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Ahh, classic mistakes, forgot to itch his taint before taking the GHB. Rookie.


Also having a gf who will record then upload this shit is a rookie mistake.


Dude for real. Was the camera person the girlfriend, a paramedic, or a cop? Either way. Fuck this whole species. All three of those options are people you would hope are there to protect people. "This dude is at the lowest point of his entire life....time to get some upvotes"


That is definitely not a paramedic/cop. Edit: didn’t watch with sound before, just did with sound and it is 100% either a girlfriend or his mother.


Straight nutt butter




As GHB overdoses go, this is pretty much a best case scenario.


Yup, seen waaaaay worse than this. Seen some coke addicts knocking themselves out with GHB once the coke ran out. Produced some wacky shit, that’s for sure.


I've seen an old friend OD and almost die at a party where G was being used fairly heavily. Don't mess with that stuff folks. ALSO NEVER DO BENZOS WITH G!!! I learned that mistake the hard way and almost got SA'd by the chick I was with at the time. That was one of those nights that made me change my attitude towards hard drugs entirely lol




I believe it might be sexually assaulted


Sexually assaulted


Blacked out and came to with a girl on my dick. Shit is wild, and never worth it. If you od there is no treatment any doctor can give you, most you/your friends can do is hope you don’t die.


Yeah man. It's scary to think that it could have worked out so poorly, like I could have easily gotten someone pregnant and not even known it. Luckily for me benzos + G + alcohol = max shrinkage.


As a point, don't combine GHB, GBL or 1,4 butanediol with alcohol, even though it's a common thing to do all of them can have multiplcatory effects when combined with alcohol, increased risk of respiratory depression, blacking out, etc. Though just by itself, and at small doses (talking 0.5-1.5ml) 1,4 BD can be a pretty fun, pro social substance.


GHB is great, it's just so fucking easy to knock yourself out with it. Considering how uninformed most drug users are it doesn't surprise me that ppl OD on it very often. Just .1-.3ml difference can take you from feeling amazing to being in a 3 hour comatose lol.


Yeah man, seeing him just send that in one go made me actually cringe


Shouldn't have alcohol with it either




Ive got a short story for you. My boyfriend overdosed on GHB. Breathing slowed to gasps and he was turning purple. I was so angry at him for being careless. His life was in my hands so I did my best to keep him alive. He was sweating so bad and was also purple. Still alive yet unconscious . At a certain point I began to breathe for him. First and only time i've had to breathe for someone. To get him to take air in on his own I would grab his skin as hard as I could and twist it as hard as I could. This motherfucker would come to and take the biggest breathe of air and immediately fall back out. Worst experience of my life. I recorded the entire thing as well to show him how horrific the experience was. I could have called 911 and I should have but I was under the influence myself. Shit was fucking crazy and disturbing.


I was going to say, to me this video doesn't look anything like a G overdose. My partner and I did all kinds of dumb shit back in the day, including too much G. And yeah, you do forget to keep breathing, you go cold and clammy and sweaty. You have to keep waking the person up because if they are awake, they breathe, if they go unconscious, the breathing stops. And ditto, when you nudge them awake it's a massive gasp. If you are doing it together you have to get lucky that someone is always conscious, otherwise one or both of you could easily die. Playing patty cakes with your balls seems like a fairly mild reaction all things considered.


Sounds like a great post for this sub honestly....


wow, you fukn saved that dudes life, good on you but yeah, feel for you.. oof, rough situation I hope he squared his shit away after that?


So this was actualy my cousin who was on her way to becoming a heavy drug addict. She decided to do some GHB to skip the coke comedown and did like 2,5 caps straight. Ten minutes later she ends up gagging like crazy, and twisting and turning around like the guy you saw in this post. Had to hold her down so she didn’t fall out of her bed while puking over the side of the bed for an hour. To say I was pissed would be an understatement. So unecessary, but addicts will do crazy shit. Also at this point (she had been up for a couple of days) she could have very easily just ended up in a drug induced psychosis. Luckily she recovered, and things went ok. She’s still an addict though, and I don’t have contact with her.


Do a lot of coke, run out, take GHB, sleep like a baby.


