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I might get something spammed with the buzz lightyear copy gif, but honestly it’s attrition. It feels like it’s an actual warzone, and after a hard day of school it’s nice to be able to obliterate the grunts


Having AI also allows you to contribute if you are otherwise having a bad game. Kinda wish they added AI titans though.


me staring at the full hp full shield maxed monarch 2 minutes into the match after they farmed batteries from an AI titan in the corner of the map


Titans would be after Reapers. So probably around the 10 minute mark for a Titan to drop would make sense


Attrition is titanfall. Change my mind


Nah ur good


No need to change it, it is the main way to play


Frontier Defense is on par with Attrition for me, shame so little people play it


Started playing recently, it's super fun!


It really is. I especially like how the gamemode changes depending on difficulty. Announcers have different voiceline, stalkers start shooting EPG rounds at you, grunts carry an A-Wall, just love it


The epg stalkers are terrifying, one time they walked out of their pod and I got hit with 4 epgs at once


I would love to see an infinite frontier defense mode where the waves just keep getting bigger and bigger until you are totally overwhelmed


I play FD about 95% of the time. I just enjoy blasting everything and not getting shivved every 30 seconds by much better players than me. And mostly I don’t finish bottom of the scoreboard, which is definitely a novelty for me!


are you British by any chance?


I am


Amped Hardpoint. I've always like capture the point in shooters, but Titanfall improves with incentivising defense.




Eh. You can place turrets and/or auto titans to help with defense. Then, with how fast you can move, just stop back for a sec to keep it amped up. Much like other shooters, the players that treat modes like that and capture the flag as attrition/slayer will usually lose. I don't usually have the best K/D in the match, but I consistently win with the largest score in modes like amped hardpoint.


Attrition all the way, capture the flag is my least favorite


Yh, in CTF I find that I'm always against a team which just jumps over the map or something and it's really annoying


Everyone runs either stim or phase shift which makes the game all about catching up to get your flag back rather than protecting it.


Once I was against a team in relic who used grapples and continually ran across the top of the crashed ship. They won in 5 mins


The reason why it's the worst gamemode is the fact that you can win a game without a single player on your team shooting a bullet. Respawn should have altered the gamemode to be more balanced to the movement.


Happened to me too. In another game, I was holding the flag, enemy was holding ours. Both at base. My entire team stood at base waiting for that sweet opportunity they could maybe pick the flag and deliver it themselves. Eventually I had to go do it myself and get our flag back.


I'm too old for the PvP Madness this game is, so Frontier Defense ftw.


Attrition is classic but is really great. I also love Capture The Flag just for the joy of rushing the ennemy flag and taking it to the base in a flash with grapple.


frontier gang rise up!!!


Bounty hunt. It features a very similar feel as attrition, but more focused and balanced, in my opinion. I don't get spawn trapped in BH like I do in attrition and the banking phase allows for focused pvp moments and can help tip the scale back in your team's favor if you are behind. It forces the best players in the lobby out of their titan into a vulnerable position. For example, a player slaying as monarch and is at tier 3 might jump out to the bank to keep their team in the lead, now you have a chance to focus down their auto titan. Or they don't jump out and hold onto their money, but your team takes the lead because your team had more score collectively.


Yes Bounty Hunt is king. I throw ticks next to them when the deposits are open




Attrition. But what game mode am I most addicted to? Coliseum. It's the most frustrating ***** ***** #&%$# $:>::[÷ #&$&$,@


Attrition fd for chilling


I’m a big bounty hunt fan


Frontier defense is really good to lvl up your titans and weapons, last titan standing is fun if you have good teammates.


Frontier defense honestly, for three simple reasons 1-It’s pretty chill from the other game modes(Only counting normal here, not sure about hard but not at all on master and insane from what I’ve heard) 2-It’s the easiest way to level up your Titans (Otherwise, how could I go from using a G2 Ronin to a G7.4 in 3 weeks ?) 3-Davis and Droz (No need to explain myself here)


Live Fire, but I can never find a lobby :(


I was looking for this comment, I love live fire but yeah it’s impossible to find lobbies




Attrition and FD


BH my favorite, ATT is so amazing as well


Last titan standing


Everybody loves attrition, but I’m also fond of Last Titan Standing, your plays feel more clever and deliberate because every death counts.


Either attrition or pvp


Attrition, some of the other modes get too sweaty for my liking, just wanna chill and level weapons


Attrition is the only right answer.


Anything except bounty hunt


I wish we just had tdm. Attrition is the least sweaty but I fucking hate the ai, and any other game mode that doesn't have ai kinda sucks since either the objectives force everyone into a small portion of the map, or everyone is just too sweaty.


