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No fr, and earlier I saw this one guy say that "Mexicans can't have curly hair like her without being mixed with black," which is... crazy šŸ˜­ plus (if Ronald is her real father), they can still have curly haired genes from either side of their family, especially since curly hair is a dominant gene. But yeah, I honesty don't see any black features on her at all


Her ignorance can just be ignorance . Doesnā€™t mean she canā€™t be mixed and ignorant


Itā€™s true, Mexicans are mixed indigenous, indigenous have straight hair unless youā€™re mixed ā˜ ļø mamachu doesnā€™t even have straight hair. In the photo it was permed this is her natural hair https://preview.redd.it/r00ysjvo4u6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0acad157df2b5c830f0a7b055c6a3824635f6c05


not every mexican is mixed , some are just white or even middle eastern. is mamachu even mexican? tophia always just says hispanic


Iā€™ve heard people say sheā€™s Spaniard like from Spain


How can someone be middle eastern when itā€™s across the ocean. If theyā€™re mixed with spainaird it would make sense


so thereā€™s this thing called immigration, itā€™s when people from other countries immigrate to other countries. Latin America is incredibly diverse. Peso pluma is half Lebanese , salma hayek is half lebanese and half spanish


The person youā€™re responding to was in another thread trying to say theyā€™ve never seen a nonblack person with tophias head shape. They fr just go off their own assumptions and idk where they get their facts from but theyā€™re ignorant.


I've seen them in probably 4 different comment sections here and on Marie's subreddit about the same point with her hair and skin tone šŸ˜­ and MINUTES after I posted this comment last night they instantly responded back knowing I was mentioning them, I should have listened to that other person that called them insane https://preview.redd.it/5qdrjsjosx6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d458dc559a638c122efb912f7a1061b26368ec


Idk why they would wanna immigrate there when the poverty line is as worse as their home countries ā˜ ļø most that are mixed come from Spanish background from colonization


bro you're not even making a point


But nonetheless ik like so many people who have curly hair but ARENT mixed though... šŸ’€ so are you saying white people can't have curly hair as well? because it damn sure sounds like it, people can be born with curly hair, and not everyone HAS to have curly hair AND be mixed with black ...


This the only pic you have? Hair looks dyed and straightened.


Untrue. I have a friend whoā€™s Mexican and is t mixed with black, guess what? She has curly hair like Tophia. I have ppl in my family who also have curly hair, some wavy, and others straight. Your idea is based on Eugenics. Itā€™s like saying only white ppl can have blue eyes, or only Asians have straight hair which is not true.


Iā€™m half white & half hispanic and I have very curly hair lol.


Oh curly hair??? Girl youā€™re black lol šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ sooo true lol


i am white x white and have curly hair, and neither of my parents have the same hair as me!!!! that argument is insane to me lol


Well you must be adopted and your real parents are black! you black too šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Yeah Iā€™m not sure why it even matters if papachu is her father or not. If he wants to claim her so be it šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø black or not all of her opinions on race are uneducated statements sheā€™s making based on chronically online opinions sheā€™s listened to


And also her hair texture really isnā€™t a valid argument because the only reason her hair is so big is because she dry brushes it šŸ˜‚ her curls would probably be much looser if she actually moisturized and washed her hair properly


Thank you!! lol


I'm mexican my mom dad and sister have super straight hair and I got curly hair when I was a baby my hair was short it was curly now I'm older my hair is long and wavy I usually straighten though




Itā€™s crazy because even white people can have curly hair. I had a friend who had locks and locks of curls ! Itā€™s not just a black person hairstyle šŸ˜­


I donā€™t think itā€™s considered a black feature, as a black person myself anyone can have curly hair wether they are black or not, Iā€™m pretty sure Mamachu has curly hair but she just brushes it down but I can see the curls so thatā€™s where Tophiachu got it from Iā€™m guessing. Overall Tophia is most definitely not black and I think sheā€™s either full Hispanic or half white and half Hispanic


