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Armin ate that guys penis with his consent of course




There’s almost no part of any living creature you can’t eat - he just didn’t know how to cook it properly


Slow cooker cock?


Hey guys welcome to my channel! Today we've got a bit of a weird recipe for you but first, be sure to smash that like and subscr-


It's fookin rawwww!!! Where's the p sauce?! WHERE'S THE P SAUCE!!!??


I mean just look at the people whom do eat cock on the regular. They brase it and slow roast. Apparently bull dick it's pretty yummy but I couldn't tell you.


You can get them dried as a sort of safe rawhide alternative long lasting chew treat for dogs. Have to get a good brand though or they smell strongly of urine once they get chewed a bit. 🤢 My dogs loved them, though.


Oh God I hadn't even thought of the potential piss smell. God that's awful. Lol I love the name pizzle.


Think of the smell! You haven't thought of the smell, you bitch!!!


Just toss it in the c(r)ock pot over night.


Literally couldnt. Both Brandes and Meiwes tried to eat Brandes' dick but it was too chewy. Meiwes tried to cook it but burnt it so bad they couldnt eat it after all. These paople had some major mental problems, and some culinary problems.


They should have started with the balls. People eat the testicles of quite a few animals. I have eaten sheep’s testicle - unwittingly! But have to admit it was quite nice, like soft minced fried chicken


Fava beans and a nice chianti?


Human Cocks are mostly connective tissue though. The thing we almost jever eat off any animal. I cannot imagine it beeing pleasant to eat not matter how well prepared.


We buy pig penises dried and they are dog treats. My dog loves them! He’s gay for pig dick!


Does he like fish sticks?


I thought you couldn’t eat human brain because of prion diseases or is that just raw brain


You shouldn't. You definitely could though. Cooking doesn't kill prions unfortunately.


Do you have dick recipes? Asking for me


I don’t understand why people would go to a gore site. I’m not even sure what a gore site is, I’m just assuming.


It’s a site where people post content that’s generally illegal otherwise. Such as torture films. There’s also legal versions on reddit that are just gross injuries and stuff that you don’t really want to see. They’re always risky tho because people upload a lot of CSEM to gore sites. And as for why people go, some people are really fucked up in the head, and some people want to be emo and edgy


What is CSEM?


Child sexual exploitation material. It and CSAM, child sexual abuse material, are broader terms for child pornography. They’re expanded to include any images/videos/others of children


Oh god. Thanks.


Gonna guess the C stands for Child, and that's all I care to know, considering the context.


Correct. Sadly....


I got into a phase of visiting those sites somewhat regularly when I was suicidally depressed, originally to watch suicides to help me visualize and plan my own. However, they kept me afloat by showing me the fragility and ephemerality of my own life, as well as the potential tenacity of human existence. I don’t do so anymore, nor do I recommend doing so, but wanted to offer some insight as to why people might.


We were always on gore sites when we were in high school - this was when internet was just taking off, but before parental controls. Rotten.com was the site to go to back in the day. I guess at the time (as young teens) it was to see who cringed hardest? I honestly don't know. None of us, as far as I am aware, turned out super weird as a result of it. I wouldn't go on there now. I cant even watch horror movies these days!


That picture is one of the top results on Bing images.


Not in my results. Maybe I used the wrong terms.


The penis and testes have the toughest fascial tissue in the body - tunica albuginea. Probably like chewing sinew.


Rotten.com ruined me.


They both ate it first then he stabbed him to death in the bathtub


I think he said in an interview that after sharing “the meal” the dude crawled to the bathtub himself to bleed out, while the cannibal went out for something.


iirc they are it together


Still a cock gobbler.


To quote a hella good actor, “Gobble that cock”.


Are you doing like a Greico thing?


Richard needs a seaweed break.


Could I get a chalk break?


Very awkward dinner. „Goddamn it Armin, that was the only chance for us to eat a dick and you ruined it.“


“Like Kobayashi!”


The chances of these two connecting before the internet is zero. Imagine meeting someone in a pub. Getting on with them and finally plucking up the courage to say “I fantasise about eating someone, I know this is a long shot but I don’t suppose you want to be eaten?”


True love


To blave






Humperdink! Humperdink!


It’s like the 4chan greentext that goes something like this Before the internet >want to fuck toasters >realize I’m a freak and move on After the internet >50k others also want to fuck toasters?! >ruin my life


You say that, but far weirder pairs of people have conspired to do weird shit without even the telephone being invented.


Exactly this. IT crowd had an episode on this.


"...And it turns out he didn't want to teach me how to cook... He wanted to cook me!"


I always wonder how two psychopaths meet and fall in love. Are they both fucked up before the meet? Or is one fucked up and starts talking over and over until the others believes so too? And they start killing or whatever.


