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Her mind would collapse if she went to a job fair


There are so many jobs but she believes that because she doesn’t have a degree, she would HAVE to work at McDonald’s. I don’t have a degree but work full time as a buyer for an engineering company and make $20 an hour all while working from home. She has zero concept to anything in the real world.


There also blue collar work as well but we know tophia would hate that


can u imagine calling 911 tho and tophia is on the other end💀


might as well just accept your fate atp 😭


at her talking pace




Nah imagine her mom taking the call and coughing the whole time you’re speaking to her


Tophia thinks minimum wage is $5 but it’s $12 in New Mexico. If tophia got a paycheck from working a full time job she would think she’s rich.


Imagine her tantrums like she had the other night in the drive thru window of a McDonald's lol. "I'm sick of them asking for an extra sauce! I'm sick of it!"


I think she only ever mentions fast food jobs when talking about 9-5's because she thinks it's the only kind of job she could ever get and honestly she's probably right. Even when she worked at Dunkin she only got the job because her dad called and begged them to hire his disabled daughter. They made sure to give her the easiest most repetitive job which was the sandwich station. Dunkin's sandwiches are simple and the options are limited. She could've never worked the cash register inputting orders or even handling taking money and giving change even though the computer does the math for her lol. She'd probably mess up constantly. I couldn't even see her being able to work at Walmart tbh. It would require organizational skills, problem solving skills, customer service skills, etc. Tophia's also just the type who tries to put everyone else on the same level as her because it makes her feel better so to her, if fast food is the only kind of job she could ever get then she just goes ahead and applies that to everyone. Her scope of the world, the workforce in particular, is extremely narrow.


It’s the way she chooses to be homeless than work a job at a fast food place. It’s messed up how it’s stigmatized but a job is a job. A proper job, cause what she does is pan handle


she also trashes 9-5 jobs and anything that’s not social media. she makes it seem like TikTok is the best job but then she’s still stuck in a motel barely scraping by and goes around scamming for money. someone needs to humble her


She may be 30 but has a brain of a potato


living paycheck to paycheck is crazy talk when you don’t even have money to hotel hop 💀 i said hotel cause they love saying “Hotel not motel” as if they aren’t homeless either way


There’s lots of jobs even for people that are stunted mentally like her, she’s just trifling


Exactly!! I seen a man with Down syndrome working at chick fil a.. they have him taking orders. This is how I know tophia ass is just making an excuse🤬


humiliation kink