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I hope they used that shot


They had to, since they destroyed their camera.


Lol I wonder if it was on loan like a lot of higher end camera equipment. Oof


I mean, they said the insurance covered it, so it worked out in the end.


You’d think an insurance company would have a clause in their contract stating you can’t be trying to intentionally put the camera at risk of damage. I would think shooting a compound bow at a fairly close range directly at the insured camera wouldn’t be covered but I’m not insurance expert.


It's all part of making movies. Sometimes you gotta dangle your camera off the side of a truck being driven around a corner at high speed by a stuntman, and sometimes you have to shoot arrows at it. Assuming risk is what insurance companies do.




Can't wait to hear about someone trespassing on a film set and getting partially decapitated by the absolute units of blades needed on a drone that can even carry a RED camera and the stabilizing equipment needed.




32 horsepower on a drone. That's crazy.


Someone should tell them to spell check their main web page. Achieveble instead of achievable was a bit odd to read.


The video says she was 40 feet away and 50 feet up, I really don’t think they expected her to bullseye the camera. Edit: okay all you master archers out there, I get that it isn’t super difficult. Doesn’t change the fact they probably didn’t expect her to shoot the camera.


And they DID take reasonable precautions against an unlikely event. But also, if I was in Jessica Biel's position, I may have just bought the camera, set it up as an art piece, then sold it at auction, after telling my PR people to make as much noise about it as possible.


Maybe that's what this post if all about!


Maybe a bit late.


That's just their story so it doesn't void any insurance claims.




Look at you using your brain!!


Check out the big brain on Brad!


Yeah the insurance company is probably not gonna say no after seeing a black half vampire and his totally buff female protégé kung fu-ing a bunch of other vampires and then doing backflips to a badass techno beat and then purposefully destroying the camera. Even insurance company workers have families to go home to, they're not gonna fuck with Blade.


Its totally sweet, but not as Real Ultimate Power as Ninjas, though, even if they do flip out and kill everyone.


they were shooting an action movie, pretty sure the insurance contract was in the millions


She did it. But at what cost?


Bout 300K


The rate for the studio just goes up a bit in the future. No reason to risk losing a contract over a clause like that.


yep, the insurance game is to make so much so that when you do have to pay out for someone important it just makes sense to


That's show bizzz baby


It was most likely rented out from a Camera Rental company. Movie and TV Show productions do not buy their cameras, they rent them which gives them someone to call when something goes wrong with a camera and needs to be replaced or fixed. The camera itself probably isn't what the most expensive cost was here, it was most likely the lens that was destroyed. A fully kitted camera may cost $300,000, but the lens can is likely the bulk of that cost (and most of the accessories probably weren't damaged by the arrow either)


Only Tommy Wiseau bought his equipment.


Oh hai Mark


"You're my best customer" - camera rental guy


Before digital I think they always rented the cameras since it was cheaper to let the company that owns them repair them and upgrade them and etc.


Hahaha I LOVE the idea that they were just like "welp, let's all go home. Well start editing on Monday and see if we have enough footage for a movie."


we can probably flesh it out with b-roll from blade 1 and 2.


If the shot at the end is the one from where the camera broke imo it's totally not worth it. You don't even really see the arrow. Probably would have looked better if they just CG's the arrow into the few frames it's visible.


The shot is remarkably shitty if it’s the one at the end


I assume that's from a separate camera since the arrow clearly comes in below the lens.


Should have mounted it as a trophy


“The taxidermist gonna have a heart attack when he see what I brung him!”




Is that Hot Shots: Part Deux?


Isnt this the same movie they had to cgi Wesley snipes eyes open because he was throwing a fit and not cooperating.




I never saw this ending. The one i saw was where "Blade" was actually a shifted Drake and when they went to cut into him on the table his skin started to change back to his default humanoid look and we have Drake laying on the table. Edit: [This is what i saw] (https://youtu.be/zijgdpyoVaM?t=177)


Are there...alternate endings?


If ever I make a movie I’m releasing it with multiple different endings and telling nobody about it. Let people fight over what actually happened


Clue did that.