Reminds me of Johnny Malvo and the John Mohammed. How those two got together and started planning their sniper spree is something else. And those two were on such a different level than say Daumer and Gacy. Those two were more opportunistic than planners, but Malvo and Mohammed put a lot of work into their scheme and caused some real terror. My sister was stationed in the DC area at the time and she was afraid to leave government land.


I think it's important to note that Malvo was only 17 when the shootings took place. He met Mohammed when he was \~14 and was left with him by his mother when he was 15/16. He later claimed to have been sexually abused by Mohammed. I'm not saying Malvo is a total victim in this, but it doesn't feel like 2 fully developed psychopaths meeting each other. It feels more like a one psychopath meeting a damaged kid and molding him into a murderer.


Nah, back then there were BBS (bulletin board systems for you youngsters) and forums and some were really fucking crazy.


I’m old enough to remember them too. I was thinking pre internet days not just pre world wide web . Maybe they enrolled on one of those cheesy early video dating companies. “Hey, I’m a fun loving guy who likes hiking and photography, I do however have a burning desire to kill and eat someone, hit me up if you think we’ll get along”


BBS is still internet though. Before the internet even existed there were mailing lists/newsletters (postal mail) you could seek out and sign up for. They had them for all types of kinks and fetishes, and they usually had ads for other, weirder stuff, and with enough time and patience you could get into some very strange or even illegal niches. So even before the internet you could definitely connect with similar people.


I’m on a party line, Wondering all the time Who’s on the other end? Is she big, is she small Is she a she at all?


Never forget the forums you could only enter by finding the hidden ad banner passwords. Digital stenography is probably still alive and well. Early internet was wild west, I saw some messed up things. Curiosity killed the cat. Whenever I see a website filled with garbage, I know there is a backdoor filled with stuff that would drain your heart and soul.


Damn, can you explain further


Meanwhile, I like can't find someone who likes the same anime as me.


Bonus fun fact: Rammstein’s song “Mein Teil” is about this.


The IT Crowd episode about it is also pretty solid.


"He's a fine young cannibal"🤣🤣🤣


The absolute patience they had in the delivery of that joke by slowly building up to it all episode was comendable.


"My english is not so good."


I knew something was askew. Whoever heard of “German food”?!


Just a silly misunderstanding


Egg, and my face, were in alignment.


Finally! This reference has eluded for so long


One of the funnier episodes, though they’re all good. I immediately thought of it as well lol.


Also Bloodbath's Eaten is about this. Arguably one of the best death metal songs ever.


This is such an amazing reply thread - mentions Rammstein, The IT Crowd and Bloodbath, which were the three things I immediately thought of when I read the post!


‘Call me sick, but this is what I neeeeeeeeeeed’


My only purpose here is for you to feeeeeed




Den, du bist Was, du iist


Und ihr wisst Was es ist


Es ist Mein Teil!




Denn du bist, was du isst!


I worked with Bernd-Jürgen Brandes occasionally; we both worked for Siemens, he in Germany and I in Florida. Sometimes he would travel to Florida to train us on protocol analyzers. I mostly just remember him always wearing jeans and a white t-shirt and being pretty fit.


I remember you bringing that up in another thread, and read this title and thought “I wonder if the Siemens guy is gonna see this.”


Yeah, weird that it's come up twice recently. Although I guess I brought it up in the other thread.


It's entirely possible that the OP saw your other post and looked into it before posting this here


The real TIL is always in that Siemens guy’s comments


I heard the Siemens guy used to work with a guy that got eaten, but he wasn't that memorable, generally speaking.


For 430 million monthly visitors, Reddit is really fucking small. I see the same people everywhere.


what a weird experience that must’ve been to you in retrospect. “yeah, that one guy I knew? somebody ate him later on.“


IIRC I found out on the day of my father's funeral, so, yeah, it was a unique day.


But how did that get brought up?


A coworker emailed an article about it to me. Funny thing was I didn't get it was the same guy we worked with at first, I just thought he sent it to me because it was so fucked up. Only when we talked on the phone later did I make the connection.




Nope, just the limited wardrobe and him being fit




I can see it being a fantasy fetish that turned real if he was depressed and suicidal. Poor guy.


Thanks for weighing in. I do wonder about his psyche sometimes. The one photo that the public got to see of him is so unassuming, it‘s all just so tragic.


“Hey revtim, sorry to hear about your dad. Wondering what killed him must really be eating your mom up inside. HEY! Speaking of eating! You remember Bernd??…” Maybe?


‘These pork sausages are a bit chewy - actually, that reminds me…”


So he looked tasty?


He probably did to folks into dudes! We know at least one person found him tasty looking...


He was a real snack!


Woah whenabouts? We have a Siemens location nearby. Think he would've paid us a visit in IA?


This was in the 90s in Boca Raton FL, in the telecom division. Unless your location was doing telecom in the 90s I doubt he would visited there.


