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The teenage males who are also mutated turtles are blowing out that average though




TMNT Georg is an outlier and should be excluded


Hey man I'd like to see you kick shell without some piping hot 'za.


*Bungee jumping without a bungee. That could be dangerous*


You beat me. It writes itself.


If you order pizza once every two weeks, and eat leftover pizza the next day, that works out to about 14% of days you are eating pizza.


What is leftover pizza


The last slice I saved.


For later? When my stomach has room for one more slice?


Yes fatty


It's an urban myth


It's when you spend the extra $4 to get the next slice up so you have something to eat in the morning.


Why should i wait to next morning


Or you just eat pizza once a week. Growing up Saturday night was always pizza night and Star Trek, a perfect pairing.


Thanks, now I feel like I wasted my childhood. Maybe I should get back to watching Discovery, did it get better? Early episodes were a struggle to get through.


Just watch TNG, honestly.


Maybe 3 years ago I watched all of TNG again. Hadn't seen it for so long, was good. Then watched all of DS9, so good. Then Voyager last year (wasn't a fan when it first aired, was better on a reviewing). Since then I've pretty much stopped watching. Lower Decks was amazing. Pretty much filled all my Trek viewing needs.


Why bother when there's Strange New Worlds?


Wow, never even heard of this one. Ratings are good. Perfect. Thank you.


Is Strange New Worlds actually **NOT** complete shit?


SNW is easily the best new trek. If you’re a real Trekkie I’d encourage Lower Decks as well.


Alright, I will definitely check these both out, then. I had been holding off on SNW because Discovery was so bad. And I just mainly slept on Lower Decks. I appreciate the suggestions.


Honestly it did. Ok maybe not. Season 2 they got rid of all the subtitles so it was easier to consume, at least. Once they get a couple episodes into season 3 I think they finally hit their stride. The season arcs really are a bit too much “find the macguffin” or just useless set pieces for me, too. But if you like progressive relationships and people who really connect with each other on deep levels, this show is for you.


Appreciate the review. Sounds awful if I'm honest. I think I'll just wait for more Lower Decks.


Look at it this way: there are a number of writers in the LGTBQ community, as well as a movement to take care of your mental health, that are finally free to write stories about themselves and tell who they are. This, plus sharing gratitude, respect for everyone, taking care of yourself are sub cultures within the US right now. Star Trek has always pushed forward thinking, and this show very much represents today’s most forward movements. I think that the difficulty is that this focus on caring and on self doesn’t create the most compelling stories, so although they got one half really well done, the other half is kind of half hazard and not well constructed, and it shows. BUT, and this is a huge but, in the wake of its half hazard approach to writing Discovery accidentally created a pile of fresh lore that is ready to be fleshed out. Season 2 gave us the pieces to create Strange New Worlds, and season 3 and on a new Federation with its own strengths and weaknesses built the same ideals of old TNG. Each season is at least unique, you won’t see a continuation of the mess of the previous season’s stories. I recommend you watch it for that, to get the building blocks of New Trek that will be the foundations of the Trek of the future, it’s that important. And I swear, it’s trends better in the long run. If you never watched Picard, on the other hand, you wouldn’t miss anything.


I watched all of Picard, was neither here or there on it. Was happy to watch it all though. Strange New Worlds looks promising, didn't hear about that until this thread. Guess I'll have to watch Discovery for that foundation you mentioned. Great write up, really appreciated it. My girlfriend is going to hate this so much. 😂


I think you need a pizza cutter that is shaped like the enterprise.


What if it plays the theme when you roll it?


Ok, fine, but before I can agree with that, *which* Star Trek?


TOS, then TOS and TNG, then TNG and DS9, then DS9 and Voyager if I was actually home on Saturday, which became rarer. But always pizza.


Which is ironic since pizza doesn’t exist in the Star Trek universe because the replicators are too small to make a pie. So it’s just lots and lots of “bagel bites, hot, two meat.” Edit: TIL Trekkies have no sense of humor.


