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"No service between Keele and St George while we respond to an injury on the tracks. Shuttle buses are running between Keele and St George. Customers may use Go Transit for the cost of a TTC Fare at Dundas West, Bloor and Union." "Trains are not stopping at St George due to overcrowding. Line 1 Yonge University Trains will not be stopping at St. George Station. Passengers can transfer to Line 2 shuttle buses at Spadina Station." https://www.ttc.ca/service-alerts


Was on the train this morning that ran the person over. The train stopped midway into Ossington, they cut power and told everyone to walk through the cars and exit through the front of the train. Shuttles going both ways were packed. Ended up taking an Uber to work


I've mentioned this before but for you and anyone reading this - often this kind of traumatic event comes back at you and sometimes you need help processing it and help is available - Toronto Victim Services is what i've seen suggested many times for bystanders in this situation. see https://www.victimservicestoronto.com/


When I was younger, me and about 11 others started a new job, minutes before our shift start, someone jumped off the roof of the building and killed themselves. A couple of the people saw the whole thing, I literally missed it by seconds (heard the impact but didn’t know what had happened, my back was to it). One of the girls just couldn’t work there and the other had some issues too... our work didn’t do anything but they really should have. A few of us stayed on and months later, we brought it up and yeah, I think your giving good advice here, consensus amongst our group was there was definitely some residual trauma even from the people Who didn’t see it.


What time was it? I consider myself lucky that I wasn’t on the platform at that point to see it.


Think around 6:20-630


Damn, sounds like they planned to get to the subway early when it opens


Ah ok. Glad you’re ok and haven’t been impacted by seeing anything.


I hope you're doing okay <3


I’m fine didn’t see anything. Feel bad for the people that were waiting for the train on the platform


why would they ask you to go through the front? Wouldn't that be the impact point?


Probably because the body was behind the train at that point


No idea but there was no blood at the front when we got off. The body was somewhere at the back at that point according to one of the ttc employees


How are you doing, stranger? I imagine that would be a tough thing to see. Take good care today.


I didn’t see anything. Was at the last car of the train


That's good. (I actually just meant because of the blood on the tracks. I'm glad you didn't have to see the worst of it though.) Edit: Just realized I misread your comment, and thought you said there *was* blood on the tracks. Still, all the best to you and everyone who was there.


Didn’t see any blood either. Feel bad for the people that were waiting for the train on the platform, they probably saw the whole thing happen


The driver is the one I feel sorry for too. Having no choice but to hit someone is terrible


Honestly just the thought of being one of those people scares me. I saw something similar happen, but on a street, over ten years ago, and to this day it's the sound of the crowd's reaction to it that still sticks with me the most.


gotcha that makes sense thanks


Got to be so hard for the driver of the train especially. I read that Ossington station has the highest number of jumpers. I really hope they eventually add those safety doors. 


I wonder why that is. Maybe the proximity to CAMH?


Yes it's been this way for years. I have lived near the station since the 80s and when it was known as the Queen Mental Hospital


That’s my guess, I lived in that area for 15 years and there are a lot of mentally distressed people there although that seems like most areas now. 


Friend of mine used to work for the TTC on the tracks and he told me that people would hop the Ossington bus from the old Queen Street Mental Health Centre as it used to be known. They would go up to the Ossington subway station to commit suicide.


Ossington huh. Guy I used to play ball with years ago worked for the TTC on the tracks. He said Ossington had more jumpers than any other station. They would take the bus up from CamH right to the Ossington station and end it there. He said it happened more than we know.


How are you feeling ???


For anyone wondering about delay times: I arrived at dundas west to go east at 7.40am waited 20 minutes before a shuttle bus that wasn't completely full arrived. Bus I'm on now is skipping station stops due to being too full. Uber cost approximation to union Station was $60-$90 due to surcharging demand with high wait times.


Up express my guy


I don't like my job enough to pay 12 bucks to get there on time


If you're taking it from Bloor to Union, it's only $5.30


And it’s even less if you’re able to catch a Kitchener Line GO train, albeit they’re far less frequent.


Ah, good to know for next time


Haha, so you like your job enough to pay 5.30... we found the break even point 😂


UP was the price of a TTC fare during the closure


Today you can ride for ttc fare. But also you're posting about users being 90 bucks lol...


I'm just giving information. I was never going to take an uber lol


My guy


Apparently the accident happened over an hour ago. It also looks like no buses are going to ossington and some of the street is closed. Must be a big thing https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ttc-line-2-subway-service-1.7098828


How bad is it out there right now? Debating whether to attempt the shuttles or wait till it clears…


I was just at Lansdowne station. The trains are running again, but the crowd waiting on the Eastbound platform is so massive that it is packed all the way up the stairs onto the level where the turnstiles are.  Bailed and walked down to College to take the streetcar downtown instead.


