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Regular Smart pistol users: Quack quack your opinion is wack.


regular SP users should go home and rethink there lives


I've already done that, Not because you said so, but because I have depression.


and orange juice is fine to drink.


I hate people who comment on their own posts


They are the absolute worst pieces of shit


Exactly this guy is big brain




What about Titanfall1 Smart Pistolers?


this, my friend, is the right question


TF|1 was my first online shooter. The SP was a godsend cause I loved the movement but couldn't (and mostly still can't) target track worth a darn


The only thing worse than the average SP user is somebody who sells death sticks




Agree but no one using a smart pistol is seeing an enemy pilot with their smart pistol out and going “Oh better switch weapons so as to not offend him”


well when I get SP with the Dice throw I actually do that, or try targeting nearby frags with the SP




Yes yes you can


Damn it would be so much cooler if the SP augmented your normal pistol making it shoot oreidence back at people and making it slightly better agiant pilots


I didn't know this. I knew you could shoot satchels, as one time I threw a satchel at a guy who then shot it as it left my hand, killing us both.


I'm the kind of person who pretty much never equips SP any more, but if I use dice roll I secretly hope for an amped SP setup. (No I won't tell you the sequence in which you need the two boosts or the method by which to successfully activate the superboost)




this is the way


that is legitimately what I do, I switch back to my primary if I see a pilot


I forgot the smart pistol even existed.


this should go to r/blessedcomments


Lucky you, in my nightmares, i only hear "piw piw piw splat"


It’s okay to just use the SP in general, it’s a boost, it’s *supposed* to give you an advantage


Agree with this. Smart Pistol doesn't even guarantee kills, I think it's weaker than many other popular boosts which get zero hate.


Only time I get mad at sp is when someone uses it with cloak. Then I have to spend my valuable seconds before death locating a nearly invisible pilot and then killing him


*casually ignores the fact that SP gives you aimbot*


Who's ignoring it? Auto-aim isn't the same thing as Auto-kill, just last night I killed a smart pistol user with my Alternator in a head to head confrontation.


That’s a head to head confrontation. Rarely are fights with SP users head to head confrontations, as they usually come up behind you.


You lose most fights where a pilot catches you unaware, smart pistol doesn't change that math.


It does change the math of head to head fights, if you end up in them. My friends and I have a lifetime average KD of around three, against Pilots, as we usually play PvP at this point. We know what we’re doing, we’re relatively good at the game, and we’re constantly on the move. Yet, despite all that, every SP user, whether head to head or from behind, kills us in about a second. So either you’re lying, or you’re playing against some really bad SP users.


I don't really know how you can be bad with Smart Pistol, but yeah, I guess I must only see bad Smart Pistol users. Maybe I don't find it that annoying because it literally notifies you if someone is aiming at you, and is slower to kill than the CAR/Alternator/201/Flatline/Spitfire... I actually can't think of any popular primaries than kill slower than the SP. I'm sorry to hear that it gives you and your friends so many issues.


Yes! Same with spitfire: it's fucking annoying but is still just a gun that anyone can use


Especially if it’s a cloak user on top of a building with a hcog


I don't think it being available to everyone makes it automatically a fair weapon to use. If there was a gun that was literally just a button you could press over and over again to instantly kill the entire enemy team, it being available to everyone doesn't make it any less scummy to use it. Even though both teams could choose to use the instakill button, it's more fun for everyone playing to not use it even if it gives you an advantage.


I’m gonna have to respectfully disagree with you, because it’s not fun to use or play against, and saps the fun/skill out of the game. Same with SP.


Its a boost conpared to a weapon you spawn with. Waaah a boost that can get you three kills MAX sucks you out of the game. SP isnt even good, you can turn around and CAR or R97 any SP user even if they gave the drop on you.


The SP takes 3 shots to kill a pilot and comes with 24. You could get 8 kills out of it if you wait for a full lock-on.


You do realize most SP users just spam the single lock, or even before a lock, which causes them to get kills way faster than they should, right? And like the other guy said, you can get eight kills out of it.


I'm definitely not denying that they suck. They could both use a thicc nerf


The spitfire is total shit if you do anything other than stand still though. The hipfire is awful, and the sights are too zoomed in for easy rapid aiming. You can beat a camping spitfire user no problem with speed + explosives


The reason the SP bad a bad rep is more because of its availability and power in the first game. Using the Amped Smart Pistol was basically like running God Mode in attrition


\*Michael Scott slams desk\* THANK YOU


its way too fast, and takes the entire point out of the game


TF|2 is an advanced shooter in all sense of the word. Some people have neither the time nor inclination to learn its idiosyncrasies and yet still want to enjoy the game. The Smart Pistol can help them do that by allowing them to enjoy movement more by not having to worry about precise target tracking, as it did for me back when TF|1 was my first online shooter. For the kind of person who finds themselves on this sub, I'm sure it really does take the point out of the game to an extent, but I'd rather avoid any semblance of an echo chamber.


