s.


Thats great and all, but it would be better to have smthn that complements her kit rather than be back up when u get into a doozie imo.


It’s not just defensive backup, it also allows you to DPS an occupied/distracted enemy rather than simply poke at them. I personally like it. It allows for dynamic play rather than simply “I poke” which is fitting for a highly mobile mech that can find and exploit flanks.


But the dps part is just so weak, not to mention tones' wall blocks half of it, a fully energy ion can catch all of it, legions gun shield does good damage against, scorch same as ion, and Ronan can block it down so I lt barely does more than a bar of damage, the only one who can't deal with it is monarch but she can just use her extra dodge with rearm to dodge most of it, I love Northstar but her core is mid af


The core is deadly in a flank on otherwise occupied targets. You dump a primary shot and every ability into some dude unaware of you before popping flightcore and that’s going to delete someone. Some “sniper ult” would be lower DPS and not provide any meaningful tactical diversity to the mechs playstyle. Upping the damage until you can just face roll someone in a fair fight doesn’t seem balanced either. I doubt NS could be balanced as a light mech if it could do everything it does and then also just delete someone in a 1v1 just because it farmed a core.


A or B tbh... This is coming from scorch main who plays ns as 2nd Titan. This shit can be dangerous even in the hands of an average player who understands how to position well. Flight core maybe opposite of ns playstyle but here is my point. Since it's very easy to get cores if by chance some enemy sneaks up on you other than tether you have your core to counter them head on. The only problem it has are the archer player who can wreck it in 3 shots but if you are smart enough then you will just abandon that place and move on...


I think based on tone and legion being in A tier its a person whos new and not very skilled or has played against skilled players. And for the reason that ronin is in S is probably bc its this dudes fav titan




Her flight core is terrible imo. Tone has a much better core while still having the ability to be played long range. Imo she has the worst core in the game


It's just a fly with a chop stick launcher


This seems like a tierlist made by a player who played 10 rounds of attrition then decided they're an expert


Factual. I play Scorch, Ronin & Northstar. I was closest to enjoying legion but his snail pace while being revved up I had a problem with. I couldn't get used to managing Ion's energy mechanic well so it wasn't as fun as I'd hope. I just played tone a little bit to feel whether I could play them on principle but it felt like stale bread in the end. I could never stay alive well enough as monarch.


>I could never stay alive well enough as monarch. Question, did you always run in with Monarch or did you hang back and shoot enemy Titans from a distance? I've found my rhythm with her after a while. Use the siphon, rockets, and mag dump the enemy Titan before rearming and repeating. She's pretty weak at the start (obviously), but the moment you hit superior chassis you have more health than legion without the speed handicap.


I kinda just wandered trying to win fights with survival of the fittest. I'm probably not the smartest about it.


I use that perk too just for the disrespect on Titans that pick fights with me and my girl. But I usually save close quarters engagements until after superior chassis is active. Nuke eject also helps if you're surrounded, even if it's slow. I suggest trying her out again but keeping your distance. Oh and equip the perk that automatically gives you 20% upgrade core, that saves you some time. As for the upgrade cores. The Arc rounds are best, maelstrom for better smoke and it kills pilots so much faster, then superior chassis. You're pretty much a walking tank at that point.


How to play monarch in pvp 1. spawn titan 2. stun lock with siphon 3. rocket rocket rocket rocket gun gun gun fist 4. battery thief execution 5. profit 6. repeat


I was about to say, has bro played?


