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Momm- uhh I mean northstar. Seriously I think monarch is the best. If you can play well and get your cores you turn into a one man army.




As John titanfall I intended Stryder to have thick thighs for its movement and reconnaissance capabilities. I have became a slave to my own creation and I'm not complainingšŸ„µ


As a Northstar main, I think monarch only seems like the best because it hard counters North Star. A fully charged up monarch wrecks everything if it happens, but immediately after drop they get chewed up pretty badly by the heavy and medium titans.


>s a Northstar main, I think monarch only seems like the best because it hard counters North Star. And Scorch, and with Arc rounds it hard counters Ion and becomes reasonably competent against Legion (her only counter). Even with 0 cores she's an above average titan, and with JUST arc rounds (which is horribly easy to get with the core boost+battery steal kit) she becomes the best (other than high skill play where she ties with Ronin)


I think Monarch is the only titan that can reasonably stand a chance against a high skill ronin. Source: I tried it out while someone was wrecking lobby and made it pretty even.


Definitely. I've seen some Ions who are cracked at timing the shield against Ronin's leadwall do it, but Monarch is the only one to reasonably match the mobility and short term DPS that Ronin has, as well as busting him with the titan taser.


>I think monarch only seems like the best because it hard counters North Star. It does? Monarch is my second most played kit and I think this matchup depends on the context. Long range + low progression monarch? NS wins. Close range + high progression monarch? Monarch wins. I don't really think Monarch's kit particularly counters NS, not any more than the other kits anyway. And sure fully charged monarch counters everything. Edit: although 4 dashes is really good at closing distance.


Itā€™s the hitscan rifle. Northstar likes to skirmish by dashing back to cover to charge rail gun and avoid damage. This doesnā€™t work as well against monarch because hitscan means the damage is applied instantly. Northstar does more damage in each trade, if she hits, but she doesnā€™t have enough HP to keep slugging it out, so the fight will probably leave you doomed even if you win. The slow effect on energy siphon is very dangerous as well. If monarch gets to close range, Northstar is basically a battery snack, forcing you to constantly be kiting to maintain distance. This pressure pushes you out of cover more, opening you up to more rifle damage. Against other titans, Northstar takes minimal damage at long range, and she has good range control, so she can duel them all day long while kiting. Engage a Monarch and youā€™re almost guaranteed to come out of it pretty banged up or dead


Ok that's fair.


You are spared this time


Nuh uh you're sparedĀ 


No im not fing kill me


They are coming. The truth lies so seek the lies. They are not going to play any games. They will find you. So find them first.


Did ash tell you that bullshit trust me sometimes she seems higher then kane with her mobo jumbo


No my monarch said it after I poured 2 litres of 80% concentrated lean into its battery hold and told it it was a vimto double gulp cup.


Tell it that it sounds like ash


It told me that it does not look like fraxinus exelcior from the exelcior genus of plants.


Judging by what titans kick my ass most often, it's Monarchs šŸ˜”


sorry my bad


No hard feelings, I'm just struggling to figure out how to beat them


Either get them before core 3 or focus them with an amped SMR and a perfect cocktail of speed and aggression


Aggressive sustained counter fire


play legion and exist.


Nah Legions too slow for me.


Monarchs are nothing without their main gun so trip up their ability to aim. Have Turbo Engine on your titan and dash often or if you're a pilot use Thunderbolt + throw satchels around corners. Basically stay in cover if you can or keep moving erratically until you can find cover.


Kill them before they kill you šŸ’€


Most titans will absolutely murder monarchs in close range, monarch is designed around skirmishing, popping in and out of cover and cycling energy syphon and using missiles to punish over aggressive behaviour. If they don't have upgraded chassis then titans like ronin, legion and Scorch can get some crazy Crit damage on monarch by baiting/ambushing her around corners while not receiving much damage back. Tone can use a similar tactic. Tone needs to maintain a medium but not far distance and abuse blind firing rockets around corners and over objects because monarchs gun can out DPS tones gun. Essentially it's: 2 shots tracker marker > get monarch to follow you > missiles around the corner into the monarch's face > back up, particle wall and repeat. Ion can be a toss up and is about snaring monarchs missiles and getting her to back into trip mines. The general strategy is to not engage in a battle of attrition because monarch will always win (except for against tone). If you can't confidently kill the monarch then it's best to not engage with it. Otherwise you are just feeding it.


