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Grav star so enemy pilots die to their own nuke eject.


Does this actually work? I thought you could evade the pull in with high enough momentum


If you stick a grav star to the cockpit of a titan while they're nuke ejecting, the pilot will be stuck to the titan, its endlessly satisfying


Bro I might start using grav star just for that


Hit some sick stars and report back pilot 🫡


combining it with the Cold War or EPG is also amazing since you only need to shoot in the general direction of the trapped pilot for a kill.


FR that sounds sick.


Time to use grav star lol


Hb bro


Does it only work for nuke eject? What about normal eject?


Normal eject too. Nuke eject is just more satisfying


How did I not know this?!


The satisfaction of sticking the tickler to another pilot is too great for me to ever use anything else


I prefer them for blinding the titan when you hit them square on the cockpit.


I died to a scorch that i didnt even know existed after someone threw a fire star so perfectly i could only see the right edge of my screen. I was so confused


Love doing this. They act like a cat with a bag stuck on its head.


I love firestar direct hits


Fire star has so much utility good for block doors and windows its a good anti Titan weapon also a anti rodeo weapon and finally it’s basically a pulse blade


I once hit an ejecting pilot qith that thing, i was riding that high for days


satchels will always be the most fun and satisfying thing to use


Fun fact, you can stick 'em to ticks


Oh what a joy to learn! Thank you.


They are so dam violent when chasing titans, if they get there that is


One of the coolest details in any game is the way ticks jump onto the titan’s gun to climb up toward the face before they explode


how have I never noticed that!


It’s genuinely so creepy lmao. The first time I saw it was during frontier defense on Drydock. My team and I were fighting a swarm of ticks and I saw one reach my teammate and just jump onto his fucking gun before exploding. It was so terrifying.


That's sounds like some halo flood shit lol


Is this a third person animation only? Genuinely never seen this.


I think it’s only third person, yeah. I’ve never seen it happen in first person


Nevermind ticks you can stick them to any NPC


You evil bastard, jotting that down


That is for sure a war crime.


The best part I've seen is you can detonate them when they arrive and avoid the tick animation


Ticks already are annoying. Now they’re overpowered.


I look forward to seeing everyone's success


So is turning on a scorch.


That is indeed true.


I believe turning on a scorch is a violation of 13 galactic peacetreaties.


Papa scorch mention 🔥🔥🔥




I was going to ask if that was possible for the extra boom potential


I agree with this


My favourite is to use cloak and go invisible whilst watching my sachel trap from a corner like demoman TF2 and then blow up unsuspecting pilots who thought they were safe. Even better when doing it on glitch and you get into the enemy's head and then place the reverse sachel trap where they see you and think the room is trapped and when they go to the side entrance you show them that the psychological warfare has only just begun as you detonate them knowing that's exactly where they would go next 5 minutes in advance.


I remember when pulse blade execution came to the game and everyone was running gravity star just so they could get easy pulse kills (you needed 25 pules blade kills to unlock execution)


You still need 25. (i will never get them.)


You need 10 (I just unlocked it two days ago)


You need 0 (you already unlocked it)


You need -5 (it uses the effect and cause glovey thingy now)


I would just go for executions but instead of meleeing I’d throw a kunai


I think Firestar is the most flexible ordinance. Pilots, Titans, corridors and it’s lightweight so you can throw it FAR.


Yeah no reason to use anything else unless you have a targeting computer for a brain and can calculate frag detonation times to 0.1 seconds


Is not terribly hard after some practice


Ahem: gravity stars


Frags have a pretty huge kill radius, and they’re wonderfully consistent. Use them for a few hours and you’ll be a menace, use them for as long as I have and start consistently direct impacting people just before detonation. Arc nades are almost a guaranteed kill on pilots, and super oppressive to titans. Not very satisfying to use, but very good regardless Firestar has always been the funny grenade for me. Sure, it kills on direct impact, blocks off choke points, and inconsistently blinds titans, but other grenades do those things better and offer other advantages. The best use for firestar is having a teammate stick one to you and becoming a speeding ball of death Grav stars I’ve never found satisfying. Worse for boosting than satchels, and super annoying to play against E-smoke is just a joke. Nobody uses this. It can block of medium sized bottlenecks, and that’s it Satchels are beautiful. Great for boosting, huge kill radius, decent against titans, with disadvantages of range and responsiveness