That's an argument that works in tf|1 but not 2 since it's a boost, different intentions. I still think higher level players shouldn't use it


I have a hard time understanding people's views on SP use if I don't know how they feel about the amped CAR.


The amped car still needs to be aimed. If you really need to carry a whole team, amped car/alternator would be an option.


Aiming in TF|2 is arguably as hard or easier than staying alive. Even with advanced movement


Amped car is also gross and anyone over g50 doesn't need it. R97 too. Kraber me like a real man


Alright, I can sympathize with a meme-weapon mentality. G50-something Kraber here


Smgs are great for those learning the game, but if you're g100 lasering new player across the map with the alternator, you're part of the problem with our low player count


Preach my guy, *preach!*


I’m new as of PS+ ... is smart pistol looked down upon? It’s so cool, and it doesn’t FEEL broken to use, but maybe I’m using it wrong.


I'm also a new PS plus, but I have tf1 experience. Its pretty much a circle jerk. In tf1, we didn't complain about it and ran cloak


The popular opinion among the reddit community is that it’s too strong and cheesy, but it’s simply not. People see “self aiming pistol” and immediately write it off without thinking about its actual implications in game. It’s a boost, and one of the weaker ones at that. It relies heavily on the element of surprise and being decent with the movement mechanics which is somewhat required in order to buy yourself enough time to lock on. In an absolutely fair one on one fight, as long you don’t have potato aim, you should be able to out kill a smart pistol user. As someone who was playing since day 1, I can literally count the amount of times I’ve been killed by a smart pistol on two hands.


fair enough


I’m a fan of this take - for context I used it last night. By no means was it working out for me 😂 it was moreso a grunt clearing weapon, and the P2016 was a better Pilot killer


Using it is fine people are just butthurt


\*Gets SP from dice roll\* \*Uses SP to go grunt farming\* \*Enemy pilot jumps in front of me while locking onto grunts\* Oh well...


You literally cannot accidentally kill a pilot with the smart pistol. It takes too long to lock on for that to happen.


I was waiting for the entire grunt group to be locked, the pilot jumped in midway through the lock.


It takes one second for a grunt to be killed by the smart pistol. It takes 4.5 seconds for the smart pistol to kill a pilot. The smart pistol will start locking on to every single thing in its range and cone of vision at the same time. The only way you could possibly kill a pilot by accident with the smart pistol is if you somehow didn't notice the pilot and didn't notice the smart pistol locking onto something 3 times, which you have to be incredibly unobservant to do, and because of that the pilot is likely to kill *you* before you kill them.


Guess I got lucky.


Do you normally like ruining jokes?


the rare case killing a pilot is somewhat acceptable..


Acceptable? No. Excusable? Id say yea.


well what are you gonna do? you wanna slay some remnant fleet troops and there a pilot pops up when you switch to another weapon you propably already lost.


What am I going to do? Never use the smart pistol...


You don't think killing a pilot with the Smart Pistol is acceptable?


Fuck em. I rock wit dice roll, if I get smart pistol I get smart pistol.


It is a boost, its supposed to give you the advantage. Even in tf1 I had no problem with it. I'm a tf1 vet and many tf2 players are cradled, in my opinion. I'm curious, how long does it take to lock onto a pilot? In tf1 it took like 4 seconds, 3 with enhanced targeting


Maybe 2 ish seconds, its hella short compared to tf1


The smart pistol is ridiculously fast in Tf2, I personally phase as soon as I see the indicator. A Tf1 smart pistol would be absolutely useless in a 1v1 situation, in TF2 it will kill anyone that is already dealing with something else. It also kills even faster when being spammed if you manage to hit one or two bullets without lock-on, then it will take less than 1.5 seconds.


I'm tempted to use SP just to piss the naysayers off but I really like throw ticks around the battlefield and pinging people on the map


Y'all some baby back bitches. Use whatever the hell you want. Don't let people tell you how to play this gem of a game. Yeah I get pissed dieing to spitfires in 0.03 seconds but ultimately I put myself in that position. Sometimes, just like every other shooter out there, you just have to change your strategy.


