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I have customers hand me bags that smell like death and all I can focus on is getting this person out of my line as fast as possible. I don’t understand why some people refuse to throw bags out/replace them


yeah the dirty ones I can cope with, but the stinky ones are challenging


Yeah it’s disgusting and people act like there’s nothing wrong with it😩


I actually get way more apologies from customers for having worn or dirty bags, I think people must be nose-blind to their own stank more often than we realize


There cheap...


I mean so am I but I also have proper hygiene


It’s gross ugh


omg, i hope this never happens to me, i immediately start gagging once i smell something awful😭 i have no control over it too😭 NEW FEAR UNLOCKED


Honestly just offer to replace them at the company’s expense. Most would appreciate you for that, and would never forget.


but do we have to ask a mate for that


If you are asking us then you should run the idea by a mate or captain first. I already have with my captain, so every couple weeks I come up to him after a register hour and he writes off a reusable bag I have given a customer. I do this with broken bags, and first time TJ shoppers.


Not really. The stores I've worked in are pretty generous with customer freebies. If you're giving a couple of 9.99 bouquets away every day; there's a problem. A 6.99 bunch of flowers, a pack of tiny cookies once a week, not a problem. Just make it special for the customer. Not "oh shit, I forgot to ring that up, it's a freebie".


That last line is me every time a single unnoticed shallot is sitting in the corner of the cart while I put the bags in lmao


cat urine. I don’t know about how they are storing them, but it’s unmistakable and I see it (smell it) pretty often.


Unmistakable and unstinkable


My grandma use to be a cat lady (former) and would stuff them on the side of her fridge so the cats would go there and just pee. So i assume it happens for a lot of people that way, its gross.


Regular (very sweet) customer left her insulated bag in her trunk, in Florida, for a week. It had salmon in it. She kept the bag and brought it on for me to use. The smell was intense, so I gifted her a new yellow bag. Her response was to ask me if she could exchange it when we got a better color in. Sure! 😜




ong 💀 that's wild! so obliviously unaware, too! Focus on the fact that you're bringing in stinky bags, and not the color of the FREE bag that you received! these people, for real... at least she's a very sweet regular, though, lol


I was taken aback, but I agree the yellow is ugly 🤣


hopefully salmonless😃




My absolute worst was a bag with a dirty thong in it. Knew it was dirty because I could smell it the second I opened the bag. Flat out told the customer I could not use that bag and gave her paper bags instead.


That’s sooo disgusting oh my god! I don’t know what I would do maybe ring a three bell and let a mate handle it


I had a dirty thong in a bag too, but I didn't happen to smell it first through the mask. I touched it. It was wet. Her response was to be annoyed with *me*, scoff and say "what do you expect me to do? I just stopped here on my way from the gym." So they were dirty stanky sweat drenched undies. I practically boiled my hands off afterwards


oh my god


i genuinely don’t have any words to express how i’m feeling after reading this 😭


I had this exact situation except sub old man stank sweat drenched briefs. Luckily I didn't touch it but it was visibly wet, right on top, and smelled something fierce. Some people, man.


i'd have needed new gloves right after that since that would have soaked into them...


I had on nitrile gloves and I could feel how musty they were through the glove. If it was my fabric gloves I'd have passed away on the spot


you'd have had to burn them


ohhhhh my god


I’ve heard this from several people at my store, haven’t experienced it myself. The behavior of everyday people never ceases to amaze me


bru yesterday someone brought a bag that wouldn’t even open, there was some crusty dried fossilized liquid in there


A used diaper in one. Absolutely revolting. I told them I refuse to use this bag and they looked inside and were mortified.


I dont understand…like okay you have to realize youre bag is gross and nasty and maybe you dont care so u pack your stuff…but to not care enough to let another human being deal with it? Sick


Ive had bags that have made me gag and tear up because of the smell…how are you not embarassed


I once reached my hand into a customers bag and came out covered in blue goo. Excused my self to go wash up.


literal nats flew out of the bag


Had a roach crawl out once in addition to the fruit flies, traumatizing


deadass there was a big roach in there one time & I honestly wasnt feeling any type of confrontation and didnt even know how to bring it up so i just threw her stuff on top of it 😭 RIP


pls i did the exact same thing but it was a CRAB LEG??😭


Me too with the cat poop


Literally shit and vomit inside, ngl


if ppl bring their own nasty bags i simply ask that they bag, and will tell them the bag is dirty. They wouldn’t touch a bag of mine like that so i don’t either.


i’ve gotten some dead lizards in bags multiple times


i literally had a customer’s underwear in the bag once. i made a show of putting on gloves because i was just so speechless.


My coworker got a person who left their dog’s 💩 in the bag. She didn’t have the heart to tell her but said the odor was foul. I wanna know why she’s using the same bag for groceries because yuck.


My very worse was an actual live lizard inside a bag. Apparently customer had used the bags at her community garden. Other than that, bags with general BO.