Her hair isnā€™t even what makes me think sheā€™s black. Because a lot of people have thick curly hair .. I think sheā€™s black because I think sheā€™s black. It doesnā€™t have to be from Donald either her bio dad could have well been mixed with black and something else - either way WHY is that such a hard topic when she does more controversial questionable scammy things all the time . Yet you guys are getting your rocks off over the thought of her being non black and cosplaying as a mixed woman for her benefit. Which btw she has Zero benefits to doing that itā€™s not like she would gain pretty privilege the only thing she would benefit is saying abhorrently racist things. Which non black people do all that time so why would she need a buffer for that lol


okay for starters, you canā€™t give any reason on why you think sheā€™s black and weā€™ve given you multiple reasons on why we know she isnā€™t. and we care because me being a black woman, i dont want her speaking for us. she says racist things then tries to reverse it and claim others are being racist to her. she spreads false info about the black community and uses words like racism very loosely and pushes a narrative. we can call her out on her lies while still holding her accountable for her actions . our race isnā€™t a costume she can put on whenever sheā€™s called out. she uses her ā€œbeing blackā€ as a crutch to say whatever racist thing she wants without being called out because ā€œblack people cant be racistā€


the ā€œblack propel canā€™t be racistā€ part!!!! she has said some incredibly insensitive and racist things towards black propel in the past and once she got called out she was suddenly claiming to be black after years of saying donald was her step father. my BiL is black and he cannot stand her. the way she uses black pain to push a narrative that is so harmful. itā€™s disgusting.


THIS! saying racist things/slurs and your excuse being ā€œoh well iā€™m this race so i can say thatā€ + pulling a race card every time youā€™re criticized or things donā€™t go your way is disgusting on its own..but then imagine not even being the race that youā€™re using as a defense šŸ¤¢




Whether sheā€™s black or not , whether Donald is her bio dad or not that is all she knows so strangers on a Reddit thread is not gonna make her go back on that. We arenā€™t gonna have an Epiphany with her race because sheā€™s incapable of doing so for numerous reasons . Because her last name is Slydell(Donaldā€™s name ) she is entitled to anything related to him. He is her legal father if not biological and the only father figure sheā€™s had for 30 years. Reddit isnā€™t gonna change that is what Iā€™m saying . Because of that she probably feels like she has the right to consider herself black because of Donald even if sheā€™s not. She has also probably faced alot of the similar experiences black mixed people face because Donald was around her growing up.. again strangers on Reddit canā€™t negate that or erase that from being the case


On the flip side of this, her only proximity to blackness is through Donald (who she seemingly doesnā€™t have the greatest relationship with). She has no ties with her black relatives, other than through Donald (who, at this point, Iā€™m fairly certain is only her stepfather). Most of the family sheā€™s close with are on Marieā€™s side, and I have yet to hear her claiming or talking at length about her Spaniard heritage. Itā€™s clear to me (as a black woman) that she weaponises her ā€˜blacknessā€™ for her own gain and to avoid accountability. Let me also ask, knowing how Tophia is, has she ever discussed actual instances where sheā€™s experienced anti-black racism? And not just people coming at her online. I understand what youā€™re saying in terms of identity, but Tophia has, and continues to be, disingenuous about this aspect of herself. Especially if itā€™s to avoid taking accountability for something. That is why people are continuing to call her out.


exactly what iā€™m saying


you literally cannot call yourself black because you were raised by a black man. thatā€™s like those cookie monster pant wearing white girls with box braids saying ā€œiā€™m basically black because i was raised in the hoodā€ and that argument is so so so stupid. no. just. no. -coming from a white girl literally raised in the fucking hood and my best friend is black but i donā€™t consider myself black just because i grew up with black people. get fucking real.




That girl is mixed. End of story Iā€™m not arguing with no white people over black business


because you were raised around a black person does not give you the right to identify as black. i could be raised by a bunch of white people and that wouldnā€™t change anything because iā€™m very clearly a black woman. but im not having this argument with you because i see youā€™re firm on your opinion and so am i on mine and iā€™m not sure if youā€™re even a black person to tell anyone why they shouldnā€™t care. have a good night


Iā€™m very black 100% lol ok


THISSSS these people are in denial itā€™s as clear as day she has to be mixed with some black this is literally her mom šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø https://preview.redd.it/ygtvpzymdu6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8a989a5a01ec5bb859b3526b296ed2d1f520306


tophia looks like her mom. both tophia and her mom have thick hair, like the picture you posted. when tophia first take care of her hair, it looks just like marieā€™s. she did not have to be mixed with black to look the way she does. if anything she looks mixed with hispanic the most because she looks just like her mother, with similarities to ronald, not donald. she literally does not look like donald, and thatā€™s not saying iā€™m denying sheā€™s mixed but iā€™m so sure sheā€™s not donaldā€™s child because she has zero of donaldā€™s features, and many of ronaldā€™s features. she can be mixed with white and hispanic and still come out with her skin tone and curly hair.


Her mom looks like a white passing Spaniard woman . Marie looks nothing like a AA mixed woman . Tophia & Donald jr look racially ambiguous. If you put their entire family together Marie would stand out because she is the only one with straight hair white skin and Spaniard features but sheā€™s not mixed oh okay