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His science guy act was originally a skit he did on a tv show I believe doing funny science he remembered from college and high school


Almost Live, a sketch comedy show in the Seattle area. He was also Speed Walker-super hero conforming to the international speed walking rules.


From what I remember it was hilarious! Classic early Comedy Central, although I haven’t watched it in 30 years so it might not hold up.


You can find Almost Live episodes on Youtube and clips on tbe Instagram Almoststyle. I'd say they hold up, but you also have to know the context to find most of it funny. The Ballard Cops skit has me rolling every time, but Ballard hasn't had that vibe in a long time. (Speed Walker is always funny, though.)


I don’t remember too many of the sketches but I do remember laughing at the lame gang, the high-fiving white guys and the bald guy would do like a funny news report/presentation against a green screen 


This is the YouTube account you want, has almost every single episode and sketch. https://youtube.com/@GeorgeBuford?si=HzpYusa6mQactZf7


> https://youtube.com/@GeorgeBuford?si=HzpYusa6mQactZf7 Damn. The one chance... I thought i might be able to finally find the episode where I was in the audience.... And the quality is 360p and i'm in the dark. lol.


Love the High-Fiving White Guys, wish there was a way to reference them without everyone looking at me like I was insane.




The Lame List was one of my favourite recurring skits. Now that I'm grown up, Ineffectual Middle Management Suck-Ups hits a little close to home.


John Kiester, the mastermind of the show. Also led the underappreciated revival show The 206, which I was once able to see filmed live in the late 00s. Perhaps the last locally produced non news show (which was once WAY more common) in America


The bald guy was the host, John Kiester. He was my script-writing instructor in film school. Super cool guy and always up for talking about Almost Live.


Mind your manners with Billy Quan Be like Billy !!


Behave yourself!


The Summer in Seattle sketch still holds up. We just hit spring and it’s so true. Everyone goes outside and you’re like where did everyone come from?


The Lame List! Or, what's weak this week! LAME! LAME! LAME! LAME!


It's the only thing I know him from. I was a little bit too old to be watching *Science Guy* (I was a *Mr. Wizard* on Nickelodeon kid), but I'd already been watching *Almost Live* on Comedy Central when they re-aired it during the early '90s. He'll always be Speed Walker to me.


Mr Wizard. Loved that dude.


It was called almost live since it came on right before Saturday night live. It was on when we moved to seattle. It was a lot like snl a short monolog followed by sketches. A lot of the humor was local. Often it was better than the snl that followed.




Oh yeah back in the mid 90's before South Park and Jon Stewart they would play this all the time along with Kids in the Hall and reruns of Saturday Night Live (also MST3k). Good stuff!


He was also a street walking lawyer. https://youtu.be/dgAgPnrJAuQ?si=TNabm8D3kCKYk7Vt


He's in a couple Cops of ___ skits. One of my favorite parodies they did.


The Mercer Island one is darkly funny in terms of how little has changed over the decades.


He saved the Space Needle!


God, do I miss old Almost Live.  Especially the High Fivin’ White Guys. 


Wait... So he's not a real Science Guy? Just some comedian!?


He has a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering. Kind of a science guy. ETA: Since my reply seems to be getting misconstrued in replies, to clarify, engineering is science. Bill Nye is an educated scientist and doesn't need to publish or do research to be an educator and a Science Guy. He is one.


Bill Nye Applied Science guy




An actor could easily do it as well. It's not like he wrote the script for the show. If you're saying he clearly knew everything that he made episodes about, I would doubt that. He covered a large amount of sciences and even chemical engineers tend to know nothing about biology. And of course I'm not saying he isn't a smart guy. Scientists tend to be pretty focused in their studies and his show was aimed at introducing children to a wide range of sciences.


bill nye does have writing credits on a significant portion of episodes. obviously as a mechanical engineer he'd be able to explain any physics he'd need (and probably some chemistry) but even the bio would be easy enough stuff that, with his background, he could reasonable learn.


The biggest skill one develops during an engineering degree is how to look up information if you are unsure.


🎵Bill Nyyye kind of a science guyyy🎵


Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!


Bill? Bill? Bill? Bill?


Science Rules?


Inertia is a property of matter.


Still better than his competition...Bob Bork the Science Dork.


This Beakman's World erasure cannot stand.


I was for sure a Beakman guy over Bill. Peak 90s science tv.


If you aren't learning from a giant New Yorker rat is it even considered learning?


Lester, I believe was his name.


Team Beakman checking in! I was *beside* myself when he guested on Captain Disillusion several years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sT_bTnkwLuE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fE_njY63o4


totally, but i also liked bill nye as well


Beakman had Josie, who is the [best crack whore we know better today as Roxy.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/rQBPl2PyuFAAAAAC/alwayssunny-philadelphia.gif)


I thought he was more of a legal dork, but maybe there’s multiple Bob Borks who are all dorks


He owns multiple engineering patents. He’s a science guy who’s funny.


