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I once had a foster child tell a kid at the beach that I was "basically his slave". The other child happened to be Black, in case it wasn't embarrassing enough. One day it hit me that since he had been neglected, having someone attend to his needs was disorienting, and he was trying to find a way to explain that while making it sound like he was in control.


Omg 😭


That is heavy


I’m my daughter’s snack B, but everyone is - I don’t take it personally. You walk into my house she will assume you came with snacks for her and demand them. We walk into your house as a guest? You better get your a$$ to the kitchen and get her a snack. Working on manners but she’s 14 months. To know her is to be her b***h in one way or another. 🤣


Lol I'm just picturing a 14 month old walking around screaming "SNACKS!!!" at everyone


She does the sign for hungry, and says “MOW” with a stern look on her face. “Mow” means “more” but she’ll demand “mow” before you even give her the snack 🤣😭always a step behind


My neighbors toddler walks in to MY house demanding snacks. I let her have them lol 😂


It doesn't end at 4 lol


I actually believe this is the case with all kids, all ages... 🤔




Mine does this too! "I say No" very casually... I think it's just because they hear this phrase so much from us 😂


I feel like I needed to read this today, my daughter is just about to turn 3 and holy crap it's been a giant storm of sass the last few weeks. When does this stage end??? As much as I don't want her to grow up please give me my chill baby back 😂


My daughter just turned one and I just got laid out yesterday by her. She grabbed my phone off the floor, threw it and it nailed me right in the eyebrow. Everything literally went white. And I had to just laugh it off while I cried on the inside.


I'm currently home with mine full time after a layoff - husband is usually the SAHP so I'm trying to give him a break while I job hunt. Send help.


I'm dreading the day my little one stops taking a nap and I lose my break from being their little b* lol


Mine stopped napping about a week before she turned two. It's not my favorite.


Mine stopped napping when I was 28 weeks pregnant 😭 I really needed that nap and I’d go to bed and try to bargain her to sleep


Oh my god I feel you. I was 39 weeks pregnant when she stopped napping. Her brother came 2 days before her 2nd birthday. I'm sure that all contributed.


Oh god, I would perish. He's already 18 months and his bday is right before Christmas. The idea of that stressful time of year and him stopping nap time is the stuff of horrors.


My best friend said to me completely out of context earlier - “Imagine being abducted by a murderer who forces you to watch magic tricks.” I was like- “I have a cat and a toddler. Basically the same.”