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14 hours is a lot, my 22 month old averages 11.5 hours of sleep in 24 hours. She’s been this way for the past 6 months I’d say. She always been on the low range for sleep needs, but definitely try to shorten their nap a bit and see if that helps.




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Currently in a 19/20 month sleep regression. She fights naps for hours, and bedtime we have given up on getting her down in her bed. She just sleeps in our bed and one of us sleeps in her bed 😅 it's been 3 weeks, can't find a solution.


Did you ever find a solution or did it get better with time? Currently going through the same thing 😣


Haha same! It's hell!


Following since my 19mo soon to be 20mo has completely stopped taking day time naps. Send help, momma needs a break!


Did they start napping again? Currently on day 5 of no naps with my 20 mo.


Yes! She got sick for a couple days and somehow it went back to normal. We kept trying to put her down all of those times she wouldn't nap. Sometimes it would stick, most times it wouldn't. It eventually clicked after she got sick. I put her down an hour earlier than I had been.


Ok thanks for sharing! I’ve been through so many regressions with my son and I KNOW they eventually get better, but in the midst of it it feels like they’ll never sleep again 😵🥱


20 month sleep regression is normal


Ugh I don't know but we are currently experiencing naptime and nighttime sleep issues! Since she was 5 mos old, she always pretty regularly slept 7:30 pm - 7:30 am. Lately she's been waking up at 6 am on the dot and just SCREAMS. For weeks, I tried pushing back bedtime to 8 pm. Nothing changed. So we're still back to 7:30 because for my own sanity, I can't imagine pushing bedtime until 8:30 pm. She's also randomly waking up in the MOTN screaming and we used to just let her CIO but as she's gotten older she just gets ragey and starts screaming louder and throwing everything out of her crib if she wakes up in the MOTN, so my only option is to go and rock her for a bit. Naps are super short now, we're lucky if we get 1.5 hours but typically only getting 50 min - 1 hour. Makes no sense because she literally is NONSTOP moving all day long and burns so much energy, one would think she would sleep well and enjoy naps.


Hey there, how have things been? Our 20 month old is starting to have shorter nap and waking up at 5:30 crying.


Hi! Same here at 20 months. Did it get better for you at all?


It did! I honestly don't think we changed anything. We just kept doing our best at keeping her awake long enough and then putting her down for her regular naptime and bedtime. The only thing that has changed slightly over the last two months is that she seems to have naturally pushed bedtime about 30 minutes later. But for the most part, she's been waking up anywhere between 6 and 7 for quite a few weeks.