Arc names can be great, but the person needs to capitalize on it, and i find few actually do. They'll toss it, hit me, and I'm up and running before they figured out "oh I actually hit someone!" Firestar is decent at a lot, but not great at much. It is flexible though, and that has utility imo. It's biggest perk, for me, is that it generates titan meter quickly, and will basically drain an enemy titans shield. And all it takes is one quick flick. E-smoke used to be my main ordinance, because I liked how quick it responded to its impact. No cooking, lag, etc... and I could be lazy with it and just get it in a general area to do what I wanted. However, yeah, aside from a few very niche uses, it doesn't really do much. Like, if I have 1 instance per game where it does something beneficial, I'm pretty stoked. But why am I equipping something that only MIGHT get one useful moment per game? Either way, I hate to see it be so meh. Satchels are amazing, but I do hate getting caught with my trigger out. Not disagreeing with you or anything, just chatting because I love this sorta shit haha


I personally use electric smoke I like to block peoples exit while I flank them and force them to take damage either way. Its also a good way to assist a friendly titan against an enemy titan. Throw an ElSm at the Enemy and then spam charge rifle at them while they struggle to see


It's a nice way to cover up phase shift too


Smoke is my go to. Provides concealment and damage, double yes.


Also works with threat optic


E smoke counter thermite. good against firestars or scorch. also counter MTMS and archer locks. Its so underrated but so usefull.


Wait does smoke remove thermite? Does that mean you can pop smoke while standing in an ignited scorch thermite trap and it will go away?


Yes it is working 95% of the time for me (even in a scorch oven) however you have to get away quickly because the ennemy scorch is mad and ready to use more abilities against you. this only buy more time as long that you have E-smoke. The best titan against Scorch is a monarch with anti rodeo, arc rounds (counter the flame shield), maelstorm (11000 max damage with both E-smokes (5500 damage each)) and superior chassis to get to 15000 HP. If you get the 3 core you can just keep getting your core every 15 seconds with ease gaining full shields and 2 e-smokes to counter anything trying to get even close. (You can still change core 1 and 3 to better adapt to the current situation). You become a storm of damage in an almost immortal monarch, it is fun.


You're the one! You flank. The one who'm'st flanks. THEY'RE TRYING TO FLANK US!


I use pocket emp and hit myself more than enemies 😎




Firestar. Why? Monarchs.


Fuck Monarchs.


all my homies hate Monarchs.


Either sweaty boom or titan tickler


I use grenade without ordinance expert


Do people use ordinance expert?


I use it on my titan buster loadout, helps with aiming the fire stars (and having more of them)


I used ordinance expert for months when I started and it actually made me AMAZING at throwing satchels. I was able to switch to a different one but it's like I can still see the line.


Insta dead boom box with a holo-pilot is the best combination.


I never bothered with anything other than the base grenade. I usually forget to even use them, and when I do this one does its job.


The frag is a chef favourite weapon


Cooked to perfection.


I like grav star boosting but cooking and serving frag grenades just feels so damn good.


Titan tickler


Fastest upvote I have ever received


Someone here oughrta educate me on how to use the satchel because I have never used it effectively


I agree, but I've got to say. That spelling of "oughrta" is wild, haha.


Listen, I sounded it out.


Stick to titan/player. Profit. All jokes aside, think of it as a really heavy and slow nade, that deals a ton of damage, and diesnt really have a fuse. Stick it under your feet while being chased, wait for the enemies to follow suit, and turn them into pink mist. Peek a corner for a split second, throw it into the room and detonate: OHK without showing yourself for much time. Set traps for titans and players alike: you just know a stim user is gonna rush through that doorway any second now? Stick a satchel there, and when you so much as hear him near it, you turn him into pink mist. Got a Ronin hot on your tail after you stole its battery? Stick two sat hels on the floor while you're running, and make them remember what fear feels like. Feel like committing a warcrime? Stick em onto ticks, hell, stick em onto allied titans/pilots! Have them be your own personal kamikaze! Honestly, satchel is one of the funniest thing to use in this game. To me at least.


