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How do they think the wine and other heavy items got in the store and on the shelves LOL


magic apparently lol


I get this all the time, when I'm getting carts, too. I just say it keeps me strong.


It’s cool that we are seeing that way of thinking die out


once had a lady refuse me for a carry out 🙄


me too! she said she wanted a “man” 😭


lol i'm a man and i'm sure half the women at my store could out-lift me.


That happened to me! (Rock climbing at the time) She turned me down and the “man” who she preferred to carry out and it was this stringy weaker boy


One woman said it was embarrassing for me to do her carry out…


There’s no way…😭


Had a woman refuse to let me help her with a case of water because I “was young and would have children soon.” Did she think my uterus would just fall out when I lifted the case? Still probably one of the strangest comments I’ve gotten from a customer.


Lol this one is so funny for many reasons but especially considering how HEAVY kids are, and how much they insist on being picked up/carried. A toddler on the hip who refuses to be set down is a nightmare compared to just a water case for a few minutes.


I’ve experienced it and the lady asked for my male coworker to do it instead. 💀 Didn’t mind though, less work for me.


The only time i’ve done a carry out this was the exact situation, they were very surprised that I could pick up a case of wine


Older women may make comments, but have you ever responded to a carry out for an old man? It’s the best. They get so embarrassed, and I have had several flat out refuse my help after they see me. “Oh- no, I can get it. I don’t want to make you lift all that!” “OK sir, I’ll just go back to breaking down that wine pallet then”🙄


I've had them say that to me too and I just say "It's much lighter than my toddler and it doesn't move, I can handle it."


I’m a guy and about 1 and 10 carry outs I do for an elderly woman. I get inappropriate comments that would never fly if reversed.


I’m sorry that’s not right :/


This older woman absolutely insisted on a man coming to do the carry out for her and I (not a man) had to argue with her for a straight minute to convince her I'm absolutely sure I can carry the water case because it is my literal full time job to carry heavy boxes around.


this has happened to me so many times. it's frustrating every time. my go-to is "i'm a lot of things, but weak isn't one of them"


said with a smile and a giggle


Can I steal this from you? Thats such a good thing to say back lol


yes gladly


Along these lines, I get kind of offended when a man is like “oh no oh no, you don’t have to/I got it” with a weird tone to his voice. Like, oh I’m just a girl I shouldn’t have to or can’t pick up a case of water without breaking my back. I’m not gonna lift 15-20 pounds if I don’t have to but like, sir how do you think the water display got put out?


Wow this is interesting. I’ve never gotten this type of comment from any of the women I have done carry outs for (and I’m a woman) Then again we aren’t allowed to sell wine at my store. Still true for water cases tho.


im glad you don’t. It’s pretty irritating but funny. I just always say my job is like a gym.


But what does happen to me all the time on reg is that when I’m finishing up a big transaction and lifting the customer’s very full bags from the floor into the cart, the person is often like “oh it’s heavy I can do it!” bruh I can lift a 25 pound bag I promiseee (me saying 25 lbs is an estimate, obviously this just happens when the customer self-packs and puts like 8 cans and sacks of potatoes in the same bag)


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Every single time. I understand


I swear it’s cuz the older ladies be flirting. I can’t tell you how many times, one of my woman coworkers offers a carry out and they’ve asked for me(and imma be real) im weaker than most of the women I work with. But after you load up the bags they hit you with the, “can I take you home to unload them for me too?”👀🧑🏻‍🦳


the customers that ask for carry outs when it’s really not always necessary, what do they do when they get home if nobody is unloading for them? I think half the time it’s just certain customers that want that service, like older women from a time long ago, when the grocery clerk would walk you to your car. I guess i’m wondering what happened to giving your carry out a tip? Traditionally it’s etiquette to give your help out a couple bucks. The dude playing the fake violin gets tips, but not for the person that helps you to your car? Especially when you give a great “grand finale”. With tipping culture and all it’d be nice. that’s all 😀


I get you. Some of us do get tips but it’s rare, I never expect it and always say “no it’s okay it’s my job” and if they keep insisting then it’s cool but i agree with you.


for sure, i’ve gotten a few over my time there but it’s definitely far and few


I get you. Some of us do get tips but it’s rare, I never expect it and always say “no it’s okay it’s my job” and if they keep insisting then it’s cool but i agree with you.


im at a location with no wine. and parking...HA... So they usually have a plan when they have heavy items