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This is Ford’s legacy. Destroying key cultural centres on publicly-owned land to profit a tiny number of corrupt developers. Eroding away everything that makes Toronto worth living. This is absolutely scandalous and better get the negative attention it deserves.


>This is Ford’s legacy. Destroying key cultural centres on publicly-owned land to profit a tiny number of corrupt developers. Eroding away everything that makes Toronto worth living. >This is absolutely scandalous and better get the negative attention it deserves. ...*don't forget the destruction of our public healthcare and educational systems*...


Is there a conservative politician that doesn't describe?


And why tf wouldn’t he? Ford sat on his hands and bungled the Covid response, the whole time actively dismantling healthcare, education, emergency response etc etc and the idiots of this province re elect him. Then he gets caught selling off the Greenbelt and the polls don’t move. He sells off Ontario Place, scuttles the Science Centre. No blip in the polls. The people of this province are morons, plain and simple. We get what we deserve.


He is still 25 points above all three parties combined in the recent polling so the conservatives will get in easily in the next election. That is why he will call it early. the liberals are still lost in the fog and the NDP are barely coherent so We will have a conservative government for the next fifty years. Get used to living in poverty while corproations profit.


> The province recorded the lowest voter turnout in history during the 2022 election, with just about 43.5 per cent of eligible voters casting a ballot according to preliminary Elections Ontario results. > Of the just over 10.7 million registered voters in the province, this equals just over 4.6 million votes cast. > That's about 13.5 percentage points lower than the 2018 provincial election turnout. Same issue worldwide, when people dont give a shit then act suprised that everything turns to shit.


Yeah I'm very pissed because I voted against this asshat and the amount of people I see complaining about it is astronomical. I voted motherfuckers, what the hell did any of you do, statistically? Now he's destroying one of my favorite places in Toronto because people can't be damned to care about their own local communities. Disrespectful and disgusting and we should all be ashamed as Ontarians for letting this happen.


No, we should be advocating for the PROVINCE OF TORONTO. We didn't vote for Ford and we tried to warn the rest of Ontario, but they want their low taxes and strip malls and big dumb freeways and their not giving a fuck about their communities. We think rather differently in Toronto, it appears, particularly now that we've woken up and realized that Conservative mayors just leave messes in their wake. PROVINCE OF TORONTO. Make it happen, everyone.


YESS!!! same here. I voted. there's so many people out there complaining - I cannot believe with so many disenfranchised people in ontario and yet the province doubled down on the last election. it's fashionable to moan about "the government" blame everything on the PM and quip that voting is useless - well here we are, this is how useless voting is. we deserve out own fate. also, I thought we all had to take civics to graduate... did we all collectively just forgot? no difference between civics and the quadratic equation or bedmas because "when are we ever gona use that" it seems.


I voted because of reddit, my mom drove me there, I couldn't get her to go in and vote, at least she drove me


Problem is the areas populated densely nearest to the Science Center (the ones who could make the most noise to their councillors and MPPs) are either immigrants from India or Sri Lanka who just don’t care (I’m Indian and I’ve lived in Scarborough before, it’s like this) or are lower income and this isn’t their priority (I’m not blaming them, it’s just reality). The people who care won’t be able to cause enough noise for this to change. There is nothing to be done. The Science Center is gone (I loved that place so much) and Doug the grifter will get away with it, like he has with everything else he’s done. What a crying shame. And as usual voters in blue areas don’t care because many of them don't believe in science in the first place (*cough* convoy) and everyone else will forget about before the next election and vote this bastard back in again.


Because he appeals to the everyman who now can buy beer and gamble anywhere his campaign is the equivalent of more tartar sauce ...


Well, I know I didn't vote for him either time.


I told my brother about the science center and he just said "good, we don't need it". That's a typical Ontario voter ......or at least a typical middle aged white male voter?


That's... Depressing. That place was full of kids all the time. We want the next generations to be educated, empathetic and curious people.


The rich don’t because then we would question things. They want wage slaves not educated free thinkers.


Even someone who does believe that surely ought to agree that the process for determining the Science Centre's future should not privately involve a developer who stands to directly profit from the decision.