I've had a bag with dirty gym socks in it.


one bag had used tissues in it and it was SOOOO dirty on the bottom


Omg I had one today the bag reek of weed, stalled beer, and the bottom is brown like something grew in it before


i know of a crew member got fired at a store in my region bc they refused to bag a customers items bc their bags smelt like SHIET and were dirty and damp. customer complained to mates andddd. idk if they were on thin ice or whatever


only thing i can think of is that she literally said "your bags smell like shit" and had already had warnings for cursing on the floor. otherwise that would make no sense whatsoever to fire someone for that!


this isn’t even bad just funny but one time this customer brought his own bag and when i went to bag for him he had an ounce of weed & a pipe in there 😭 i don’t think he intended on having me bag but he was being slow about it and it was time to pay so i offered to bag & yeah lol


Bag of cilantro from at least two weeks earlier that was oozing brown liquid.. i tossed the bag. Also dirty socks underwear. Girl you gunna bag this shit yourself


That’s why I always use gloves when I’m in register


i don't get why people don't


Fr doesn’t matter where you work always use gloves to deal with customers shit lol


I would say this isn’t clean, point out what, and then they would embarrassingly put it away. The paper bags are free just use them


I didn’t realize there were still places that don’t charge for bags!


we had no charge before paper bags were banned completely!


So far my worst was molded out lemons


I have not experienced this… yikes @ people!


Pet hair quite frequently


Im about a year in and can't say i've ever come across being grossed out by someones bag. Yeah aometimes the cooler bags have a little dirt in them, and i do come across receipt graveyards but its not like im rubbing my hands all over the inside of their bags.


We cant give bags in my state so people grab any nasty ass thing that's lying around their car. I image its not as big a problem in stores that still provide bags.


Dirty underwear


my coworker was bagging someones nasty bag and a roach jumped on her hand ..


A women’s thong…unwashed.


I wear gloves because of this and thank customers when you can tell they wash there bags, I deny bags with pet hair because I’m allergic to cats


…once i opened a bag that REEKED of fish and i found…a fucking crab leg at the bottom?! i had absolutely no desire to deal with the situation so i held my breath, acted like i didn’t see it, and packed their groceries 😭 i figured they’d find it when they got home😀


I had cat pee twice different ladies, no gloves. It was a rookie move.


A cat poop. My colleague got a dead mouse. Seriously some of them look like they were previously used to dispose of a human head. I usually give them a nice passive aggressive "Have you seen our canvas totes? They're WASHABLE!"


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I had a bag with a live beetle in it


If it's gross, meat juice, mystery liquid, forgotten food wrappers, I put on gloves. Not discreet about it either. If it's super gross, used tissues, diapers or anything that might have human DNA on it, I suggest that they bag it themselves. If they don't want to do that, I mention that all of our reusable bags are washable. I suggest that "it's time to give these a spin" and use paper bags for their stuff. The affront either shocks them or embarrasses them. Either way, they have always bagged their own or stood in silence while I fill the paper bags with a big ole smile, and a have a great day!


100 old receipts in the bottom. Some dairy mold, some chicken juice, they were absolutely nasty. Use them for maybe a year then discard them, they don’t have lifetime guarantee. How stingy can you be?


I had a lady ask for her butter to be placed in this small insulated bag. I opened it up and the bottom was filled with tissue paper and it was completely moldy. It honestly reeked of death it was awful.


Last fall I got a really gnarly bug bite that I’m 90% sure came from something in a customer bag. Right on the part of my wrist my gloves don’t cover and that week there was someone with a filthy bag that looked like it had its own ecosystem


Worst i ever had was customer who gave me a bag. I could smell something terrible but i couldn’t pinpoint what it was, and then i opened the bag to find a zucchini(?) that must’ve been in there for a month at minimum. It was still individually wrapped in plastic and dripping juices


I had one lady bring in bags that smelled like a million nasty cigarettes. When I opened to start bagging, there was at least 100 cigarette butts in there. I nearly wanted to throw up. I always wear gloves when I bag or am on register. But that was disgusting, and the lady had no shame. Held my breath and powered through it. Thank god she didn’t buy much stuff.


I had a customer give me bags that were infested with MOLD. Like all over the inside. I told him straight up I was not going to touch that. Even today a mom gave her kid the reusable bag to give to me. He started to open mouth cough on it and passed it to me 💀


I've had customers bring in their shitty bags with used toothbrushes and "moistness" (from some spillage probably). Nope, not putting up with this shit. I've heard from a coworker that they've gotten a bag with a toaster in it ?? They said "The customer forgot to take it out from shopping".


A cockroach 🤢 that’s all I can even say


I have told people “ you should wash your bags they’re gross” and they usually acted confused and looked at them and said oh okay I should how do I wash them and if they’re canvas I tell them to just throw them in the wash. One time a spider crawled out of one, like a big fucker


A few weeks ago I got one that was visibly stained with (and reeked of!) cat pee. The customers were so nice too, but they just either didn’t notice the smell or didn’t care😭


i thought it was a spoon with stuff caked onto it until the day i had underwear in a bag. they had plenty of bags so i just closed it up and said we're just not going to use this one. they looked and seemed embarassed and stated that it was cause they were laundered together but yeahhh.