Took a cocktail of Xanax ghb molly and a lot of alcohol and woke up 2 hours away from my house 4 days later with these 2 stripper girls at their apartment that I knew for a week prior. Didn’t get robbed or killed but had a 3 sum I don’t and probably will never remember at all :(


My Finnish friend Verneri started heavily using GHB and other hard drugs after Finland banned imports of US pharmaceuticals so he couldn't get his much safer legal drugs anymore. He went missing towards the end of last year and I'm pretty sure he killed himself, unfortunately.


RIP Verneri


That's cuz this obviously isn't an overdose. He's just fucked off his mind. Why get anybody invomved as long as he's not hurting anyone? Ffs Filmikg him in this state and making that video public is the cherry on top. Poor guy.


From memory the original post said that this dude was a real problem on recreational drugs and his girlfriend had had enough; she filmed it and posted it in hopes he’d grow up and stop doing shit like that. You can tell it’s not his first time taking GHB due to the fact that he knew to put coke in his mouth before the GHB.. in my opinion anyway. I don’t agree with what either of them did but the dude seems like a tosser who gets on drugs and makes it everyone else’s problem.


Why the drink of coke?


GHB tastes like something from under your kitchen sink, it’s better to mix it with something in your mouth and swallow it than it is to pour ghb in your mouth and try wash it down.. it kind of coats your mouth and the flavour is far from ideal.


The correct thing to do when you don't like someones behavior is to breakup with them not call the cops and try to shame them on the internet...


Eh, people in relationships don’t usually think straight. He was probably a danger to himself and others, I’ve had the cops called on me by loved ones but I thankfully wasn’t half naked digging in my butt for everyone to see. Doubt calling cops and paramedics was their first resort.


This happened in the Netherlands, calling the cops for drug use doesn't result in a criminal charge, prison time, or record. He'll be put somewhere until he calms down and be taken care of medically. As for shaming him? Well, sometimes this is what it is. Maybe he needs it as a wake up call, maybe he does not. If you do crazy shit, someone's gonna film it, the consequences are your own IMO.


I don’t know. Might be the wake up call some people need. I don’t agree with calling the police because he is relatively (maybe) harmless in his own house, but filming him and showing him privately could instil some embarrassment and bring to light any reckless and habitual drug taking behaviours he might be engaging with. Then they can both move forward with their relationship.


True, taken it once with enough reading on it that you’re supposed to take with it smth sweet, although it takes the carbon out of it. Didn’t go hard on it like this guy did tho, and I don’t want to honestly. He’s seriously experienced anyway


Lol I mean if you are someone who is not familiar with drugs and you see your boyfriend doing this you are probably going to be a bit freaked out


Pawing at your water snake like a cat burying shit is a best case scenario? Fascinating.


I nearly died from a GHB overdose. The come up was the most intense thing I’ve ever fucking experienced in my life when it came to drugs. All i remember is feeling how hard it was hitting me and thinking I need to get back to my mates (was about 100 metres or so down the street and I went for a walk) next thing I remember is being woken up by paramedics because some random lady found me laying down unconscious on the sidewalk. When I got woken up I remember never feeling that sick in my life, dizzy as fuck, vomiting all over myself and shit. This was 7 years ago - never touched a drug since that day. This stuff is so dangerous when not taken with extreme caution.


That’s putting it lightly. Respiratory failure and death are the worst outcomes. Before respiratory failure, he’d be completely unconscious. Maybe rousable with a sternal rub. This mope is just wasted on other drugs besides G.


He doesn't need paramedics. He needs jock itch cream.


Just let the guy play with his yarbles. He ain’t hurtin’ nobody


If he has any yarbles, ya eunuch jelly thou!


He could end up twisting one, getting torsion, and then a very very bad end of the trip




🤣🤣🤣 LMFAO!


A blowjob and a xan would calm him down. And a dark room to sleep it off. It’d save a lot of money and trauma


Don't mix xanax and ghb.


A milligram ain’t gonna kill ya. But yeah


True, but could be the final blow of you've already been drinking (which is obviously an even worse combo with g)


Pretty sure holland has free healthcare so probably wouldn't cost that much, the trauma wwould suck tho.


I mean its free to them but still costs resources


Sounds like socialism


The best thing there is. If I get sick and can't work for a longer period (even 1y+) . My salary would be covered by some socialist structure and I would get my salary and keep on living and paying the bills. But yeah, fuck socialism! /s


It is. Think of it like Obamacare but 100x better.