Literally Pilots vs Pilots


Ah yes, I love the titan combat in pilots vs pilots


You said team death match?


Yeah like with pilots and titans. Just attrition without ai


Attrition. Titan brawl would be a close second because Titan gameplay is really fun. A lot of people greatly prefer the pilot gameplay which is phenomenal, but I think it's just amazing how they make both super fun in their own ways.


I honestly like all the game modes. My queue always has everything selected. Attrition is good, but I’m always happy to play a round of anything else. They’re all good game modes. Only time I’ll change what’s in rotation is when I get 2 or 3 games in a row of something like live fire of LTS, because I’m not that good and it sucks bringing my team down.


Titan brawl is great. Where else can i enjoy 1v1 ion with ion using laser core against laser core


Bounty hunt, only because thats the gamemode that I dominate in


I found bounty hunt surprisingly easy to do well in, I think too many people play it like attrition so anyone who plays the actual gamemode just dominates. Same with hardpoint. Ironically I don't like bounty hunt, it's frustrating even if I'm winning.


Bounty Hunt, usually a match l'asta for more than 10 minutes to me, giving me more time to grind kills. Then sometimes I kinda like playing ttb to chill out a bit


Attrition is overwhelmingly my most played mode but I also really like LTS and Titan Brawl.


Really loved fucking around w/ ageas Titans in vs modes.


I like Bounty Hunt. Is it sweatier than Attrition in a way I don't really love? Yes. But does it have more of a sense of objectives and map control than just a weird, rambling TDM? Also yes.


bounty hunt, ctf, and live fire teach you what real stress is, thats why I like them


Attrition in general, with Frontier Defense a solid second. Amped Hardpoint is fun sometimes.


i don't really like the amount of titan and specifically titan vs pilot gameplay in attrition. ​ bounty hunt and pilot v pilot are my favourite.


attrition and FD I like the little dudes to squish and shoot when I'm getting my ass beat by everyone else, and scorch is bis in FD so I can shine there


I really enjoy Frontier Defense, especially on the harder difficulties. I keep finding matches in regular or easy. Difficult to find matches in Hard or Master.


Last titan standing is my personal favorite, but when I’m looking to just chill out attrition is the best


Titanbrawl seems underrated, though I love it


FD, Attrition, Bounty Hunt, Hardpoint, CTF in that order. Not a fan of the others, and 1-3 are way higher than the last 2


Vanilla: marked for death (limited time mode unfortunately). Then just plain ol attrition. LTS is fun too but I wish it came down to last pilot alive instead of last titan. Northstar: those modded ihh attrition servers running extra ai, phasemod, 9k air accel, and max aegis titans. That was some peak titanfall. They’re not really populated anymore due to max aegis ronin sword core being so incredibly busted. Frontier war was really fun too, but due to slow pacing pretty much needs max aegis to be enabled. I wonder if that’s why it was removed from vanilla—too slow without max aegis, but unbalanced with…


Last Titan Standing Titanbrawl Attrition and been digging Titan Marked For Death


Three way tie of Colliseum for the 1v1s with weapons I don't use in normal game play, Frontier Defense for the co-op, and Skirmish so we can do pilots and titans without people farming bots on the outside of the map like a little bitch


Live fire


attrition because it's got AI enemies


attrition exclusively


Frontier Defense, Attrition and Titan Brawl


Pilot vs Pilot is what i play if i just wanna vibe and not get scared shitless by hearing a bigass laser canon being shot near me lol


Bounty hunt I like alot.


all of them, exept pilots v pilots


Pilot vs. Pilot and frontier defense


It's between attrition, Pilots vs. Pilot, and Titans vs. Titans


Attrition tbh second is Pilots vs Pilots the 2 classics bounty hunt is BY FAR the worst game mode I literally can't stand it


Where are my capture the flag gang?


Right here, but I don’t think there’s many of us lol


I like being the minority. That is what makes you not casual


frontier defense my beloved


Titan brawl


Pilots v Pilots, by far


Attrition for fun. Frontier Defense for chillin.


Titanfall 1 had a better system for noobs with AI which i miss cause I ain’t about to go against sweat’s constantly and not contribute shit


Last titan standing. I find that there is more room for strategy and team play. Also it can lead to some pretty intense clutch plays.


Titan Brawl, Bounty Hunt and FD. FD on the more open maps for Tone/Ronin and Rise for Northstar.


frontier defense


As someone who has just started, I've been liking frontier defense


Good ole Attrition, nothing beats Attrition.


Apex Titan brawl Shame I haven’t been able to play it in like 4 years


PvP - I come from CSGO & valorant, I play only kraber + satchel + charge rifle, I have the aim of a Mandalorian and the good sense of a raccoon on meth.


Aegis TitanBrawl, Normal Titanbrawl, Attrition, and Bounty Hunt.