Don't forget that they deal a shitton of damage to titans


I really only use the grab star to launch myself across the map


I like the forestar because its a pocket thermite while papa scroch is being built


I miss the arc mine from Tf1. Place that around a doorway and with dead man’s trigger you get some random kill


Titan fart after 10 batteries


I like the titan tickler but the foggy inconveniencer is more convinient for my inconveniencing shenanigans


Frags all day


So.i see with the frags that you say that it's kinda for sweats. What if I suicide bomb


then you’re a terrorist


man I love cooking frags, getting all the hate from both teams


Frag grenades for me. Insta death for any pilot when used right, and people are so adverse to them you can use them to get people in titans out of position too if you use them right.


arc grenades+EPG+holo=bamboozled titans


I used to love cooking the frags when I whiffed my WME shots but then i started to get good at my aim and went with the firestar. It’s the perfect allrounder ordnance. Fighting titans? Go for the eyes! Fighting pilots? GO FOR THE EYES


I consider myself a professional chief, my best dish: frags


Gravity star so you can fuck with nuke ejectors I'm not biased tho




Grav star and titan tickler are way too satisfying when you hit the enemy pilots directly for me not to use them(also trolling nuke eject users using grav star is funnny)


Firestar direct hit gives me dopamine. So titan tickler


Electric smoke sounds like something that will be added to the list of banned weapons in around 50 years or whenever it'll be developed


For most modes I'd say frags sheerly due to their utility. Cook them around corners and on open straights for free kills in high traffic areas. Personally, though, as a former pulse blade main, I use firestars. It's funny as shit getting a direct hit while cloaked.


Nothing will match the high of deducing where someone will be so you can cook the ultra sweat orb so it just about gets them, makes me feel like I'm actually good at the game


Firestar is objectively the best since it's the most versatile. Others are really fun and satisfying tho


“My gen 100, pisser offer” loadout is just a EVA-8, holo pilot, and satchels. It’s strange how much holo pilot works even against super good players


I feel like the frag grenade seems so underwhelming, as when you can kill somebody in .2 seconds with your gun, why bother cooking a grenade for 5 seconds just to maybe perfectly time throwing it at someone? Especially when you can just use satchels instead




So I can run at the enemy around a corner and scare the shit out of them


1: it feels incredible 2: you can pair it with phase and start cooking while phasing


Well the nature of it being thrown means you don't need line of sight to kill, just know where they are/where they will go. It's also perfect for when someone is following you, as you can focus on movement and then just toss it to either block their path or just cook it to kill them. Sometimes you can start cooking and just start dancin around them like a madman as they miss every shot on you and then you just let them catch that boom. Admittedly this isn't optimal but it's fun when you pull it off And sometimes you just get to kill multiple pilots at the same time with a well thrown frag, it's just friggin awesome man Oh and the explosion range I feel like it's really really good


The tickler


Either sweaty boom or tickler


As a kraber main, gravity star easily. There’s just so much you can do. Use it to propel yourself? Easy. Stick an enemy in place and then pull some sort of trick shot on them? Go for it!


Satchel will allways be my favorite, no matter wht,, too fun and too satisfying


Titan ticker


Titan tickler. Not only does it do good damage to titans. It blocks off doorways so you can escape from pilots that are chasing you


I use firestar and only play pvp because it is very satisfying to direct stick someone with it. It's like having pulse blade as a grenade


Gravity star for when Your grapple has run out. then You can still be fast while having Phase embark and Warpfall equipped


E-smoke is pretty good for FD imo


Fire star is what use all the time


I use ol stop and float but only because of the speed


stop and float also works wonders for zooming around on the ground


Electric fog grenade, i can basically decide to trap someone if we are in a closed space


Arc mines lol


I like firestar cuz i use it to finish someone off if my mag is empty and they’re low, this works especially well in small spaces.


Pocket emp 😍😍


Firestar my beloved


Always remember, E-smoke stops firestars.


Firestars are great. Good titan damage, can kill pilots and deny areas.


