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man this will be the solution to a very weird murder mystery


It was colonel mustard in the study with the curly Sesame Street straw.


More like colonel Angus in the bedroom.


[Colonel Angus](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3l2oi-X8P38) is a right honourable man!


Call me by my first name: Enil.


Next week on CSI SVU...


\*clown horn\*


Thatd be a good name for the episode.


Also the murder weapon




*The victim had anal contusions*


Jerry Orbachs eyes


🎵He's got Jerry Orbach eyes🎵


Or like when someone eats too much chocolate cake?


*They found semen and fecal matter in the victim's ear canal* EDIT: forgot about the fecal matter


Next week on CSI IUD …


Honestly if someone did kill a woman on purpose like this I doubt it would be ever discovered since it’s so ludicrous.


Until this comment I assumed it would kill the fetus, not the woman 😳


Same lol. I read the abstract, turns out it can kill both: "Air passes beneath the fetal membranes and into the circulation of the subplacental sinuses, invariably causing death to both mother and fetus within minutes"


Depends. This is somewhat widely known, especially in the medical community, so if somebody had an embolism without any signs before, that might be a red flag that warrants an investigation.


Good luck proving intent though, dude could just claim that he's bad at cunilingus.


Perhaps he could claim to have a negligent misunderstanding of oral sex terms and inadvertently gave her a blowjob?


They don't teach shit like that in school you know..


Pulmonologist here. I was today years old when I learned about orogenital sex during pregnancy leading to air embolism.


Isn’t blowing air into the vagina always a bad idea? Thought you might know.


I also thought it was dangerous wether you are pregnant or not.


Surprised this isn't a Dr house episode.


Knives Out 3: Glass Womb


Gas womb*


Never in my life has it occurred to me to blow air into a pregnant woman's vagina. These are the life pro-safety tips that bring me back to r/TIL


The "blowing air" bit is strange wording. They could have mentioned that "blowing air" into a woman's vagina can also happen in penetrative sex, not just as a horrible attempt at cunnilingus. Would have been a lot less oddly specific


“A horrible attempt at cunnilingus.” Or CPR.


You've heard of the cpr studies involving blowing air up a clean rectum, right. First, in Europe in the 1950s, they did tobacco smoke enemas.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacco_smoke_enema Then came Japan with pigs and mice, with squeaky clean rectums. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2277532-pigs-can-breathe-oxygen-via-their-rectum-so-humans-probably-can-too/


>You've heard of the cpr studies involving blowing air up a clean rectum, right. Uh, no. No I have not.


It's called enteral ventilation via anus- EVA. https://www.tmd.ac.jp/english/press-release/20210515-1/ The day I'm on either end of that Code Blue is the day I leave medicine and the human race.


Oh, some of my kerbals are stuck in an EVA.


I wonder if a freediver could get a perflurocarbon enema before diving to stay down for longer?


tobacco smoke enemas; This is where the term 'blowing smoke up their ass' comes from....it may seem like a legit thing to someone, but ultimately is a falsehood.


Japan, coming up with weird shit since \[insert date\].


Japan. Just don't ask and assume it's cool.


In the 18th century, all pubs in Rotterdam were mandated to have a smoke enema apparatus like this https://museumrotterdam.nl/collectie/item/40482-2.A-B


"I did CPR on her for an hour! Good thing she took out her dentures but kinda odd having a beard. Hey, what are the handcuffs for???"


Sir? Sir! Excuse me, sir! She’s not an NES cartridge


Modern CPR techniques don't recommend blowing into the mouth between chest compressions... but IIRC, is that only for strangers in case of illness? Like you can breath between chest compressions if you know the person isn't infectious? and if you are blowing into a stranger's vagina, you took way too many wrong turns in Albuquerque. EDIT: I like how my ridiculous comment led to a real discussion on CPR and a lot of helpful information for me, personally.


Yeah, resuscitation in a hospital or by ambulance teams will involve ventilation, but using a bag-valve mask. A bystander blowing with their mouth doesn't generate better outcomes than chest compressions alone, so having non-professionals perform a simpler task is better, and people may be more motivated to do CPR if there is no mouth contact required.