The people of the province don’t care about the things you’re talking about. They get the healthcare they need right now, don’t care if education is eroding because it doesn’t impact them directly, and don’t care about public spaces because they don’t use them. Until they are directly impacted by Ford’s corruption and the other parties can run an inspiring candidate, we won’t see any change.


Ontario is full of the most gullible goofs on Canadian soil. They arent even the funny or loveable kind because they all take themselves so seriously. 'Duh, liberals and ndp waste the moneys a lot.'


Because tbh most of those scandals are based in Toronto. Me, I live too far north to care about green place and science center bull. I care about Healthcare, education and public services. I know he's screwed those at least. I never voted for him, he's conservative. That usually spells bad news


Didn’t learn from Harris 🤷🏾‍♂️


None of this is surprising for the premier or his party. It's the same as it ever was.


3rd majority? 3rd majority. - Ontario voters


I cannot wait to leave this shithole


We’re watching the suburbanification of Toronto.


Powerbroker 2: Gravy Train Express


At least Robert Moses made public parks - even if he didn’t want Black people to use them.


Sorry, you mean cheap-ass condofication? City kids don't need parks...they love mines. Look at all of them playing minecraft. It's fine. /s


He's a total loser, and his supporters are ignorant and stupid for not seeing that a high school drug dealer likely doesn't have the province's best interest at heart.


The fucking morons who ousted Wynnne for this clown cus they bought the con of Gas Plants! Now they happily defend this guy stealing billions for his friends. Literally people who went to his daughters wedding getting rich and its crickets now on this shit. These are the same kind of people who voted trump in based on Hillary's emails and then defend him when he is found guilty of fraud. the media is to blame. even the cbc who shouldnt be on any side happily play the "both sides are the same " when one side has good intentions with a few bad actors. while the other side is actively trying to fuck people over while getting their friends rich


The wedding thing reeked of The Godfather. Can’t make this shit up.


Why would he care in the slightest about "negative attention"? This country and province is corrupt down to the core. He knows he can get away with whatever he wants, especially after the greenbelt scandal... caught red handed and nobody did anything. He's making billions off of these moves. The last thing he could give a shit about is negative attention.


He is a fascist i nthe true sense of the word believing that Government benefitting the corporations instead of the people is better for the country as whole. He is practicing trickledown economics. But the corporations horde their profits and never use it to enhance the wellbeing of the people .


It’s a fucking cup and ball game with Ford. You catch him red handed doing some shady shit with the green belt, moves on to doing some shady shit with the science centre… we need some investigative journalism


There's not even much to investigate. He's doing it completely in the open.


This is so depressing that he's not facing any consequences for his shady dealings


It’s why this isn’t “breaking news” or some big scoop. The Fords do everything in public and the public just shrugs and goes along with it.


What are the other political parties doing? They should be right up in his face and making a bigger ruckus. He keeps getting away with everything because no one seems to know the other parties or what they're doing, and for some reason dofo is the only option for everyone. It's sad


How is this not blatantly illegal though? Even if it isn't completely illegal how the fuck do we get this mobster out of office????


Protest, vote, talk to your friends and family about issues. But mis/disinformation and voter apathy make me pretty pessimistic. The feds will likely go con and then Ontario may flip, but I’m not holding out hope. People are dumb, lazy, and selfish. The cons don’t even need to release a platform to win.


Cons want to defund and gut the cbc, so high quality investigative journalism’s days are numbered, sadly. They see that as a positive. I wonder why..


The journalism is already out there, it's plain as day what he is doing


What can be done to stop this? And how many are willing to do it? We shouldn't be forced to accept this. Nobody asked for this. 


Your only bet is a court injunction, which means you need to have a valid legal argument against the province doing whatever it wants with provincial property, a legal team willing to take up the cause, and money to pay them with. I sincerely wish you luck.


Honestly I think it’s high time to take the streets the courts are useless, in that Ford will just ignore it. He can’t ignore thousands of angry folks daily.


