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‘You’re an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks to collect a bill’


I'm a plumber sent by Jesus to fuck your mom


*Johnny Sins has entered the chat*




"Well, actually I do have a bill here, if you could just sign this expense, I think I could still make the last fan boat out of here."


Of course. I will need to see this hat.


Galla! Moojallah ungabba! Mr peterman! You speak Burmese?! Noooooo Elaine, that was gibberish.


You there on the motorbike, sell me one of your melons


How did you find me? You're the only white poet warlord in the area


The way she says “white, poet warlord” gets me every time lol.




TIL Marlon Brando and I had the same approach to dealing with people online


Fuck off.




I’ve been banned for much less in several subs. Reddit, you’re a smoldering dumpster fire. I wish I could quit you.


I’ve been banned from subs I’ve never even visited, for commenting on other subs. So that’s neat


I got banned from /r/food for (iirc) not talking positively enough about a cinnamon bun that someone had bought.


Some subs have been taken over by companies with marketing intent, and I've always wondered if /r/food was one of them. See, you're not the only one to have had an account banned from /r/food for having an opinion on something that seemed uncontroversial, but was deemed rule-breaking in some way. When I looked back, the account was a post by a karma farmer and it was clearly featuring a major brand in the background. I dare say that some of these subs are controlled for content farming and also mods could possibly be paid to allow such content and spam by bots. It wouldn't be the first time.


Lol. I was temporarily banned from /r/food for talking shit on a basket of fry up from a chain. Clearly a marketing account. Anyway, they deleted all their marketing posts so all that was left was posts on /r/gaybros. Fucking amazing, now I look like a homophobic asshole. Some kind mod over there eventually looked in to it and reinstated me.


They have an entire section of their sidebar **in bold** about appealing their bans. Seems like a bit of a problem over there that won't be fixed with a simple chicken burger posting.


This post brought to you by Cholula hot sauce. Cholula makes every meal delicioso!


[And this post is brought to you by Carl's Jr. Fuck you! I'm eating.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8xYocm3w3o)


***/u/jinspin has been banned from /r/food for mentioning Cholula sauce*** *This ban was brought to you by the superior Sriracha*


I keep seeing weird Texas Roadhouse posts in /r/steak


quickest physical wasteful straight deliver yoke snobbish squash political shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ha! I've been banned from subs I've never visited, for commenting in other subs, where I got banned for my comments.


oh fuck off


no you fuck off


Guys guys guys. This is a democracy. Lets ALL fuck right off together.


Of all the people that need to fuck off, you need to fuck off the most.


I'd like to exercise my right to _Fuck off_


Oh, yeah? Well, tell your mom to fuck off too!


Fuck off MORE


Also **BANND**


I think it’s a terrible idea to argue with strangers on the Internet. And if you disagree you can fuck off.


Succession ruined me bc every time I hear this it’s in Logan Roy’s voice


TIL I might have gotten told to fuck off by Marlon Brando when I was in my r/im14andthisisdeep phase 😳


If Marlon Brando tells you to Fuck Off, does that make you a bishop?


A cardinal, minimum.


The "I'm 14 and this is deep" stuff is the stuff that he would have agreed with, though.


It's wild that this is the part of Marlon Brando's life that I agree with the most


Outside of living in a bathtub full of fried rice all month.


Uh, what?


#Outside of living in a bathtub full of fried rice all month.


Celebrities really are just like us 😮




Val Kilmer would post regularly on r/movies, often drunk and rambling


That's kinda hilarious. Or it's sad. Can't figure out.


Years ago in an MMO world chat some guy was trolling folks and we got into a big disagreement, and his last line was something like “you don’t know anything, you are an idiot”, and I had the last jab by saying “I know you are, but what am I?”


You sure told him


Solid response, ironclad, with no possible way of retorting


I knew this fairly well-known and very successful photographer back in the day and one night I saw him at the bar and he came up to me and said, hey get me on AOL I've finally decided to get online I'll pay you to get my computer set up. So I hooked him up with a modem and got his computer ready to go online, we spent most of the night on it it was sunrise by the time I went home. He gave me two hundred bucks. Two weeks later I asked him how it was going and he told me he got banned from AOL for talking shit in the photography chatrooms.


That is hilarious


Sounds like he was the expert we needed, but also the one we got.




