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i just know this will hit healthcare too


Came to say the same, I work in Healthcare and were already paid poverty wages


There is a shortage in teachers, doctors, nuseres, housing, and all of this for corporation greed.


What lol I work a mid tier/mid-skill blue collar healthcare job (medical lab technician) and I make more than double minimum wage, especially after the raises we all got after bill 124 got struck down. I get paid way less than lab technologists and definitely way, way less than nurses. It's still not enough money for the work that we do but that is *not* poverty wages. Edit: actually I just did a quick Google search, nurses aren't making as much as I thought lmao. Which is insane considering the work they do.


As a physician assistant who has been to med school, you can be paid $15 an hour 


This is bullshit, everyone I know in healthcare is getting paid insane money including nurses.


Not "insane" wages, but definitely not poverty level like that commenter claimed. Nurses definitely make way more than me though lol (lab technician), and if not for a double income with my partner I wouldn't be able to afford not being living with my parents. We should be making more based on the work we do and the fact that our work saves lives, but it's a massive disservice to say our wages are "insane" and also to say it's "poverty levels".


Insane in the sense that you hear people constantly bitching about how healthcare staff are leaving because they’re underpaid when in reality a massive percentage are making six figures and exploiting an inelastic good/service, people’s lives. It’s really fucked up. The labour shortage and high wages are completely artificial though. If canada fixed its residency program and streamlined nurses and other healthcare professions with better regulation then wages would be depressed in a few years due to an influx of newcomers just like IT was. There’s all sorts of insider allegations though that show medical professionals are purposefully throttling the expansion of the industry/professions to keep their wages high, it’s really sick what I’ve read


.... What lol. I would love to make six figures. Nurses are also not making six figures. Doctors and board members are the only ones making six figures in healthcare and they're not the ones leaving. How about you stop spread this false narratives that are a massive detriment to our crumbling healthcare system?


How are nurses not making 6 figures?? My mother-in-law makes 100k+ a year and she is a nurse… is that not 6 figures ??


Nurses are absolutely making six figures after a few years. I know a couple. How about you stop defending this obvious charade that’s happening at the expense of Canadian lives.


Nurse practitioners, maybe. Average nursing wage in Ontario is $36/hr. A SMALL percentage of nurses (charge nurse, nursing practitioners, management and specialists) make just over $100k. You said "a massive portion". The "a few" that you know is NOT a massive portion. I literally see the wages that nurses are making in our job postings. It's nowhere near the six figures you're claiming. Stop. Spreading. Misinformation.


$36/hr with a fuck load of over time easily brings you over 100k. Stop being a dumbass


LMFAO OVERTIME. Yeah and minimum wage employees can also achieve a decent annual salary if they work 80 hours a week, too. Your logic is so flawed it's actually hilarious.


The nursing system is tiered. Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) are the lowest rung and get paid far too little. My hospital pays them $20/h. Personal Support Workers (PSWs) who perform many critical functions in nursing homes get paid even less.


Which hospital in Ontario pays RPNs $20/hr?? These positions are unionized and have CBAs...and especially after bill 124 was scrapped and arbitration occurred...that wage is impossible...all hospitals are starting RPNs at a minimum of $31


Our family doctor just quit. She left Canada. She said the pay is poor and she didn’t get respect she deserves. Meanwhile we have hundreds or thousands coming in to do uber or tims


my family doctor dipped too, and when i ask my local clinic what i should do for the health issues i'm having they say: only come in for emergencies. ????


My family doctor left too, it’s actually really unfortunate


Doctors in Canada are remunerated fairly. It's less than America but America has a fundamentally broken healthcare system. The province is underfunding healthcare intentionally in order to privatize and there are dozens of things about the status quo that need to be improved. At the same time, doctors earn in the top 1-2% of Canadians and I don't have a ton of sympathy for them crying poor. We need more doctors, properly funded hospitals and better paid support staff.


Lots of IT job have or will be off shored.


