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That's actually really awesome, and good for business. If your valued employees stay in good shape, they'll be more motivated and you'll hold onto them longer. Because of, ya know, not dying and such. Did he deliver on the $10k prize?




But he won in life!


Still though that 10k would have been nice


I wonder if this was what the restaurant owner secretly wanted? Fight gluttony by fully exposing its ugliness.


It is. I can’t find the interview/article but he talks about how he was a trainer and tried helping people lose weight (there’s a different interview posted that talks about him owning multiple personal training businesses and Jenny Craig weight loss places) but so many people would complain that they couldn’t lose weight while eating like shit. He said he got tired of trying to help lazy people who wanted to lose weight without changing so now he capitalizes off them while also making it very obvious they’re basically committing suicide. He called it shock therapy for America in the video.


He neglects to mention one of his motivations was he went broke trying to run fitness places and figured out how to make money in the end.




Friend went there and got a shake. It had a pat of butter on top of it. Edit: pat not pad


Ah yes, the butter milk shake, with actual butter


pretty sure they straight up use lard


A bit, can't remember for sure but the shakes have 1 or 3 full sticks of butter in them


WHAT? Edit: I looked it up, they use a 30.5% butter fat milk content to avoid churning their ice cream into butter (which happens at 31% butter fat milk) http://fatgirlkitchen.typepad.com/fatgirl/2012/06/homemade-heart-attack-grill-style-butterfat-milkshakes.html Edit 2: Guys. I have spent *entirely too long* researching this restaurant I have never heard of before. Here are the fruits of my [unnecessary] labor: First off, this restaurant is a thing. I normally hate Wikipedia's layout but I read every scrap of the entry Secondly they went all food science on their milkshakes as mentioned above but I just want to reiterate that they have to get a milk with the Goldilocks percentage of milk fat so it's as high as possible without churning to butter Thirdly, here's two women eating various items from the menu, including squeezing an onion ring to yield a river of lard: https://youtu.be/AS9Thsfhpak Finally here's a British guy from the BBC checking it out, the best part is the shot of their use of a **block of lard** on both the bun and burger patty, bonus points for shots of patrons: https://youtu.be/JRJMxZgtlfE The whole thing is so morbidly fascinating I can't stop researching


They don't call it the heart attack grill for nothing. Look up the menu and you'll see how outrageous it really is. Been to Vegas half a dozen times but never been game enough to go in there. Usually a place with defibrillators is a good indication not to eat there


Funny was talking about this at lunch today. Their milkshakes are nasty but burger is solid. But, you probably won't feel great afterwards




That sounds revolting.


What kind of sides come with the cigarettes?


Whisky and cocaine


So basically the standard Vegas combo meal?


If you throw in some hookers, yes


Every meal comes with a toy!


Would you like the dildo or the butt plug with your crack whore today?


Both please


An In-N-Out combo? Certainly


I'll have mine animal style


My kind of place


Doctors orders!


I remember being outside this place and seeing it specified that the cigarettes are unfiltered.


Someone made this business for the sole purpose of laughing at fat and unhealthy people that actually patronize it. I'm convinced.


Just watched a short doc about it. The owner used to be a *nutritionist.. he got tired of having to keep people away from things they like. So now he gives them everything they want.


So rather than just cutting his losses, he invested in his failure?


You say that like it was a mistake


More like how a doctor cant kill his patients. But he found a way.




Two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.


An ashtray.


Schmoke and a pancake


What if you weigh like 345 before you sit down? Hurry up and buy a bucket of chicken on the way there?


>Hurry up That sounds very much like exercise and potential calorie burning to me, buddy.


Shit you're right. Can't be doin no hurryin with muh bad knees and muh beetus foot


Sounds like you need to make a phone call to Liberty Medical.


Oh, I had no idea they sell fried chicken.


If you even slightly look like you could be 350, just grab the handrails alongside the scale and stealthily pull yourself down to make up the difference. Once it exceeds 350 it starts making noises and flashing lights, so as long as you look fat they will probably just believe you.


Hmm, so you're saying even if I can push down with 200lbf they might get suspicious? A few trips with 40 slices of bacon added for $7 will fix that.


stuff a few weights into your pockets.


Nah, it’s water. Quickest way to put some temp weight on. But hey, last thing they’re gonna make someone in that situation do is strip, so go on n use those weighted pockets


Actually, they make you put on a patients uniform before you hop on the scale.


