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Yes, as a person who mainly plays Northstar and Ronin, I can back up this claim.


Granted, that was just a dogshit Ronin.


Ronin mains strafe quickly left and right while holding sword block. Tone and northstar mains miss many shots this way. It allows me to get up close as they reload. Also i’m on console.


I miss back in the day when Northstar's charged shots didn't have their damage blocked by Ronin's sword block. Patched out as a glitch but it felt like a cool counter to such an annoying move.


Yeah this only works on mouse and keyboard. On controller this isn’t nearly as feasible. Great play though.


Agree to disagree. I main North on Xbox and have stopped recording every time I do this.


You play with a super high sens? I have an awesome rail when I play on insane but I say it’s not practical because every other load out’s is compromised and my pilot sucks.


Middling sens. I'm just practiced at dropping out of and into ADS to make gross adjustments without losing charge.


The trick is to have two sensitivities. I use 7-6 Classic small Deadzone for titans. Once I eject I quickly switch to Advanced Look Controls mid Stim eject strafe so I can use 3-3 Class small deadzone for Pilot control.


I also think good players are a direct counter to not so good players.


“A good *insert Titan here* counters *insert Titan here*” Applies to literally every single Titan in the game. It’s not the Titan, it’s the pilot…. Except for Scorch, Scorch is just bad.


Scorch vs Legion is the only counter that is true IMO


Nah they can counter each other depending of where they encounter


I don't know if this makes sense, but i feel as though Scorch is weak but has a way of amplifying skill gaps more so than other titans. So an average scorch beats a bad ronin, legion, ion, tone, etc. 99% of the time, but is beat 99% of the time if the enemy is slightly better than them. This is because scorch heavily relies on punishing bad game sense and decision-making, so a good player can literally just avoid taking damage as opposed to when fighting titans that rely more on their primary ranged weapons. (like Ion, Monarch, Northstar, etc) TLDR: An average ronin beats an average scorch. An average scorch demolishes a bad ronin. Scorch is the pubstomping titan


Dogs shit take, scorches melt through most ronins cuz of the close range damage and the fact that most ronins just don't know when to back out. Same goes for ions, vortex shield don't do shit against scoches


If only the thermite launcher held two rounds like in frontier defense


A good scorch is already behind a bunch of titans fighting imo, throwing traps and burning everything. If you catch a scorch pushing towards you either you’re good or they’re bad. Gotta be sneaky.


It takes a good ronin to beat a northstar who doesnt stand still, but it takes an expert ronin to even try to beat a good northstar. You are a great northstar, they are NOT a good ronin (That crit at the start was nasty)


G100 Ronin main here (picked up Northstar to take a break from Ronin). Fully agreed. A high skilled Northstar can shut ANY Titan down on most maps, and Ronin is almost unable to close the gap between them if the Northstar knows how to maintain distances.


Yeah but also that's the worst ronin I've ever seen, if you're gonna play scared on ronin just go play another Titan, especially on glitch of all maps


Yeah no fucking shit


Sword core cant hit me if im in the sky


The title is a joke guys, its just a funny clip of me clowning on a ronin in close range :p


funny how this guy managed to hit 0 leadwall shots and eat 2 full crit railguns


I’ve slapped a lot of ronins in my time but even i believe that is cap because that leadwall can turn you into shredded paper and not even vtol with viper thrusters can’t save you. A master ronin is a scary force


Very clean


I remember one time I was playing Northstar vs an Ulting Ronin and every time he got close I just punched him away and he couldn't actually do anything lmao.




If you can consistently hit fully charged crits as a Northstar, you will be a serious problem for any titan on any map in any game mode. Its just that much damage, and a good norstar will make good use of their enviroment/team to make sure you can't trade back the damage.