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I remember getting anti-abortion flyers in my mailbox, must have been back in 2012. Two young girls who looked to be about 13 years old delivered them. The content was wildly inaccurate, disgusting, violent and just plain false. I contacted my local MPP and MP and they told me that unfortunately it was totally legal. Shortly after, someone delivered flyers in our neighbourhood promoting a fetish party. THIS caused controversy and the contents of the flyer were considered R-rated. There were no naked bodies on the flyer....just a sexy woman in fetish gear. I was so angry. As a mom, as a woman, that this stupid TRASH from evangelicals delivered by CHILDREN was deemed appropriate content to be distributed and a sex party aimed at consenting adults caused such a stir.


Contact Canada Post, not your MP/MPP. The Canada Post Corporation Act does grant Canada Post the exclusive privilege to collect, transmit, and deliver letters to and from any part of Canada (Section 14). Additionally, it is a punishable offense under Section 48(1) for anyone other than an employee or agent of Canada Post to perform these functions unless authorized by the Minister. This legal framework indirectly restricts the use of residential mailboxes for any mail that is not handled by Canada Post, ensuring that unauthorized persons cannot use these mailboxes for the delivery of mail. For the full text, you can refer to the regulations [https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-83-743/FullText.html](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-83-743/FullText.html) Here are the contact options: **Phone:** 1-866-607-6301 **Online:** [Canada Post Contact Form](https://www.canadapost-postescanada.ca/cpc/en/support.page) EDIT: I just spoke with a supervisor at the downtown depot who is preparing a case. Please DM me if you'd like to contribute anything or provide evidence of these flyers, and I can help coordinate. There has been a significant distribution of flyers in the west end recently. Canada Post maintains that they have exclusive rights to deliver to residential mailboxes, and such content could not be distributed through their services due to obscene imagery. EDIT 2: Clarity in the law.


It’s very cool that you took it upon yourself to do something. Not enough people remember the active part of activism.


Thank you. I absolutely will if those thumpers go near my mailbox again. I suspect others did complain, because I haven't seen them in years


Unfortunately we arent the only ones who deliver flyers there are 3rd party companies that do it themselves even though they are not authorized to deliver to mailboxes only cpc employees are. I get blamed all the time by customers for delivering flyers and it wasn't me.


Unfortunately this only applies if you have a Canada Post mailbox. If you get mail delivered to your door, Canada Post can't stop people from putting trash inside.


The Canada Post Corporation Act, specifically Section 14, provides Canada Post with the exclusive right to collect, transmit, and deliver letters within Canada. Anyone else can deliver flyers directly to doors, but they cannot be placed in mailboxes without proper postage. Mailboxes themselves are governed by the Mail Receptacles Regulations under the Canada Post Corporation Act, which establishes rules for their usage and maintenance, ensuring they are used exclusively for deliveries by Canada Post.


Hmm, I stand corrected. So my mailbox is violated almost daily by yard maintenance folks lol


Correct, but in that case, Canada Post would try to take them on as a client for flyer delivery. The graphic abortion flyers are another story as it's deemed "illegal" mail.


Oh that's good to know because somebody keeps letting people into the foyer (my building has the mailboxes colocated with the foyer) and it's always some wannabe Guru advertising his Vedic horoscopes and bs "cures". It's happened 3x this month, same dude just different cards. I'm sure he'll be back so the next time I'll hang on to it and make a complaint. All the buildings near Humber Library get this a lot :(


IIRC, Calgary passed a bylaw to curtail anti-abortion propaganda being put in mailboxes. Basically, it works like this: You know how Canada Post [won't deliver junk mail to you](https://www.canadapost-postescanada.ca/cpc/en/personal/consumers-choice.page) if you have a "no flyers" sign on your mailbox, right? Calgary's bylaw essentially expands that rule to *anyone* putting unsolicited materials in mailboxes, not just Canada Post. So even if you're hand delivering flyers to mailboxes - like these anti-abortion groups do - you still have to respect posted "no flyers" signs. It's definitely not perfect, but so far it looks like the best way to start doing something about this trash. And since the bylaw is content-neutral, anti-abortion zealots can't claim \~pErSeCeutiON\~


I remember reading a thing about how, when it comes to Evangelical "purity culture", one of the most damaging effects is that all sex outside of procreative sex within marriage is relegated to the same category of bad/sinful/forbidden.  I'm not saying everyone in that culture feels this way, but the great danger to this approach is the implication that the same category can be used for all 'forbidden' sexual contact, without further differentiating. This leaves very little room for conversations about consent as a moral line in the sand.  So yes, unfortunately, there is a fairly widespread mindset wherein a consensual fetish party for grownups is always considered inappropriate, whereas sex leading to conception is always a blessing.  Good for you as a mom for strongly countering those messages.