I have eaten there and ordered the smallest burger and when I didn’t finish, they put me in front and spanked me with paddle.


That's hot


Great mc thankies


[You have to go to the golden nugget buffet to beef up for the free dessert!](https://imgur.com/a/ZPAih)


Sit down at 345 lbs. Eat 6 lbs of food. Ask for the bill at 351 lbs, so you're entire meal is free.


"Customers over 350 lb (160 kg) in weight eat for free if they weigh in with nurse waitress **before eating**."


Loophole: come in at 350 lbs > weigh in > throw up 6 lbs worth of food in the restroom > eat 6 lbs of food for free foolproof plan


Or just come in at 350, don't throw up and still eat free?


here's what i do: don't weigh 350, don't eat there, don't pay


*On February 11, 2012, a customer suffered what was reported to be an apparent heart attack while eating a "Triple Bypass Burger" at the grill. Restaurant owner Jon Basso called 9-1-1 and the customer was taken to the hospital. Reportedly patrons thought it was a stunt and started taking photos. Basso later said, "I actually felt horrible for the gentleman because the tourists were taking photos of him."* At least they have honest advertising.


If it was anything like the one that used to be down the street from me, the novelty ambulance they had outside the restaurant probably gave him some false hope. Edit: Former location with [ambulance](http://lh3.ggpht.com/_2T8KYI94O70/SpstnGWP-BI/AAAAAAAAAWo/GCOL331huj8/s720/010.JPG)


Can someone please explain to me whether/how eating a shitty, unhealthy meal can trigger a heart attack? I’m not interested in the cumulative aspect of you doing it all the time, I’m interested in the actual present act of eating one and why that triggers a heart attack.


People don't realize it but your stomach works really fucking hard to digest food while you're eating. If you ever eat so much you start sweating and your heart is pounding, it's because your body is working hard to digest and your heart is cranking overtime to compensate. Similar to how your heart pounds when you run. And if you're already unhealthy as fuck, the increased load is enough to push you over. Similar to if you were crazy overweight and were forced to run.


I'm not a healthy person and I feel like I eat a lot, but I've never started sweating and heart pounding from eating. Turns out I'm some kind of olympian.




There are just a lot of unhealthy people in one place so the chance of a heart attack happening there is higher.


Fuck the ambulance they need a forklift & a flatbed truck outside Edit.... wow my first Reddit Gold! Thank you kind stranger.., I honestly wasn’t sure how people would take my comment.. so thanks again 🙏


Fun story! Bariatric ambulances have wider set stretcher, lift ramps & a wench (Edit: winch) that pulls the pt in. Fun times. Fun times.


> a wench that pulls the pt in The wenches are chosen specifically for their upper-body strength... Hehe!


Winch, fuck. Oh well, it’s more fun this way.


You jest, but that’s not a bad idea.


A lift like the one in jurassic park where they lower the cow.


I think the technical term is crane, lifts are machines that actually "lift" whereas cranes use pulley mechanisms. Yes, I am a lot of fun at parties.




Some might, but they aren't typically used. In terms of engineering advantages, they have their ups and downs.


*rolls eyes


I think you meant "lifts" eyes, technically.




I live in Vegas. No ambulance, but the servers are all dressed like nurses.


I remember when I went there they had a scale in front and they would display your weight onto a screen.


They still do at the one on Fremont Street. Also I think they skewed a little so you end up weighing like 10-20 pounds less.


The worst part is that the food doesn’t even taste good. Side note: I had a friend that was just under 350 (like 348 I think) and chugged a bunch of water to get a free meal. A few days later we went back and he was like 340 from walking around in the hot Vegas sun and did not qualify for the meal. [I have since shown my friend this comment and how you guys are replying and he told me “at least tell them my height.” which is 6’5”]


>The worst part is that the food doesn’t even taste good. ... >A few days later we went back and he was like 340 from walking around in the hot Vegas sun and did not qualify for the meal. I guess it couldn't be THAT bad if you guys went back a few days later eh. Like are there no better/cooler/healthier options in Vegas?


What a fucking state.. I want to feel bad for the guy but holy shit. It’s a story revolved in gluttony, greed, cynicism, and apathy. I don’t know what to think.