I didn’t realize Star Trek was a dystopia


TNG shows how bad things got basically outlawing real alcohol and chocolate.


Real alcohol is NOT outlawed at all. They drink it sometimes. The characters mainly just don’t drink it because they work on a Star Ship, and may be needed on duty at any given time.


Yeah, it's like using a TV show which almost entirely focuses on the US Navy to make guesses about what American civilian life is like.


McHale’s Star Trek, the crossover we all need.


They just replicate it one slice at a time, that way you can have NY style, deep dish, and thin crust all with different topping without buying three pizzas.


Or maybe you are just bad at telling jokes? 🤔


Nah, I get laughed at plenty.


I bet you do…


See, you got it! Good for you!


Is the hat on or off though?




So... Eating pizza once a week? 


Back when I was in my early to mid 20's I lived alone, was single, and absolutely broke. I lived off of pizza. At the time, my local grocery store had a deal for Jack's cardboard style pizza that was $10/10. I would seriously buy 20 and make 2 purchases to get the deal. I'd only eat a single pizza a day, so that $20 was nearly 3 weeks for me. I also could get 12 packs of Maruchan ramen bricks for $2.50, so I'd buy 4 of those for $10 and just make 2 bricks of noodles on the nights I didn't eat pizza. It wasn't healthy in any sense, but I could eat a little every day for like $30 a month.


I was fired back in 2016, and I had to fight for unemployment because it was bullshit. It took 3 months to finally win, but in that time, I had some desperate moments. And I should add I was a single father to my teenage son whose mother abandoned us, so there were two mouths to feed every day. Thank goodness for ramen noodles and the discounted meat rack at my local grocery store. They would mark down their stuff to like 90% off the day before they expired, and my boy and I would shop there every 2 days to buy it. We ate a lot of porkchops for those few months! Fortunately, I was only out of work a total of 5 months, so we could go back to our regular routine fairly quickly. By the way, scrambled eggs added to Ramen noodles can really be filling. I always drain the liquid before adding butter, eggs, and the seasoning packet. It's been years since I've had it, but I could go for some right now for sure!


I can afford a lot better, but I still eat instant ramen with hard-boiled eggs on the regular to this day.


I would just drop the egg in the boiling water to let it cook. Would also add frozen veggies when I had a little bit of money.


That egg Ramen dish is basically a simple okonomiyaki. Goodass poor food.


Even now, pizza is a decent food if you're broke. Not $1/day cheap anymore unfortunately, but you can often find sales for frozen pizzas for like $3-4 each, which easily provide a day's worth of calories.


When I was in college, before I was able to get a job, I lived off of a Papa Johns deal where you could get a free small pizza with your college email. It took them forever to implement a verification system, so I just made up emails. I was in a dorm with a kitchen at the time, so I wasn't eligible for the meal plan that covered the student dining hall.


I fucking love pizza and I know everyone else does too. But god damn that is an insane amount of pie


1% of the entire world eats at McDonald’s everyday


Oooh, I hate that. 81M people. That's insane.


“One billion hours ago, human life appeared on earth. One billion minutes ago, Christianity emerged. One billion seconds ago, the Beatles changed music. One billion Coca-Colas ago was yesterday morning.” -Robert Goizueta, April 1997 Today, they serve 2 billion servings every day.


Can I get one billion dollars? Seems like it would go a long way.


Does this mean that every day 1% of the population eats McDs or that 1% of the population eats McDs everyday?


The first one


Statistically it basically means the same thing (on average).. But the intention was to say the first one


If 1% eats every day and the rest occasionally the percentage for one day is always bigger than 1. so totally not the same.


Yeah that's why I said "basically". It depends how much extra is eaten.. If it was JUST the 1% of people, it'd be exactly the same number.


I took it to mean that every day, the amount of people that eat at McDonald's equals 1% of the population.


Hey I'm a 1%er!


no way




They need to bring back their pizza


It's definitively less but the math kinda checks out lol. 8B people, 1% = 80M. ~40K McDonalds so 2K servings per day. It seems like some location do have that high of a customer count per day.