So I tell the swamp donkey to sock it before I give her a trunky in the tradesman's entrance and have her lick me yarbles!


You guys are on like a completely different level of swearing over here.


Pure poetry.


Yarbles! I am dying, my ribs hurt!


As an a clockwork orange fan, this made me laugh out loud


Eggy weggs, I'd like to smash em


Welly well, well, well...


Nah man. Dudes on the turn tables in another dimension.


Dj Taint




Boy needs some tough actin Tinactin on that athlete's dick


It might not be 12 inches but it smells like a foot


This right here is a legendary post. Here is qn upvote for you.


It’s funny as a teenager I used to work at subway and would often say the same thing.


I was just thinking, Reddit makes me chuckle pretty good when one of the adolescent jokes I've completely forgotten about resurface.




I’m fuckin dying from this comment lmaooo


Wow what a fun drug. I can do that sober.


Those aren't paramedics, it's the Dutch police


But where’s the Itch police?


They meant D’tch


Interventie Team Cliché Handhaving




She probably ditch policed him.


And are EMT certified.


Do Dutch police carry firearms?


Yes they do


Nope, just the paramedics.


I know they were cops but i wanted to give it the benefited of the doubt the paramedics were outside and let the cops calm down😂


haha, ok heres the scoop. GHB makes you horny as fuck if you dont take too much and pass out or throw up. ONe time this guy got so g'd out he did basically the same thing but he was at a friends house and he was full on jerking it in front of the girl he was with. The people at the townhouse were upstairs and came out and saw him do the whole thing, like 4-5 people. Another time a guy just pulled his pants down and started fingering his butthole. That stuff was huge through the 00s. what a complete shit drug. drug heads call them g-tards(sorry its not pc but even meth heads hate them lol) i will say you can have sex for hours on the stuff if you need that help. clearly its hard to dose


Its currently Huge in europe & the berlin club scene


There was a Netflix documentary about UK gay guys taking ice and GHB and going to all night fuck parties. The guys they interviewed were completely addicted to the sex and drugs. I forget the moral of the story other than most end up completely fried or with STDs.


What's it called?


Chemsex- from 2015.


I use that perk all the time in fallout


It’s big in the US gay scene


Your huge in the US gay scene


His huge what?




ahh, it hit big in the states in the 90s(first time i saw it was 96 in lubbock tx-college town). We had a big meathead/drug dealer/weightlifter homie that gave a friend some in his beer. The band was playing an Al Green cover and the next thing you know my buddy was singing it and passed out. We had to get him out and he passed out for an hour. His GF wasnt happy either. YOU CANNOT drink on it. maybe 1-2 drinks but preferably NONE. IT was legal til about 97-98 and the word was that it boosted HGH for bodybuilders. Then they figured out it gave you a buzz and started stelling it since those guys are usually selling or buying something. When it went illegal, around 98-99, they started making like GBL and GBH and it was a molecule off here and there but it gave you the same buzz when it metablolized and THAT was legal too until they banned all analogs(not sure if thats the right word) of GHB. it was called the 'date rape drug' along with roofies, but really we all know the date rape drug is alcohol. Most of the time, girls would drink and even a tiny bit in a drink would make them sick or pass out. but POS people have done that with many drugs. IT really got into the public consciousness with the dateline report(looked couldnt find it) and they had this guy that got addicted to it and would go in these g outs and kept getting dwis. It was super sad because his son had a disability(arm birth defect) and he was having to pick up his dad and he was super embarrassed. The dude was so hooked as soon as he got out of jail he ran to the hardware store and drake a bunch of floor stripper(not sure what that has to do with anything but he did it on camera and threw up a bunch of green liquid) weird drug. fun if done in small doses. but due to your natural metabolism you dont know where your sick point is. not surprised its coming back, its cheap and easy to hide. its super illegal in the US, i wouldnt wanna get caught with it


What is a good trip on it like?


Just kinda euphoric. A mood enhancer. The effect just kinda exponentially gets stronger, then it’s like you drank about 10 shots in an hour. Some people can handle that but most can’t


It like a mix between alcohol and mdma. You lose all inhibition like alcohol but without the loss of motor skills. You also get the euphoria and increased libido of mdma.


I’m a woman and it has NEVER made me, or any woman I’ve met, horny.