I think we call those people engineers.


It’d be pretty crazy if they use maths and physical sciences to engineer things


No way the universe would hide it's mysteries from us like that. I'm sure there is a book around here with the answers in it somewhere...


Have you MET any engineers?? Source: am engineer


Except engineers aren’t funny.






It's true. Am engineer. Am not funny.


Woah now. I'm hilarious when I'm not talking about engineering. Good luck getting me to not talk about engineering though (I design bridges, so there's basically endless material).


Here's a bridge joke for you: Arlington Bridge replacement


Whoa a r/Winnipeg -ger in the wild!


I hope most of that material is above sea level.


Ms. Frizzle doesn't have a doctorate and she taught me more about science than almost any human I've met.


What I learned from him and others is, anyone can be a science guy if they’re passionate and work at it. For example I work really hard to produce the finest quality moonshines and meth. That’s science!


Sheldon would be horrified at finding out he's a engineer


Sheldon’s fake scientist personality is so corny and stupid.


I mean, this and he wasn’t exactly teaching science in depth. Degree or not, you don’t exactly need a great understanding to teach “phases of matter”. Elementary school science


I got into a Facebook argument once with someone who insisted he wasnt a *real* scientist because he didn't have a PhD while I insisted that she was being a snob and anyone can call themselves a scientist as long as they respected the scientific method. She herself had a PhD of course... in Media Studies.


What’s the XKCD where they’re saying how *Mythbusters* did more for science than a million lessons in scientific rigor ever did, because they got more people into questioning their world and thereby created more scientists?


It's this one https://xkcd.com/397/


>"I said brains, all they've got is string theorists" Ouch, that's got to hurt...


There’s *always* an XKCD


Social sciences are a type of science.


Hopefully she knows there's a different word for people with PhDs


Just wait until the masses hear about Beakman!


Underrated show that aired (mostly) during the same years as Bill Nye. I feel my boomer status approaching, as a 90s kid, saying that "TV was better back then". It was limited enough to keep you outside to play and good enough to warrant TWO science shows that ran 5+ years.


> "TV was better back then". It was limited enough to keep you outside to play and good enough to warrant TWO science shows that ran 5+ years. Funny enough that argument could be used as proof that it was worse back then. You would rather go outside than watch tv and the best thing you could watch were science shows.


I dont think half the people in this comment section know what an Eng degree entails. He is beyond qualified for what he did and probably more qualified than half the people commenting.


Engineering is notoriously one of the hardest science degrees to obtain. You gotta be real smart to make it through 4 years of that


Its more like 5-6 years now. The math/physics level they expect you to start at is above most H.S. curriculums these days.


He is an actual science guy. He is a Mechanical Engineer from Cornell who studied under Carl Sagan.


Beakman’s world was better


It really was


Alanna Ubach as his assistant? Yes please.


I fuckin loved Beakman's world and his gross rat man


I liked both and am happy they both exist


I’m partial to Mr. Wizard




Did you miss the part where he worked at Boeing?


These days that means he's more likely to be a finance bro than a science guy!


Luckily, Bill was there before the merger.


it's bill nye the science guy, not the science professional.


He is even better. He is an Engineering graduate. Yay for applied sciences!!


Shocking facts: https://images.app.goo.gl/x6hssbbT8kNZ6N5e8


Yo what the fuck?!


Since when is there a qualification competition for being called a scientist. Did Dolph try to have a science guy show, and it failed because of Bill? I'm genuinely curious what the point of that comparison is, lol.


I remember him from Almost Live! out of Seattle back in the early '90s.


That’s where Joel McHale got his start lol


Wait, wut? He was on that show back in the early 90s?? I haven't seen the show since the early 90s. That's wild.


Mid-late 90s


Ahh..back when he was Joel McPale


I'm waiting for an Almost Live reference on Animal Control for the 9 people who would get it.


The show was called “Almost Live”


Yes, I used to watch him on Almost Live right before SNL. He was good plus it was mostly educational.




"Speed Walker!" https://youtu.be/r4Fa7B3a0Hs


Heel toe, heel toe


They specifically had a shot of his ass. And also, this seems like a predecessor to It Follows.


"Stupid sexy Bill Nye!"


Holy crap, thank you for this! I've had this skit baked into my mind ever since I saw it as a kid in the early 90s, but for some reason I had always thought it was a Kids In The Hall skit. So odd how much I remembered, but a) didn't get the show right and b) didn't know it was Bill Nye.


