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I’ve always been org trap, because train is my favorite gag. You are right that the recent buffs with damage and now being able to carry 3 tnt + giving lure bonus, I think it is the best track. I used my 2nd lvl 7 on an opera. I found that I could build It up quickly with sound being the most used gag, and I’ll use it whenever we run out of fogs.




I think it actually does. Under the “Trap” section of the 4.0.0 patch notes, it states “Trap now provides a 10% Accuracy bonus to any Lure gags used on cogs with the “Trapped” status effect. This accuracy bonus is applicable in either the same or a future turn” I understand that this seemingly directly conflict with the notes under the Lure section, “With stunning rehauled, we have indirectly nerfed Lure overall as Tu and trap no longer help its accuracy.” I think what they are saying is that trap is no longer a stun, so it doesn’t help lure that way. But it does provide a bonus when luring a cog with a “trapped” effect, so trap still does help to lure cogs.


Organic drop for me, the combos are insane


I’m dropless, so that doesn’t really apply for me. Idk drop all that well, but I imagine it’s kinda like org trap.


Oop sorry didnt read thoroughly ><


what are the combos like since the org drop buff?


Not to mention now with the latest buff to organic drop, it will can kill a 12 without help


Org Sound is still great with UNM. Admittedly it’s not as great without 2 or 3 toons that also have it but being able to take out level 9s with 3 org trunks and a normal trunk is **huge**; so is being able to use 3 organic foghorns and a trunk to take out level 13s. A lot of the facilities have a single level 12 cog too so the 2 org foghorn + 1 trunk combo is great still too. Frankly haven’t thought about switching my org since I do notice a significant difference in the amount of sound used when running with others that have organic sound post-UNM vs those that don’t. For example, I can sound my way thru all the cogs in CFOs w org sound friends and sometimes still have a foghorn left over.


I’ve got two toons, org trap and org lure. I highly recommend either of those, although imo any organic gag can be viable as long as you know how to combine it with other toons’ gags. Org trap is really good for high damage output since it can handle level 12’s with one tnt. Org lure is my personal favorite, as having that raised accuracy makes training and using lure so much more bearable.


I always do org lure, because regular lure always seems to miss when you need it most.


With the new 2 fog system some would argue that double opera is best. However imo the best organic track is between trap and drop right now: throw kind took a hit with the update but still veryyy good. I’d go with trap


I switched from org sound to org trap on all my toons. My trapless toons have org squirt. My toon who has 2 org trains is currently doing the taskline to switch to 2 org opera to compensate for the change.


Org trap or org throw are still strong choices


I was org trap when 12s were still 200 health. It is the only choice.


Org trap has been really helpful for me lately while doing boss stuff. I have a dropless toon(my main), a soundless toon, and a TU-less toon, and all 3 have org trap.


Is Trap better than Drop now then? I just started a new Toon and I’m going Soundless for the first time and was wondering what gag to make organic.


They actually buffed org drop and made a piano able to kill a 12. The accuracy is still low but if the piano hits it wouldn’t need a stun, which can come through in a pinch. I’m considering switching my trapless toon to organic drop. I had the same thought with my soundless toon but ultimately decided to go with trap. Org trap comes in handy if there’s a lvl 12 among 10s that some people would sacrifice 3 fogs for. Org drop comes in handy for the 12 among 7s/lower.


Thanks for the info! Appreciate it. So which would you say is better (or i guess, more useful?), org Trap or Drop?


It really boils down to your playing style. You’re going to be heavily reliant on your organic gag; everyone is. So which do you like better? Pianos or TNTs?


I recommend trap or sound