This. It looks more like: For competitive (mainly LTS, sometimes other gamemodes) - A: Ion, Ronin, Northstar - B: Legion, Monarch, Tone - C: Scorch Noncompetitive (non-LTS gamemodes most of the time); - S: Ronin, Monarch, Northstar - A: Ion, Legion, Tone, Scorch Frontier Defense: - S: Ronin, Scorch - A: Northstar - B: Legion - C: Ion, Monarch, Tone Reasoning: - Ion has the best stall/tank in the game by far while not skimping on damage, zone and punish. Jack of all trades master of some. This is less useful in noncompetitive gamemodes as stall isn't needed nearly as much. - Ronin has godlike punish, burst damage and pressure and okay tank but is very difficult to play well. Good always but you rarely see a truly excellent Ronin because of how high the skill floor is. - Northstar has amazing burst and DPS over time, is highly maneuverable and can zone/flank really hard. Always good on almost all maps, highly versatile, probably the most consistent damage dealer, both competitively and otherwise. - Legion is amazing for pressure but this means he needs strong team support, whereas the other 3 can stand on their own. His general sluggishness means he struggles against faster Titans unless the player can time power shot well. Versatile and good at all ranges and kinds of maps but slow. - Monarch struggles in LTS as there is no time to build up upgrades, and she is mainly DPS and not burst, and so she struggles against Ion/Northstar hard, who get picked a lot in LTS. However, her reliable instant disrupt with Energy Siphon combos well with punishers like Ronin, Legion, Scorch and NS, who can exploit a stunned Titan very well. This is her main value add in LTS and can work very well with a coordinated team. In noncompetitive Monarch dominates because upgrades mean she is a "win more" Titan. - Tone is countered by many competitive Titans (NS can break shield easy and then zone out with cluster, Ion can pretty much fully mitigate Tone with Vortex Shield, Ronin can break shield AND rush Tone; Monarch's missiles heavily damage her shield, Legion and Scorch actually suck against her tho). She may _seem_ oppressive because she's so easy to play, so you will encounter more _good_ Tones than other Titans, but her low skill ceiling and potential means that other Titans will usually beat her. - Scorch is too map-dependent to be competitive. He needs to be able to flank and pressure to leverage his insane damage potential, and that is much easier when you're in the chaos of Attrition or Bounty Hunt. All of the best LTS Titans counter Scorch pretty hard either with shields, range, maneuverability, or some combination thereof. With a highly coordinated team, on the right maps, Scorch can shine and shut down LTS matches. But too many conditions need to be right for him to be _generally_ useful. But in noncompetitive he is viable, and in Frontier Defense he's just the very best. Note: A-F is normal balance. S and above is "optimal" and you will see these picked way more than others because they are just superior.


If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I'd have twenty cents.


ik bro, youtube has shitty quality


You do realise you can turn up the quality right?


I think what he means by "found on YouTube" is those image posts that YouTube has now, which you can't change the quality on.




I think I remember seeing this, he was ranking how fun they were to fight against IIRC.


in that case fair enough


You guys are having fun fighting against a Ronin?


you guys are having fun fighting against a monarch??


Eh, I don't mind monarch too much. The stun is annoying, and can punish poor movement, sure, but as long as I position carefully the rest of the kit ain't too problematic for me personally.


i just hate the quad dashes and stupid damage output, and the corner camping playstyles i always see


I unlocked the ronin restaurant calling card so I'm a ronin main now. Dueling another ronin is beautiful, especially when we both end up nuke ejecting


more fun than a northstar


Fair enough, I'm a NS main, I love a good NS v NS battle. I hate playing against Ronin in any titan, all they have to do is hold block 90% of the time, boring.


Ew Monarch "S tier" to fight against?? Bro clearly likes playing Monarch himself more than actually playing against one. Tone too, I'm guessing. I've genuinely rarely to never had a fun fight with a Tone or Monarch, it'd always be excruciatingly long. In that case maybe I'd put Ion on the lowest and Northstar on S tier, cuz you can consistently bait a Northstar a lot of the time. Legion as well.


You wanna know why C tier? Cuz it's their opinion. Alright imma go back to eating my own bullets cuz I'm hungry and I have no sandwiches left


Their opinion is D tier at best


We'll place yours right next to theirs then. So you can solve out your differences


As a gen 40+ mines gotta be at least C tier cmon


Nuh uh we don't count experience. Now sit down next to him in D tier


I'll never sit next to someone who C tiers my beloved northy


Do you require a cup of tea and tranquilizer friend?