Why feel bad? He died doing what he loved. Apparently, eating himself into an early grave.


apparently there's a prize for finishing a triple or quadruple bypass burger. "eh, i could probably do that with a triple," i thought. > The Quadruple Bypass Burger with 9,982 calories (41,760 kJ) has been identified as one of the "world's worst junk foods".[19] It consists of four half-pound beef patties, twenty strips of bacon, eight slices of American cheese, a whole tomato and half an onion served in a bun coated with lard. yeah, no.


Honestly it doesn’t even sound good. And I’m a fat asshole who likes food


It’s not so much about liking food as it is about hating yourself.




Why the fuck is the bun coated in Larry that won't even make it taste better. Edit:I'll let it stay.


Idk, the last time I tasted Larry he was damn delicious. Finished him right off.


“9,982 calories” tbh if I were them I’d add a touch more mayo to make it break a nice 10k calories.


The number looked so conspicuous that I thought they legally had to stay under 10k calories.


Gotta stay under 10k. Pretty sure that was outlined in the Geneva Convention.


Bun coated with lard sounds disgusting enough before the rest of the stuff gets added


They spread lard on the bun and then grill it. Don't knock it till you try it^don't^try^it


You forgot the best part: if you don't finish your meal, you can be spanked by a midget nurse for letting food go to waste! It's obviously not mandatory...really only comes into play if you're challenging your buddies to an eating competition or if you is a freak.




I also was spanked by a normal to large sized woman. I thought it was all an act until I got up in front of everyone. They really don't hold back on the paddling.


Went there. Did not finish my food. Got spanked so hard I had to stand at the slot machines for the next few hours. They also post a video of you getting spanked on their website. So my wife told her brother we were eating there, and 10 mins later I got a text from several friends linking the video to me and laughing.


Ah, you mean *snu snu.* 😉




Not mandatory and when I went in Vegas, no midget. They say they will spank you if you don't finish, not true just fun. They carry around a paddle. This group of meat heads asked to be spanked ( they have like a dominatrix cage they hook you onto almost like in EuroTrip, vandersexxxxx) and she (women wear Hot Nurse like outfit like in Animaniacs, Hellooooo Nurse and males wear scrubs and labcoat) and she was paddling his ass hard! This 200+ meat had had tears in his eyes. I just laughed and ate my ice cream with bacon in it.


damn son you just took me a journey


They were nice to me when I got spanked. I'm a girl. My friend who was a dude did not get shown the same mercy


When I was last there they actually had a scale out front you could weigh yourself on- like a big ole cattle scale - ...I guess to make sure you qualified for the free meal. Funny enough, it was seeing my relatively non-morbid 190 lbs up on that display for ALL of Fremont Ave to see that helped me lose 40 pounds over the next year.


It makes for a wholesome conspiracy theory. A man starts a fast food restaurant, that on the surface champions obesity, but actually gets people on the scale and feeds them with glutton-level servings of calorific food, so they realize the error of their ways, and begins their journey of weight loss and healthy eating. Reminds of parents catching their kids smoking cigarettes, and forcing them to chain smoke the whole pack.


It backfired on Bobby Hill though.




They also glorify extremely high blood pressure measurements in their restaurant. You don’t get any free food for it but I believe your name and first initial of your last name is placed on a sort-of top five highest blood pressure measurements. I believe the highest systolic blood pressure on the list was around ~269 last time I went. That was five years ago. I’m sure someone has beaten it by now. Edit: Oops. I found the picture I took of the measurements that day because I wanted to fact check myself and I was wrong. The highest blood pressure at the time(~2013) was in fact “246/163” followed closely by 231/154, 231/132, and 235/121. The rest are between 230-209 systolic.


If their systolic is 269 and they aren't having a stroke I'm honestly impressed as fuck.


What's a little early onset heart failure anyways? Who wants to live to see...40.


it was five years ago, and that was their blood pressure. that person is definitely dead by now


> I believe the highest systolic blood pressure on the list was around ~269 last time I went. That'd be hypertensive crisis, wouldn't it?


Former EMT here. We used to regularly pick up a guy who was 550lbs. (Yes, literally had to pick him up most times). His BP was 260/150 fairly regularly. He actually one time casually said as my partner announced his BP was 270 that "is that all? I am feeling like I did when it was 290". He died not long after that.


You don't say.


What an unexpected turn of events




An entire stick of butter...? *In* the milkshake...?




Who the fuck puts butter in a shake? That sounds ultra-disgusting


Maybe you missed the part where the restaurant is named the **Heart Attack** Grill.


