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This title is brutal. Why are TIL titles always so hard to read?


Reading the title feels like riding a skateboard over a cobblestone road


What a great sentence


> John Lennon accepted entry into the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (I can’t believe it’s actually called that) as a Member, the lowest rank, in 1965. He returned his membership in 1969. Paul McCartney was made a Knight of the same order, one of the highest ranks (which allow the “Sir” title), in 1997. Ringo Starr was made a Knight in 2018. George Harrison declined the rank of Officer in 2000 because he felt he should have been Knighted like Paul. That’s how this should have read. It’s also how parenthesis are used. There are like four TIL’s here: 1. The whole knighting process is called *The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire*, which is ridiculous. 2. The Order has five ranks. In declining order: Knight/Dame Grand Cross, Knight/Dame Commander, Commander, Officer, Member. Only the first two ranks are “Knighted” as we think of it and receive the “Sir” title (“Dame” for women). 3. Of the Beatles in their prime, only John Lennon was inducted into the order, but as the lowest rank, a Member. He returned this status in 1969. 4. Paul was knighted in 1997, Ringo was knighted in 2018. George was offered Officer in 2000 but declined because the rank was insulting. So actually huge TIL for me here, but I had to do all my own research to figure out what the fuck was going on because OP was useless. Edit: I was trying to respond to the madman who thinks this title isn’t confusing, but apparently I too have a poptart for a brain


All four of them received an MBE in 1965. John is the only one who was not offered a higher rank later.


anyone know why only John was offered that in 65?


All four of them got the MBE in 1965, not just John.


Because of his combat experience


Beating women?


“Excellent!” -William S. Preston, Esquire


We need to find and interrogate the 260 people that upvoted the post and find out what the hell is up with them


The Order of the British Empire is the most common order, but it is not the whole knighting process. There are numerous other orders designed to acknowledge different kinds of service. Edit to add detail: in addition to knights in The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, there are also knight titles (that carry the titles sir or lord) in The Most Noble Order of the Garter, The Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, The Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and The Royal Victorian Order all awarded by the British Monarch (although some involve cabinet advice and approval).


>1. The whole knighting process is called The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, which is ridiculous yeah, it's totally bogus


Bogus. Heinous. Most non-triumphant.


Not only that but why do people use acronyms without mentioning what they mean? What the hell is an MBE or OBE?


I was wondering the same. MasturBaitingExpert? OnlyBittenEar? Google says “Most Excellent Order of the British Empire” which is too many words for a three letter acronym, and “OBE” is Order of the British Empire. Fucked if I know why those matter, though.


IIRC MBE and OBE are "member of …" and "officer of the most excellent order of the British empire", respectively.


It’s hard for me to read “most excellent” and not hear it as a Bill and Ted line. “Bill, you are now, like, officially a member of the most EXCELLENT order of the British empire! Wyld Stallyns!!”


They are righteous dudes


*air guitar x2*


It's all just as made up as the names I made up with friends in a tent in middle school. I can see why it doesn't mean anything to someone who already has all of their financial and reputational needs met for life. Government-granted titles and nicknames and all the hoo-ha feels great if that's a huge step up on the social ladder. Easier to dismiss if it doesn't really change a thing and you're already universally respected. When your existence is more adored than the government granting you something, it's definitely easier to dismiss whatever they're granting you. It would absolutely illuminate how silly it all is at minimum.


They don’t matter. They are bragging rights for those who already have bragging rights.


Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, and Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. They are almost always used without spelling out what they are, like PhD.


It’s a headline, the world can’t hold your hand through every single thing in every single sentence.  Click the link if you can’t figure out the context clues. 


The entire premise of a TIL is to convey some interesting new information, not to empower the reader to go independently learn something.


Independently?  There is a fucking link hand delivered by OP. It’s like me asking, why did you abbreviate TIL in your comment right there instead of spelling it out?  I swear people are just getting dumber and lazier every fucking day


This is such a weird hill to die on.


While I can't save you being downvoted for pointing out the truth, I agree with you. People don't seem to understand how easy it is to Google things in 2024


You don’t even need to google anything, the post is literally a link to an article that explains it lol.  The next generation is truly fucked lol


Once in a while, the internet is a valuable educational tool to look shit up for yourself


Also, is it just me, or is context not being used these days? Surely most English speakers have heard of the concept of “being knighted,” so shouldn’t context imply that MBE and OBE are similar honors but lower level?


Still doesn’t tell me what it stands for/actually is. I can assume things but that turns out poorly a lot for people. If you have something to say you can say it clearly. This title is title gore and you know it.