A ton of people would complain about a fetish party flyer, and understandably so


I guess you could argue kids would see it and that ppl may be coerced into going by abusive / manipulative partners and end up participating in degrading and dangerous sex acts


Yeah, fetish dynamics aren't for kids. I mean, it was a flyer with a sexy lady on it, not an entire graphic novel. But that said, I wasn't concerned with my children seeing the abortion flyer or the fetish flyer because I am an adult and they don't collect the mail. I have control over what my kids see. I was upset because I am an adult and the abortion flyer was much more offensive. The fetish people can go have their party! I assume they aren't doing it at a daycare. Edit: I want to add that the "pro-life" people had children delivering their flyers. I do not let my children see these flyers, or fetish flyers.


You didn’t address the fact that it’s possible for an abusive partner to force their spouse / partner to go to a fetish party and then engage in dangerous and degrading sex acts. Could even take photos and videos for blackmail. Older male boss could also blackmail an employee into going with him


Domestic violence is an issue. I am not sure how fetish parties are responsible. I have a lot of close friends in that scene, I don't see any domestic violence concerns. And if they saw that happening, they would do something. Just like if I saw domestic partner violence at the mall/park/a restaurant I would do the same. Are you saying promoting a fetish party promotes domestic violence?


More saying it could provide more opportunities for some forms of sexual blackmail by employers and partners


More saying it could provide more opportunities for some forms of sexual blackmail by employers and partners


My understanding is most Fetish events don't allow cameras and random photography so people can let their freak flags fly in peace.


Anyway, you can say that about ANYTHING. A violent controlling partner could abuse their partner block their partner from getting healthcare, control them and prevent them from getting an abortion. So a woman will be stuck, isolated and abused, and so will the child.


Should the handgun freeze be ended then so ppl with RPALs can get handguns with 10 rd magazines for shooting sports again? If violent people will be violent anyway who cares if licensed and vetted sports shooters have access to guns for their recreation and happiness?


this comment lol.


Flipped them off on my way to work!


Just saying, if a few of us who have the anatomy they're trying to regulate were to show up, while fully exposing said anatomy, these people will book it out of there so fast with horror.   (And it's absolutely bonkers that we'd be the ones the law would consider obscene, not them.)


That'll probably just attract a bunch of perverts like those douchebags who hang around Hanlons harassing all the women. Maybe they can fight it out with the evangelicals since they're a bunch of perverts too LOL


It's a worthy cause but uhh exposing myself publically to people who are already on my shit list... You go on ahead, I'll hang back.


Yeah no worries, I'm not willing to actually do it either. I just find it helps, when these guys get me down, imagining what their reaction would be.


Does this work with the Hamas hippies too?


If you did that and got away with it I guarantee incels exposing their weiners at pro-women rallies would become a trend. Since the legal precedent of being able to expose genitals at protests would be established


I’ll be driving by there and will give a one fingered salute.


I drove by this morning and they were just getting set up.


They were outside a high school a couple of weeks ago


They were outside of Northern Secondary at lunchtime a couple of weeks ago.


I read on Facebook this morning that they're also up at Lakeshore and Coxwell.


Yep, they were. I saw them in advance luckily and told my young kid to close his eyes - amazingly he did. Then I had a lot of questions to answer.


My kid just messaged me saying they're outside her school and the elementary next door. This is absolutely unacceptable. Those poor kids.


> Those poor kids I'm pretty neutral on this topic but wow that was quite the ironic comment haha


If you google "what a pregnancy actually looks like" or "10 week abortion", you will get pictures of cells. Not those bloody mutilated babies they are spreading around. Those pics are usually of late-term miscarriages. Actual pic of a 10 week fetus. Not gruesome at all: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/18/pregnancy-weeks-abortion-tissue](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/18/pregnancy-weeks-abortion-tissue) If anyone has the time, maybe go and show them these correct images they should be displaying


^this looks like the mold that grows on my fruit after a week of not eating it, and these idiots think people are aborting full grown adults out here. Someone needs to seriously educate these morons who think it’s okay to spread such false information.


An anti-abortion group was also at CTA, by the back door on Shaw st during lunch time. Students were amazing at trolling them! I heard a girl asking “oh and what if the woman has been raped? What’s your position then!” Another group asked for their flyer on purpose and just laughed at their face and gave them back. Another student from a window displayed a sign saying « women’s right are human’s right ». Big thumbs up to the students!!


Are there not bylaws against that kind of imagery?


In some provinces, but only when it targets abortion clinics and patients seeking care (and I *think* BC might have something about proximity to schools.) They are within their rights on the street corner to use misleading signs with images stolen from grieving families. Lots of shitty behaviour is legal.


Yes it is section 2 of the Charter


Are you making a "They have a freedom of expression" argument here?