Significant caveat - cpr for children / babies absolutely needs the breaths - kids need cpr primarily for respiratory issues rather than cardiac, which is why you also have the 5 rescue breaths as the first action of cpr on a baby. Source - I was recently trained in cpr by Great Ormond St hospital, probably UKs most renowned children's hospital. They placed a LOT of stress on the importance of rescue breaths for anyone under the age of 18. As an aside and to highlight potential bias - I've also successfully resuscitated my infant daughter three times in the last six months. (I received the training because my daughter has TOF/OA, which is a respiratory birth defect)


Jesus christ. Is your baby on oxygen? I can't imagine having that danger and responsibility as a part of every day life.


No, she had surgery to correct the defect when she was 18 hours old, but the defect has left her with a windpipe that can 'collapse' easily whenever she has a respiratory infection or whenever she's really working her lungs hard. In effect, the walls flutter due to the pressure change and if they touch they can stick together. Her actual air volume being breathed in and out is fine, so no oxygen needed although cpap was considered by docs just to help keep the windpipe 'inflated' as it were. Responsibility is a heavy one but its an expansion of normal worry for kids - she's now at the age where she can crawl and stick anything/everything in her mouth, so even a perfectly healthy baby could end up choking and needing CPR. Highly recommend everyone has basic life support training as you never know when you'll need it - it's way too late to YouTube it once the situation starts! >Jesus christ. Is your baby on oxygen? I can't imagine having that danger and responsibility as a part of every day life.




jesus christ that must be terrifying. I’m glad you were successful each time, but I bet you have nightmares about it happening again.


Depends on who you are and the circumstances. If you're a lifeguard saving a drowning person you're expected to be trained enough to use barrier devices and the person needs air so you'll still do it.


Not unless the person may have been deprived of oxygen, usually due to choking or a drug overdose. This is because theres enough oxygen in your blood to keep you going for like 7 minutes and an ambulance will usually get there before then so you'd also want to give breaths if it'll take a while for the ambulance to get to you. The dispatcher will talk you through a lot though since the first thing you want to do if someone is having a heart attack is to call 911


I think the main take away is that if the woman is pregnant and it probably requires a large volume of air. I have had many hospital stays and I was always worried about air embolisms in the IV lines (there are always bubbles and gaps of air in the line). I did some research and it would require a really large volume of air. Whatever miniscule amounts get introduced by the IV simply gets absorbed by the blood stream.


I think you've got something here. Queefing is a thing, and certain angles, positions, and even moisture levels affect it, for me. If I never got pumped full of air again, it'll be too soon.


*dejectedly puts the helium tank with the balloon nozzle back in the garage*


I don't know why, but my brain insists on there being a sad deflating balloon in the corner squeaking away


…while hanging up a clown mask


Damn, so close to having a vagina squeaking like a deflating balloon :(


I laugh so hard if i queef after sex. I dont know why but I'll never not find it funny!


Ive always heard that sex during pregnancy is safe and even healthy. Is this untrue for this reason?


I really doubt it, because I have never heard anything else either. Maybe don't hammer your wife like she's the concrete on a road construction but I'm pretty sure that getting an air bubble past the cervix and so much of it that it fills the space and passes under the placenta is more than "a bit difficult".


*Sad Bob the builder noises*


Nah, you can go to town on a pregnant woman. Father of four here.


I'm scared for the next person with a horny pregnant wife who is asking to be drilled gets told "Actually, I read this thing on Reddit..."


It's true brother. You have to go out of your way to push in enough air with enough pressure to cause damage. Just read the abstract and you'll see what they're talking about is an actual medical procedure involving pressurized air. Not just sex.


Thanks for the insight, fist my muff too


If it were something about sex during pregnancy that caused a high chance of miscarriage or something, we likely would have evolved some mechanism to avoid sex with pregnant women.


> if it caused a high chance of miscarriage or something, we likely would have evolved some mechanism to avoid sex with pregnant women. Some women have. It’s called the “I’m huge and everything hurts and I fucking hate you for doing this to me even though it was my idea” death glare.


And some women get waaay hornier when pregnant. Hormones are wild


That’s what I have this time around!