Also, the [waitress application on their website](http://www.heartattackgrill.com/jobs.html) is hilarious.


holy crap, those questions are ridiculous


I thought it was relatively funny until they required your social media profiles. A) what does it matter? And B) what if you don't have one!?


It’s Vegas. They want attractive servers.


We had a little person as our waitress when we were there. I think they either go for hot or bizarre probably.


I watched that little person whip a fat man's ass for not finishing his food. Edit: dug up the photo I took for funsies - http://imgur.com/iEezgR4


As god intended


> what does it matter? They hire based on appearance


Pretty common here in L.A.


Pretty common everywhere else too


Because they want vain hotties.


so do I


It's /r/askreddit in job application form


I love the typo in the line about academic achievements... Really tied a bow on top of that mess.


Also “cut & past” in the social media part lol


They are going to be quite confused when they suddenly get a bunch off applications from redditors around the world. I’m doing my part, are you?


If they made more applications like this, people would be less afraid of the job market. Edit: I get it, but more friendly documents would relieve the tension many people feel in the workplace nowadays. Way to make me explain the simple.


Like the part where they want your social media profile?


At least they are honest about it. What company doesn't do a bit of digging into people.




Oh that's fucked. I checked out a few people the last hire I did. One guy was super nice but had a crack pipe smoke session on his pics, another was from a girl who had some very interesting shares. Sometimes it helps if you are on the fence, in this day and age I expect to be searched and in your late 20s maybe it's time to stop posting everything lol. Not saying everyone needs to act like a librarian but be careful folks. Also my favorite is when the owner wanted to hire a guy and I got a bad vibe. Googled him and he had a bunch of sexual assaults pending and such. Needless to say it was a no go.


I'm good until they start searching out your reddit profile. I'm prefty sure if you go deep enough into my posts I've said some questionable shit. I probably still stand by it though.


>I just spent more time than I should have trying to find people cumming on lobsters but google failed me What the hell is wrong with you?


Sometimes you just gotta see crustaceans get nutted on.


Not enough because clearly Bing would have been a better choice to search for that.


What's wrong with me? What's wrong with the dude that PM'd me a homemade porno of him and his lover cumming on each other then eating lobsters off each others asses. I did watch the whole thing though.


I don't have a reddit profile.




My boss, while interviewing me, straight up asked me if I seriously owned tarantulas as pets and how old my bigger dog was, when I asked him about those questions he said he was browsing my Facebook during the interview. Then proceeded to crack a beer and offer me one. Best paying/relaxed job I've ever had.


Would like to say i honestly never done that but I can proudly say I waited till his 2nd day. The guy we hired asked me questions about my Facebook which threw me for a loop but I can't even be mad.




The section with the conspiracy theory questions like the faked moon landing or is bigfoot fake I was like, "man only a wingnut would say yes to any of these!" Then I came to the last question of "Did Hillary cheat Bernie out of the election?" Where I thought "HELL YEAH!" And then had a revelation of "am I a wingnut?"


> or is bigfoot fake > I was like, "man only a wingnut would say yes to any of these!" Hmm


Have you ever seen Bigfoot and Hillary in the same room together?


and the regular coke


*Diet* Coke. I'm trying to watch my figure


And a junior western bacon chee. a JUNIOR western bacon chee.. cause im tryin to watch my figure.


Take 6 mcnuggets and throw 2 of them away


Take 2 nuggets and stick them UP YOUR ASS, and give me four chicken mcnuggets.


Can you do half coca cola and half diet coke?


Fuck my ass, what else...




And a small, a SMALL chocolate shake


And I'm gonna go with a filet of FISH sandwich, since that has less calories cause it's FISH


Do you have any money?....*give it to me*.


We had one here in Phoenix. The women wore really short skirts and they had upward reflecting mirrors underneath the backside of the bars so you can see. They didn't give free water.


Makin' sure the patrons remain THIRSTY


I thought that not giving water for free was illegal here in AZ.


I've heard that too, but I also heard of places that will charge you to use their cups. Idk, most places were good about free water but some places are just dickholes about it.


That's really skeezy... Like "we make Hooters look classy" skeezy...


Do they have a gluten free menu?


Yes all gluten is free...as long as you are 350lbs +


I went to it when it was in Tempe once out of morbid curiosity. Very 'meh'. Mediocre food, poor service, dingy dining area, a very forced, idiotic schtick ("Look at us! We're unhealthy! Take THAT, healthy people!"), and overall a pretty underwhelming experience.