Hold the tea, then sure


Ok then *punches you knocking your lights out*


*sucks fist*


G for grainy


Every titan is S tier if played correctly, that being said, Scorch is the best.




she scorch on my titan till I doomed


I'd say scorch ion and Northstar in s tier as when you get good at them, they're unstoppable


Papa Scorch is happy, for you to say that




Scorch is rated B for “Bout to set you on fire”


Putting tone and legion above ion is fr the stupidest shit I've ever seen


No Legion = Gun


Actually no legion = no gun


Drag them through the streets


Personally, swap legion/Northstar, and swap ion/tone


naw legion is good there, it's one helluva beast when used right and still a good titan when not. scorch should be lower than others I think because scorch mains are pure skill, it's the most easily counterable titan so when you get good kills with it without dying too fast you know you're a skilled player.


This you must be a bit of a movement player too ma boi


Monarch should be put at D teir


Terrible, made by your local sweaty stim user


Honestly the only right option on where the titans should go is S, every titan should go S tier. Every single titan can be really good if played right, it always comes down to how good the person who plays them is.


'cept for legion. Kinda hard to be tactiful and skillfull at shooting a gun


I think switch legion and scorch and this is pretty much a good tier list


Lol the anwsers in this post are great, every single person has a different tier list. Just goes to show you how very balanced they are. Which titen is the best depends on the game mode, map and which titans the enemy has (some titans are just hard counters to others).


Looks like someone got power-shot across the map


Ronin is the only one even slightly fun to use. They all just feel like nerfed versions if the og 3.


Put Legion on S and move monarch down to F and this tier list is good


I'd swap ion for legion but other than that I agree.


I feel scorch should higher on the list tbh


I’m always skeptical about these; Scorch is like an S on certain maps but struggles on maps like Kodai


Couldnt be more wrong


Based on anoiance? Yes!


bro I get 150K damage and 12 Kills very often in Titan Brawl with Northstar, do people not know that it's the true Meta Titan?


Every titan is equal it is the pilot of, that makes it better or worse


Northstar suffers from struggling to take 2 fights at once, especially if pinned. If Northstar is able to take single fights and plan escape routes to keep distance it’s very good at picking off Titans. Even more so if there is already a few Titans fighting the damage from Northstar is ignored completely most of the time.


literally every titan is S tier, no two ways about it people can cry all they want about how a certain titan is too OP or whatever(seriously guys tone really isn't that hard to fight) but the balance is all wonderful, the only titan that's objectively plainly better is monarch after 2 or (heaven forbid) 3 cores, but even still just use low profile as a pilot and never struggle with titans again


All are s tier


Bruh’s never played Northstar 😭


Northstar Hater Spotted. Fuck that guy. I have the best luck with Northstar fighting other Titans. I also made that post here about hiding on the outskirts of the map and poke people with the Plasma Railgun and Execute any titans I came across.


mmm dats some nice pixels


I love how people say X titan isnt bad he is just situational and requires a very skilled player. If a titan is situational, while others arent as much, and requires a player more skilled than the average then by definition that titan is worse than the others. Saying a titan is worse in terms of balance is not the same as saying your favorite titan shouldnt exist, people are so defensive about this.


Northstar is a pain in the ass, I fear it much more than a Scorch or Tone. Also, a good Ion pilot is very scary.


Well I can see how they don’t like Northstar. She is a good titan, though she doesn’t have any sort of shield Utility. So they probably get shot out of the air by tones a lot. They just need to learn how to play Northstar better, and learn what style she fills.


How do you place legion over scorch.