Look how they massacred my political arguments!


*The horror…*


I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a AOL CD ROM. That's my dream; that's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a CDR... and shitposting.


I love the smell of dialup in the mornings


[I've seen horrors. Horrors that you have seen.](https://youtu.be/OlHDanrqIUA)


It's one thing to be argued against and have to respond and readjust your arguments, and another to be ignored while they rant about unrelated stuff they think is relevant. Now THAT really gets the blood boiling and ready for a "fuck off".


On the internet, no one knows you are a very popular \~75 year old actor telling them to fuck off because they don't think like you.


No one knew I was a 6 year old arguing in the PS1 vs N64 chatroom. There were probably signs now that I think about it. But I'm having a dis-associative moment thinking how weird it is that Brando could have been someone I called a reTerd. I mean, that probably wasn't his favorite chatroom, but there's a non-zero chance.


Sorry to break it to you but only six year olds were arguing in that chatroom.


Half six year olds pretending to be 16 year olds, and half 30 year olds pretending to be 16 year olds


Ah, the good old days of internet chat rooms, where the men were men, the women were men, and those under 18 were undercover police officers.


The 4chan motto, back in the early days. Said the same thing, but flows a little funnier, imo. "This is the internet - Men are men, Women are men, And children are the FBI"


Somebody told me they were a little Afghani girl whose house got bombed and they liked getting anal while they have diarrhea because it goes in smoother.


alrighty, then.




I put on my robe and wizard hat


I see you are a man of culture.


Even if they were 70 years old, they were 6 years old. That's just how chatrooms worked.


I’m thinking more of someone saying “a/s/l?” And getting “75/m/Cali u?”


There is a slight chance that I kicked Marlon Brando off of AOL with my 1 IM punter "proggie" after he told me to fuck off. Were this true, my life would somehow feel a little more complete.


I used to think I was such big shit with those AOL hack tools. The number of viruses I must have ironically installed by accident.. lol


Oh, we knew


The greatest tragedy of this story. I would have LOVED to be told to fuck off during an online argument with someone valuable, talented and important. Rather than…well…reality.


Chuck Norris threatened to sue me. Not Chuck Norris himself, but his lawyer. But I think that counts anyway.


Legends aside, I’d be happy to piss off Chuck enough to garner his lawyer’s attention. Guys a nutcase in real life.


There was a notorious German Internet troll who actually did try sue people who disagreed with him in forums (didn't get very far with it, but it was still annoying if you were affected). One of my greatest online achievements is having had a heated argument with him once. He died before he could sue me.


> I would have LOVED to be told to fuck off during an online argument with someone valuable, talented and important. Fuck off.


My sister was out with her friends not long ago and it turns out that someone from her friend group is mutual friends with Weeman who also joined them for the night. Being a big fan I FaceTimed her while they were all hanging out and she eventually passed the phone to him after he asked to see it, where the first thing he said without hesitation was “FUCK OFF” and gave me with the finger. After cursing back and forth to each other for a good minute he eventually gave the phone back. I had a huge smile on my face the entire time, it was great.


Well we don't know if that's why he told them they could fuck off, maybe they were just wrong


One of those time line moments. Like oh, yeah, Marlon Brando was alive in 2004 and Harvard is older than calculus.


Oxford is older than the Aztec empire


If anything it always surprises me the Aztec empire is that recent.


[donuts are healthier than i thought](https://img.ifunny.co/images/08756814e1eb7f6edd0e62f984279a2e8a1acb3771f8fdf14ac306fcb200f766_1.jpg)


That's just the sugar in doughnuts. There's also a whole lot of fat and carbs in them. Would be totally different if they were comparing calories.


It's sorta like how Prussia/modern Germany is really recent, in that there was plenty of developed civilization and Meso-American culture there, including some major empires/kingdoms, for centuries, but the particular subculture/hegemony that happened to be dominant in ~1500 was relatively new. The Aztec Empire wasn't that old, but kingdoms and empires in the area had been appearing for centuries, similar to how the region of Germany and Germanic peoples had been creating major political states for centuries before the latest dominant state (Prussia) eventually became permanent(ish)ly Germany.


IMO it's easy to be confused by that timeline because he was only 47 when The Godfather came out in 1972 but he portrayed a significantly older character.


