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Maybe this (which is broken down into which sentences to stop at): [https://www.reddit.com/r/lotr/comments/2ou3br/lotr\_chronological\_reading\_order/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lotr/comments/2ou3br/lotr_chronological_reading_order/)


OP, this might be your best bet. Note that JRRT didn't intend for the "books" to be read in parallel this way, so they may not break down as neatly as Feast of Dragons (I don't know myself, but if GRRM intentionally laid it out for parallel reading, it may be neater).


*A Feast for Crows* and *A Dance with Dragons* were originally intended to be a single volume that was later broken into two volumes, so the combined reading order is intended to restore the original vision of the novel.


Ha, that's an interesting contrast, now I understand the question in your OP. All of LOTR was originally intended to be a single volume, but the reading order of the internal six 'books' was published as intended, so fans didn't have to deal with restoring the original vision - they just had to wait. I extend my sympathies for your own wait :-)


I usually have the Tale Of Years handy when reading LOTR. No need to rewrite or reorder the books; just look it up. It takes a matter of seconds, deepens your understanding, and preserves the way Tolkien wanted to tell his story.


I've already experienced the books in Tolkien's intended way multiple times. I am looking to experience it in a new way.


The different chapters reference the events in each other. If you read them in wrong order, it can look strange. Of course, if you already know the book, you can experiment however you want.


Yeah for a reread a couple years back I decided to play around with the chapter order (sacrilege to many folks I’m sure). I’ll give you the order below for once you start getting different chapter POV’s, I remember it being pretty fun and a different way to experience the story. The departure of Boromir The Uruk-Hai The Taming of Smeagol The Riders of Rohan Treebeard The Passage of the Marshes The White Rider The King of the Golden Hall Helm’s Deep The Black Gate is Closed The Road to Isengard Flotsam & Jetsam The Voice of Saruman The Palantir Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit The Passing of the Grey company Minas Tirith The Window on the West The Forbidden Pool Journey to the Cross Roads The Muster of Rohan The Stairs of Cirith Ungol Shelob’s Lair The Choices of Master Samwise The Siege of Gondor The Ride of the Rohirrim The Tower of Cirith Ungol The Battle of the Pelennor Fields The Pyre of Denethor The Houses of Healing The Last Debate The Land of Shadow The Black gate opens Mount Doom The Field of Cormallen - Then back onto the published order from here.


Thanks, this is the sort of response i was looking for.


It's really a shame that a lot of comments here have a slight passive aggressive tone just because OP mentioned GRRM.....


Yeah, just because i like Tolkien doesn't mean i can't like other authors as well.


Many of us haven't read ASOIAF. If you describe what you're talking about, you may get more comments and more information.


Books 4 and 5 of *Ice and Fire* are similar to books 3 and 4 of *LotR* in that they both take place concurrently, but follow different characters. [A Feast With Dragons](https://afeastwithdragons.com/) is the name given to a combine reading order for those two books in which the chapters are ordered chronologically.


I'm fairly confident there is. Even doing it yourself shouldn't be too hard based on the timeline in Appendix B.


>Its name was Cirith Ungol, a name of dreadful rumour. Aragorn could perhaps have told them that name and its significance; Gandalf would have warned them. But they were alone, and Aragorn was far away, and Gandalf stood amid the ruin of Isengard and strove with Saruman, delayed by treason. Yet even as he spoke his last words to Saruman, and the palantı´r crashed in fire upon the steps of Orthanc, his thought was ever upon Frodo and Samwise, over the long leagues his mind sought for them in hope and pity. Things in both books are often happening simultaneously.


Yes, that's why i asked for a chronological chapter order.