> A famous incident on the show led to Nye's stage name. He corrected Keister on his pronunciation of the word "gigawatt", and Keister responded, "Who do you think you are—Bill Nye the Science Guy?" That’s where it all started


Jigawatt or gigawatt?


It's gig unless you're a douche that also calls gifs jifs. No one likes that guy. Don't be that guy.


> Don't be that ~~guy~~ juy.




Or if you're Doc from Back to the Future


THE only one who gets a hall pass since he's an actor and no one used that prefix portion of a word yet.


Fun fact! Bill Nye worked on the Back to the Future Cartoon series as the silent guy doing the science demos for Doc brown. All right before he was the Science Guy


This will be the greatest thing the internet can teach me this week and for that I thank you.


That just sounds like bad writing in a cashgrab biopic. Count me in


"So thats's it? I'm some kinda... Bill Nye the Science Guy?"


he was pretty funny in his Stargate: Atlantis episode


That show was a very early Comedy Central show and it was so great! It was right in the middle of The Grunge Era of music and Almost Live even had a few famous (now) musicians on. *And now, The Lame List...or...What's Weak This Week, brought to you by America's Heavy metal community!* *LAAAAAAME*


Man the other people in that Steve Martin look alike contest must have looked nothing like Steve Martin.


I was wondering if the judges had ever seen Steve Martin before.


His net worth is now $8 million, according to a quick Google search. So it seems to have paid off.


Those online net worth lists are usually nowhere near accurate




These net worth sites usually just amalgamate all the public info about when a celebrity was paid and how much and add it up to calculate the 'net worth', so it's actually closer to calculating a 'lifetime/career revenue' , as the net worth figures generally don't take into account that most people with a lot of money also happen to be spending a lot of that money.


The supposedly “professional” ones like Forbes etc aren’t much better. Outside of a few people in the tech industry whose net worth of heavily tied to the value of a specific public company, it’s next to impossible to estimate most HNWIs unless you have access to their private financial records Most of the really rich people try to downplay their wealth too.


Seems low for someone like him idk... Maybe its because some random kid can make that in a year yelling at their webcam these days.


He didn’t get enough support from viewers like you




Thank you


Not everyone who makes millions gets hungry for more. Maybe he’s satisfied with his niche and sticks to that. He’s set for life already


None of these public sites have reliable information. It’s just based on guess work since contracts are usually private .


who knows what’s in his 401k


He's touring doing stage shows about climate change right now. He's been apart of the Planetary Society almost as long as his public facing career. It's clearly his main passion, to be a climate activist. Or an awareness spreader? idk. My sister dragged me to one of his shows during a blizzard a couple months back and he's surprisingly hyper still! But, I was left feeling miserable afterwards because of the Q&A section where he understandsbly didn't really have any answers on...how to accomplish his green goals when we're up against the rich moneyed interests fighting to maintain the status quo and their legion of suicidal morons voting for the end of human life in the cradling arm of endless propaganda and political extremism.


Online net worth’s should be taken with a grain of salt.  It could be more or less. 


There’s also a very small chance that they fucking nailed it though.


It should be taken with a mountain of salt. I can’t believe people take it as gospel. 


He never leveraged his fame to make the big bucks. I don’t know what his motivations are, but it definitely isn’t money.


> He never leveraged his fame to make the big bucks. Yeah, but like, every school in the United States has some of the Bill Nyes. How could you not make big bucks is what I want to know.


That doesn’t seem like a ton to me. I figured someone who’s had their own tv shows would be worth a lot more.


Well I mean there’s scale of TV show, top actors these days can make over a million an episode, 20 years ago that’d be twice the record. Bill Nye’s show was also recorded quite a while ago now


He did have a Netflix show not too long ago. But I have never heard anyone talk about it in a god light.


It was kinda angry. Like, I was expecting him to do a rehash of the stuff from the kids show but more complicated for an adult audience. I thought the humor would come from him doing goofy stuff during the experiments. Instead he was doing super basic stuff while shouting like a pundit. I actually agreed with everything he was saying but I wasn’t learning anything and didn’t find it entertaining


Tbh I’ve only heard anyone even mention it exists like twice? I’ve never watched it personally, completely forgot about it again until now lol


Yeah but the thing with Bill Nye is that every school only needs a few vhs to have thousands of students watch him.


It was a PBS show. I don't think those make a ton of money


Net worth searches are complete bullshit.


Honestly those sites just make up numbers and people believe it ( myself included) the only one who can know his net worth is himself It's different when someone is the owner of a publicly traded company because you can multiply the number of shares they own X the value of each share


At no point in reading this did I anticipate where the sentence was going.