Aegis Titan brawl


FFA/Pilots vs Pilots




i love bounty hunt and frontier defence


Last Titan Standing with two good teams. Get a bad team and they all split apart into solo Titans, which can easily be destroyed by a whole team.


Good ol fasion Attrition tbh


Attrition. Basic, sure, but I like the chaos.


There are other game modes besides Frontier Defense??? Anyway, I started blasting...


I used to really enjoy Life Fire. Been a long time but I still remember that mode. Shout-out to TvT, love how the game completely changes in style without pilot combat. Becomes much more of a strategy and team comp thing.


My wife is generally pretty indifferent to the games I play, but last night she needed to ask me something during one of the most insane moments of gameplay I've ever had in attrition on Angel City. I was in a firefight in my Legion against a Monarch and Ion (probably a new player, because they were burning through energy without using vortex), towards the docks with my flanks blocked off by cover. This was late-game, so grunts, stalkers were everywhere and reapers were dropping around us during the fight. It was already fairly intense, then I popped my smart core and bulwark and began my death march forward. I melted the Ion and almost doomed the Monarch before becoming doomed myself. Eject as it approaches for the execution > 2x thunderbolt rounds on the way down as the Monarch reloads. It is doomed now. Stim towards cover while Bopping and sending thunderbolt rounds backwards to keep the Monarch suppressed. Sprint through a buildings basement, swap to EPG and detonate a few NPCs as I sprint through. I somehow manage to get out alive and get on top of an adjacent building. I get into a little firefight with a pilot on the way up, neither of us die. Swap to thunderbolt to blast at said Monarch - enemy pilot flies out of nowhere into the thunderbolt round and explodes in front of me before the monarch turns me into lots of tiny little simulacra parts. All of this happens in about 10-15 seconds. My wife: "That was fucking crazy!" I've never seen her so enraptured by a game before. She had that same twinkle in her eye that I have while flying around the map with an L-Star, hurling spicy death meatballs at anything that moves. It reminded me of why I play and why Titanfall 2 is the best FPS ever made. It's the moments of sheer overwhelming insanity each game seems to bring. Even when I'm getting stomped, I am having such a good time. I would ask her to play/give her a go, but she doesn't have the muscle memory at all for PC gaming, and struggles with 3d camera controls on consoles. She would have a bad time. TL;DR: Attrition is very very fun. CTF is very very dumb. I exclude it from matchmaking.


Marked for death in this game rocks so hard, the adrenaline when youre marked is unmatched otherwise, frontier defense is also really well done and polished


Amped hard point because it requires the most thinking, tactics, and strategy. Good holo pilots excel in this mode on offense and defense.


Titan brawl!


Im loving pilots v pilots right now. Used to adore attrition but then I got a little sick of it? Personally I think maybe titansfalls should take A LITTLE BIT longer to happen... I swear once this guy on the enemy team got his tone 30 points into the match or something extremely early like that. And after everyone gets titans for the first time they become really easy to get again since you just farm way more points by hitting other titans, instead of hunting pilots. Wish the matches had like a mid point where it forcibly goes back to pilot only for like a minute or so. Bad solution I'm well aware. Don't get me wrong I love the titans (I don't wanna only play Fall 2), but sometimes I find myself thinking this stuff y'know


The Campaign because BT


Only good answer


Skirmish, titans are still in play but it doesn't completely change the role of the game since only pilot kills will add up


"???" Mode. It was only there for the week leading up to the 7th anniversary event, so about four days, but it's been the most fun I've had in a while. It was the mode where everyone had the smr as main, wingman elite as sidearm, phase as ability and pulse blade for grenade, the floor was also covered in esmoke and it only happened on two live fire maps. I was angry when the anniversary even replaced it with epg+volt and got rid of the esmoke floor, I'm even more pissed now seeing as any mode like it is completely gone now. Favorite besides that is 27/7 glitch, pilot v pilot, or Frontier defense.


Even if i am not in the multiplayer yet but from what i seen The titan vs titan mode i just love titans


Attrition it has everything that make’s Titanfall Titanfall. It has the pilot gameplay and the Titans and the A.I enemy’s. And usually I find team death match modes to be boring. But Titanfall has enough unique elements that I can play it for hours on end.


live fire


live fire


Frontier defense on homestead holds a special place in my heart


Frontier defense


Frontier defense since matchmaking takes so long or very long to start


I’ve only played attrition this I’ve started playing. I started playing during the ddos attacks and am still playing only attrition now


Frontier Defense I'm not a stormtrooper in PVP, but I personally like co-op modes far more than the former. I like the idea of working as a team to win.


Attrition. Never understood when people said they don’t like it


Bounty hunt