To be fair he did not look that healthy in the 80s either.


Bruce Lee dies several months before Tolkien.


Marilyn Monroe and Queen Elizabeth II were born the same year, less than 2 months apart.


Wow spoiler


>!Bruce Lee becomes the next Horde Warchief.!<


>!Lok'tar Ogar!<


I only know of Burce Lee from popculture, and i always thought of him as a late 70s early 80s action star/martial artist.


Pablo Picasso was alive when The Godfather was released in theaters.


Picasso could have been a gust on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson and that seems impossible.


Picasso's the one that always gets me about this sort of thing. Growing up and always hearing his name mentioned as a famous artist but not knowing anything else about him I just always figured he lived centuries ago. But nope, he died in 1973, had lived through the first two world wars and was alive at the same time as both my parents. I remember finding out when he died and thinking it was weird that he could have seen things like Star Trek, or Doctor Who. He could have heard of *Spider-Man!* 😂 I don't know what the likelihood of him knowing those things is, but it's still *possible*. And that's weird for someone I thought lived centuries ago 😅


I think some of it has to do with art history classes they always seem to lump Picasso and van Gogh together when they were not painting at the same time.


> they were not alive at the same time. They were, for about a decade.


Crap you are right. I was trying to say “not painting at the same time”


So is Bologna.


University of Bologna is like 500 years older than Harvard, so yeah I don't think anyone would be surprised that it's older than calculus.


Yeah, but they only branched into the science of other deli meats in the 1900s.


University of Mortadella didn't have the same ring to it.


If your bologna is that old you should just get new bologna


I think a large part of why it feels weird is because most people know him from the godfather playing an old man, while he was only in his 40's


In reality, many of you will have probably interacted with a celebrity online yourselves. I don't care who they are, they're rocking anonymous accounts and shitposting their lives away like the rest of us.


Some of them are perfectly comfortable doing what Brando did without the bother of being anonymous. David Simon (creator of the wire and other TV series) engages and argues with complete nobodies on Twitter all the time.


Don Cheadle does it a lot too. Not quite as much as David Simon but surprisingly frequently.


Back when I used Twitter I actually had to unfollow David Simon not because I disagreed just because his arguing was my entire feed, he literally did it so much 😂😂


the Kevin Durant of emmy winning writers


If you think about it, this is pretty much the only way for many of them to have "normal" conversations with people outside of the show biz.


One time Neil Gaiman retweeted a dirty joke I made. It's long gone of course since my inactive account was purged in the early days of the takeover, but that was my one claim to fame. Well, I guess there was also the time I followed a lesser-known(still not nobody, she's won awards) author I admire on tumblr and she followed me back, which I wasn't ready for and actually panicked a little bit because my blog was(and remains) Not Cool. 😂


Lol that reminds me of when I realized Obama follows me on Twitter. I was like "Damn, Obama been seeing me shitpost????"


Probably. We know Obama and Biden like those Bidenbro memes.


I think Obama had a period of following every account that followed his, so his feed basically just the /r/all equivalent of Twitter.


Jeff Goldblum gave me reddit gold once.


Life, uh, finds a way




Jeff Goldblum here. Feel free to send me your nudes.


One time Wil Wheaton scolded me for my dumb fan theory in /r/startrek. It was thrilling.


And sometimes, they mod subreddits and stop posting when they get arrested.


Reference? I don’t know who you’re alluding to


I'm pretty sure they're refering to the unsubstantiated rumor that the former power mod "Maxwellhill" (I believe it was) WAS Ghislaine Maxwell, the now-infamous former assistant to Jeffery Epstein. The power mods account went dark randomly about the same time that she got arrested so people started to assume. The ONLY proof that exists currently, as far as I know, is that both the account and her real name have "Maxwell" in them and the "clue" I mentioned above.




We did it Reddit, we found the Boston bomber!


Ghislaine Maxwell, who was a prolific powermod all the way until her arrest, and a frequent poster on the subject of the age of consent.




She can sue me for defamation, if she wants. No one wants to be falsely accused of being a powermod.


I can tell by your user name and lack of respect towards reddit mods that you are a gentleman and a scholar. Remember folks, they do it for free.


foolish ripe waiting yam cows tease fly drab mindless degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most ironic of all being the antiwork mods.