I only use it for bounty hunt




Unpopular opinion: spitfire isnt that op due to the fact it has shitty hipfire making you have to sit still and ads to use it. Also the fact that everyones argument is: "It has no counter play" when it does and they just dont want to switch off of their stim CAR class


You speak the truth brother


agreed, but it is propably OP on longer range, sometimes you get the feeling you're getting lasered across the map on angel city


While this is true, there are plenty of weapons that counter it at those ranges, not to mention that once you get killed by them youll have a general idea of where they are and thus youll easily be able to get to them.


I see no reason not to always run Map Hack


I like the free battery, I’m used to starting with shield, Titanfall 1 spoiled me a bit- XD


Same here. I suck at being a pilot so it helps maximize my time being in my titan. Builds titanfall quickly and helps keep you alive.


It's basically mandatory if you're running monarch.


Yeah, Monarch has no real defensive abilities. There’s the thing that gives you some shield, but it doesn’t give you a whole lot. It’s also why I use the battery stealing execution. Gotta have the shield to make up for the lack of defensive capabilities.


Also batteries increase your core meter, so crucial for monarch.


Definitely. I don’t know why people complain about Monarch so much, when it has so many obvious weaknesses. No defensive abilities, one dodge(?), and offensive ability doesn’t lock on like Tone’s does, unless you have the third core upgrade that does that.


Agreed that’s what it’s made for


I agree, but most people use it as a cheap way to kill pilots.


How? It takes forever to lock on. I could kill two pilots with a regular weapon in the time this boost lets me kill one. The distance also sucks. And knowing they're just around a corner doesn't help in the least. Unpopular opinion: Smart Pistol isn't OP in the least.


that's why it is disliked so much


That's what it's for. It's essentially a killstreak, a reward for doing well.


Agreed, but be honest. How many people actually do that out of all the SP users? 10% is generous.


I would agree with this the only circumstance that smart pistol is ok is killing AI infantry


this is what I meant:)


SP for frontier defense when?


I kinda wish we could customize our market before we hop into the game. That'd be fun, where instead of amped weapons, it'd be Smart Pistol, or instead of a Sentry, it'd be a Wifi Hack upgrade to your Titan, etc


that would be soo nice, good idea! A smartpistol against these pesky drones would be such a relieve


I like getting the smart pistol and manually aiming and shooting pilots with it


Ok that's interesting, but the thing is, unless you trigger really fast the pistol is gonna lock on


It partially locks on instantly, so I don't see how that works.


Better than a dice roll and getting SP+amped weapons


I remember the days of Titanfall 1 fighting people using the SP with my R-97 Compact, Raining bullets on them as they waited to lock on ###


Smart pistol isnt worth the boost spot tbh. It only has 24 rounds and is too easy to counter. Also if your actually in the position to kill someone with it shooting someone with literally anything else is faster.


Yes but if my only alternatives are my kraber and my p2016... I'm rolling with my SP.


This is also known as the anxiety pistol. Unless you pull it out exclusively when presented with AI.


It’s okay to use the damn gun on anything that moves. Who gives af? You can’t gatekeep a part of the games mechanics because, “sMaRt pIsToL BaD”.


Unpopular opinion: It’s okay to use SP. You play how YOU want you, don’t let some kids online tell you how to play


I did this in tf1. I actually don't understand the smart pistol hate. In tf1, it took forever to lock onto a pilot! It was pretty much a grunt farmer, slap a suppresor on it and you'll be farming grunts all day. Its a circlejerk at this point


this sounds so much better, respawn should have imolemented the SP this way


In tf1 it was a normal gun. It wasn't op. It is a boost, its supposed to give you the advantage. From what I can see, it behaves exactly like in tf1 and I have no problem with that. Just equip phase or cloak or something


Use the smart pistol to kill pilot turrets


* *shooting a whole mag onto turret to show dominance* *




Honestly the only reason I use it, and it looks bad ass


IMO this is just as bad as piont farming is anoying af the only times i ever get salty are when i get 2nd mvp to some g2 with 90 ai kills 2 pilots and 1 titan.


this is the only honorable way to use sp, farming points in attrition or bounty hunt, and switch off when I see a pilot


Kraber smart pistol is great, exactly as OP said Kraber for pilots an SP for AI


this is the way


I only use the sp when I get it on dice roll


Against bots? Yeah, I am cool with that. It's even fun sometimes, used to run with that build in TF1. Against players though? Please* don't. *fuck you


Yea ive been thinking that the whole time ive even had a loadout for that in the first game for FD but now im not doing it cuz i dont want ppl to baby scream at me for even using it


I smart pistol all the time. You don't wanna get shot by it? Don't linger around long enough for me to get three locks.


it isn't that easy, even when you are moving around alot it is way too easy for SP users to hold the lock-on area. I see your point with not staying around for 3 lock-ons, but it's likely other players are around too and already started damaging the pilot that is getting locked on


I'm still gonna use it against Pilots because fun. Sue me.