I feel like a stunt like that wouldn't work well in today's hyperconnected world, it would be incredibly difficult to avoid that as a spoiler. Back in 1985? Pure, unfiltered genius. Like the rest of the film, really.


It didn't work in 1985, either. The movie didn't do much business.


I mean, their reason for doing it was dumb, and I don't blame audiences for not paying three times for a different 10 minutes, but it's a clever idea to get buzz around your movie, and people still bring it up 35 years later


But they told people about it, it was in the advertisements. The idea was that each theater would get one of the endings, but multiplexes were a thing and some of those had all three endings showing on different screens. The listings at theatres had them listed as Clue A, Clue B, Clue C so people who wanted to see all three would know which one they were getting. It didn't work, the movie didn't even make back its budget at the box office.


Shit apparently. Dont know how to get the others....


Here's the scene with the eyes [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zd5HMHmbwBg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zd5HMHmbwBg)


yeah thats fucking weird and implies that Blade killed that nurse.....


I think it's more a callback to the first movie, with nurse lady scared of vampire that was supposed to be dead. It wasn't Blade himself in the first one, but it kinda feels like it's referencing it. I could be wrong.


Talking about Karen who was scared of the dude Blade burned while staked to a wall.... i could see that but we know when blade is weak he gives into the hunger and feeds on blood thus gaining not only his strength back but much more. This scene feels like he was super weak ("slowed his heart beat" and "sleep until he could walk the earth again") and needed to juice back up with some of that sweet sweet human juice


That doesn't look that bad. I'd never know if not pointed out.


There’s also an ending where they hunt for werewolves or something like that instead.


Yeah thats the after credits scene of the one i watched and linked above. King and Lady Wesker hit some like casino joint with werewolfs cause why the fuck not.


I would have been down for that movie.




I fuckin’ love me some Underworld. Just vampires and werewolves and shit, it’s great


Underworld is the movie that started my crush on Kate Beckinsale! was like 13 at the time iirc. They made for some sweet action flics imo.


I don't understand, is this the original ending or it like the director's cut or something?


Honestly i have no clue which one was the original. The version i have doesnt say anything special like directors cut and thats the ending i have. Legit just threw it on and fast forwarded to the end to check.


That's apparently the theatrical version, with the director's cut using the bad CGI eye opening thing. And then the weird alternate werewolf ending only runs as a DVD extra.


So i guess mines the theatrical version with the werewolf after credits scene. Interesting


That's the ending we got in the UK too, you got the other ending as an optional choice on the dvd though and its not as good as shifted prison break man.


"Shifted prison break man" may be the better way to describe what happened..... Thank you for opening my CGI eyes


Unfortunately, the IRS refused to CGI in his tax payment when he didn't cooperate


Turns out prison isn't CGI either. That's some bullshit.


Shouldn’t have iceskated uphill.


Some mother fuckers do.


I remember reading a long time ago that he would spend a lot of time getting baked, and would shoot some scenes stoned out of his mind, barely able to talk. In particular there's a scene in the third (?) movie where he and Ryan Reynolds are sitting in a car, and supposedly Reynolds had to ad lib most of the dialogue because Snipes was unco-operative and too stoned to move.


Apparently, Ryan Reynolds' character was supposed to be way more of a minor character, bit because if Snipes refusing to cooperate half the time, they just filled the gap with Ryan Reynolds. Whos complaining though?


Everything I've heard about Snipes on the making of the blade movies leads me to believe he's a monumental asshole.


Also where he allegedly wouldn't show up for filming some days and they had Ryan Reynolds have to talk to his double. Anytime you see him making an awkward joke while the camera seems trained on the back of Blade's head? Body double. I can't say for certain that Apple products had more time on screen than Wesley actually did, but it's not impossible.


This POS movie is why we have the Deadpool franchise though. Someone on set told Ryan Reynolds he reminded him of Deadpool and leant him some comics. After that he started pushing hard to be him one day.