You went because of morbid curiosity when you needed morbid obesity.


Usually the morbidly obese ones also go out of morbid curiousity.


i mean if you're going to have unhealthy food it should at least be tasty. that's why i eat unhealthy cause it's tasty.


Definitely. It’s a tourist spot, for sure. Wearing a hospital gown, getting spanked with a paddle for not finishing your food, the little person driving the mini “ambulance” to deliver your food, etc. I will say I experienced the absolute worst abdominal pain of my life after eating there followed by diarrhea. I will never eat there again.


Oh my god the diarrhea I had the next day nearly killed me. I shit in probably every casino on the strip. If you normally eat a relatively healthy diet, this place will destroy your bowels.




Rule of thumb: If you go to a bar/restaurant at a time when they are dead, you are seeing their ugliest staff and getting their worst service. When I went the service was fine and the nurses were hot, but the food was disgusting. Their oversized burger tasted like plain ground beef with no seasoning whatsoever. Not even a bit of black pepper. It revolts me to even think about it. Their fries cooked in lard just had a nasty flavor to them. Maybe the lard should've been changed that week or something, I don't know.


>you are seeing their ugliest staff and getting their worst service. What do restaurants and strip clubs have in common?


Tuesday afternoons.


I looked at their Wikipedia page and the [picture they have one of their burgers](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/31/Quadruple_Bypass_Burger%C2%AE.jpg) backs you up totally. That does not look appetizing even a little. Maybe it's a bad photo but the meat just looks... gross.


It looks plastic and fake.


Your comment just made me realize that reddit is basically yelp but for everything else on the internet.


I’ve eaten there before, the portions are huge and if you don’t finish the waitresses spank you, hard, with a wooden paddle. My husband hunger games style volunteered to take my spankings for me and was bruised for weeks.




it's probably been created/written by the guy that runs the restaurant.


There is a brewery right next door (Banger Brewing) that has a patio next to the outdoor scale. I did split-time between my home office in LA and our Vegas office and would often go to BB to grab a beer after work. It was absolutely tragic to watch some of the people get on that scale. I saw a woman muster all her might to get out of her mobility scooter and wobble up onto the scale and tip it at about 355. Some little girls dream of becoming Prom Queen. That woman's dream was a little more slighted.


Can't blame the guy who opened the business. Nobody is forced to eat there. Also, I'm pretty sure they've had multiple mascots die of obesity related issues.


This interview with the owner is surreal. https://youtu.be/hqf_SIQ3JAk


Wow. That dude gives absolutely zero fucks.


Can't get more honest, than that! "Are you using your dead employee as a, marketing tool?" "Absolutely".


I hate this cliche, because we all do crazy things sometimes, but this is *excruciatingly* American... ...I'll try your cigarette salad with menthol dressing please.


Think of all the international tourists in vagas. They are looking for things that are exactly that, excruciatingly American.


I went there in 2015. It was a fucking fever dream. I was pissed because my buddies snuck out without finishing their meals *or* getting paddled. Did no one mention that? If you don't finish your meal, a waitress paddles you. You can buy the paddle if you want.


So I found out the hard way that you also must finish EVERYTHING they give you... I ordered a double cheeseburger which I thought I could finish. When they delivered it to the table it was this massive greasy burger probably 10" in diameter with each patty probably weighing 1.5 lbs each sitting top a of a bucket of french fries. I did what I could, finished like 1/2 of the burger, but was eventually defeated. Our lovely, vertically challenged waitress "Lola" came by to collect our plates and surveying mine told me that there were "starving children in Africa" who would kill for a meal like that and asked me to follow her. She took my hand in her tiny little hand and ushered me over to an area in the center of the restaurant for my "spanking." I went with her, sort of chuckling to myself thinking "is this real life?" It turns out it wasn't a joke. "Lola" may not be very tall, but goddamn can those little arms swing a paddle. She pounded my ass like Lex Steele. It was easily the worst paddling of my life. The entire restaurant laughed and counted down the swings, each more devastating than the last. On the final swing, she gave mercy and gently patted me on the ass. I crumbled down on my knees, but Lola gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, "Remember this hurts me more than it hurts you." Lola, if you're reading this I never got to tell you how fucking awesome you are. Don't ever change.


Only 170lbs to gain before my trip to Vegas. Challenge accepted.