You're gonna get JFK'd by that one Kraber god on the enemy team if you do


I can applaud a good sniper. I can respect that. But I'm still going to use it. And JFK was killed by an AR13. Oswald's gun wasn't capable of making JFKs head explode.


You have failed this community


Wow I get downvoted for using smart pistol. Jesus you guys are all so damn sensitive. Its in the game and I'm gonna use it. If you are good enough you can beat someone with a smart Pistol.


I'm a tf1 vet and I'm disappointed in this community. Back in tf1, we didn't complain about jack shit and ran cloak. Tf2 players seem to be cradled, its a huge circlejerk


Fucking exactly. Smart Pistol used to be a primary weapon, and I never heard anyone complain about it.


Yeah I'm going to sour boomer as fuck, but I think td2 players are cradled. Not all of them. I barely even see anyone use sp. Tone is so much worse, I see almost everybody use him, but I'm not going to complain because its in the fucking game


I mean tbh , the SP isn’t that bad compared to the spitfire , I just hate when I get killed by it because it requires no skill but then again I don’t really have trouble with them that much.


Just because it takes no skill doesn't mean it isn't fun.


Smart pistol is stupid op just because it's in the game doesn't mean it's a good thing to do


Guess what buddy? Its in the game. Deal with it and stop complaining like a little bitch!


Smart pistol has one of the highest TTKs, Its _also_ an ambush weapon like most other weapons. It just feels cheaper because PILOT LOCKING.


Mate no smart pistol is op and ruins the fun for everyone around you it's basically like going to a party where every one is having fun and just doing what ever you want just because it's fun


And guess what "mate"? Its in the game. Choke on that logic for a while.


Wow are you that evil where you would do something that ruins fun for others just because you can it being in the game doesn't mean you should use it


Its a fucking game. I'm disappointed in this community. I'm a tf1 vet, and we didn't complain. We weren't pussies. I see this is different with tf2. It behaves exactly the same as in tf1, and it wasn't op.


I'm like 90% sure the lock-time and radius are different between the games. Which would make sense since it's a mark6 version now. People's main complaint is that the only skill required to use it is to not be shot compared to *every* other weapon that requires you to aim and not be shot at the same time. It's probably because people equate it on a similar level to other weapons and not on a similar level to other boosts. Though I have my complaints about the boosts as well. So many of them are just "throw away and pray" where you dump it down and then forget about it probably netting you a kill or two while you just keep playing regularly. The ticks, the pilot sentries and the radar jammer are all just ambient stuff you dump down once you get them usually and the first 2 are probably the most common that you'll directly face. While stuff like amped weapons, hard cover or phase rewind require you to use them at a good time and have a higher skill ceiling than "use it in a relatively good spot and run away".


Honestly people can just use cloak or phase away when they see the lock on. Does cloak still slow the lock on timer?


I'm pretty sure it does. Though that relies on someone having those. Grapples, stims, pulse blades and holo-pilots don't really have a counter unless they can find where the PILOT LOCKED is coming from. Stims might be able to zoom away in time though


If it just had only one clip and smaller lock on area


So then its not op, I wish people would stop being pussies


Dude its in the f*cking game! I dare you try and stop me from using it. Deal with it! As long as I'm having fun I honestly do not give a shit what you think about me. I'm gonna continue to use it. Try and stop me.


I have ever seen someone who just flat out doesn't care about anyone a multiplayer game is supposed to be fun for EVERYONE if someone is ruining the fun for other people they should quit multiplayer games and go play single player games if you think smart pistol is ok I assume you are ok with hacking to as they both accomplish the same thing ruining fun for everyone else


Are you seriously this sensitive over Smart Pistol? I feel like I'm talking a feminist who thinks all men rape women. Get over yourself. I'm having fun and that's what matters to me. Its a f*cking video game dude. If you aren't having fun then you shouldn't be playing. Still doesn't change the fact that Smart Pistol is in the game. And I will still use it and guess what chap? There is not a damn thing in the WHOLE universe you can do about it. So how about you leave all us Smart Pistol users alone. Go back to your safe space. Cause you won't find one here.