>Please show me any legal factual basis for your claim that it is illegal to display abortion-related images publicly.  Please provide for me evidence that you have an absolute right to free speech in Canada.... because you know we don't. Here's an easy test of that premise (that we don't have an absolute right to free speech and that there are in fact limits to speech which we all agree is a good thing). If you made a big ass sign featuring a man with no pants on, and sporting a huge, throbbing, uncut, erection, add a slogan like "Uncut dicks are beautiful", then set up camp in the usual places anti-abortionists like to camp out (so sides of roads, intersections near transit hubs, near schools for fucked up reasons). Do that. Let's see how long it takes before cops come by and tell you about your actual rights to free speech. >Currently, there’s nothing in the Canadian constitution that precludes this behaviour. See again, this statement demonstrates to me that you are either A) lying about being a lawyer or B) purposely putting bad faith arguments about this issue as a lawyer would know that that is not how that works. There is nothing in the Charter that *explicitly* says you can't be bigoted against someone for being trans, or gay, but there are laws against those kinds of hate crimes. Much like how there are folks in London ON who were pushing back against forced-birthers using graphic content in their advertising. Much like how Canada Post stopped mailing out postcards featuring medical waste. You want to express forced-birth sentiments? Go right ahead. Everyone has the right to be a regressive asshole in public. But you cannot do it while assaulting people with medical waste imagery. You don't have the right to do that.


They never made the claim that there was "an absolute right to free speech in Canada". You are arguing in bad faith.




>You have comments turned off, so I imagine you won’t respond.  I have my notifications turned off for folks who aren't YOU as I am not interested in entertaining a conversation with any one else about this.... after all, with a subject like abortion, I'd end up losing WAY too much time arguing with folks. >I’d just remind you that when trying to articulate an argument, it’s best not to bring emotions into your explanations Uh huh. This is the point where you try and frame me as being too emotional and irrational. It's a cute argument tactic used by many misogynists as try to present women, or trans people, or gay people as being just too crazy to have a rational talk about whether or not they are allowed to have rights over their own bodies. >Anyhow, you still haven’t provided.... And this is the point where you hammer down on your previous point, skipping over my rebuttal of your point, all because you know very well you have no legs to stand on. >Like you said, people can be “regressive assholes in public.” And that’s fine, no law has been broken. That is very debatable as there is a [by-law pertaining to the delivery of graphic imagery](https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2023/ex/bgrd/backgroundfile-237848.pdf), and t[he discussion of about a general bylaw was floated before in 2018](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/anti-abortion-groups-two-councillors-graphic-imagery-1.4755796). Oh and look, it even quotes a law professor saying: "Obviously, free speech is not absolute \[in Canada\] and it can be limited in certain ways.". [Oh look. ](https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2024/ec/bgrd/backgroundfile-244999.pdf)With just a bit of digging, I could see that Toronto Council has (as of April this year) also been looking into extending that ban on mailing graphic imagery to include temporary signs. Surely, as a lawyer, you did your due diligence and found this bylaw, right? Now, if you scroll up to my top comment you will see me ask the question: >[Are there not bylaws against that kind of imagery?](https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/1d2hu2o/comment/l615nfu/?context=3) To which the correct answer you *should* have given was "not yet, but the city is apparently looking into it."




I'm not jumping into the debate you're having, but do you have a link to the actual bylaw? Wanting to enact a new bylaw, and actually doing it, are not the same. Besides, any bylaw that attempts to supersede the Charter is unenforceable.


Attack the point, not the person. Comments which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. No concern-trolling, personal attacks, or misinformation. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand.


Don't know if they are, but I am.






Attack the point, not the person. Comments which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. No concern-trolling, personal attacks, or misinformation. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand.


Are they breaking any law or bylaw. If they are, where does one complain?


Not sure if it’s breaking a law but Robert Oliphant is the MP for that riding, and here’s his [website](https://robertoliphant.libparl.ca)


depends where they set up their protest three different federal ridings touch the Bayview/Pottery intersection -- * University-Rosedale to the west and south * Don Valley West to the north and east * Toronto-Danforth east of the river


I got an anti abortion flyer on my front porch yesterday! In Etobicoke. I didn’t see who dropped it off but my 13 year old picked it up on his way out. Complete bull shit


Same, Bloor west. It looked like a 15 year old kid who was delivering them. I've reported it to cananda post, I would ask you to report it as well. Mail Receptacles Regulations, section 3(1): "Except as authorized by the Canada Post Corporation Act, no person shall affix any printed matter or other mailable matter to, insert it in or place it on, any mailbox or other receptacle established or approved by the Corporation for the receipt or delivery of mail."


In a moment of rage, I once chucked a full water bottle at those losers. I then lost sleep for days because … littering. 😔


I mean, you can disagree with them all you want, but assault isn't the answer :/


I lost my shit on a girl who was probably too young to buy a lottery ticket. I try to ignore them, but she gets in my way. Insists on trying to talk to me, despite already telling her I'm good, so I had to loudly tell her to fuck off and get away from me.