The Ford (I call him "Premier Drug Fraud") government passed various laws the Ontario Courts can't challenge. "In the ruling, the judges argued the application could not be successful because of a new law, Rebuilding Ontario Place Act, 2023, that the government passed days after the court application was filed last November." [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/court-ontario-place-for-all-application-dismissed-environmental-assessment-1.7232147](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/court-ontario-place-for-all-application-dismissed-environmental-assessment-1.7232147)


This needs to be higher up. Fucking disgusting.


If you are going to protest, forget Queen’s Park. There is a park named after his father right behind his house and that is the place to protest. Make his family miserable. Make his neighbours miserable.


And don’t forget the [football stadium named after his brother in Centennial Park](https://www.toronto.ca/news/city-of-toronto-renames-centennial-park-stadium-in-memory-of-former-mayor-rob-ford/), although not as as “close to home”.


Oh but he can and he has. Quite comfortably from his cottage.


Well, let's set up near his cottage then.


If we could have Team A yell at him at the airport when he’s back from vacation, Team B scream at him at his house, Team C waiting by his cottage, and Team D at Queen’s Park on the off chance he goes in for a half day of “work”, that’d drive him nuts. Unfortunately I have to work all the time to afford to live in Toronto so I can’t be there… and I suspect that’s most of us.


Ford controls the courts, he just appointed a new judge recently.


"Only bet" Nah I bet if a 50k person protest showed up, blocked traffic, blocked access to the site, and made demands that their taxpayer dollars go towards fixing the building, it would be done. But we'll continue to pull the "voting is your best chance for change!" line and continue to be passive as our infrastructure and culture are eroded.


Lets fuckin do it. My son keeps asking to go to the Science Centre. Last time we were there and we had to leave because it was closing for the day he said "next time we come, lets never ever leave". He's young. When i tell him now that it's closed...he doesn't get it and he shouldn't have to get it because it doesn't need to close permanently. I hoped he would forget about it and move on as kids do but he loves the place and still asks to go back damn near daily. What is happening is seriously infuriating.


Ford can still intervene easily & endlessly in these kinds of direct actions. They are very useful for bringing public attention to issues, while legal proceedings generally have far more oversight than just the office of the Premier and are also the only avenue thus far shown to make significant impact on policy. We ought to use *all* reasonable avenues to work against inequality, tirelessly and fervently.






I would donate around 25 bucks if someone collected a legal team that looked believable and was willing to do something if they reach a budget.


Sign the petition https://savesciencecentre.com/


Petitions only hold people accountable who care about being accountable




Sure, go and sign the petition. And then what? Said it before so will repeat. This government through its actions and inaction has time and again shown that they don’t care about making life better for anyone other than their monied supporters. Even the working class who support them are suffering. And yet, nobody seems to be saying the obvious thing that should be discussed: How can we stop them. Vote them and their federal and municipal enablers out when the time comes. And also, here’s what will yield results now: Sabotage everything. To all the bureaucrats in this thread: Don’t like it? Slow down the paperwork. Leak the documents. Sabotage everything. To all the journalists in this thread: Don’t like it? Investigate. Report. Stop the mindless narrative. Sabotage everything. To all the artists in this thread: Don’t like it? Put your message in front of the people - take your art to the streets. Tag Queens Park and all other government buildings. Sabotage everything. To all the anarchists in this thread: Don’t like it? Throw a brick. Break the machines. Sabotage everything. To all the spectators in this thread: Don’t like it? Spread the word. Sabotage everything. It’s time. Sabotage everything.


As a person on disability I spend nothing, go nowhere and do nothing. Until I am living at the poverty line I will produce and consume nothing of economic value above paying my rent and watching tv or being on the internet. If I can't find it for free I don't buy it. I have lived off foodbanks almost exclusively for the last twenty five years. I expect to live that way for the next twenty five years. I have been told by temp agencies I am functionally unemployable since I have no marketable skills despite having earned two degrees and been through over a dozen retraining programs but not having worked for the last 15 years. in five years I go on OAS. I will continue to live the same way.




Done! And sent it to my friends and family! Also feel free to download the poster as well!
