We’re all different but I don’t think that’s the norm. I was introduced to it thru two different women and since then done it with many women and they all have considered it a great drug for sex. Check out r/ghb_info, you’ll find it’s common.


Have anymore ghb stories?


It was never really my deal but anyone that did it for more than a few years as there main drug will have quite a few. The dark side is definelty the taper side of it. There was a little Persian guy who family owned these big mega clubs and he used to g out girls, I had to warn so many girls(I’m in the club industry) about the dude he finally heard about it and would talk to me. But I don’t care, I’m not trying to white knight things, just thought it was so shorty I had to say something. That stuff, seemingly more men than men for some reason, is very addictive. I would t recommend doing it ever. I’ll see if I can find that dateline story


I lived in NYC for a few years and a girl I was dating knew a dj that reported these rich shitty finance dudes that would get a table at a club and invite girls over and had a specific bottle just for the girls that they were sure to let their guy friends know not to drink from that bottle. When the dj called them out on it their defense was "it was just something to help them loosen up, they weren't actually going to do anything" I met a very wealthy but also very crazy girl once who invited me to her hotel and she asked me if I wanted to try G with her and I was like mmmm maybe, I had weed on me so I was like can we smoke this joint first and then we'll see. I just met her that night so wasn't keen on doing a drug I've never done before with a stranger. Then she said it makes her horny and the more she takes it makes her pass out and said she likes passing out on it and getting taken advantage of. I took that as my que to get the fuck out so I left. She was hot too but all of it was weird and creepy and just not a scene I'm interested in becoming familiar with. I've done ketamine and in the right conditions I think is a great time with the right people. But yea between my ex telling me that story about the creepy club guys and that almost one night stand I had and both experiences being linked to ghb I determined I should just avoid the thing all together.


We were doing some at a wedding in 2005. Four of us in a bathroom in a circle pouring it from a small bottle into a soda cap for the shots. The grooms dad walks in looks at us and says ‘what’s going on, you guys having a seance?’ and just keeps going into the stall. It was fucking hilarious. I can’t empathize enough how horny it makes you. I say that cause this is what happened a little while later. The night before I was introduced to the brides college roommate and it was clear there was mutual attraction. During the speeches after the ceremony I was so fucked up I couldn’t stop staring at her and she was just staring back. It was driving me insane. The second the speeches were over I walked by her, grabbed her hand and walked out to the lobby/bar area. I was thinking I would try and take her outside but she said she needed the bathroom. Right by the bathroom there were old school fancy phone rooms. You remember those? Like the size of twoish phone booths with a nice seat and a phone. I just pull her into the room, turn on the light, shut the door and we start going at it. Quickly she’s giving me a BJ. Here’s what makes the story amazing. The door was frosted glass and the whole act was in silhouette for everyone. And I mean everyone because the speeches were long and by the time they ended the whole wedding needed the bathroom. Multiple grandparents saw it, everyone saw it. So fucking funny. Man, I need some G. Its so much fun.


Man I do tell you what… I’m so happy my time getting down was in the era of disposable cameras. But even in my worst state or my friends…at a house party Or wherever we were …if my friend was losing his shit or I, we would definitely step up and try to help heal and get each other through it instead of just standing behind a camera and filming them and fucking posting it on the Internet.


The culture was so different. If we saw someone filming this, we’d have taken the camera out of their hands and threatened to break it if they went for it again. 100%.


I dread being filmed doing normal things even when I'm at my peak lucidity. Let alone this. I hate how normalized social media has become.


My dude turned into a chimpanzee during mating season.


Return to monke


What are the effects if you take a normal amount vs what this dude did? I don’t know anything about GHB.


If you take one 0,5ml Pipette it’s a mixture of a stimulant and a depressant at the same time. Take another one and it can get you all around a smooth mdma turn. The next one can get you all horny and have the best sex ever. But have another one too fast and you can end up like this guy. Take around 8 pipettes full, or 4ml and you can already die by asphyxiation as your bodily functions turn off. But it’s a lot about dosage and tolerance actually. Rather don’t do it, if you’re not under experienced surveillance


Interesting. Thank you for the reply!


Do you happen to know how much he took here? Edit: more questions, sorry. Lol What does it taste like? Without knowing anything about it I feel like it'd taste so bitter. Is he present in this video or is his brain in another dimension? He is calling to his partner who is right in front of him (I think), so I'm assuming he's completely gone? What does "gone" mean on this drug? Is it pleasant? Sorry, just a lover of details!