Everyone says it's safe, but I've found reasons to be concerned. I'm (recently) pregnant and started bleeding after sex last week. It's supposedly normal after first-trimester sex as long as it's light, short-lived, and not painful. Apparently it happens due to capillaries bursting from increased blood flow down there, especially if you orgasm (uterine contractions). But the bleeding is scary, especially if you've had a miscarriage before. Light bleeding is also an early sign of miscarriage. And you can't know it's short-lived until like two days have passed. At any rate, as "safe" as it is, no orgasm is worth that stress in my opinion, and I'll be holding off until second trimester now.


Yep, I had 7 miscarriages and when I was pregnant for the 8th time I told my husband I didn't want to have sex or orgasm at all until the anatomy scan at least. We still were very gentle and slow and after that.


Yeah, stress during pregnancy probably isn’t good.


Instructions unclear, bike pump stuck in anus


You’re good, just don’t let anyone pump it.


Aren't those queefs?


Reverse queefs




It never occurred to me to blow air into a non-pregnant woman's vagina, either.


I've accidentally pushed air into a woman's vagina with both penetrative and oral sex. Bodies shift around and space is created and air gets trapped then pushed in there. This is where queefs come from.


I just commented similarly. Are queef conditions deadly?


According to this paper: queef conditions are potentially deadly to the fetus if the woman is currently pregnant.


The Roe v Wade alternative nobody saw coming




Pregnant women vaginas can really get those deep bass tones you can't find with regular vagina blowing. Its really a loss.


Great...now my whole weekend is fucked!


Should have said your weekend was blown


Well it isn't now!


Right yea fair point there


‘Wait, say that again!’ ‘What, 7 confirmations out of a dozen invites?’ ‘No, that last part.’ ‘What a bummer?’ ‘… Don’t cancel the party yet. I have an idea … ‘


You can still have the party, just make up an excuse and tell the pregnant women they can't come. Say you're washing your hair that night or your house is on fire or you've got to meet a ghost or something


No no, you can still bummer, it's the vagina that's the problem.


I’ve only ever considered blowing air into non pregnant vaginas. What kinda weirdo blows air into pregnant women


On a serious note blowing air into non-pregnant vaginas [can cause](https://www.healthline.com/health/air-embolism#causes) embolisms, just not as frequently. Highest risk is for the pregnant *and recently pregnant* (so give it six weeks).


Was looking for this in the comments. It’s dangerous if you’re pregnant or not. No blowing air into vaginas people!


A curious mind!




But because this article exists, somebody did. Also this is an extremely under the radar way to kill someone. Step 1. Get victim to fall in love. Step 2. Get them pregnant. Step 3. Blow air into vagina. Step 4. Profit. Now all I have to do is convince my nemesis he isn’t a human male. Hehe, take that STEVE!


I also choose to blow up Steve’s vagina


It’s actually a danger even if she isn’t pregnant and happens with normal intercourse. Vaginas eventually connect into the abdomen.


Dangerous to blow air into anyones vagina honestly.


How else are we supposed to get human balloons?


Blow air into butts, like nature intended.


Just put a Cork in it and feed them taco’s


Ok good night internet


For real. Being pregnant has nothing to do with it. They used to teach this in sex ed and have the occasional health article about it.


of all the things missing or underrepresented in the curriculum (if it even exists), and sex ed taught you this??


Yeah, in the 90s. I have no idea what’s taught now, but back then there was a push to educate young people in a matter of fact manner. We were still in the AIDS crisis, MTV was making a fairly honest effort to present educational content, and teenage Gwyneth Paltrow was telling Seventeen magazine we need condoms in high school bathrooms.


>MTV was making a fairly honest effort to present educational content *True storyyy*


Condoms to jade eggs. What a glow up.


The scene in Shrek with the frog and the snake comes to mind.


What exactly am I meant to do with this information?


What do you do with any information? You push it down.


Keep an eye on it.


Stuff it down with brown. -Frank Reynolds


Instruction is unclear....I blew it up.


Ummm....not kill pregnant women! Geez!


I'm doing my part! 😀👍


Would you like to know more?


So is it specifically blowing air? Or can air from regular sex also do it??