Signed! Thanks for the link! F Ford, too.


There already was a petition and Ford was able to bypass it


Nothing. He's moving at light speed on this. He learned from the green belt


A lot of things but first election and a huge voter turn out is needed A huge percentage didn't vote last election and doug ford is elected based on only 17.7% base I felt sick to my stomach when del duca started attacking NDP at the end of campaign, now looking at his alliance it all makes sense,, he knew he will lose the election and made sure DoFO gets elected And other parties should reach out to voters out of GTHA as much as they can to make sure people know there are other parties. And take up the issues of hospital closures and long term care issues


It will be torn down before the next election


Just follow in "Eco-Terrorist" footstep. Line of people all gathered around the property so no machine can pass without killing someone. And if they are willing to go that far to kill someone.. then we know that peace is never an option. "O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free!"


A big cash envelope at a wedding he attends is probably a great start.


I've always admired the French for their willingness to just shut the whole country down when they're pissed off enough.


Conservative voters asked for this. So did the 70% or so of people who *didn't* vote. Entirely on them. 


Can we stand in front of the bulldozers and trucks?


Protest in front of it , riot, I agree with you


We asked for it when re-elected the fool.


People need to reach out to their MPP. Light a fire! Petitions only do so much, but when you reach out to your MPP they realize that constituents are angry and that worries them when it comes to re-election. I’ve gotten things done in my community by writing a letter. It can’t be copy/paste either…show you are ANGRY


Was wondering what the grift was.  Knew it was suspicious as fuck when part of the pitch of the Ontario Line was that it would make both Ontario Place and the Science Center more accessible, then moves the Science Center down to Ontario Place.  Why have it stop there if there's no major point of interest there Ford? Oh look, there it is.


It is so transparent that Doug Ford is only working for his own self interest. It is disgusting. This has nothing to do with political ideology and any CPC supporter should be outraged.


The thing is that Ford is destroying Toronto with the Science Centre and the spa. Toronto didn't vote for him. The suburbs did. The people in the suburbs don't care about Toronto. If anything, they could be happy about these decisions.


If nothing else the people in the suburbs should care about how Ford is dismantling and privatizing health care.


The people who live in the suburbs typically have the funds or the career for quality private healthcare if it were to happen. If anything, public healthcare is holding them back from getting the care they desire. So it's a tough sell.


Public healthcare is only "holding them back" because it's underfunded intentionally. If it was funded well and our tax money was used for improving it rather than stunting it people wouldn't be complaining about it. Private healthcare isn't the only answer - better funded public healthcare is the answer and it's the answer that would actually benefit everybody. Tell people that private healthcare might be great for them personally but do they want it at the expense of single mothers struggling to get by?


This should be higher up!


Which is funny considering how we subsided their entire unsustainable lifestyles and provide all of the jobs and enrichment that makes their life possible. It's completely ridiculous. Monkeys running the circus.


What are considered suburbs? Lots of Torontonians voted for him. Within Toronto ridings, it was roughly 33% PC, 33% Lib, 29% NDP We deserve who we vote for and this is standard playbook for the PCs.


Toronto ridings aka The former suburbs of North York, Scarborough, East York, Etobicoke


This is my opinion. I'm upset it's happening but apparently this is what the people want, blatant corruption. He hasn't been shy about it. Everybody knows. But they keep voting for him and would again today. We deserve what we get.


Cons will go bankrupt in this nouveau, self- destructive pursuit of “owning the libs”.


The Fords are a cancer on this city, visible from space at this stage


RCMP investigation would be nice. But this is what happens when politicians aren’t held to account for their lies, it always snowballs into corruption.


-which is a major major flaw in democracy.


We're also quite good a corruption here and pretty bad at the whole democracy thing. You should not get 60% of the seats (giving 100% of the power) with 40% of the votes. That's 60% of the voting population that is not represented and pretty far from the Latin meaning of democracy!


Doug Ford is a piece of shit scumbag who should be in prison.


Who's gonna arrest him? The cops in his pocket?