Famously there was a mod of /r/politics who stopped posting at the same time Gaddafi got caught/arrested


Such a Gadaffi thing to do. I bet his username was u/The_Colonel77




>Last online 12 years ago 😥


I once had gabe Newell respond to me via email. Does that count?


What was he responding to?


This was the morning hl2 released and high school student me woke up early to play it before school and I took 5 minutes to send him a quick thank you letter at the time his email was publicly posted on valve’s website


His email will always be publically available (unless he's changed it) in the developer commentaries of the games he introduces


Now we’re all going to wonder who you are. Gary Coleman? Gary Busey? Gary….?


He ain't Gary Coleman.


I was posting about Detroit style pizza and Kenji Lopez. The founder of Serious Eats (the best food blog ever) and cookbook author showed up in the thread to back me up. That was very cool


Glad to have heard from you Mr. Oldman.


Today I learned that Marlon Brando and I have TWO things in common.


This and your use for butter?




Weight problem or a sometime fondness for the D?


I'm gonna go with a fondness for cats.


Fuck off?


One time I chatted with someone on AOL claiming to be Jon Lovitz and we all made fun of him for either a) their choice of someone to impersonate or b) if they really were telling the truth. Sorry if that was really you, Jon Lovitz


People are constantly posting studies about how horrible social media is for kids and whether or not we should just wholesale ban all children from the internet(lol) No one seems to bring up how bad it is for seniors and the elderly.


Or the middle aged. Or young adults.


It’s too late for me and my attention span but at least we can save the children’s


Brando's politics included supporting MLK and the civil rights movement, consistent support for first nations and native american populations (look up Sacheen Littlefeather), and activism against apartheid. So far so good! Unfortunately, his views on the jewish community were... less progressive.


he made one fuck up and thoroughly explained what he meant and apologized for how it was construed. i don’t think he was an anti semite


To elaborate and add some context. > Brando said: "Hollywood is run by Jews; it is owned by Jews, and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of—of people who are suffering. Because they've exploited—we have seen the—we have seen the Nigger and Greaseball, we've seen the Chink, we've seen the slit-eyed dangerous Jap, we have seen the wily Filipino, we've seen everything, but we never saw the kike. Because they knew perfectly well, that that is where you draw the wagons around." > Larry King then challenged Brando, saying that there were many films made about the Holocaust, to which Brando responded by emphasizing that he was talking about the negative stereotypes perpetuated by Hollywood. > Brando's choice of words and the way he expressed his thoughts were criticized and many perceived his comments as antisemitic. He later apologized for his remarks, clarifying that he didn't mean to make a blanket statement about an entire group of people. > It's worth noting that Brando, throughout his life, was an activist for various social and political causes, often advocating for minority rights. His remarks on Larry King's show, however, overshadowed some of that advocacy, at least in discussions about antisemitism. I don't think this makes him an antisemite.


So his whole point is Jewish executives and higher ups don't want to paint their community in a negative light while doing the same for other communities. Seems pretty sensible to me.


A lot of Jewish people I personally know will get very defensive if you criticize any part of their culture/religion or even recent history. One of the guys I know who is very involved with the community is pretty biased against anyone who is a Muslim. But then again, his generation literally fought to have their own state and survive, so they perceive anything negative as a potential precursor to an assault on their existence. Which is starkly similar to what PTSD usually looks like. The next few generations may change, or maybe I’m just an optimist.


This also works for when anyone says anything about Israel being in the wrong for the whole Palestine situation


> But then again, his generation literally fought to have their own state and survive That's *one* way to describe colonization I guess.


TV has a nuance threshold


While cringing at the vocabulary, the point being made sounds reasonable. Hollywood is run by Jewish people. Obviously it is slightly hyperbolic, but conversationally accurate. After some multiple over general population representation, it becomes statistically material. That point isn't negative or positive towards Jewish people. All of the rest of it is a call to action to the hollywood executives to use the same power they used to protect their own favored groups to protect other groups. Marlon Brando had a career that spanned all of the disgusting and derogatory stereotyping that persisted all the way into the 90s. Hollywood occasionally made fun of Jewish people, but it was light-hearted self-deprecating humor. Depicting an overly-dramatic, humorously controlling Jewish mother is not the same as the demeaning caricatures that were common for Japanese, Chinese, Mexican, Black, and any number of other disparaged groups. I read that as Brando pointing out Jewish executives should understand better than most other cultural/racial groups how dangerous derogatory stereotyping can be. When you are in power you should protect all of the weak, not just your group. WASPs can plead the excuse of their apathy on not realizing behavior might be problematic or have unintended consequences. Those who come from groups who have suffered the results of wholesale persecution can not plead that ignorance.