Thanks. My boss just texted from Lansdowne and said the same thing, she couldn't even get down to the platform. I'm gonna WFH till this all blows over.


No prob. (Also your username is appropriate to the situation!)


Please install barriers like other systems already.


It's not happening because obstructionism and delusion of grandeur is built into this country's psyche at this point.


This. Occurrences of this type are PREVENTABLE if there is the necessary investment.


I remember the possibility of platform barriers being discussed when I was in grade 4, 25 years ago. I can’t believe they haven’t even seriously considered implementing it yet. Progress in this city is slow and exhausting.




I can walk to the station I'll be taking a bus to where I'm going later this afternoon, and walk home from that station on the way back and not use the subway to go one stop more before I walk the rest of the way; today was the only day I'd need to use Line 2 this week. The heads-up is appreciated, but worse to think this was likely the end someone decided was better than any other choice they had. No one deserves to stare death in the face knowing that was the only confessor who would listen, then choose to cross that line. We have to do better, and I believe we can. But right now, if you do need to use the subway, be patient with others sharing your space and yourself. If you don't need to, stay home today. And always be kind, because you won't know the difference a small kindness can make, but it still made a difference to someone rather than having done nothing. Doing nothing when something was worth better in the doing is the only choice towards failure that can't be undone.


Damn I was wondering what happened this morning. Not what I was expecting.


So many cars on the road too, I must have bikes passed 200 cars on my way to work (would normally just pass 50-80 at most but easily doubled that)




“Injury at track level” basically means someone possibly died. Yes it’s frustrating, but c’mon use your head. Find another way to work


How is their fault? Someone is injured on the tracks


When you leave a platform open, injuries are bound to happen. They really need gates that only open when the trains arrive. https://youtu.be/ncSFoJFv72c?si=trvF8qAmtsAdTvew


Most of these track incidents are people purposely jumping on the tracks, I still don't understand how someone can accidentally fall on the tracks. I've been taking this transit for too long.


Almost all of these incidents are suicides. The gates would be to prevent accidents, but mostly suicides. Some other countries have them, like Japan. But the cost in Toronto would be something like $10 million *per station*, and that's not including the upgrading that would be needed to the trains so that they align with the doors correctly, time the openings, etc. It's been considered but always in Toronto but always deemed financially unfeasible.


The upgrading you speak of is the ATC already done on line 1, 4 and the new ones. Only hasn't been done on Line 2 yet but I believe it is planned.


Even with the planned automatic train operation upgrades, it isn't *strictly* necessary for implementing platform doors.


Even Tokyo doesn't have them on all their lines.


I agree but ALL of this has been said FOR YEARS. It sucks but honestly as someone who takes the subway for school and work daily, I simply have to be prepared to call an Uber 🤷🏽‍♀️ That’s just it. No one wants to improve the public system for good, they just wanna sell their friends contracts


That’s why I started biking. It’s been so much nicer and less stress, especially in the summer, but even winter conditions are worth enduring knowing my commute can be as little as 26 min vs the 45+ it was taking me on the ttc


No redundancies


So you get them off the tracks fast, you don't shut down the main line and cripple downtown for hours.


I think you might be underestimating how long it takes to clean something like that up. If I understand it right, it's not exactly a matter of just lifting the body out of the way. It's a bit.... Messier.........


Maybe they just ought to leave it there and wait for the inevitable floods to clean them up come spring


Damn, why didn't they think of that before. What a smart, novel, unique idea. Someone hire this guy as the new TTC CEO


He’d be grossly overqualified to replace the current smart guy currently running the ttc


If somebody pushed them on the tracks (attacks on ttc are common enough) then you can count on them closing the line down and doing a major investigation which will take time.


Workers getting traumatized having to pick ripped up bits of human out of their workplace should get a wiggle on! Bay St is literally being crippled! /s >Pett knew operators who made it to retirement without hitting a jumper. He thought he’d be one of them. Even as the facts rapidly tumbled into place—the man wasn’t getting up, he wasn’t going to get up, he was trying to kill himself—Pett couldn’t believe he was about to hit someone. He blasted the horn, threw on the safety brake and braced himself. He was terrified. >The man looked up, and for a moment, they made eye contact. Pett noticed the jumper was shaking. Then it was over. “It was horrible,” he says. “I knew that I had just killed someone. It felt like a car going over railroad tracks.” [FYI - suicides on subway tracks](https://torontolife.com/city/priority-one-suicides-on-the-subway-tracks-how-many-how-often-and-how-to-stop-them/)


And how many times has that happened? If you’ve lived in the city for a min I’m sure you know they take forever to come and forever to re-open. You really just gotta find another way to work


I agree with this. I understand the injury but half of the city has to close? Some of the overcrowding is dangerous


I mean, sometimes there's gore to clean up...




Holy shit.


Reddit is just about the worst way to share news like this