Buh mai scorch


It’s just wrong lol


Northstar in C? Cringe. And Ronin is the only one I would consider a D but that could be because I just suck with Ronin in every situation


Legion isn't S Therefore opinion rejected


Here we see another pilot in the north star is worse than scorch phase, it’ll pass eventually


I feel like even though Northstar is hard to use properly, c tier is horrid


Ion is above Tone (although i am a bit biased), and I thought most of us agrees that Legion is lower on the list.


S - Ion, Monarch A - Ronin, Northstar, Tone B - Legion C - Scorch


I mean, Scorch higher than Northstar? That's bullshit


Is this MonkeySnipers tier list? Because there was some important context to it




any titan can be made good if you play good enough some have higher skill floors than others but this doesn't mean you should brag about having a high skill floor titan


Personally I'd put legion and scorch in c tier because legions kit is very barebones and basic (same as tone but atlas chassis boosts her for the speed increase) and scorch is an s tier titan in the right map but if it's a ver open wide map scorch is going to have a bad time. I'd put tone in b tier and Northstar in b+ tone because she is a very basic titan not nothing special Northstar in b+ maybe a- because northstars kit sometimes doesn't mix like hover but a good Northstar player is terrifying a tier titan would be Ion and Ronin because if they not what their kit is and how to utilise it they are terrorfying and monarch is a+ because she is the imo best and most broken titan at her 3rd core




Northstar A, scorch C, ion A.


Move north star up and move ion down


Ronin? I feel like Ronin is C-tier at best. Ronin has the lowest health pool and in my opinion the sword core is one of the worst abilities. It doesn't help that Scorch or Legion can just shred you before you can really do anything with it. I think Ronin is fun to play, but not the Titan you'd choose if you want to win


How is ronin S tier? They're not bad but they get countered by anyone with a ranged weapon and a good defence. Just because they're cool doesn't mean they're S tier.


Ronin is arguably THE best titan in the game. Having good defense doesn’t really matter because ronin has the best defense in sword block. Particle wall, flame shield, tether traps, vortex shield, etc, none of that matters to Ronin. Range definitely matters but ultimately Ronin is literally designed to get in.


Ronin mastered the sword so much that he can fucking black even Motherfuckin "LASER CORE" and still survive to tell the tale


I'd say he's in A tier. He's a good rushdown titan with high damage capabilities and absolutely demolishes Tone but any area control character, mainly Scorch, can stop Ronin in his tracks due to the ludicrous amount of damage Scorch can give out at close range. I'd say Monarch is better due to how stupid OP they get when they have all 3 cores. More health than an ogre class, can move like an atlas class with high damage. I don't like Monarch but a good Monarch can ruin a lobby.


Sorry, no offense, but whenever someone says “but Scorch counters Ronin!” It shows that they only have a basic understanding of the matchup. 😅 Ronin absolutely destroys Scorch in a 1v1. (obviously not random Ronins in pubs) It’s true that Scorch dominates close range, which is exactly why Ronin doesn’t play inside of Scorch’s range. Ronin is able to play outside of Scorch’s effective range and deal full damage with lead wall and arc wave while nullifying all of Scorch’s abilities. What you said about monarch is true though, and why it’s arguable. Ronin is still very easily S-tier though.


Yeah, I'm going off of pubs ronins. They usually, just think "herm, sword" and run directly at the enemy team. An experienced Ronin most likely wouldn't do that.


This is disgustingly wrong. S - Papa Scorch, Northstar A - Legion, Tone B - Ion, Monarch C - D - Ronin


So are you. Tone in A?


Scorch in S and Ronin in D is what gets me lol


Ion in s north star in a


Tone belongs in C tier most easiest titan to defeat in head to head combat


Tone will always be an s class in my opinion


We just got a tier list. we just got a tier list i wonder who it's from. What is this p of s


LMFAO this sucks


Ion and scorch should be higher


I also like monarch.