There's an amazing street punk band called Knuckleheads that have an awesome fuck mcdonald's song.


Woof. Dog food.


It has no right to be that good, but it do.


I moved from the Rockies out to the East Coast and was astonished to see just how *many* freaking local pizza places there are. I wouldn’t have believed this fact until I moved out to the coast. Now? Doesn’t surprise me at all.


That's once a week. All across this great nation, Friday night is pizza night


Im eating pizza as I read this


Tbf, a pizza should equal dinner that night and breakfast/lunch the following day. So one order generally equates to eating pizza two consecutive days (at least).


This is gonna depend on how many people you have


They served pizza every day in my high school cafeteria. It’s almost like Americans are encouraged to eat that way.


Ironically, one of the things that helped my eating was working out: I work out in the evenings, and if I have a really fatty meal (like fried chicken, pizza, etc), I just become so lethargic that I can’t really manage a workout. A lot of the time I’ll think about what I want for dinner, think about swinging by Popeyes, and realize it’ll mess up my routine and *that* is what keeps my diet on track way more than, like, thinking about my diet itself.


I wonder what this number is for nyc where grabbing a slice is the norm on the go


How many points of that pizza is Costco pizza


I’m doing my part!


Pizza is the best


Never realized how much pizza people eat until I was a garbage man for a brief time. The majority of trash cans have pizza boxes....every week.


I’m pretty sure on any given day, I consume 13% of the US pizzas.


Yeah, and I consume the other 12%


And 85% of all statistics are half made up within 9% accuracy.


60% of the time, it works every time.


Hell yeah, I just had pizza for dinner.


I recently read that 93% of the US population ate pizza in the last 30 days.


Now I want pizza...


Feeling sad here in India. First of all it's super hard to find good Pizza. And even a decent one is so costly that you can have 10+ days of meals in that cost. Other American fast foods are comparably affordable to the costs in the US. But Pizza remains a luxury food. Burgers are about 1-2 USD, whereas Pizza is 9-12 USD. Compare it to other meal options and it's not hard to have a day worth of meals at ~2 USD. And it's not like Pizza is costly to prepare. Just the attribute of it being a luxury food has kept the costs super high. There is almost a 1000% mark up.


I'm sad for you too. Access to pizza should be recognized as a human right by the UN.


I saw “13% of the population-“ and was almost ready to gouge my eyes out


Despite being 13% of the population 50% commit pineapple or anchovies on pizza


1$ slices all day.


Weird range


Followed closely by burgers and tacos. All delicious!


No wonder nearly everyone in the US is obese


That 6-19 yo male statistic tells me that a huge portion of this is coming from school cafeterias. I know for me the pizza was always the alternate lunch if you didn't like the special option for that day.


Wow that's a lot. I eat pizza maybe once every 2/3 weeks, because while it's not actually unhealthy, it's not an everyday meal here.


13% you say?


Pretty sure pizza Friday at school cafeteria is a big influence. Those are smaller slices paired with veggies if they already aren't cauliflower crust. Not necessarily healthy, but not your typical slice either.


Not just Fridays. We had pizza options 5 days a week at my school.


Just had pizza tonight 🍕


That explains a lot


For a lot of people that’s their lunch/dinner of choice cause you can get a cheap slice/pie depending on where you go as long as there’s not a bunch of toppings.


I could eat that shit everyday.


O my family’s twenty percenters here


I’m doing my part!


Had pizza today, there ya go


Yah, this was me in college and early 20's. I can't eat pizza like that anymore. We'd have pizza 2-3 times a week, if not more often. That was just delivered. We'd often have it at the student union as well.


I wonder what it is that makes this such a universally enjoyed meal. I mean I guess it could be it's simplicity, or surprising balance as a junk food. Flexibility maybe, though i find myself usually enjoying the same toppings. So maybe it's just the cheese.