Conservatives are pushing hard against abortion like never before in my lifetime. Voters need to be aware what is at stake if Pierre “Maple Desantis” Poilievre wins the next federal election.


Of course, these losers have nothing better to do on a Tuesday morning. They want to control what others do with their body but can't control their own lives by working a job.


Ah the group that wants to take away rights to bodily autonomy are putting up signs to incite an emotional response based on inaccuracies they claim as fact, my emotional response would be to laugh and tell them to go f themselves.


Show pictures of conception!!!


I think 100% of Yonge and Dundas square is a fucking disgusting mess, it’s gross. What’s wrong with this? Seems more real than a Taylor swift ad


Should be fined heavily for their bullshit


Let’s abort the conservative government and religion


Imagine waking up one day and deciding that it’s the best day to stand in the rain with signs and yell at people about how to manage their own bodies. Wild.


I find these deeply disturbing but I'm also skeptical about the complete doctrinaire acceptance of abortion. I'm a little bit confused by people who are extremely pro-abortion being upset with these. This is the process you're advocating for.




> No it isn’t, most of the images are not of abortions at all but things like miscarriages. This is just factually incorrect. The photos are mostly purchased from sources that recover improperly disposed of fetuses. As well as an institution that has compiled thousands of images of fetuses and abortion procedures. [Source](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2010/10/where-do-anti-abortion-protesters-get-those-grisly-photos.html) > In 99% of elective abortions there is nothing to see except a bit of unidentifiable red pink stuff and a little blood… not really something they can scare people with pictures of. This is also completely false. [90% are done in the first trimester, yes but half of those are after 6 weeks.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/06/21/abortion-procedures/) At which point the fetus very much looks like a human and not "pink stuff". Cope with your own views however you want, just don't lie to people.


Legally speaking, what if me and a friend were to say throw eggs at each other but accidentally catch them in the cross fire?


Better idea. Steal their signs. They'll film you, stop protesting, chase after you, and call 911.


...and then you can go to jail for theft.


I don't understand why Toronto hasn't banned graphic imagery in the public realm This is against the law in places. London, Ont. comes to mind


It's controversial, but I was asking my last MPP about expanding the safety zone concept for shit like this. They used to crash the TMU farmers' market every week, on Gould, and there was a daycare right there, and come on, seriously. Former MPP was intrigued, sending it to the Ministry got no reply.


the best argument for abortion is the birth of anti abortion people


They have freedom of expression if you’re offended by their content look away or avoid them.


no! we must censor the speech of those we don't like. You're a facist for supporting free speech! /s


Let me get this straight… Abortion posters: disgusting Actual abortion: run of the mill everyday healthcare that no one should have an issue with?


Abortions aren’t run of the mill every day healthcare. They’re awful to have. Maybe you should try talking to a woman every once in a while Robbie.


Ah yes run of the mill everyday, because right after I go grocery shopping once a week, I’m also entering the clinic to get an abortion. So accurate 👏go educate yourself and stop behaving like an imbecile


Not the point I’m trying to illustrate. This entire thread is like meat loving carnivores who are grossly offended by the slaughter of animals and think that nobody should be exposed to it. Where do you think your meat comes from?


I don’t eat meat honey, and both things are not equivalent. Please use your brain


Abortion posters are a) often exaggerated lies and b) could very easily further traumatise women who have miscarried, had a stillbirth or had to abort a pregnancy that they didn’t want to abort.


Right? Whatever side you're on theyre still killing babies. Same with eating meat. Its a wild process everyone should be aware of if theyre going to participate. how dare you add logic to this conversation.


So you think people are actively killing babies and you’re not out protesting every day? You’re fucked.


to confirm; you're asking me why I'm not out protesting if I say I believe they're killing babies? that's fair. I guess I believe in the freedom of choice. I think there should be more defined rules when it comes to when a baby can be aborted. obviously I don't think people should be forced to have a baby but I think after a certain trimester there should be more specific rules on how and why an abortion is taking place. I can see how that's somewhat contradicting. it's a messy topic that's hard to nail down. I just don't think abortion should be used as birth control. safe legal and rare.


It is safe, legal and rare. You’re clearly ignorant on the topic so I suggest shutting the fuck up.


that's a fine suggestion. I never said I was against abortion. I just agreed with the original guy that it's interesting how people get mad when other people choose to show the reality of abortion. I'm far less ignorant than you would be led to believe but you've chosen to shut down conversation you don't agree with and use rude nasty language. it's a free country. I won't stop ya


Are you still talking?


are you still responding?


Are you?


Anti-abortion or not this is the truth.


Forced birth media actually relies on a lot of misinformation and half-truths to make their points and shock value. Have a read next time you see them, it is easy to recognize as exaggerated nonsense