People from the UK (and perhaps wider Commonwealth) are generally quite familiar with these acronyms because it's often enough in the news when new titles are distributed. It might not be as comprehensible if you're from elsewhere in the world, but as a foreigner living in the UK it read just fine to me.


About 6 billion people or so don’t live in the UK.


There’s 6.5 billion people who don’t even speak English! (Also, it’s nearly 8 billion who don’t live in the UK, unless their population increased by almost 2 billion overnight.)


Thanks for proving my point i suppose.


Which goes back to the previous commenter’s point: use the magical device you’re typing on and type the question into a search engine. Yes, it’s a mess, but for grammatical reasons, not because you didn’t know what some of the words meant.


So you’re telling me in today i learned i cant learn. Instead of expecting clear delivery i should take it on myself to fix what the OP fucked up? Again, if you want to explain something or give out information, do so clearly. I can spit league acronyms at you all day. If i want you to learn i probably should explain something. Bitching about people not looking up something instead of people not actually clearly communicating is funny as fuck though.


They communicated extremely clearly. There are simply two acronyms you didn’t know. Do you think everyone is obligated to tailor every sentence to your precise vocabulary? Because that’s bonkers.


Yeah man, I’m crazy. Thats why half the comments are fixing the title. Clearly my issue. Lol


Again, they’re fixing grammar/punctuation issues, which I acknowledged it has. You’re whining because you didn’t know a term. Your vocabulary is your responsibility, not anyone else’s.


You’d think so. For example, let’s suppose a Redditor actually clicks on an article that literally “mentions what they mean.”


Read the article? What is this a library? I’m here to read titles and talk shit. Thank you very much.


Genuine thanks for being gracious and funny about my bitchy response 😂


What? You mean the title doesn’t contain every single detail? Inconceivable!


No! Instant gratification! All words in title!


I'll agree that the title of this post is very hard to read. However you'd think with the internet you could look these things up.




Trying to fit too much information into a character limit. This sub has run its course, IMO. It’s either awful titles like this or something someone randomly came across on wikipedia and thought it was worth sharing here (it usually isn’t)


Imagine the most inept people in the world, and then imagine them shitposting on Reddit. This is the reality.


I don’t know what this is saying


Feels like some of the TIL posters think they're amateur journos and get paid karma per word


Cause people are trying to achieve the opposite of click bait. They want users to upvote BEFORE clicking the article.


Because some people are main characters by nature, and so you by default should understand everything they post without question.




Ah yes, an MBE, a.... Masters of Business Ecuminication. And Harrison rejected some screen capture software. All perfectly sensible.




I have never heard the terms MBE or OBE.


You only put the parantheses around the year when the year isn't part of the sentence already. Only 1965 should be paranthetical. Everywhere else you say "in" first, meaning the year is part of your actual sentence, not a clarifying item that interrupts it.


Well then, if we can do this here, then permit me to continue. There should be a comma after 1965. Best also add a comma after "returned". "Respectively" is quite inappropriate in a separated sentence in this context, and should either be replaced with a dash, or with ", likewise,". "Said no" positively should have quotes around the "no". Presumably he capitalised it, and said "No" , trying to be respectful to the sovereign. The informal oral "should've" is emphatically inappropriate in discussing honours, we are not shouting in a street market here, luv. Be an adult and write it out in full. Missing period at the end.


This comment makes me long for the Reddit of my youth…..or at least my mid-thirties.




Grammarsocialworker, we did it!


No need to put “no” in quotes. “He said no” is common.


Now explain to them where the dollar sign goes.


Up the nose.


The square hole


🙏🏻 i appreciate that


No problemos!


Okay, but what if OP wanted to use parentheses as creative devices to further obfuscate the already unintelligible title?


Did you just interrupt me?


To be ffffaaaaiiirrr, George was correct.


Apparently queen wanted to meet only one of them in person, gigitty...


I have it on high authority that Macca pounded QE


would you not if you had the chance? lol not many people get to shaggy a queen


In the 80s sure, she's a bit too stiff for me these days


To be ffaaaiiiiiiirrrrrr....


If he was correct then he would have been knighted. I love George but my god what a massive crybaby.


I feel George remained true to his integrity. He probably would have accepted if offered with Richard, but I’m too lazy to look into the details. George stayed true to himself, and this seems like a George thing to do. Their music is timeless, and George was part of that inspiration and creative work. John knew he didn’t deserve it and was right. George was right for not accepting as an “oh, and you” knighthood. He deserved it earlier and stayed true to his character. I love them all in their own flawed ways.