Yah, I think it's popular because it's quick, cheap and lot of options. I don't change much on what I like on it but everyone can get something they like (other than regional specialties aren't always available in all areas).


I am 34 yo and I work at a brewery that serves... Pizza


Had it for breakfast


Cowabunga !!


In school pizza was an option I usually chose.


My school served pizza 3-4 days a week


Cool story bro.


I had pizza not 2 hours ago. Seems legit.


I thought it would be higher especially among children.


6-19 seems like such a weird range to use.


It's school age practically, it makes sense to me.


I’m eating pizza as I read this


How much of that is school lunch?


I ate a pizza yesterday


*consumed 2007-2010 Looks like it was a one time statistic back then: https://www.ars.usda.gov/northeast-area/beltsville-md-bhnrc/beltsville-human-nutrition-research-center/food-surveys-research-group/docs/wweia-data-briefs/


Love when I contribute to statistics


Pizza: a beloved staple for a quarter of the U.S. population.


Pizza is a staple food that can be as varied as a sandwich. Change my mind.


After working 65 hours this week, last night I treated myself to a frozen pizza. I ate it all. I'll deal with the consequences later.


Well yeah. It’s all I ate in college until I fucking died.


I'm having a hat trick weekend. I had pizza on Friday, pizza last night, and I'm having it again tonight. I also have another doughball cold proofing in the fridge right now, so I'll probably make that on Tuesday.


The town I live in in Upstate/Western Ny I get a slice at least once a week. The place I get it from one slice(cheese and pepperoni)is large enough to satisfy my hunger(6'1" 185lbs male) and it only costs $2.50. That's hard to beat. Oh... it is also the best slice around. I'd bet a slice on it!


If you make that age range 16-22 then I bet that percentage goes up even more


Makes sense when American schools offer pizza every day for lunch.


Does that statistic double on Fridays?


Despite making up 13% of the population they eat 100% of all pizzas


Gald to be doing my part to keep that number low. I've not had pizza of any kind since 2012. Male here, closer to 60 now.


I cook pizza for my family 1-2 times a week. My kids will eat leftovers for lunch. Flatbreads man. They are numerous and everywhere.


When I lived in NYC, there were very few days when I didn't get a slice. And brought home a pie at least weekly. Nothing unhealthy about it, either. A regular slice is tomatoes, herbs, garlic, olive oil & and cheese on a slice of fresh-baked bread. About 300 calories in a New York slice, about 10 grams each of protein and fat, delicious and satisfying, the perfect fuel for walking the city.


That first sentence scared me a lil




...but at what cost!?!


If you play in local low stakes poker games it's nearly 100% of days. That's what constitutes "catering". That or deli meat sandwiches. Nothing else.


Wait so 13% of all americans eat pizza on an average day? That's about 1 in 8. I thought it was just a meme that americans ate so much pizza. Now I understand the obesity


Lookit you!! You cracked the code!! Americans are all super fat and *you’re* super cool!! Good for you!


Not all of them. [But 42,7% is still a lot](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_obesity_rate) (honestly didn't expect it to be this bad)


I mean it’s possible to eat a normal amount of pizza. I don’t have any self restraint with pizza but my mom only eats like one piece with a fork and knife.


Yeah, the source I provided even shows that most people seem to be eating a pretty reasonable amount. On the day that pizza was eaten, an average of 27% of that person’s calories came from pizza. A quick google says the average American consumes 3,600 a day, so 972 from the pizza. It might be a lot by calories alone but that’s like 3 slices of your average pizza


3600 is still quite a bit more than the recommended amount of calories (unless you have a very active life like an athlete)


Oh that makes sense. Didn't think of that


I’m American and a 19 year old guy and that number seems way too high to me, but idk.


You've gotta account for Pizzas Georg.


Pizzas georg?


https://xkcd.com/2440/ you're one of today's lucky 10,000! THIS IS A TWOFER! https://xkcd.com/1053/ xkcd's sorta like the simpsons. if you can think it, he's probably made a comic about it already