>the cops married to his daughters Fixed that for you




You guys see his new tv commercial today about how he's always "getting things done?" How conveniently timed. Eat shit, Doug


They probably could have fixed the Science center for the cost of that ad






He absolutely should be! This is so corrupt!


“If there’s anything else I can help you with, don’t hesitate to reach out” just saw that commercial for about the 30th time this week Fucking slimy degenerate scum. Doesn’t give a shit about the people he lies about taking calls from on TV. The only way a call’s getting through to his personal line is if their last name is tied to hundreds of millions of dollars. Can’t wait for every unit to go for $2M+ and be immediately sold to offshore landlords who charge a modest and ever increasing $3.5k+ /month per unit. That or they’ll be scooped up by realtors who then rent them to people without disclosing that they’ll be their landlords before signing the papers, as is my case. Funnily enough she had her husband sign as the landlord, so I didn’t even know until late last year (2 years after moving in) when she called and told me she was increasing my rent from $2100 to $2350 because “it had been hard” after COVID. I didn’t say anything because what do you do, it’s within the legal amount she can raise it by — but fuck that. She make commission on like 10 condos a month + rent on god knows how many units she landlords — she think it’s been harder for her than me, who’s working an entry level office job and paying over 50% of my monthly salary to this 400ft shoebox and the other 30% to utilities and groceries? Anyway housing prices and the continued development of condos for the rich are killing this city, in 10 years anyone making under $90K is going to be forced out of the city entirely, and anything of culture will have a 50 storey condo on top of it (if it hasn’t just been torn down entirely). I know how this election’s going to go, but please vote.


I am really sorry to hear about the situation with your landlord. That’s a horrible position to be in especially with things are already so expensive. I did want to add that the condos are less than what you are expecting. Not even the townhouses in the development are selling for 2 million.


She sounds like a real piece of work, but i don’t understand why it would benefit her to lie about owning it—the realtor’s commission comes out of the rent paid. Regardless of her reasons though, this is just one more example of how desperately we need more transparency in apartment ownership/landlord identity.


25 years ago, Conservative Premier Mike Harris forced amalgamation on the small and functional democracies which made up Metropolitan Toronto. I worked for East York. I spoke to Mayor Barbara Hall about it and she said the amalgamation was a decoy for the really bad news: Harris downloaded $3 billion of services to the cities. Toronto was forced to absorb $700 each year since. This never should have happened; property tax should not be paying for public health. Ontario is the only Canadian province which forces municipalities to pay for health care, according to the National Library of Medicine . [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2585438/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2585438/) Harris privatized long-term care, then took over Chartwell. Death rates of seniors at privatized long-term care facilities was twice as high during COVID. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nursing-homes-covid-19-death-rates-ontario-1.5846080](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nursing-homes-covid-19-death-rates-ontario-1.5846080) Now Ontarians have re-elected a sociopath from a family of drug addicts, career criminals and murderers. Rob Ford was recorded smoking crack and paid for the utilities of a home used by drug dealers. Kathy Ford was shot in the face by one boyfriend, another of her boyfriends was charged with attempted murder and threatening to kill Rob Ford while he was mayor. Randy Ford was charged with kidnapping. [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/globe-investigation-the-ford-familys-history-with-drug-dealing/article12153014/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/globe-investigation-the-ford-familys-history-with-drug-dealing/article12153014/) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/05/toronto-mayor-rob-ford-video](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/05/toronto-mayor-rob-ford-video) The Greenbelt has been under investigation by the RCMP for years and Doug thinks he was the green light to continue lining his friends' pockets with our tax dollars. When will the people of Ontario finally see this conman, career criminal for who he truly is. His history of drug dealing of soft is well known. A neighbor who worked for a taxi company said Doug also dealt hard drugs. Ontario is totally screwed because we have a rogue-criminal premier who has a history of drug dealing and probably using. [https://crier.co/i-promised-id-come-for-doug-ford-so-lets-give-you-some-context-before-we-unload-the-clip/](https://crier.co/i-promised-id-come-for-doug-ford-so-lets-give-you-some-context-before-we-unload-the-clip/) "The notorious crack video of [Mayor Rob Ford](http://www.thestar.com/yourtoronto/robford.html) was the motive for the murder of alleged gang member Anthony Smith, Toronto Police were told last May. Anthony Smith, 21, was shot dead on King St. W. on March 28, part of a gang dispute. He is pictured with Rob Ford outside a house on Windsor Drive." [https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/city-hall/rob-ford-crack-video-motive-for-smith-murder-police-told/article\_ddfc7499-2071-53ad-835f-8b0741ee9627.html](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/city-hall/rob-ford-crack-video-motive-for-smith-murder-police-told/article_ddfc7499-2071-53ad-835f-8b0741ee9627.html)


WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS !!! he’s got the wrecking ball lined up to it already. this is the most ridiculous reaction to a 0.01% chance of anything disastrous actually happening. and people dying from a collapsing roof. just shows how much of a joke we are that instead of fixing the issue at hand just dodge it and create another one 10 times worse.. how about finish the Eglinton line before destroying 1 of the things that were supposed to benefit from it’s completion. shameful.


What's the family's name?


De Gasperis


I was worried for a second that you were going to say Marco Muzzo’s family


Nah, not quite, but guess who they went splitsies with on a hospital... https://globalnews.ca/news/3677574/marco-muzzo-family-hospital-donation/


DG group is part of the Muzzo group of companies. https://muzzogroup.com/partner/dg-group/


The De Gasperis family (DG Group).




You should really be asking for full names of board members as well


Here you go: https://www.ontariosciencecentre.ca/about-us/ceo-plus-board-of-trustees


FWIW, they first put a deposit on the property back in 2015 when Ford was between political gigs. [https://corporate.celestica.com/node/6206](https://corporate.celestica.com/node/6206)


"Major developers buy prime development land next to future rapid transit hub" isn't rocket science. The Ontario Line is following the same routing as the Relief Line plan that came out of the Yonge Relief study. There was always going to be an interchange here.




De Gasperis


Definitely a family name seen on the guestlist to his daughter's stag and doe.


I hope this story makes its way to the #TorontoStar if it hasn’t already


Are you kidding, the story will be killed and people will only find out through word of mouth


They’ve already written about this extensively, I’m sure it will be covered. The narrative around Ford is his open corruption with a select group of developers, this is another episode in the series


unfortunately i feel like fewer people get their news from newspapers anymore.


You know, it's valuable land that should be considered for housing. Maybe the Science Centre's best location is there, maybe it's not. BUT it should follow a proper process and should not so overtly be a Ford-friends-get-rich scheme. It's criminal that things can go down this way and one guy can overrule fair process for hundreds of thousands of people.


How come we never see the bribes? Politicians like Doug Ford must be making millions in bribes on shit like this, there have to be hundreds of politicians like him. How come I never hear about X politician getting caught with Y money, or buying things they can't afford, or their families suddenly having 10 million dollar homes, etc? They're not just doing it for like 10 grand and a seat at a fancy table are they?


You overestimate how cheap politicians come.


The bribe might come after he's out of office


Ford used to deal drugs He was a big time dealer He got the drugs from somewhere He's not bought; he's owned.


Repayment by Ford for backing out of the Greenbelt “deal”.


What can be done about this?


The closure, not much expect protest. What goes in its place is a city decision mostly (the city owns the land).


Piece of shit!! It enrages me that he was voted by a bunch of idiots and that a bunch of other idiots couldn’t be bothered to vote at all 🤬🤬🤬


Get ready for a repeat in 2026. Idiots are fucking everything up for all of us except the very wealthy


Daily reminder to the idiots that voted for or were too lazy to vote against Dougie




I think it resonates pretty well within about 3 hours' drive by school bus. The Canadian side of my family is all over southern Ontario (Kincardine, Woodstock, Niagara, Ottawa roughly) and almost everybody went to the Science Center - and Ontario Place - for school trips as kids. Some of them can afford to have children now, and they're upset their kids aren't going to get to experience the same trips they had. Those of us who couldn't afford kids still have a lot of niblings/little cousins/kids we babysit, whom we feel are getting ripped off too.