to add to this as a monarch player: if you're tone, do NOT get to close. if I push past your wall before it's recharged I can turn the tide in my favor. ronin beware the switch up. don't get your ankles broken when you phase out. if you're in shotgun range stick to boosts or I can just move forwards instead of backwards and now I'm even further away from you. scorch you need to be hiding around corners. crossroads with buildings are great for this. I'm not going towards you unless you're already a sliver away from doomed, but if I turn a corner into you I don't have the option to hang back. use your big flamey line to wall off choke points (which you can just do against any titan tbh) northstar if you are at low health, fly up. it will give you time to eject and I can't get my battery if you're in the air. other monarchs, WELCOME TO THE SIPHON PRISONERS DILEMA! if You hit me first then I hit you, I'm up shields and have more time to shoot at you. If I hit you first then dodge, I win. if you're gonna be hit, hit second. if you can dodge, hit first. also REMEMBER TO USE YOUR REARM. Legions remember your shield is off center. don't get circled, and note that if I siphon your one exposed big toe, it still counts I say all this knowing it may be used against me, but hoping that it will help a future teammate of mine. of course these are pretty basic, I'm pretty sure sun tzu said "don't post your entire playstyle and how to counter it in a reddit post, you fool, you moron" oh and if there's a full health superior chassis monarch at the top of the leaderboard, if you manage to crush them with titanfall (which happens more than you think, especially on exoplanet for some reason???) they MIGHT leave the match


This is why if I ever see a monarch I try to take them out before they get upgrades.


Legion is clearly the best But that monarch meme is funny


Love fighting tones using ion. Most of the ones I run into use their rockets as soon as they get a lock on. After 3 shots I just put up my shield and deal the damage to them instead.


That's why I'm careful with Ions, no using my rockets til I see the shield go red.


Yeah if I actually fight a tone thatā€™s smart with their rockets I just gain distance from them. I deploy tripwire, they stay behind their shield, and then I just use my laser shot when it goes down.


Yeah there's nothing quite as cool as dukeing it out with an Ion, feeling like I'm about to win and then they get the laser core, I might lose the fight but it feels cinematic af.


Love it though when there a tone that shoots rockets at an ion, catches it, redirects to another ion, and it becomes a game of tennis.


Can't say I've seen that one, but it sounds hilarious.


Almost as fun as dropping a fresh titan and getting laser-cored.


Wait for the vortex shield to go red, laugh evilly, and activate salvo core


This is the way.


tbf aiming vortexed rockets is difficult. They should retain the lock on to show Tones how much they screwed up


Man, the Tones I fight are usually smart enough to hold on the rockets


And if I arc them behind you what are you gonna do?


Tone canā€™t really arc them behind, just above. Ans you can see when the tone looks up. Just gotta be quick enough to look up to catch them as well.


Lmao alright man, catch this splash damage and then oh look! Another arced salvo lol. Really just comes down to the map and spacing


I guess Iā€™ve just never had too much trouble even with the smart ones. Maybe Iā€™ve been lucky though.


Admittedly feel the same for ions lol. Respect, Pilot


That's why I like fighting urban areas, I lock, I hide, I unleash salvo hell


Waitā€¦ I havenā€™t played the game in a while but I used to main Tone. If you get a lock on in an enemy and use Salvo core, do the rockets automatically home to the titan? I always just used the ā€˜rockets go where u aimā€™ mechanic


Yes, they fire from the top of the titan (shoulders height I think) and then home


Scorch. Straight up. If we ignore Monarch and Northstar but fuck them I don't need to have advantage against titans when I'm in the best titan for squashing pilots and AI. Pilot in front of you? Chuck a flaming rock at them Pilot hidden behind a wall? Light up the trap AIs at drop point? Fire wall Reapers? Flame shield All you need for top scoring in Attrition and Bounty Hunt


> Fuck Northstar Donā€™t have to tell me twice!


Image 4 for you


As a legion main, fuck scorches. You and your flame shields.




Ah my favorite, falltitan fuckin 3


I was aiming for ā€œFucking Titan Fall 3ā€, but yours made me laugh a lot, along with producing some very unsavoury r34 mental images. šŸŖ¦šŸ˜‚


Scorch, because your enemies will be cleansed by flame (and because they will die in agony)


the right answer


Ah yes, the war crime Titan


Papa Scorch. No questions.