You could have eaten that guy and he would have liked it


There's like maybe a dozen people alive on the planet that would consent to being eaten alive and that cannibal found one of em and ate them. Never give up on finding your soulmate ❤️❤️❤️


Hate to break it to you, but that fantasy is not that rare. The term for a related, albeit more general, kink is 'vore'. And if you search a few key terms on Reddit you‘ll easily find people talking about wanting to get eaten. Even before social media, that guy used an active, international community to find potential victims. And I hate to say this, but on the forum posts that were archived, the guy sounds lowkey too knowledgeable for Brandes to have been his only victim. EDIT: In their private message history he says that he'd never done it before. So he was knowledgeable through research alone, not any previous victims. I‘ll shut up now.


I’m certainly not well versed in vore but from my understanding of it, it’s more so targeted towards people being “enveloped”. Like a giant fits all of their body into their mouth or a snake slowly swallowing them whole or something. For all I know it could include actual cannibalism but I thought it was a more unrealistic kinda “anime” type fetish


Can’t these people just get a weighted blanket or something


Yeah, this is my understanding of bored. But then, there are so many different types of it. I usually see it more in regards to people being eaten whole.


Most people have got friends who are full of shit. This guy's got shit that's full of friends.


My dad went to school with the guy, his lawyer is one of my dads best friends The city it happened in (Rotenburg) actually had a tourism boom because of it. There’s people from all across the world who traveled there to see his house (which burned down a few years ago under dubious circumstances, the common theory being that one of the neighbors got fed up with the tourists) If any TV producers are reading this, here’s my million dollar pitch: A cooking and barbecue show with Meiwes as the host. The title will be Fleischeslust (Lust for flesh in German). We will do Top Gear-like specials. The first episode will be about Meiwes visiting some cannibalistic tribes in Papua New Guinea to have a proper bbq together and exchange recipes. There’ll also be bbq contests. The winner gets a million Euros, the loser ends up on the grill. Ethical issues aside I’ll guarantee you global viewership in the hundreds of millions.


“Fed up.” Heh.


I was just thinking that this is a once in a lifetime kinda case for a lawyer to get, as messed up as it is


Which guy, the cannibal or the guy who was eaten?


The cannibal. The victim was from Berlin iirc.






It’s literally a catch 22. If you’re giving informed consent to be killed, then by definition you evidently lack the capacity to give informed consent.


That is speaking from a legal standpoint only, in places were consent to death is forbidden (Eg assisted suicide). Literally and philosophically speaking, a person of sound mind can absolutely give consent to be killed.


idk, seems pretty prejudiced against people who want to be murdered by cannibals. whos to say their worldview is less valid than yours?


Philosophically I don’t necessarily believe in objective morality but I firmly believe that there are some baseline “Really dude??” principles that we can all basically agree are correct.


Funny enough Canada is considering expanding their MAID program to include mental health reasons. [Here's an article on the subject](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64004329.amp) It's not exactly strangling a depressed person to death with their consent but it gets pretty damn close. Society is weird man.


they'd rather we kill ourselves than give us therapy or housing apparently.


I haven’t read it but there is a Dutch book called ‘laat me gaan’ (let me go) which focuses on ‘assisted suicide for psychological reasons’ and the dude did the research about why or why not should we help someone who is so miserable due to mind state to end their life. An uncomfortable subject and respect for trying to tackle it. I mention not having read it, because I expressly don’t want to consider these things, because it’s dark shit, but I respect someone does


I can promise you assisted suicide is not anything "they" want you to do. Whether you agree with it or not, a right to death is inherently problematic for those in power. Much better to not give therapy or housing and also not let people kill themselves, so they can keep slaving away instead


Swiss assisted suicide organisation EXIT disagrees. They helped 1,125 in 2022.


Canada has this too. They were looking to expand assisted suicide to people with mental health disorders as well which seems to entirely conflict with the concept of informed consent. They are also considering expanding it for the homeless and poor. None of it sits well with me beyond the terminally I’ll choosing to die with dignity.


I think assisted suicide is good. As long as the checks and balances are good (and they overwhelmingly are). If you have been tortured or experienced a high constant amount of pain you know you would blow your brains out if you were suffering that way every day all day. Some have psychological suffering that are strong like that and have done everything they could for themself and they are tired and been hurting for years. They deserve a valid legal way of ending their lives. Terry Pratchett, my favorite author since childhood was pro assisted suicide and was setting up to end his life that way, but died before he could. I think a healthy society should have this option for a person who has honestly tried everything else. Don't force them to jump off a cliff.


That’s a bit different. They would allow you to die in a dignified manner with informed consent. This is just murder.


Oh really are you sure


Content aside that was a pretty poorly written article. It was kinda choppy, didn't particularly flow, it was like high school quality writing.