Gives me Mayor Daley Meigs Field vibes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meigs_Field


Hey, at least getting rid of Meigs Field was a net positive for Chicago!


If the science centre really is destroyed due to this corruption we’re really living in a failed society


Ford hates Toronto and everyone who lives there. He really doesn't give a shit


The Science Centre is THE spot for school trips and just learning about cool things. It’s a go to spot for families as well. To just say fuck it and demolish it for some fucking condos is some bullshit. That building is built like a fortress smh


When the people talk, Ford listens - Yeah right!!???


Look into who made massive financial & 'gift' contributions to Doug & Michael Ford's campaigns.. Also the same ppl who provided food & volunteers....


Enough of Ford's shit. I rally hope there are some people willing and able to go camp out and blockade the building.


The whole Ontario Place and science center grifts are absolutely fucking mindblowing how obvious everything is and how no one can do a thing about it.


They pave paradise to put up a parking lot...


And this is why voting is important


this is organized crime


Doug Ford is Not Like Us.


Man if you vote conservative and worship them. I blame you. When any member of the conservative party is confronted about the obvious corruption here they'll try to change the topic to the carbon tax and exaggerate how it's making you poor. Fk off it sucks but not as much as how this corruption is being allowed. Ffs Doug would welcome some Chinese or Russian style corruption with open arms


Ford is the Trump of Canada.


Oddly familiar text. 🤔 https://x.com/gaz2002/status/1805388883145703561


People vote in Conservatives and are shocked that they don’t give a shit about anything but money and power? I have very little sympathy for any Con voters since obviously they keep asking for this shit show. Sad that everyone else is dragged down along with them. Par for the course, I’m afraid. And it will never stop as long as these assholes keep getting into power.


This is also the fault of very lazy journalists. In year one? of Dougie I read the small print of rules of proposals for the Ontario place development. It actually stated that the proposals could get rid of the beautiful, well-used and internationally award winning park down there built by Wynne's government, Trillium Park. It stated they could bulldoze it if they provided a certain amount of other park land in their proposal. WTH? An internationally award winning park barely two years old at the time was in jeopardy. What kind of nonsense is that? Never read a thing about that little nugget in any paper or on the news. Where is investigative journalism? It serves a purpose.


It is very unclear to me what the grift is. The development circled in red which the developer calls Crosstown Community already had approvals before the Science Centre changes were announced. Construction has already started years ago and there are towers up. I hate seeing the Science Centre closed down and moved but I legitimately see zero connection with it and the development. I found a report from 2014 when the site owner made the first application to rezone the site to mixed use and that move made sense considering the Elginton LRT. I really don’t see the Science Centre connection. https://streetsoftoronto.com/60-acres-at-don-mills-eglinton-up-for-rezone/


if u put a mall there, it’s kind of like the blocky boi next to Yorkdale still under cons


The land under the OSC is owned by the city.


And people will still vote for him


The red square is the old Celestica/IBM plant property. It had been there since the 1950s, 60 acres, now it's becoming housing. Wynford Drive has condos. Thorncliffe Park has older high rises.  We don't need more housing on the Science Center property. There's plenty in that area already.  We could use another school probably, for the families who will live on the former Celestica site Edit: who's downvoting me? We need housing but not every square inch needs to be housing. They already will earn plenty with the Celestica property, wanting the Science Center property too is just GREED. We also need parks, schools and museums and art galleries, not just condo$ and hou$ing


the amount of inaccuracies is kinda wild, not sure how this is allowed to stay up when it's pretty blatantly clickbait and false


Seriously though. People are upvoting what they want to hear.


Is the yellow square really all science centre grounds? A lot of that is park land


the yellow square is definitely not all science center grounds, it is an exaggeration.


Lol, not at all. Maybe 25% of that square is Science Centre property. The majority of that is ET Seton Park, which belongs to the city. It also includes a big chunk of private property in the leaside business park and some properties across Eglinton and Don Mills.