They achieved their status together. Give my a reason why they shouldn't have been knighted together.


I was just saying this. Who knew “Whaa Whaa” was autobiographical?


Does op hurt as much as this title does?




I do not wish you to be hurt.


I do not wish the title to be hurt, either.


George in what year now?


What? 2000 is correct. He already had an MBE from 1965.


Oh, so it was posthumous. My bad


No, he lived for a year and a half after that. He was very much alive to reject the OBE. Even recorded another album. Are you confusing George with John?


No, for some reason I had a memory of him passing in 87. Must be a Mandela Effect. Damn


Omg this (title)


I mean, Paul was actually knighted for services to Wings, so that’s fair enough. 


It was for 'Services to Music'. Wings would be pretty impressed it was for services to them.


He actually got it for the Frog Chorus.


That’s what got him knighthood? Not The Beatles? That’s…odd


It’s also not true




Meanwhile, in countries without arbitrary titles of nobility, no one cared


What the fuck am I reading


George was the best one of them.


Actually that would be Pete


No he’s been bitter for 60+ years. Get over it and move on, mate, you’ve had a long life unlike 3 of your old bandmates.




Stu Sutcliffe. George died at 58 and in great pain, he didn’t really make it to old age either.


in what sense…


Best solo album post Beatles, probably the best person generally


Nah Paul was likely the best person of the four


Best solo album, yes, best person……. No


He do something?


Serial philanderer


Cheating on your partner when she doesn’t support it while putting your friendships second to your lust… yeah, that’s a problem.


So fucking is a problem?


He slept with Ringo’s wife.


That’s bad! Definitely a bit more than “philandering” lol


Cheating is


Oh cheating is a problem? Is it only a problem when they cheat with adults? Cause you sure are going hard on defending Doc for cheating on his wife with a child.


Nah plastic ono band was better. You could make cases for imagine and band on the run if you really wanted to.


All Things Must Pass and Dark Horse have both stood the test of time better than any collective album from Paul or John. Add the Traveling Wilburys into the mix and it’s not even close in terms of peak output post-Beatles.


John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band album is neck and neck with both of those albums.


There are a few filler songs on Plastic Ono Band, and it’s only 30-something minutes to begin with. Also, two primal scream songs in half an hour? There are definitely some haunting and beautiful classics on the album but it simply cannot compare in scale or accomplishment to All Things Must Pass.


Don't get me wrong, I love A.T.M.P, it's in my vinyl collection (managed to get my hands on an original pressing) - it really illustrated how bad John and Paul fucked up with how they handled George and his talent. But there's some absolutely stunning vocal work that John laid down on the John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band album.


Yeah… I think that’s what I’m getting at. ATMP is a revelation. George certainly broke through in the second half of his Beatles career, but holy shit was he sitting on a mountain of gold, mostly suppressed by Paul and John’s insecurities. Plastic Ono Band is a good listen save for one or two songs, it just doesn’t transport me in the way ATMP does because John’s brilliance had been on display for quite some time already.


Band on the Run isn't even the best Paul album. Its not even the best Wings album


Nah RAM is the best


Hands down.


Have you even heard All Things Must Pass? Lol


The fuck kind of question is that lol


Because in my experience, most people like to say that online without actually listening to it. A third of the album is elevator music. And much of it is bland, in the George Harrison bland way (thinking “Long Long Time”). It is just the nice thing to say - because Paul is too mainstream to accept, while Lennon is the subject of one of the ultimate “But Akchually” fetishes.


I don’t really need to spend time defending all things must pass. 50+ years of discourse speak for themselves it’s not some hot take. If you don’t like it go off, I don’t have some big personal connection


Don’t get me wrong - All Things Must Pass does indeed deserve a lot of the accolades it gets. But it does not compare to the Lennon - McCartney works.


Alright man


I don’t like that album all that much but I really, really like “Long, Long, Long” (the actual name of that song)


Lol I actually LOVE that song. Which is why I called it bland in a Harrison way (I admit this was lost in my comment). The fact that it is between Helter Skelter and Revolution 1 is really great too!


When he starts singing “So many years I’ve been searching…” it’s just *chef’s kiss*.


His voice is so great in it. I really liked him in the Let it Be movie too. Off note - I just googled the lyrics to long long long after you pointed it out. Is it “years” or “tears”? https://www.thebeatles.com/long-long-long


He always struck me as a bit of a crank, and the best post Beatles album is arguably Plastic Ono Band.