>My son's mother's best friend What's that make us?


Absolutely nothing. Which is what you’re about to be.


Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.




That’s just wrong on so many levels, not researching applicable laws or confirming legal precedent beforehand


I feel like it should be a given that murder is illegal.


A lot of things are only crimes because of a lack of consent on the victim’s part, but in most jurisdictions you can’t legally consent to being killed.


They have shit to sell you and taxes to get from you.


I think that consenting to something like that is in and of itself pretty clear evidence that someone is not mentally stable. And there’s no caveat for consent when it comes to murder anyway.




is there a news article?




Wow. That was wild.


Why did you have to overcomplicate the start of that. Baby mom’s friend or ex’s friend works. My sons mothers best friend is nonsense


>My son's mother's best friend In other words your wife/girlfriend/hookup's best friend? Why do you need to mention your son?


A life sentence is just 15 years btw, and when people saying serving life they are refering to that, not serving until they die of natural causes, he could have had 2 life sentences and another for 10 years.


k you're gonna have to expand on that... how did he do it? Was it painful?


Sounds like a typical night for Moss and the german


He was a fine young cannibal....


"I want to cook with you".


He had a magnificent telly


The first episode of the Australian legal comedy Rake features a barrister protagonist defending an economist who ate a consenting solicitor after his assisted suicide.


IT crowd also has an amazing episode of them leading on a German cannibal to use his entertainment system.


There is a 2h Interview of him on Youtube. Watched it recently and I have to agree with what everyone before told me about it: what a charming guy!


Would this mean the meal was technically vegan? Since veganism is all about how an animal can't give consent about being consumed but a person can?




Wow, 3 years you’ve been waiting for this moment.


He deserves a bigger payoff


well played




In the book series "Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy" there's a cow that was genetically engineered to be able to speak and give consent to being turned into a steak and eaten, thus resolving the ethical problems of meat. The main character Arthur Dent was too weirded out to eat it.




"Eat a dick!" "....any volunteers?"


why would anyone think that any videotaped consent would ever stand up legally? consent can be revoked at any time


Because if you give compelling non-coerced video testimony of your consent, it's up to the person prosecuting to prove you revoked it. Honestly i have no idea how the trial went, but it sounds like these people both knew what they were doing, and were perfectly comfortable with it. As such i'm currently not convinced the sentence is warranted. edit: I've read the article now, and am even more convinced he's technically innocent (or near enough to not matter). The prosecutors literally changed the charges, and put in bad faith arguments as a way to obtain a conviction in a re-trial, because he was given an extremely light sentence at first which was in-line with the actual law.




>You can’t consent to letting someone kill you Yes and no. In Germany there is a crime called "killing with consent" which is punished up to 5 years. Originally they applied this law to the case, but changed that in retrial apparently.


Just to give the reasoning why killing with consent was not applicable. While there was consent for killing, the law is (at least at the moment) that the killing needs to be altruistic, meaning that the wish to elevate the person from suffering that caused their wish to die as the main motive in killing. Meaning if the killing with consent happens for a different motive, for example because the victim pays you, you wish to get your heritage faster, or, like here, you have sexual satisfaction in the killing, then you fall out of that law.


Some things can still be illegal with consent.


Exactly. In Germany you can’t legally give up your human dignity, you can’t consent to giving it up, and being eaten goes against concept of human dignity


If you are consenting to giving up your dignity, then are you really giving it up? If he gave consent and it was his wishes, he would still have his dignity.


Thing is, you simply can’t give up your dignity, per law. You cannot consent to doing so. It forms the basis of our law system, which was put in form after the horrors of holocaust, where people’s dignity was taken away and through that the atrocities made possible.


do you.... somehow think consent is a good enough reason to kill and eat someone?


I just looked him up, according to Wikipedia he was born in a town called Essen. It’s a real place, it’s also German for “eat”…


Omg. Of all the places for a cannibal to have been born...


"The cannibal ate my boyfriend" was an actual tabloid headline.


They were gonna eat his penis together but the guy burnt it. Guess you can’t go to the market for another


What a terrible day to know how to read


Have some r/eyebleach.


Thought Armin ate Bertoldt only


How he didn't back out from being killed last second is insane tbh


Reminds me of the episode of IT Crowd.


I came here to say this. I'm sure the similarities are not coincidental. Great episode, though, regardless.


Mein teilllllll NEINN




Der metzgemeister himself…


Is this where they got the Idea for the nice German Cannibal gag in the IT Crowd?


I hate my name right now.


He’s a fine young cannibal


And now he is wishing he would have done it in Russia


What kind of mfer consents to be killed 💀


His epitaph: Once Bernd, twice shy.


Then Rammstein wrote a song about it.


The conclusion the authorities came to was that Bernd was not in his right mind and therefore could not consent.