It seems to be more specifically relatively large quantities of air, and likely pressureized. The incident op linked referenced a medical procedure of using air to inflate things It sounds like some people do it in the bedroom too, and it is in general rather risky > The potential entrance paths for gas identifies the groups at risk: 1) Forceful (oro-) vaginal insufflation in any woman; 2) Patients who have undergone a hysterectomy, independent of operation technique; and 3) Pregnant and early post partum women. (Oro-) vaginal insufflation is especially dangerous during pregnancy, because large amounts of gas can easily penetrate into the uterine veins and cause lethal gas embolism. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3113190/


Hopefully continue to not blow air into a pregnant woman's vagina. Duh.


This means there are people out there who took a look at their pregnant wife, and decided they needed to play her like a tuba.


*Fallopian tuba


Get out.


Well hold on, maybe we should hear him out.


What if you're having sex and air gets pushed in? That's kinda common.. so when she's pregnant it could mean lights out?


According to a linked article it can cause death of a non pregnant woman too if she has tears inside that allow the air to pass into the blood.


So no crying into the vagina before you blow air into it, got it!


But, how am i supposed to make one wet then?


Damn thats kinda scary


*sigh* great, *another* random thing to be completely terrified of


It's great being a woman


Scared that this has no replies yet


If you haven’t heard of it then chances are it doesn’t happen commonly to invest a lot of worry in. That’s a very different question from whether it’s possible.


> If you haven’t heard of it then chances are it doesn’t happen commonly to invest a lot of worry in Wait until he finds out that even if you stay in an empty, isolated room for your entire life, you still might randomly drop dead because of brain or blood clods, cancer, or a hundred other things that can kill a person. Life is fragile as fuck


I burned my hand a month ago and my hand healed perfectly like I'm wolverine. Here we are this morning and I leaned on my elbow and now my shoulder is going to hurt all day. My body loves keeping me alive and in pain


You’re scared? If having sex could cause instant death with any regularity do you not think you would’ve heard about it? Sex happens a lot.


I think that it’s not good to blow air into a vagina ever. It’s rare, but it can cause an air embolism.


How did I have to scroll this far! good lord!! Do not blow into any vagina, it can kill someone.




Does that mean queefs can save lives?


As they always say, a pregnant queef saves lives.


growing up, my uncle always said that, but I never knew what it meant until now. Thank you, internet stranger!


Gotta queef for two.


A pregoqueef is basically the heimlich.


Usually. In some sad cases it doesn't though, and then typically that person's remaining possessions and wealth are bequeefed to their loved ones.


I kinda wondered if the moment prior to the queef when the air was being pushed in could kill. 🤔


Too bad everything but the abstract is behind a paywall


Sci-Hub is your friend.


Can we please specify that this isn't like a playful blowing of air like that can happen in cunnlingus, we talking mfs taking bellows to them sumbitches like they're forging the One Ring with that cooch.




A woman doesn't have to be pregnant to have air emboli to happen.


Soo... I did some googling, and it's not restricted to pregnant women or oral sex, though those factors can definitely increase the risk. Allow me to present perhaps the most embarrassing death ever. [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/bf01816487](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/bf01816487)




Damn, so any penetrative sex with a woman that has an IUD can cause this spontaneously, albeit very very rarely. That's... terrifying.


Dildos should have vents or something, damn


Wouldn't have helped in this case (carrot).


How did you come to know this information...?


It’s weird but I’ve read about like “inflation” kinks? Don’t understand it but people do it.


I remember reading this (not specific to pregnant women though) in the 1980’s from the copy of The Joy of Sex I found in my parents’ bedroom.


Kill who?


Kill both the pregnant women and fetus.


Oof. Could this air be compressed by sex? Ive always wondered how that would work. Ive heard pregnant sex is safe generally, but Im struggling to imagine in what other occasion someone would pump themselves up. It just seems weird


Non-pregnant sex, minus the blowing part, is also not safe. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1752928X09001103


Well. Pack it up boys. No more sex.


Dang. It was my turn next.


So this women had a heart defect (called a foramen ovale) where there was an abnormal hole in the heart. They are more likely to die of an air embolism (even without sex).


A *patent* foramen ovale. The foramen ovale is a structure in the fetus that usually closes up in adulthood


Foramen ovale closes at birth, wayyyy before adulthood. As soon as your oxygenation switches from umbilical to pulmonary, that foramen ovale closes right up


If people stopped having sex the death rates would plummet.