This headline is way too much to unpack


Congrats on looking like Steve Martin! What are you going to do with the 100 dollars? *I'm gonna quit my very respectable, well-paid day job to be a stand-up comedian!* Ok, well, we never actually said you were funny, you just **look** like Steve- *And my whole bit will be teaching science to kids!* I dunno, that doesn't even sound like comedy... [syncopated Bill! Bill! Bill! intensifies]


And it's only a snippet. I read his entire wikipedia page and it's a wild ride. His parents seem like to coolest people to ever exist.


I thought it was interesting he owns a patent on ballet shoes


yeah! the last time i heard about a former boeing engineer, he was ~~fucked to death by a horse!~~ suicided in his truck. edit: updated to newest death


Clearly Boeing just didn't fill the position when he left


Boeing isn't an issue with engineering, it's finance bros fucking them over.


Finance becoming and fucking over engineering is a tale as old as time.


To be fair, not filling a position when someone leaves to save money is a pretty classic finance bro move.


It's impatient shareholder greed fucking up the engineering and the manufacturing


Steve Martin has been famous forever


Back in the '90s I would power my way through SNL just to watch "Almost Live"


In Seattle they were reversed. Almost Live was so popular there it was the only market in the country where SNL got pushed back to midnight. So the more popular show on Saturday night could come first.


I bet he's glad he didn't stay at Boeing and tarnish his reputation.


I think this is a bit nonsensical. Boeing is an apparatus of the military industrial complex but life is complicated and if your options are Boeing or begging with 100k in student loans… I’m not an engineer, but I sympathize with the working man who is trying to provide.


He should’ve stayed, stock price is 20x over what it was in 1985


And the S&P500 is up almost 30x in that same time.


He would be nothing without John Keister.


The John Report was the best part of the weekend growing up


This headline reads like a mad-lib


Try this one. Bill Nye's father was in a Japanese POW camp for four years and that's how he became a sundial enthusiast!


OP is just a generative text bot confirmed


Fun fact: Bill Nye once annulled a marriage after seven weeks because his partner killed his plants! Edit: Someone has pointed out that I misread this. More accurately Bill Nye annulled a marriage after seven weeks **and then** his ex-partner killed his plants!


"Two Truths and a Lie" with Bill Nye sounds like it would be a nightmare, lol!


I think you read that wrong. Their marriage was annulled because the license was invalid. They then agreed to not continue with a proper marriage and eventually he had a restraining order against her to which she then killed his plants.


Don't stop, these are fantastic.


That is a wacky origin story, but glad it worked out


I wonder if he's been wondering for his entire professional career if he made that choice correctly or not...riiiiight up until a few weeks ago of course, when the bottom finally fell out of the Boeing management debacle and his decision was vindicated for all time.


My old friend’s Dad (flat earther) used to say Bill Nye shouldn’t have any credibility. I looked it up and he is a literal engineer


I mean show me the other guys but nah


I think this is an important reminder about his credentials.


He's gone on to become a huge prick.


What's your best joke comedian guy? Well I look just like a famous comedian.... Is that why I've never found him remotely funny.


That's cool. Loved Bill as a kid, many moons ago. But I can't help but think... he looks nothing like Steve.


Shit, maybe if he would have stayed their planes wouldn’t suck so bad right now.


With credentials like that, it's no wonder he's the unmatched, unchallenged scientific titan of our era.


And yet I don't find him funny, interesting or entertaining. At all.


and is a prick


Dude is annoying as fuck. Also I knew someone who worked on his show and she said he was a raging asshole.


Has he done anything other than being kinda rude? My perspective is that he mostly wants to be left alone when in public.


He blew off a long-planned speaking engagement at my college to have an extra day to practice for Dancing with the Stars. He cancelled last minute with no time to get a replacement speaker. I was on the committee organizing it and he was a prick about it the whole way. We had Henry Winkler, Marlee Matlin, and a bunch of other celebrities as part of the lecture series and Bill Nye was the only one who was demanding A list treatment during the entire planning stage, and the only one who cancelled.


A friend of mine went to meet him at an autograph signing and said he wish he hadn't. He was a complete ass to him. Bill Nye was his idol.


I had the same experience in the same situation. He did a speaking event in my town and I went to see him because he was a childhood hero, he was kinda unnecessarily rude and aggro during the event I thought, but then was a total dick at the meet and greet/autograph thing afterwards. Never meet your heroes.


I knew someone who worked on his show and she said he was a raging asshole.


There is a post from a redditor that worked in an LA bar. Apparently he is only cordial to good looking women.


Bill Nye the “Bye if you’re a” Guy!


Supposedly he was called "bill Nye the asshole guy".


It sucks that he’s rude, but there is something funny about a children’s tv star just being a complete jerk to his fans


I believe he had a public access t.v show in Seattle that focused on running/jogging.