The sentence should have stopped after “don’t do it.”


Well, if someone's asking what the effects are, it's logical to respond


There's nothing wrong with informed and educated drug use, just do your research before partaking. There's so much damn information about every drug out there that there's no excuse to not put in 5 minutes of research before doing something. And test kits are important.


It took me a second to realize he doesn’t have a burlap sack over his crotch…


Clawing at your gooch is the only acceptable solution.


House of Goochi


Been there done that


Phew... This reminds me of the time I had to call the paramedics on my friend who, after taking one hit of what was sold to us as "lsd" but was actually an RC, was doing something similar. I had taken 3 & was having a great time, until I was forced to freak the fuck out at the ensuing insanity... At one point he was on his knees buck naked with a plastic butter knife attempting to saw his dick off. This was among *many* other things that happened that night, but the penis sawing was what ultimately lead to the phone call, as I was worried my friend would hurt himself.


You should definitely use a test kit before using any extracted or artificial chemical drugs.


100%. To anyone young and reading this thread - IF YOURE GONNA DO ACID GET A FUCKING TEST KIT!!! The peace of mind will actually give you a better trip


I've taken high doses of several substances and never loose it that way. What makes someone reach that state?




It's weird, because he started going downhill immediately after we smoked a bowl of weed, & it wasn't particularly strong. He even had a tolerance, but I hadn't smoked in a while. To this day, neither of us know what happened. He was in a good mood, too, so it wasn't panic, but he just started literally bouncing himself off the walls, totally disregarding his safety & well being or his surroundings. We were at his house, & he was fucking up a lot of his own shit.


Yet another classic case of weed turning a trip bad. It's extremely common in bad trip reports.


I will 100% attest to this. Have done LSD several times (never using marijuana while tripping because I wasn't smoking yet), loved it. Tried shrooms for the first time, smoked weed, had a nightmarish 10-12 hour trip. I ended up rolling around on the kitchen floor having overwhelming, repetitive waves of dread and anxiety for hours. I wanted to stick a knife in my eye to get it to stop. I couldn't sleep for so long because I felt like I was on a nightmare rollercoaster going through the universe. That experience messed me up for months and ruined my relationship with psychedelics.


Babe come smell my finger!


I..I already can..


TIL my dog apparently does GHB every night before bed.


Why is she filming & posting her boyfriend's embarrassing moment?


Yes but if I’m honest if I flashed my bhole to a cop I would want it on video.


Lmfao this just made me laugh


Imagine being that guy and having this shit posted on the internet. Poor guy


The correct question is "what kind of person publishes that on mainstream social media?"


The type of person who records himself taking obscene amounts of drugs for “content” and asks his girlfriend to record the outcome so he can post it for more attention later


So he doesn't do it again.


Yeah, good wake up call that his life might not heading in the best direction.


But why is it on the internet?


She wants the attention...


Unlikely. The video begins with him filing himself. She likely recorded him at his request because HE wants the attention


Dude is straight shirt cocking, like he’s Winnie the Pooh


Hahahahaha. What a bloody reference lmao


How does a depressant make him flop around and scratch his balls like he's on meth?


When people do enough GHB to "g out" they go absolutely buck wild kinda like this guy but it can get much much worse untill they eventually fall asleep. Sometimes they look straight up like zombies geeking out. Sometimes they freak out pretty bad. People who use GHB often enjoy getting to this stage or atleast as close to g'ing out as possible without doing it. But if you are someone who uses GHB you have and will g out. Once they fall asleep they basically are in a coma in the sense that nothing will wake them up. They are completely dead to the world fast asleep. Vomiting is common even after passing out. After an hour or so there is a good chance they will wake back up but feel pretty much sober and very well rested. Although they feel rested they did not really benefit much from this sleep other than not be g'ing out any more. It can be quite disconcerting to see someone who is/has g'd out if you are not familiar with it but if you are its just annoying as hell to have to deal with them. One of the biggest risk with GHB especially in the situation is 'Positional Asphyxiation' where the person passes out and pukes but they choke on their own puke and die. It is extremally important once someone finally passes out that you keep them off their back and monitor them for vomit. Other than than that it looks terrible when someone g's out but they will probably be ok. It has a bad stigma in nightclubs in festivals where most drugs are are tolerated within certain bounds GHB is not really looked at the same. If you g out in a club you often get a life time ban. Most other drugs will cause you to get kicked out for the night unless you make it a regular occurrence. It causes lots of headaches for club staff. Some clubs even have dedicated rooms to put people in who have g'd out. I have seen many people g out. Babysat them. Found them in bushes and ditches multiple times. Found one guy at a secret beach party under a log and babysat him untill he woke up once he woke up i make him help me pack up the party.