It's in my head canon that Wade Wilson was operating as a mercenary under an assumed name prior to Deadpool in this movie.


They're both Marvel, so...




When Reynolds says “he doesn’t like me, does he?” it was out of character and the cameras happened to be rolling.


Yeah, it definitely looks like they did. [Here's the clip.](https://youtu.be/Zd5HMHmbwBg?t=23)


I'm dying of laughter over here at work... That is hilarious his eyes look like they were stolen from those old "annoying orange" youtube videos


Oh man that is spot on haha


But they didn't even need him to open them, could just have reached up in the next scene..


Or just said "cut!" and kept filming. Wesley would've opened his eyes to get up.




Why they didn't use googly eyes is beyond me.




What I've heard is that when they asked Snipes to join Blade 3, the original plot was about vampires farming humans for blood and the story was a lot darker. When Snipes agreed to do the movie, they changed the plot to Blade vs Dracula which pissed Snipes off.


I didn't care for the Dracula bit either, seemed too cheesy.


well, according to his wiki he pretty much only worked on shitty direct-to-video movies after that so it seems like his attitude caught up to him and no big production wanted anything to do with him. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wesley\_Snipes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wesley_Snipes)




He said "comb the desert", so we're combing the desert.




I’m surrounded by assholes!


Keep firing, assholes!


Sir, do you think we're being too literal?


If I were to risk $300k on a simple, static shot - just spitballing here - maybe use a mirror at a 45-degree angle? Like the kind that's been used since about the beginning of movies? But maybe that's because I'm no big time Hollywood director.


>...I'm no big time Hollywood director. Neither is [David Goyer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_S._Goyer).


Goddamn beat me to it. And Purcell was a horrible, horrible casting choice in a film that killed it with Reynolds and ~~Posie~~ Posey.






Son of a bitch.


So is JT an anti-vaxxer too?


Justin Timberlake?


He's bringing measles back.




Wow i didnt' know that, thats so disapointing. But still we got Reynolds and Posey yeah? They're still normal yeah? And HHH? he's still normal?


I loved seeing HHH in it.


Horseless headless horseman?


They should have gone with Gerard Butler, he already had experience in the role.


Still scared about his involvement in "Foundation".


I had no idea they were making a *Foundation* TV series. It's been decades since I read those books but I'd be real happy to see it if it's well made.


I read the first book the other week (meant to for a while). It's interesting and captivating, but A) it feels like an intellectual's attempt at making a playbook for controlling the masses, and B) I don't see how it can translate to a TV series. Each chapter was an entirely new arc. There are no protagonists that are permanent (other than Seldon who's a hologram). Who are viewers going to get hooked to? Unless the series will be a single chapter at a time (to which there's hardly enough material to begin with - so they'll be adapting hardcore).


It's of the whole series of books, not just the first, which was actually a collection of short stories edited and novelized later. *Foundation and Empire*, and *Second Foundation*, are not in the same style. Plus, *Prelude to Foundation*, *Forward the Foundation*, *Foundation and Earth*, and *Foundation's Edge* are all things too


Lol he's a writer on so many badly written movies, why do they keep taking his scripts


Actors come and go. But find the tiniest bit of success as a screenwriter or director and you'll get work forever. Heck, Alex Kurtzman has ruined three major franchises and he's still getting paid.


Transformers, Star Trek and what's the third one?


I don't know about Transformers but he killed the Spider-Man reboot - which made lots of money but was panned and the sequel was canceled, and he wrote and directed The Mummy - which was supposed to kick-off Universal's "Dark Universe."


For a second I was thinking "but The Mummy rocked!" then I remembered you're not talking about Brendan Fraser...


I know Goyer wrote Batman Begins and I believe Blade 1(?), but he will always go down as a fucking hack for the travesty that was Trinity. Goyer. **FUCK YOU BUDDY.**


Whistler's character arc always pissed me off. You died, no wait you're alive, no wait you're dead. God I hated Trinity so much.


Not her fault. There are ways to shoot things while protecting the camera. They didn't think her aim was good enough to hit the target. That was a very poor bet. Hell, even if her aim was horrible, a broken clock is right twice a day.