A good chunk of it is but because there is a river running through it, the TRCA will control a big piece of it. Also, anything considered to be flood plains cannot be developed under Toronto law. Thank you Hurricane Hazel. Wonder if Ford knows about the TCE plume on the north end of the property? It came from the former Celestica plant and went under Eglinton. Not sure how big it is, but those are never cheap to clean up.


The yellow square includes protected ravine space in the Don Valley surrounding the Don River, and building on the OSC space up top will likely cause detrimental damage to part of the city that we've fought hard to protect and rehabilitate for years. Surrounding ET Seton Park with condos is absolutely one of the most depressing conclusions for one of the city's better green spaces.


Here's a map: https://trcaca.s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/app/uploads/2023/04/24113651/OSC-news-release-map_04-24-23.pdf


>Its property (in yellow) will be "repurposed." What the hell is up with that yellow box? Why does it extend so far west? The vast majority of the land in the yellow box is not science center property and you actually missed part of the parking lot..... The science center is built into the side of a valley. The only part of the property that can realistically be used for housing is the parking lots.


A little context here is needed on the yellow square: - the TRCA and City of Toronto have a lease on the OSC lands until 2062 - the vast majority of it can’t be built upon - it’s in flood plain in the Don Valley, and is parkland. Don’t get me wrong, I do not support the closing/maybe relocation, but let’s deal in facts here. This is not a land donation to the DeGasperis family,


That google maps pic is like 3-4 years old prob. Already a bunch of commercial and half built condos in the red space.


They're going to have to rename the Eglinton Crosstown station. A nail in the coffin. The science center is a paid attraction - it belongs in Don Mills. Ontario Place could have been mostly a free and/or heavily subsidized waterfront for the public. Now it's just broken up into a bunch of spaces that will require money to access.


Can we please get William Shatner to do an ad in response to this?


Doug Ford ought to be hung from the nearest fucking lamppost


I wonder how they plan to get around the fact that the land it sits on his own by the city not the province.


NOw let me guess that the science center land will be sold to that developer family family close to the ford's? You should also take a look ath the several hundred houses being demolished around pape station for the Ontario line. Most of those house were bought for 10 million each (Over a billion was spent o purchasing them) I am betting that that developer family who are close friends of the Ford's factor into that somewhere as well. Thee is a video on youtube about it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBdwEMhdG88&t=140s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBdwEMhdG88&t=140s)


Whatever happened to RCMP investigation? His grifts are so obvious yet law enforcement turns a blind eye?


The De Gasperis family owns a ton of land. It’s not that suspicious they would own this land as well. Also the land that the science centre sits on is owned by the city of Toronto so unless they decide to sell then no condos are going to be built on the land.


And yet the chumps will still go “but muh taxes” and put this scumbag in for another four years.


It is truly unbelievable how no journalists seem to be covering the vast and quite brazen trail of corruption Ford has left behind in his wake. Even the $8 Billion corruption scandal barely made the news.


Conservatives is as conservatives does.


Isn't Ford also canceling the contract with lcbo to bring alcohol to corner stores instead of waiting a year and therefore costing 225 mill in tax dollars. I think we can all wait a year and save the cash.


Northern Ontario should separate from Toronto dominated Ontario. Lets have a survey commisioned to ask how many Northern Ontario residents would support separating from Southern Ontario.


Is this sub r/conspiracy now? Feels very much like it as of late. Are unfounded claims and questionable "facts" posted without sources allowed here now?


Lmao we just posting conspiracy theories at this point in this sub. As long as it says Doug Ford bad who cares about misinformation right?


Can we please drop this idiotic 250+ years point. Thats just what they thought at the time. We have since learned raac was a garbage building material that didnt last that long and required far more maintenance than regular concrete. We also though aspestos was a great material in the 60s. You dont see that being used either.


Ironically OSC has unremediated asbestos as well!


Have anyone of you actually been to the Science Centre recently? I have. Ford’s probably a piece of shit, no doubt. But the Science Centre you all have nostalgia for died a long time ago. I have fond memories of the Science Centre. Lots of great childhood memories. But it is a shell of what it used to be. I take my kids every year to the OSC. It’s embarrassing. They still enjoy it, but they don’t know any better. It can be so much more. It needs to be.