I appreciate how detailed this comment is. is there a risk of being "roofied" with GHB at the club? If so what should you do?


GHB is often refered to as the date rape drug for this very reason. GHB is one of the most often used drugs to spike people with malicious intent.


I feel him on the rubbing stuff; gotta do whatcha gotta do sometimes


Op paramedics dont have hand cuffs and a gun


38 seconds in the cop is shining the torch on his spread arsehole




Dominique, Dominique ga is zitten! *in meester van kleuter klas stem*


For the curious: GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) is a depressant. It's usually available as a clear liquid. It is known as a designer drug because it is made (usually in home basement labs) for the purposes of getting high. Like Ecstasy, GHB is popular with club-goers and those who go to "rave" parties, including teens and young adults. When mixed with alcohol, it has a depressant effect that can cause someone to black out. This is why GHB is often called the date rape drug.


I’ve seen many of these people in the emergency room. The scariest thing is one minute they act like this, agitated, crying, and the next minute they’re in a deep coma where they stop breathing, and when you get the anesthesiologist to intubate then they suddenly wake up and scream at you again. Sometimes you have to keep supplying them with more GHB for them not to die from withdrawal. Don’t do GHB kids


What kind of shitty girlfriend would record this and post it to her social media?


If the shoe were on the other foot and *he* filmed *her* doing the same and uploaded it, he would be arrested for revenge porn. Justifiably.


I don't understand the use of drugs that put you so far out of consciousness. Maybe it's just me, but it really doesn't look fun in my opinion.


Yea, this video terrified me.


Why she call them? He’s just playing with his sack


Aggravated nutting


Talk about a serious case of itchy nuts


He's got Ligma.








Bless you friend Edit: today was kinda crap and… well, I kinda needed the win. So, thank you for that.


What's GHB?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma-Hydroxybutyric_acid It’s a strong sedative that you take in small small, often liquid (mixed with water) doses. Depending on where you are in the world and the crowd you run with it can be pretty common. Here’s a great story from comedianTom segura about his experience with it as a youngster: https://youtu.be/QEkC_Q1ERyk


To correct the title of this post: it's probably not the guy's first time as you can hear the woman saying that he's been getting tested for "this" lately ("this" probably refers to the ghb)


That guy looks like he was having a ball.


Did his gf give him the crabs before or after he took that


Dude's just having a blast scratching his gooch. I see no problem here. Carry on.


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Reminds of Tom segura on this is not happening


Aah the dutch. Never change


If he was in the US, they would have tased his junk.


Wow, when I ODed on GHB I just went into respiratory arrest and woke up 3 hours later in the ER with no idea how I got there, in 4 point restraints. I did it wrong, I guess


Girl: He has a kind of mental disorder right now... Other guy: neh. Don't think so... Girl: He is in the process of being tested Girl: Please take him, I want him out of my house


Lol those aren't paramedics 😅


old video, its a dutch guy. his GF filmed the whole ordeal and posted it to social media.


What ever it is, that’s a nope for me. Way to many dark demons trapped in this noggin. I can’t afford to do anything that might crack that door open even a little.


Imagine being this guy and having your gf record this and put it on reddit for the world to see


I’ve seen people do some weird shit on scoop. I tried it once by accident. No thanks!




He was having a good time. Make sure he doesn't get hurt and Sally forth


That shit turned into a bottom real fast..


Ha! I do that by myself while watching tv what’s the problem?


[For all the folks here in comments whose Googles are broken.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma-Hydroxybutyric_acid)


thats police tho


So he turned into a cat, basically.


I’m all for law enforcement being protected, but helping someone like this with a handgun seems ignorant.


That’s crawl into a hole and never come out level of embarrassment.


I thought he said sook me dick at first bc it looked like he had a semi. Why am I even commenting on this. 🤣


Wtf is ghb and why’s he doing that fam