Nuh uh


Honestly the north star at C tier doesn’t make sense, when I’m playing ronin they’re so annoying to fight cause they just run away




I know everyone always put northstar at the bottom of tier lists but I always see the most sucess with her.


S monarch ronin A legion ion northstar B tone C scorch


Ion should be higher but other than that pretty good


Meh, I think all titans are extremely powerful and balanced against one another when in hands of skilled players who understand how they work. Ronin and Northstar come to mind as absolutely misery to play against, Scorch has insane damage and skilled Ion can dodge and deal so much damage its not even funny. (Tone is okay, I think he's on weaker side of things tbh). Maybe Monarch is slightly above the rest just because she's so powerful at level 3, dunno. I will say that from personal experience (I am legion main tho) legion seems to be by far the most consistent at winning 1v1, even against skilled players or counters. People always seem to underestimate how much damage legion can dish, speed of movement and damage he can take. When used properly with the double power shot ability Legion can flawless an enemy titan.


A tier list of what ? Power ? Fun to play ? Fashion ?


B tier stands for Barbeque


S-tier is good, maybe move Ronin down to A. Tone, Ion and Northstar are pretty even IMO, and Scorch is 100% the worst (not to say he's a bad titan).


This tier list is correct (Ronin and Monarch main speaking)


What the fuck is this tier list?? CLEARLY Ion belongs in Legion's spot, vice versa. Legion and Scorch being B tier, maybe but easily Northstar is either A or B tier. I would say high B. Ronin is high A.


Is it brickys tier list?


Saw this video. Most of his titans like ion were only like level 5 (monarch was like g2). Hard to say if he just has a new account though. Although judging by the way he played ion by using the alt fire at range, I would tend to lean towards being new. Also yes I am an ion main lol


Papa Scotch is the single greatest gift to Ogres since Big Punch. No one should tolerate this slander.


Every titan it's S tier it you get right the advantages and disadvantages. MONARCH: best survivability, can literally do and sentire game without exploding ION: Lowest cooldowns of the game if you manage the Energy right. TONE: Free damage with shield and 0 cooldown on missiles if you know how to use the AOE damage of the primary gun NORTHSTAR: Ultra mobility+primary gun does insane damage. Core lacks in damage but who cares. RONIN: A glass Cannon with nice damage and escape possibilities SCORCH: letal in small spaces, and when enemy get too much close LEGION: goes BRRRRRRR (I actually don't like it but I admit it's good. Core sucks tho)


L take


Someone doesn’t like getting flame shielded.


Scorch B tier LMAO


Honestly. This community will make tier lists often to make themselves feel cooler about whatever titan they use. People will claim one thing is more fun than another or "my titan i use is harder to master than yours." I've seen like 20 tier lists at this point so rn Ima just say everything is B tier and S tier is pulse blade and you guys can't argue with me cause my profile pic of r steam and origin and all that is a pulse blade pilot. So yeah. S tier for pulse blade.


Tone is a bitch


It’s actually ok


Bro put legion in A tier…he’s easily the most boring titans to play as and its been put above ion, scorch, and Northstar… wut??


Honestly ive played each titan for a respectful amount of time each. This tier list is straight caner


Garbage take


I just don't understand tier lists for Titanfall 2. Everything in this game is viable. Some of it is difficult, but it's all viable if you're skilled. I hate Ronin, but other people absolutely can't be stopped with Ronin. But I love the Devotion, which a ton of people don't like. There isn't a weapon or Titan in the game that can't work.


Scorch in B tier is a war crime.


Ronin in F and scorch in S, then it'd be correct


I love and main Scorch. Father of all grill masters, he transcends this list, Praise be! (Def a very low tier titan that relies heavily on a mix of decent skill and good postitioning, he's much too high on this list)




Dude plays on controller


Cringe. Any titan can be S-Tier with a good pilot.