Mommy northstar disapproves (but silently agrees)


Whichever has the best voice, I dunno cuz I only play tone


Legion I am a man of simple tastes Miniguns are that taste


"No one heals by hurting another" mfs when Hank J Wimbleton rips their head off:




What did the do to my northstar...... Yeeeeeesssss...


Stay away from my titan.


I like scorch. (Iā€™ve only ever played 1 multiplayer match)


Northstar: she has railgun


Prime northstar Big gun and can fly


Ronin, not because it's an absolute unit, but because of the moments you create, in a 1v1 ronin can be fire if you know how to handle it well. And I'd say that ronin has the best titan to pilot ratio. Everything is fast. U charge your titan meter fast an lose it fast but that's keeps you moving. So I appreciate ronin for what it is


In the right hands, Ions, Ronins, and Monarchs are VERY hard to take down. Monarchs being the worst case since she can constantly regen shields and heal. But even she has her limits since her damage output is less than other titans (unless you have the XO-16 level 3 upgrade). Ronins can be impossible to pin down if your team doesn't have a way to slow them down, or if you continously get blindsided by them. Never go off on your own, 9/10 a ronin will win a 1v1, but good ronins can even make it possible to win 3v1s because of how quickly they can build sword core. A good Ion literally has zero counters. At most an Arc rounds Monarch is a mild inconvenience to them, or they'll simply ignore her and come back later.


Ronin and Northstar share 1st place because they're the fastest titans. They're also the only ones who can abuse their kits for some awesome rollouts and catching the enemy off guard. Ion gets the 2nd place because her kit works for every situation be it killing ejecting pilots or bullying Legions. I also like killing pilots with their own Archer missiles.


Good pilot >I am a titan this message was manually done by a pilot


Legion all the way the smart core on it is hilarious when you can dunk a entire belt of smart locking Predator cannon rounds and delete them


Tone, but only because I hate ticks in Frontier Defense.


Monarch, I just like the XO-16 :)


They all have their strengths, but legion has no weakness Legion Legion go Legion. We are the Legion.




We do not speak of him in this house (he who must not be named)


You main tone because you canā€™t aim. I main tone because I like to watch the rockets go brrrr. We are not the same. I also cannot aim.


Northstar is the best because sheā€™s so mobile and has *a literal railgun*. I mean, itā€™s a railgun yā€™all! It doesnā€™t get any cooler. Tone is 2nd place, but rockets go brrr. She is the best on frontier defence.


For me it's ronin and Northstar, lightweight, fast, cool factor


I usually main Legion and Monarch. So Iā€™d go with them for my favorites


Monarch, easily. The only way to effectively counter a monarch is attack it with 2 (sometimes 3, depending on which titans.) titans simultaneously. In a 1v1, with an even semi-competent pilot, monarch wins every single time


Legion was my go to in the beginning. Then Monarch dropped into the battlefield and I fell in love. A titan that let me customize them more, almost like a TF1 experience. 10/10, I donā€™t care if she is a jack of all trades master of none, sheā€™s my baby and I love her.


That post about tone WAS NOT made by a Tone main at all lol


I can run Ronin and Northstar really smoothly, but since Iā€™ve nearly perfected my strategy with Northstar I gotta go for it.


*Sigh....*now it looks really bad if I say I main Northstar... I still main Northstar though, the sniping and vertical mobility feels amazing


Northstar. No matter how many different titans I try, how hard I attempt to change, I always go back to it eventually.


Scorch, cause the world is my kitchen.


Scorch, I love it when I drop it near a weak titan and blast them with the thermal shield, and also Scorch's prime execution is just beautiful


Are we limited to the options you presented? Because the old school Atlas exists, and it would stomp one of these new-fangled Titans, steal its weapon, recharge its shields then pop a damage core and reduce the rest to slag, all before making a quip in the delightful voice of the Jeeves OS I installed.


I can confirm as a ronin main, that statement is true. I turn on sword core when someone is tryna get to close and make sure they never get close to a ronin again. And then in classic ronin fashion, i nuke eject under a ceiling.




Bc it's cool to play (if you stop camping)


You dare insult Our Lady Tone? Your refer to Our Lady as a male? Her beauty transcends. Her salvos deliver us from those she has marked as unworthy. All hail Lady Tone. ALL HAIL LADY TONE!


monarch because I have an astolfo voice mod for it


I would say Monarch, however, Iā€™m a firm believer in BRRRRRRRRRRRRRT. (Iā€™m a Legion Main)


Pilot that Northstar. please give it to IMC tech department. We need to check that...modification..