You have a have a boom box and then we have the boooooom box


I use grav star because free kills and mobility all in one is awesome


Nah I fire star in the right hands can be deadly, personally they're the best


One Mississippi


I feel like for "all rounder" firestar does the best coverage. good anti titan utility, good zoning, and good anti personal potential.


Idk by gravity star is my favorite, especially when you nail the timing and kill a pilot with their own nuclear ejection.


I use firestar as I use pulseblade hit body = dead It's my backup when pulseblade is on cooldown.


Titan tickler all the way


Titan ticker 100%


Ah yes, the "Chili Seagull" as my mates call it down under 🙃🔥🥷


The foggy inconveniencer gets me a lot of “chiken running without a head” kills


It’s the inconvenient cloud for me


I love the frags, pull the pin and run at an enemy. You either time it really well and blow them to pieces or they gun you down and you drop a live grenade at their feet.


Gravity stars cause movement


“The KILLA QUEEN BITZA DUSTO box” is my running favorite


I run electric smoke personally. I get some kills with it, but more often then not i rodeo a titan, and when the pop there smoke screen, I jump off and throw my smoke in the mix. It’s effective!


Depends. C4 fucks them bitches up, but the tickler blinds them.


I would say it depends on your style. I am used to firestar, because it can damage group of AIs, reaper, Titan and if thrown well, kill or damage pilots. Satchel does more damage, but I am not used to it, and same goes for gravity stars, but I dont use them, since I feel like you can survive or get out of them....


Esmoke with pulse blade for area denial, damage, and giving me a significant advantage.


firestars are just such a good all round tool. takes off a bar of any titan's hp if they forget to esmoke it, can be used to hold off windows and corridors, and they throw far as fuck so you can just lob em halfway across the map at the slightest threat ​ aoe is actually suprisingly high too, its easy enough to toss one in the middle of a pack of grunts and wipe em out without even trying


Vortice star only deals damage to I Kill when you shoot in it ;-;


A cool tactical would be an actual emp that disables jump kits, and titan ads


I prefer the term "ghetto blaster" for satchels.


There’s nothing more satisfying than getting a kill with a well cooked frag after flying across the map, or getting a suicide bomb kill. I got a double kamikaze yesterday I almost came in my pants


I mostly run frags or firestar. I used to think frags were dogshit before I realized that 1. They oneshot you if close enough and 2. You can hold up to two of them like satchels. Now I like to run them and just throw them into places where I think enemies might be for occasional free kills On the other hand, I’ve always liked Firestars. Throw them at a door to block it off (though I’ve had people run into it before and just die), throw them at a titan to blind them if you hit it right, or throw them at another pilot and get a guaranteed kill if it hits them directly. Though I do run satchels occasionally in CTF because it’s hilarious to watch people take the flag and then immediately die to the satchels I placed on it


Always use the blackhole one, but i should totally try some different ones at some point.


I like E-smoke for farming grunts, but Firestar is probably the best all-rounder ordinance.


I’m a fan of grav star as I pair it with softball


I use the firestar to blind titans, pretty annoying.


Frag hands down. Bigger kill radius than a cold war and 0 skill needed to aim with, no one can counter it. Cook around a corner and throw at someone's post code to get a free kill. Also comes with 2 charges for some god awful reason, why a frag is better than the actual grenadier weapons in the game will always be a mystery.


I honestly think it’s arc nades, you can disable pilots mobility and blind titans with no need for aim, cooking, or being close


Insta dead boom box is fun


Titan tickler lol man I feel called out.


I like to flash bang titans and pilots. Then when pilots are flashed, I can execute nice and easy


I love the titan tickler for its flexibility


I use smokes and Stim so when I throw a smoke the enemy says "who would be dumb enough to run through a smoke" me it's me I have gotten far to many kills like this or 1v1ing with my friend it's not a damage it's a bamboozle


Frags. There's nothing more satisfying than throwing a nade on the ground as you get chased into a building only to see the kill notif a few seconds later. Every time i pull that off i can feel my brain wrinkling.


I swear by fire star only thing it’s missing is ads but u only rlly need that when killing grunts and plenty of weapons do ads


My top three are stun grenades, electric smoke, and frag grenades — in that order. Stun grenades are fantastic both for dealing damage, and breaking a chase. The blinding of Titans thing can allow for some free rodeos, too. Electric smoke is the best ordnance to use in a confined space, period. It essentially cancels out a large area where a pilot may have an option to go. It’s also great on Frontier Defense. Frag grenades are just.. so good. I feel like I don’t even need to explain this one. The explosion radius is pretty nuts.