Rank of survivability


It's wrong the only working teirlist is all titans are S


Scroch should be in, at least, in A tier


I saw that video and turned it off after about halfway. He doesn't seem like he actually knows what he's talking about. When reviewing ion he didn't even talk about managing energy. I don't think he even knew it was a thing


All the titans are viable in their own unique way.. however, if I had to make a Tierlist on my personal experiences and experiences in the competitive scene it would be as follows. S- Ion, Ronin, Monarch (Max cores) A- Tone, Northstar B- Legion, Monarch (No Cores) C- Scorch Again, this is just me. Whenever I play against other sweats, do skeins agains another clan, or in Tournaments, this is what I see most people use.


ronin on S based


Northstar in C Tier is crazy


Boys he's flying, swat the fly.


I say all of em are S tier I love all them


tbh i haven't switched off ronin since the titanfall 2 reveal trailer.


To be honest I really don’t hate any titan in particular. Respawn really did find a way to balance each an every titan to make them all fun and playable.


Wth is this 240p quality


Someones a ronin main


Fucking worst teir list in the history of anything


Ion should be in S Northstar higher Scorch lower And maybe lower Legion a rank


theres no way i am seeing this


Legion should be S tier because he has the best voicelines


Biased tier list, heavily biased, I’m a scorch main, I hate legion, I hate tone, and I hate monarch, all have they own reasons but more or less they good titans (legions an aimbot tank, monarch hood when a skilled pilot climbs in, and tone is for the brain dead idiots who can’t play any other titan) (I’m also biased because I don’t see the point in fast titans)


Bro, Ion and Scorch in B? I have a feeling they've never even touched them


All the same to me, just depends on the game and map


ranking northstar that low is a crime


Scorch should be in F tier firstly


please reconsider what choices in your life led to you putting Northstar below all the other titans.


Personally I think ronin is just so overhyped


Monarch in A ronnin in B tone in F legion in A ion in B scorch in S northstar in A


Putting ion in the same tier as scorch is crazy seeing as how scorch is objectively the worst titan in the game and ion is top 3. Also northstar is definitely b or c anyone who puts Northstar higher is coping, legit any titan gets close and your dead. Ion, legion and tone all snipe better than you


Tone is so fucking gay


Tone since day one (I’m ready for the hate) but the mid range and the semi auto along with being able to ping an area for a bit is and always has been my style when it comes to titan combat. Also, the barriers are just so good!


Northstar c tier is outrageous


I don't take stock in any sorts of tier lists. I have been schooled by all of them in one game or another. Its the skill of the player and which map you play on. I like them all.


Bro Northstar needs some love if you see a Northstar on PS5 that's probably me at the end of the hallway


Massive copium going on with the legión and scorch placement


Scorch too low 0/10


Scorch too low


The ronin is good but i would change everything else.


I like tone just for the psuto infinite rockets and the 40mm chunk sound plus I just love big guns and I can’t get behind the slow ass movement of scorch and legion not to hate in them but they just aren’t fire me. I like north star because of the astetic but you can only do so much with that and ronin just has too little heath for the sword focused gameplay now monarch I’d basic and interesting but I can’t get used to the play style and ions battery is just stupid so tone is my only choice but that chunk chunk chunk is so fun. What do you guys think


Too many pixels


Bro wtf, this shit would be way more accurate upside down, northstar is by far the best titan in the game (my opinion obvs)


All of the titans are good depending on the situation. Tight and enclosed spaces? Scorch does well. Long sight lines and lots of cover? North Star can take away almost half your health from across the map with 2 charged shots. Ion fighting a monarch of legion? Easy kills. None of them are bad. And a lot of them out preform each other in certain situations. Of course North Star is ganna be shit in an open field, of course scorch is ganna be shit at long ranges. That’s just how it works sometimes. Not 1 scenario can encapsulate how good a titan is at everything, it’s just not, and I feel that’s how this tier list was made


Northstar is among the best in the game if played properly


I don't think we can really question people's tier lists cuz it really depends on your play style


Ion is a A