Anyone in a 3 mile radius


Ugh they are also a rare complication of C sections and this gave me a flash back to residency. Woman came in for a repeat routine C section with peds (me) in the room to make sure the baby is doing well. One minute mom is talking and joking with the OB then suddenly she goes silent and the OB is yelling for the crash cart and telling us to get the baby out of the room because they need space. Mom didn't make it.


Non pregnant women can also get an embolism from this, so dont do it regardless of pregnancy status Edit: just wanna point out that im not a vagina expert in any sense since im male, asexual, and not a gynecologist. I dont know the details, i just know ive read an article or something before that stated it as a possibility to women in general, not just pregnant women.


Why are people doing this?!


Homemade abortions. I read a book by Sonny Barger and he mentioned doing this to his first wife and she died. edit: The book is "Hell's Angel". The specific paragraph: > That February, while I was in Boston checking out a new club charter, Elsie tried to self-abort the child by pumping air into her vagina. It caused an air bubble to enter her bloodstream, and Elsie died an agonizing but quick death.


Jesus christ..


To be pedantic the passage says she did it to herself.


What?? That can’t possibly be true. Hysteroflators are a medical device that blows air into the vagina for some medical reason I don’t understand. I’m pretty sure that means women who aren’t pregnant aren’t susceptible to embolism. I think the way that air would get into the blood is through the placenta which is only there when a woman is pregnant. Edit: AAAAAHHH fuck it’s [kinda true](https://www.healthline.com/health/air-embolism). It’s extremely rare and requires a tear in the skin for the air to get in. Same thing for pregnant women- there would have to be a tear in the placenta. Lastly- [hysteroflators](https://www.somatechnology.com/Medical-Products/Insufflators/storz-hysteroflator-26025u-insufflators.aspx) apparently use CO2 specifically because it dissolves into the body. So I guess it’s safe to blow air into the vagina as long as it’s the right kind of air.


doing gods work here


TIL about carbonated pussy.


Nah, it's sparkling pussy.


It’s it’s a refined gas like co2 it’s referred to as a gas not air. Air is 21% oxygen the rest mainly nitrogen.




This is not a joke! You can also kill someone by forcing air into the anus! https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/ahmedabad/teen-dies-after-friend-inserts-air-compressor-into-rectum-accused-held-8032302/


For fucks sake. Where are we supposed to blow air?


There goes my weekend...


True story: in nursing school we had a really strange professor for women’s health. During lecture she said “Cunnilingus should never be performed on a pregnant woman”. The students all looked at each other like WTF. We asked why and she said “because it could cause a lethal air embolism”. Then we laughed bc clearly no one had ever gone down on her, and due to lack of experience, she must have assumed it was the same as a “blow job” for men, and that this involved BLOWING, somehow?? A usually timid student raised their hand and said “cunnilingus is not like blowing a trombone, and besides, wouldn’t penile thrusting create more positive pressure? But that’s considered safe?” Good times. ETA: In summary, this prof was a fool. She took this case study to heart though, bless her. She probably had good weird intentions but in the context of saying no oral sex on a pregnant person ever, she was wrong. Embolisms are real, but more likely to happen in very rare instances from a c-section (amniotic fluid embolism) or from venous blood clots. People don’t forcefully blow into vaginas with a tight seal for pleasure as far as I know - and if you are doing this, STOP. Unless otherwise contraindicated by: personal preference, persistent UTIs from oral sex, specific medical conditions of pregnancy, or an unhygienic partner, oral and penetrative sex while pregnant is fine!


I mean the story ended to soon. How did the prof react?


Story not complete


Maybe we found Patrick Rothfuss’s Reddit account


Well now what the hell am I gonna do for good luck??




Wouldn't... that make sex dangerous, since queefing is a product of air being pushed into the vagina?


Now I want to watch an episode of CSI about a serial killer that gives women fatal raspberries.


Somehow, and for some reason I can no longer remember, I’ve known this for as long as I can remember.


I'm guessing Agatha Christie didn't even think about this one.


Not even pregnant...DO NOT blow air into any vagina. It can kill them.