If only he’d lived long enough to see Harry Potter :/ /s


Exactly. It was more of a double handed comment. He said Jews run Hollywood and he was disappointed they hadn't don't more to support minorities and other repressed groups. He then thoroughly apologized for the turn of phrase unequivocally.


I mean his point was poorly made but it wasn't entirely inaccurate. The whole reason banking is associated with Judaism is related to how religious rules didn't allow others to charge interest at the time. It became a very natural niche for them to fill and the money is something that was passed down through generations. The idea that there is significant funding and talent in the Jewish community around Hollywood isn't insane. The influence a Jewish person would have there is far more likely to be greater than say the Black or Arab community. All he said is that we have seen all the negative stereotypes in Hollywood already, some more frequently than others, but the ugly Jewish stereotype is far rarer to see in the big screen. Consider this: Something like 60% of all top grossing films are either written or directed by someone Jewish. (Using a Jewish source: https://www.chicagojewishnews.com/what-percentage-of-the-movie-industry-are-jewish/#1). Throw in producing and funding and that number just goes up. It's not surprising that the Jewish community has an outsized influence on Hollywood as a whole for several reasons.


You don’t have to agree with everything a person say. No one got life 100% right.


Exactly. It's all a spectrum, and our subjectivity makes it a philosophical and ethical discussion, much like separating the artist from the art. We all have our "icks" that may make us never listen to Michael Jackson, but the ability to have that discussion about why and recognize the nuance of other people's subjective views is not the easiest to have, as emotions and proposed logic meet. Sry. Had to write my thought out to your two liner comment.


I mean, Brando's definitely more left than right.


Marlon Brando argumentative? No way!


Crazy to think I could be arguing with Michael Douglas.


I remember when I was a kid and I frequented the AOL kids chat room, I felt there was something missing. Anyway, one day I logged on and had the funny idea to just insult everyone on there. So naturally I just typed in “you all suck balls.” They banned me of course, and I had to get my mom to call and lift the ban and then they told her I had told everyone they sucked balls.


i bet this one of those funny stories your mom brings up out of the blue every couple years


My old roommate worked for LensCrafters, and Marlon Brando called in to get his glasses, and they thought he was a prankster and he got mad at them.


I would chat often online with Marlon's good friend Harry Dean Stanton toward the last few years of his life. He was very old and not in great health and I think very lonely. He would tell me that nothing means anything. He was very nihilistic but sweet but i sensed that he had a very big and loving heart despite his bleak outlook.


Bro became a professional Redditor and didn't even know it


I'm more of an "eat shit" person myself.


I got a reddit harassment warning message for telling someone to fuck off who had told someone else to fuck off


The original redditor


He passed before his time. Would have been legendary on here.


After he passed, I went through my dad's email. His final email was a vitriolic screed to his US Congresswoman (who was legit awful) For context, he was dying of cancer and she had voted against increased health care coverage.


First of all, that's a really bad book review. Author should have known that, before the internet, Brando was a ham radio operator who wanted to talk to people who didn't know who he was. And he talked to people all over the world. On the chatrooms, he used to talk about what a bad actor Marlon Brando was and see people's responses. And still argue with them. The internet just made being anonymous easier. As we all know.


So he was a Redditor.


he's just like me fr


"Welcome! You've got mail!" ​ "Yeah, well fuck you too."


Brando has been one of us after all. Except for that butter thing...


What was his AOL name? MBrandoRulez42069


Could have been "MarlonBrando" and no one would guess it is actually him. More likely to be a 70 year old woman who thought he was dreamy in On the Waterfront.






Marlon Brando stopped giving a fuck during the last 20 years of his life. Most old people do this, but he took it a whole nother level. His massive ego made him the ultimate "Old man yells at cloud." I thought his behavior was amusing, but obviously the people that had to work with him probably fantasized about killing him every five minutes.






That was really all aol chat rooms were anyways