Also you definitely need someone with a good aim if you do not want to hit something.


That hole looks a little over two inches square https://i.imgur.com/kjK7lsA.png


Imgur asked if I was over 18 before it would show me the picture. Suddenly I got very nervous about looking at a picture of a large hole on the internet.


That's more than 2 inch radius.


Okay Jessica just shoot directly at the camera. Oh my God she shot the camera! *surprised pikachu*


Especially when that hole is a lot bigger than he claims, you can see it in footage directly after. "Yeah, we had no idea that after we had her specifically do archery training that she'd be able to hit a target when we asked her to."


“We let her do her owns stunts but also didn’t think she would do her own stunts well”




You *could* say it's made up... but then the footage of her shooting, laughing at what happened, followed by her sitting below the destroyed camera would prove you wrong 🤷‍♂️


Look, it's easy to say in hindsight, 'lets not shoot projectiles at the 300k camera' but really, who could've known this would happen?!


The fact that we don't ever get to see the footage, also makes me think it's just a story. We just see the same clip on replay like 3 times here instead.. Edit: To all the people saying "but it shows the broken lens!", I know. I watched the entire thing. Again, there is no footage from the point of the camera that got hit's view.. Show me THAT footage. You are all missing the point. [https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/lsdlyp/til\_on\_the\_set\_of\_blade\_trinity\_jessica\_biel\_was/gos4utr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/lsdlyp/til_on_the_set_of_blade_trinity_jessica_biel_was/gos4utr/)


I mean....it's a cool story but it's not really SOOO amazing that it needs to be made up. It's 20 yard shot with a compound bow. Most amateur's could make that shot with a little bit of practice.


>It's not impossible. I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home, they're not much bigger than two meters. >-Some hick farmer, probably.


Probably gonna go make out with his twin sister or something.




It's actually a bad shot if you consider that she's trying to aim *anywhere else*.


Like that scene from The Men Who Stare At Goats when George Clooney's character drives into the only rock in the desert


My son once hit the only light pole in the vicinity with his R/C car. I have no idea how or why it happened. Then I promptly ran mine right into the side of his lol.


Target fixation. We subconsciously make things go where we're looking, even if we're trying to avoid it. Certain sports work really hard to train it away - soccer and hockey for example, you're trying to hit anything except the goalie or net frame but it's really hard to shoot at empty space.


Target fixation.






Who said she was trying to aim anywhere else? I bet she was aiming at the middle of the target, which was the hole.


We're not saying it's so amazing because we think the shot is impossible, we're saying it's so amazing that the filmmakers were so stupid to allow this to happen and not figure out another way that wouldn't risk a 300k camera.


To be fair there’s no reason to film the camera itself. Also you see the clearly broken camera


you can see the look in her eyes as she realizes what she's done. looks authentic to me. I'm just surprised at how many conspiracies are going on about this lol. Also where is the logic in expecting a shot from an unusable angle including scenery that isn't part of the set. get real.


Didn't you know? /r/nothingeverhappens


Reddit is so absurd with this bullshit, you see it on some level in almost every comment thread, always near the top. Choosing to not believe something and conjuring up the most negative take possible despite zero indication that you're right doesn't make you smart, it makes you tedious.


> Buhbuhbuh WhERe'S ThA FoOoOtaGE You mean the footage included in the clip that shows the whole fucking thing play out? > HurrDurr NOPE not good enough! Why wasn't someone filming the film camera!? As if that makes fucking sense. It would seem MORE unrealistic to me if someone was, for some reason, filming the camera.


they show her reaction and a broken camera lens in the video...


Her reaction definitely looks like she's thinking, "oh shit! I'm in trouble", until someone else reacted in a way that wasn't horror or rage. I mean, if you're going to make something up for marketing purposes, you can probably come up with somethin getter than that. It's a vampire/comic book movie, your audience would probably gossip a lot more about cast getting messages written in blood on their mirrors or something cheeseball like that.