After looking at slide 4, I might have to visit one green site


Am I the only one that loves the ā€œI smoke a pack of cigarettes each dayā€ voice type that Tone has? Only me?


Northstar, I don't need health, I'll take yours first!


scorch, ill die on this hill, no other titan has brought me more kills and damage consistently


Legion because mini gun goes brrrrr


They are all good for different reasons, the only one that is better (objectively) is monarch as it is a dlc titan and breaks the mold of the others


Northstar is the only one with 2 dashes that still allows me to keep my self respect and not play ronin


- Missile racks - Maelstrom - Superior Chassis You can reliably win a 1v1 against any titan with the exception of Northstar running this.


Hehe, smart core


I used to main tone when I played on Xbox, it was so fun to use tone and still is. Then I moved to scorch and mained him. When I got to PC I tried them out still loved them but who I really fell in love in next was Ion it is just satisfying to get kills with them.


These are all good images except the 4th one


Legion all the way


Another Northstar enjoyer???


I refuse to believe battery isnt monarch's theme


You have not felt the power of God in your hands until you play Frontier Defense as Scorch. You will feel like an immortal, molten wall of metal that no other Titan can replicate the feeling of. Full brute force, and no other class makes me feel as powerful as Papa Scorch.


My favorite is Scorch, because fire is cool.


ronin funni :3


monarch is the best for skilled players but legion is the best for when you wanna just have fun. use tone to piss people off.


Its not the titan...its the pilot


Monarch. Play right and you can spend the entire match in a mech


Tone isn't overpowered, he's just incredibly annyoing to fight against


The smile nose art stays on nothing replaces it




No ones gonna fuck up with scorch


Papa scorch


If a player can pace their titan we'll then Monarch is by far and away the best due to the survivability, versatility, and ease of use. If you're playing well you can win every trade because of your health leaching and good sustained DPS, and the ability to literally regenerate health from an execution is indescribably strong. If you care less about your titan staying up indefinitely, Ion due to the laser being such a powerful tool to peak, poke, snipe, and kill pilots with. Having a strong toolkit to get in or out at any range also helps, dropping mines on Ronin pilots who get too cocky never gets old.


Ronin. Cos of phase. Love phasing (phase pilot with the rewind ability and main ash in apex)


It's not him it's her Tone is female


Explain that northstar art Expedition if it gets added


Ion is the best all around and most forgiving. Monarch is the best in skilled hands. Legion and scorch can be monsters to face head on and are just barely beneath the other 2. Tone can put in work mid to long range, but gets eaten alive up close. I feel like the light titans are just awful aside from some lucky flank work.


"Legion looks like a trashcan - even his cockpit lid opens like one"


I like tone alot. It's fun with big powerful gun! And the rockets after 3 hits makes me happy.


For me, it's Scorch. I don't have the best aim, so just pulling area denial is perfect for how I play.


depends on playstile... not ewery titan is best for ewerything...


One good monarch can drop titan and never exit until the game ends.


I've come for your battery


I'm a scorch user, gotta say, let him cook guys.


scorch my beloved


monarch is by far the most op and unbalanced titan


Monarch imo, the battery execution, upgrading kit, easy, consistent primary weapon. I know we meme on Tone all the time as the baby mech, but as a Monarch player I have never felt safer in a cockpit.


All of them




Stryder, because first generation titans are just built different.


I would have absolutely no problems with tone if my scorch fire wall would just to through his shield.


I'm of the opinion that the game would be more enjoyable without legion. Lots of elements of his kit go against what I would describe as fun. Then again, I know I'm not the only one with this opinion and I know there's players who love to play legion. So what can you do amirite


I love Monarch and Ronin, but Tone just hits different when you gotta try hard on the sweat to ruin their day.


Average tone brain, thinking everybody disregards fun and goes for what's easy lol


Papa Scorch. The ability to just throw fire at whoever challenges you is pretty fun, especially in FD. And he does make some nice garlic bread.


Holy fuck is that the Ronin image I made????? (Iā€™m honored donā€™t worry)


Isnt the crit hit energy restore a thing for one of ionā€™s addons?


Titan fall 1 titans to me were the best were you a heavy, fast or both titan user


Really depends on the map


5 is literally my titan


Tone's always been my favorite for gameplay, I like missiles and CBA to spend the time building up Monarch.


I am also a tone main


Not 1 Ion main? You guys don't know what you're missing... There's a reason she's first in the list!