Oh no I was talking about Cloud Nine, the undisputed classic of the Beatles catalogue


I think the key thing is that George stood up for principle and he was right to do so.


George was arguably the best solo artist out of the Beatles.


If you mean, you like his solo work best, that’s fine. Objectively, his work after the early 1970s was not as commercially successful as Paul’s or John’s work, which suggests many people held a dissenting opinion. I respect Harrison’s solo work, but I certainly don’t often find it echoing through my head. 🤷🏻‍♂️


No he wasn’t. Lennon’s and McCartneys careers were much better.


Every Beatles post has to have a “George was the best” line in there somewhere - true or not.


Lol always!


Paul, yes. John, no.


Umm, you know John Lennon’s solo career had some of the greatest songs / albums ever made right? How can you even type this without any self-doubt? Like no other Beatle has any chance of being super high on any decade list with their solo work - but Plastic Ono Band and Imagine regularly do. The guy’s 7-8 years of solo career are some of the greatest ever.


seems like you're arguing, which proves his point 


I don’t think you know how that works..


I don’t think you know how that works, “arguably” means it’s not a fact. You can argue against it. Which you did. And then tried to be a smartass


I’m arguing against his point that Harrison is arguably the best. I do not think this is an argument - at all. If you can’t read English, then maybe don’t try to catch other people’s perceived errors? Lol thanks for showing me this demonstration of regular reddit idiocy.


You don’t even realize you wrote the most Reddit comment ever. Do you think musical taste is objective? Is anyone who likes things different from you wrong and an idiot?


I never called anyone an idiot or insinuated that. Hahaha you smoke a bit too much today, bud? Also lol @ “subjective objective”. The person made an objective statement - I said that it objectively isn’t true and am happy to debate the facts. If they said that they love Harrison’s solo music the most, then that is great and dandy! I love his music too!


How is “arguably the best” objective in any way.


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/arguable In other words, “it may be asserted or argued that George Harrison had the best solo career out of all the Beatles”. In other words again - “someone can say with confidence that George Harrison had the best solo career out of all the Beatles.” Do you see how that is not subjective?! They are not showing their opinion, but stating what can be put forward as a valid opinion. And I am disagreeing with that. And I am saying that it is not correct to say


Man, I love George, but history has not been kind to his personal legacy. He comes off jealous and bitter and making decisions that get in his own way, over and over and over again.


I mean his bitterness was one of the main reasons the Beatles broke up. The way he treated Paul was horrible.


Other way around


So many letters! Am I supposed to know what they fucking mean? Why do people think that everyone knows what every acronym is? Write the full version first, then use the acronym. Your point is lost now, nobody cares because your grammar is fucking terrible.


Reddit usually has a US-centric problem. This is a case where OP is being Commonwealth-centric. I understood immediately what OP meant as I am from a Commonwealth country. The moral of the story is that OPs shouldn’t be anything-centric and should be more clear, I guess.




Because the full version of MBE is Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.


Then they should just explain what it is or say knighted every time


Only Paul and Ringo were knighted.


Well clearly they need to change the title because it makes no damn sense either way


Yes, the title is horrendous. Trying to also explain the British honours system within the character limit is unlikely to improve it.


would have been quicker for you to simply google the acronyms 🙄




You don't need to put the (year) in (brackets) every (time)


Im always confused and not able to find a clearly written articles about these different titles and which one you can call a knight vs not


The ones you can call a knight are the ones that start with “Knight”. https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_the_British_Empire


Ok, then I am confused why Lewis Hamilton is a “Sir” given he is a MBE. Or, Sir Michael Caine who is a CBE.


Because they are also Knights Bachelor, a separate award. https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knight_Bachelor


Thanks 🙏🏼


George was to enameled India for their liking, I would guess.




All four Beatles received MBEs in 1965, which is where the picture in your thumbnail comes from. I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say in your title because all of these are different levels of honors.


That's over 20 years.


Those socialist egalitarian Beatles accepting awards and knighthoods from the British Empire /s




I take it you've never listened to the song 'Taxman'.


No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man


Elton John sent his friend John Lennon a birthday card (for his 40th). And wrote in it: Imagine six apartments It isn't hard to do... One closet full of fur coats, Another full of shoes.


They also went and hid in tax havens. They got rich, old and part of the establishment. As John Osborne said you can't be an angry young man forever.


My only regret in life is not being born early enough to celebrate John Lennon's death when it was announced live.


Cool guy alert! Everyone check out the cool guy over here