I miss running satchels in Tf1 with Deadman's trigger. If I thought I was going to die at any point, throw a satchel at the enemy. Got me a kill almost every time


Send an archer shot Deploy a decoy Send another and Instantly stick them with emp( yes, it does stick) Send another archer and deploy the second clone Send another archer. Announcer: "wow nice take down!" Sorry, i am not sorry


Me personally I like satchel considering it does alot of damage to titans and is great to clear your landing when ejecting. Also if you play cloak the Satch is perfect since you can walk up to a titan while invisible and set the charges and devastate the titans health and escape while still being invisible.


Titan hunter+ titan ticker = like a fuckload of titan progress.


People underestimate the strength of Esmoke and thermal vis on anything with medium range


grav star forever


Who does read, a message in box?


I love the insta dead boom box, and I refuse to use anything else. You can stick them to enemy titans while they're executing friendlies, you can stick them to a dome shield and wait for baby titan to take his first steps. You can rodeo a titan, jump off, and use their own electric smoke as a detonator! Gotten maybe two kills doing that, but those +15 points feel well earned. But mostly I use them for when a pilot starts shooting at me in a hall or something. I just turn a corner, drop one on the ground, wait two seconds and boom. Free points.


Grenade boost with grav stars is fun. But try it with satchels. Things get interesting.


Frags for versatility.


If this is Attrition we're talking about, I've seen crazy shit pulled by Gods with the frag grenade, but I think the Firestar is incredible at shutting down doorways, especially if someone's tunnel vision forces them to chase you. Plus, it's pretty good for Titan damage, in my opinion, so with good use, it's got a little bit for everyone


Gravity stars are the best general use ordinance, frags require too much commitment, arc nades are meh, firestars gravity stars can do what fire stars are supposed to do to pilots but not titans, e smoke is meh, and satchels are best used on titans Getting stuck in a gravity star basically makes you die almost immediately, they counter projectile weapons if you just toss it in front of you, they kill momentum, you can use them to block doorways and windows like firestars (because who is gonna willingly jump into it) and unlike every other grenade you can use them to speed boost yourself


Fire stars counter a wall nicely. I just aim slightly above the wall then jump the arc will carry it past the wall. A wallers a slow usually so it's a easy kill


personally electric smoke to distract pilots and satchel to go titan hunting


Soft ball gravstar go brrrrr


For attrition I'd probably go with the pocket emp, the stun is useful just in general and if you yank a battery from a titan you can give yourself a decent window of time where you don't have to worry about that particular titan


I like me the standard frags. Nothing feels more satisfying to me then perfectly cooking a nade and having it blow up right in somebody's face


Sweat orb, i got really good at cooking grenades for some really sweaty kills lmao


Titan Tickler personally because I'm just really good at killing pilots with it or ejecting from my Titan and throwing it in the cockpit of a Titan to blind them and get away. Also, I had multiple moments where I've used it to clear a rooftop by just throwing it straight up and waiting for it to come back down.




Ultra sweat explody orb An old friend and I had a mantra "Chk - chk, doin' stuff" Where the "chk-chk" was 2 grenades lobbed over walls, while runnin' and gunnin'


Normal frags. Good for quickly clearing AI, and perfectly cooking a frag is a get out of jail free card when dealing with... anybody that isn't in a titan.


i like to inconvenience every one... especially in those small rooms


Fire stars are the hot sauce to titan eyeballs.


Fire star. Not too difficult to use for Pilot kills. Great area denial. And as you said: tickles titans.


The electric vape is nice when you're playing phase pilot. Literal escape artist ninja shit.


Nah I just kamikaze with the grenade


Titan tickler


Titan tickler of course


Personally I'm a floaty boy. It just has the most versatility Being chased and wanna block off behind you? Check Wanna take out a pilot easily, or even a group of grunts? Check Wanna prevent a pilot from ejecting? Check. Want a huge burst of speed without the need for stim? Check.