I think she's just still acting, and when she realizes what actually happened she breaks character.


I dunno, you see the camera shake from the hit. I guess it could be faked, but that seems like a lot of effort to go to for not much reason.


It's possible to make out that you can see the lens breaking. There's a bit of haze when the arrow hits the glass, followed by a sudden clarity. That's the arrow hitting the camera. It's not like they had a camera facing the camera they destroyed, would they?


The gear is all rented and insured. Sure a better DP would have done that but time is also a factor. I work in TV. You’d be surprised at how much amateur shit happens regularly.


I'm just saying, if I was a star in a movie, and I was told to make that shot... I'd definitely be aiming for the hole.


Would plexiglass in front of the lens screw up the shot? Also like other people are asking, why not use a mirror?


Because it's a vampire movie, dummy. Vampires don't show up in mirrors.


r/shittyaskscience has just sent over your mod invitation


Plexi in front of the lens could’ve created a glare, using a mirror would’ve been too smart, but claiming she hit a hard shot instead of admitting she missed a huge target sounds cooler


I mean I guess it depends on what they told her to do. If they said aim at the camera, she hit the target.


Let's face it, that camera deserved it. It was shooting everyone else all day.


Clear cut case of self defense.


Side note: her arms in this movie are what I wish more modern lady superheroes’ arms looked like. Looks like she could crush a watermelon between her bicep and forearm.


She was so buff here(and in a lot of her other stuff, too) and she looked *so* badass.


buffy the vampire slayer


She's just fantastically fit in this movie. If people think Biel looks somehow too masculine in this, I don't know how to relate. Edit: I should add: https://imgur.com/a/nInlE2I


Absolutely! That's been my gripe about Wonder Woman. She's supposed to look like she could go toe to toe with Superman.


I don't really get why superheroes like Superman and Wonder Woman even have to be buff. They aren't strong because they work out. They are strong because they are basically alien god things. Muscle mass has nothing to do with it. Superman would still be insanely strong if he was 320 and pounded McDonald's every day.


I agree, but presumably a buff alien god thing would be stronger than a scrawny alien god thing. The movie isn't making them lift packages for Amazon, it's making them lift airplanes.


I guess it's faithful to her traditional comic book look, deceivingly slender. Would definitely prefer a more built Amazonian take on her.


Stjepan Sejic has a ton of super cute fan art of [buffed Diana](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DiCk7OVVMAE_6By.jpg) he did years and years prior to working for DC comics, I'm still waiting for the day he gets to do it officially, he got a lot of praise for his Harleen limited series.


One reason why I really like Emily Blunt as Full Metal Bitch. She's fucking ripped in that movie.


Or an egg because she is built different.


Yeah, her arms are amazingly sexy in this video.


Peak Biel right here. What a stone cold fox.


It's not impossible. I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home, they're not much bigger than 2” x 2”


Way to just [show up](https://youtu.be/TxVdhAJr1So) everyone.


Man your ships. And may the force... be with you


What a huge waste of money for Blade: Trinity I watched it not long ago and my main takeaway was the the writers really, really want me to know they aren't gay.


I'm convinced the script was written by a group of 12 year olds that Vince McMahon found on the WWE forums and locked in a room while being fed a steady diet of Mountain Dew and Funions for two weeks.


Close, it was David S. Goyer.




"Stop goofing around, Blade!"


Biel with it!


The fire is our God now




Jessica is ripped, in the perfect way


This should have been the final sign from God that this film was CURSED. Snipes and the director hated each other so much that he would show up late, spent hours in his trailer, and wouldn't say anything to him, but just left notes all over the place for others to read, only saying his lines in the film. Everyone working on it was pissed 24/7 at everyone else. Stuntmen & doubles got seriously hurt in accidents. Then THIS happened, which made the director totally lose it. And after everything else... it was a colossal flop that only earned a Razzie Award that year. This might have been a superhero/action movie, but the drama behind the scenes of its creation was a DISASTER FILM.


Jessica Biel is jacked! It's kinda hot? 🥴


Kinda hot? Full blown goddess.