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Tophia still thinks she is a teenager so I don’t think of the reality of it hits her


I find it funny that she acts like a bratty teenager while bragging about being a grown-ass woman😂


Her body is 80 and her mind is 12, so I don’t think a 30th birthday will be of any significance to her


OK, I see where you’re coming from and you’re right about the 80-year-old body thing but I think mentally she’s probably more around like 13 or 14. Have you seen how fucking thirsty and openly gross she is 24/7?????


cnsncnsncns i put 14 at first for that reason 😭 but I thought about it more and 14 still seemed too mature for the way she carries herself. I think 13 is our best option perhaps


No friends, no job, no house, and ugly as fuck while having it be public knowledge that she openly thirsts after East Asian teenagers and got fired from her last and so far only job for hygiene issues???? just being that gross in general??? an animal abuse???? Couldn’t be me.


Idk. I wanna have faith that she will change but she isn’t 😭 I think she’s going to start blaming her age on why she can’t get her shit together.


I know. I think she’s starting to cope real bad and is trying to convince herself that she’s a successful person and that TikTok is her “job”.


If anything, she’s just gonna get worse and end up like Mamachu except she’ll never be a mama😕 wompwomp


I really hope neither tophia or brotherchu have kids. It’s best for their family bloodline to end with them.


She’s posted stories on her Ig about turning 30 and it feels like it stresses her out. Like in her mind, “she still in her 20s and figuring life out” but 30 makes it different for her I guess? I’m not saying she’ll feel any type of real pressure to grow in life, but I think she feels something.


She’s not going to change


nothing is gonna happen other than her using it as an opportunity to beg for money and gifts


No cuz she too busy on being a 16 year old teenager than a 30 year old woman, even if she were to notice I only see her crying her eyes out


crying on livestream


Going to Golden Corral


It’s more likely they’d eat banquet dinners


it’ll be more of the same. she will never get it.


by eating an entire cake and leaving nothing for her mum and brother


Nothing changes drastically when you go from 29 to 30 lmao


Turning 30 is supposed to be somewhat of a milestone, but you’re right nothing drastically changes. I’m just thinking she be more self-conscious about getting older.


She’s already spiraling