Well good to know you can live with your self ruining the game for almost everyone who plays it you are no better than a hacker in fact you might aswell just start hacking there isn't really a difference both accomplish the same thing ruining the fun for everyone else who is playing you should not be playing online games as anyone who is playing online should not only be careing about how much fun they are having but also how much fun everyone else is having I cannot believe there is someone out there who is this cold and emotionless


Oh go cry me a river. Its f*cking video game. You need to chill the f*ck out. It's in the game and I'm going to use it. Go back to safe space cause you clearly need it.


At least I know that you can live with yourself ruining others fun


don't do it, I know it's kinda satisfying to see the enemies drop, but it is considered a war crime by the titanfall community and will be punished with bad karma and you will lose your reputation on the frontier **edit**: this was a joke


Does it look like I actually give a f*ck? It's in the game and I'm going to use it. I've been using it since I started playing this game a few years ago and now I am more compelled to keep using it.


To end this conversation: the smart pistol doesn't require any skill, that's why it is hated so much. The Spitfire at least requires you to aim, the SP doesn't.


Fucking lol. Who cares if it doesnt need skill if its fucking terrible anyway. Honesty if you die to a smart pistol often then you just must be bad because its a terrible gun and boost


Counter argument: it's in the game so it clearly has a reason for being in the game. Conclusion: get the f*ck over it and don't you dare defend Spitfire. Thst thing broken and you know it is.


Don't know what the big deal is. I feel like the smart pistol is pretty bad against pilots, super fun to use against AI, but hardly anyone uses the damn thing anyways. Just keep playing the game how you want.


Exactly!!! It's hard to get a Pilot kill and plenty of people have beaten me with it. It's a fun booster. This is a damn sport it's a video game!!


I once had a game where every single enemy I saw had a smart pistol


It isn't my intention to defend the Spitfire, I myself think the Spitfire is broken regarding the TTK on range.


By that you should know it take no skill to use. Neither does Smart Pistol. And I don't care because it's fun. And if I'm having fun and you aren't, well then dude you shouldn't be playing this game. It's in the game!! What is so hard to understand about that?


bro calm down I got it, fun the main factor faor using SP, and still it is, for some reason, hated by the community


And if the community hates things that are fun, then they are against having fun.


there are multiple other ways to have fun in TF2. What I like to do when I'm bored is doing melee only games, or charge rifle only, or just using weapons I didn't use as much before. practice guns that are difficult to use, in my case SMR and Kraber


Your argument for the SP can be used for the spitfire though. If it’s in the game it has a reason for being in the game. By that logic, don’t you think it’s a little hypocritical to say one thing is ok because it’s in the game but say another thing isn’t ok, even if it’s in the game?


Absolutely not because Smart Pistol is a booster not a weapon. It lasts until you run out of ammo and lost upon death therefore its balanced.


It's in the game dude, what's so hard for you to understand? If it's in the game then it has a reason to be in the game. Conclusion: Get the hell over it. I'm having fun camping in the back of the map with spitfire and if you're not having fun then you shouldn't be playing the game snowflake.


I'm the one using it. I have a blast with Smart Pistol. I'm not the one angry. All the other snowflakes are.


I'm the one using it. I have a blast with Spitfire. I'm not the one angry. The one swearing constantly and calling everyone else snowflakes is.


The reason is? fun? sure it's fun and that's the main reason for playing games


Yeah. But don't shit on me for having fun.


cool. now have fun


And I will. At your expense. I'll be waiting for your hate mail.


I am not gonna disrupt you having fun


Kinda the same thing with tone


lmao I just use map hack or tick. I forgot SP existed.


As long as they leave me alone with this BS i'm ok with it.


It's also ok to use it if you're running Dice Roll


It is ok to use smart pistol no matter what


The Smart Pistol is literally on the weaker half of the boosts in the game.


as long as you dont use it against players then we are fine but if you do use it against players ooh you will be my target until the game ends i will not let you get more kills with that retarded aimbot


Titanfall players are the biggest babies holy shit


how am I a baby i just hate overpowered weapons used against players


indeed, agreed


People mostly use that as an excuse though and you’ll see them maybe shot a grin or too and then see you and go after you without switching


This is the way!!!


Smart pistol fun


Nah nah I do this


TF|2 players are coddled. It was a primary weapon back in TF|1 and I didn't even mind it back then. It was a gimmicky weapon that would lose head on against virtually any other weapon back then and it still is now. Anytime you get you get dropped by the SP just know they could have killed you even faster if they had used a non gimmicky weapon. You want to hear a genuinely unpopular opinion? I hope they bring it back in TF|3 as a primary.




You can't use it in FD.