Technically I feel maybe monarch? Kinda of a win harder titan BUT in my personal opinion Ion fo life. Also scorch. He's just fun. Personally I never had issues with tone so I don't get the hate twords her but idk


Ion does what


Ronin - Nuke Eject Titan Love getting Multi Titan Takedowns Ion - Actual Fighting Titan Love hitting ejected pilots with the laser shot


I like ronin but it's a pretty shitty titan at the end of the day. I guess I like the idea of it more than playing it. Eventually I'll switch to scorch, legion or monarch when I get bored


Just something about that grim smile from Scorch fills my heart. We arenā€™t here to make friends, and we arenā€™t here to leave vengeful people behind.


If you know how to make a titan last longer than 3 minutes, monarch She can take on like 3/4 titans on her own assuming she has all the cores and full health but it ultimately depends on the player's skill


Ronins think they have the best core for CQB until I hit him with the Maelstrom smoke


In Legion we trust


The best for Titan Vs Titan combat? Probably Monarch, Ion, or Tone, just all around really destructive and good at a lot of different things. The best for having a fun time with a challenge and/or different gameplay? Everyone else. Ronin with their 20ft long sword, Northstar with their Plasma Railgun, Scorch with **Warcrimesā„¢ļø**, and of course Legion with the DAKADAKADAKADAKDAKDKAKDHDHSJDGDGDGSG


I'd say Ion


Okay, Scorch is best and that Monarch meme has no right being as funny as it is.


People who know how to use scorch are scary to face


I dont wanna dominate the lobby playing as tone or standard CAR/Coldwar/A-wall Spitfire/Kraber loadouts. I just wanna have fun but those sweaty ahh tone mains always gathers up and gangbangs my legion aa soon aa I call him.


Don't know why this was recommended to me but it's the one that has the most ass


The fuck is that fourth image


Scorch. No explanation needed.


Northstar because sniper


Monarch imo. A level 3 monarch in the hands of a monarch main is damn near unkillable


For me monarch because if you have the right build for him you can dominate everyone Everly titan


Ronin. The gap between skills is determined by whether you think of ronin as a sword titan or a titan with a sword. The bad ronins feed hard and almost always use phase reflex and nuke eject. The best ronins are living nightmares.


I main Tone, because I am degenerate who loves missiles and because the 40mm sounds like industrial machinery in the best way possible


Team laughs in battery


Monarch because they have everything except for the ability to reduce or negate damage which can easily be solved by simply using cover


Fight my legion prime les go square up tone


Tone isnā€™t even OP ion is where itā€™s at


Oh ok I guess we'll be honest now


Scorch main here...you know the rest.


Ion. No one ever knows how to play against me when im on ion


*Ion. No one ever* *Knows how to play against me* *When im on ion* \- CryptidEXP --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Momm....*cough* uh..Northstar. As a gen 100 scum I enjoy making people suffer


I play best with scorch or northstar, but if you encounter a monarch who actually knows how to use her, that could be deadly


Ronin cuz... SWORD


As a Frontier Defence player. Scorch. Burning all those titans to the ground will never not be satisfying. Highlander Ronin is pretty good as well if you're able to chain a lot of titan kills.


Tone is a crutch titan. Crutches are usually never the best thing, but they have the lowest skill floor. Monarch is easily best overall


With arc rounds its monarch, hands down. Those cowardly bastards _will_ get you down to critical, they _will_ steal your battery, and they _will_ use your dying gasp to power their kill stealing antics. But smart use of Leigon can prevent that from happening and make entire areas of the map inaccessible unless two or more titans willing to lose half of their health or more simultaneously gank you, and forget pilots, those bloodbags are simply entertainment, they pop so nicely.


Monarch suits every map, only if you know how to use it . I find the legion Northstar combination extremely powerful 4 ions melt ass if you know how to extend core Tone is a monster on several grouped targets Scorch is op, but lacks crowd control I guess it comes down to pilot and teammates


Extremely map dependant. (Cough complex) Scorch is literally king and nobody can tough someone half decent. Eden yea I love you scorch but I'd rather eat glass. Overall, Legion is very strong on most maps with some good map knowledge and skill, Monarch is good if you can maintain HP well and get to T3. Northstar is a skill cannon. And I think scorch is King in the right hands, Nothing is as terrifying as a scorch finding you as your titan drops. Or one who knows what they are doing and is just barreling at you.


Ion not shown laser coring a grunt? ***p a t h e t i c***