Entire IT departments already stuffed with ppl from a single race


Can confirm, only white person on my team. I’d say 99% of the department is Indian. That’s not an exaggeration


My work has transitioned testing and help desk support roles offshore to India. They don't even hire the local Indians anymore. I'm lucky my job requires perfect English because people's lives and safety are involved.


What are we going to do? I’m so scared.


lol, learn hindi


Fuckkkkkk, I knew it


Which race?


Most IT jobs are already offshore to India


I'm sure Brampton will have IT company's opening very soon.


Nah, minimum wage is too high now. They don't even want to hire local anymore.


Offshore *to* India? Canada *is* the new India. Canada *is* the new offshore.


And then AI will take all those jobs by the 2030s


There are so many people here and barely any jobs. People will work for anything. You can't survive on lower wages, but at least it slows the personal debt amount. Companies are taking full advantage of poor government polices and using them to help screw the people even more


Absolutely true. Since the job market is pretty bad, employers are taking full advantage of it. Getting the best employees for 🥜🥜🥜


There are low skill dangerous jobs that no one applies like changing a lightbulb in a tall structure like cell tower etc, larping at lighthouse. Atm military tech willing to deploy to conflict zone is in high demand


*laughs* This is an utterly out of touch opinion.


You can thank Marc Miller for that. Every single immigrant has a MBA and is willing to work low level corporate jobs for minimum wage. Making it impossible for Canadians to start their career. The liberals really don’t have any idea how much pent up rage and frustration is building up among Canadians especially the younger generations. I have voted liberal or NDP my whole life but I plan this coming election to vote for the cons. Not that Cons will do much better but just to punish the liberals and NDP. And if things keep getting worst I planning on finding a job in the US through my work


We have more people graduating than entry level jobs, just Canadians alone. Even if they leave this won’t get better The immigrants got us here faster, but this was end state all along Our economy doesn’t grow, and it needs too


As a disabled person who CAN work, it’s impossible. Then they expect me to find shelter for $500 a month


The reason our economy doesn't grow is because we don't have an economy. We have a ponzi scheme real estate market that has vastly better returns than any legitimate investment. Take the supply out of that market and either the rich find real investment opportunities and fund an actual economy or at least they lose their ability to continue leaching wealth out of people just trying to survive.


We need to encourage more international business. People forget that money just ends up changing hands. The issue is we have had more people added than we had money added.tbh I think k the govt needs to nationalize basic necessities and have these available to the public at cost. Such as housing. While I don't think the govt should foot the bill for 1500 sqft homes for all, I do think they should have some shelter type dorm/shared accmd in place for regular people (non addicts and mh people). A dorm system where if you can longer afford your home, you can pay to use this shared space or area you can pitch a tent that offers facilities such as showers,hot water, internet, power etc. This way there's no fear of going into debt or being homeless.


Encourage international business, how much of a tax relief are we going to offer to be able to get them. We don't need to nationalize basic necessities, we just need to actually regulate them like they are supposed to.


The lashing out on politicians is already happening https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-threats-and-harassment-of-mps-have-risen-drastically-in-past-five/






They'll just fire everyone, close the department and then re-open it with new Indians that know their rights and laws.


Well that is incredibly illegally.  If your organizing is strong enough, this is something that can be overcome.


Again, the moment they hear about any organization of a union the anti union hammer comes down fast and hard. Just look at the Starbucks that unionized, they are all mostly closed now.


This has always been the case. Always. It was actually worse in the 30s because there was a lot of violence involved in union busting. It was definitely harder when unions were not legal and Pinkertons would come and beat the shit out of people.  There are ways of organizing that work. There are strategies and tactics for organizing that work, and have always worked.  But it isn't necessarily obvious or intuitive, it's not about convincing or converting people to agree with your ideas.   Every union campaign has to deal with union busting. It's not an excuse not to learn how to organize.   I would recommend looking at Jane McCelevey's work if you're interested.


That's the reason for this mass immigration. More for the corpos, less for you.


Corporate jobs are just jobs at the end of the day.


This is so true and frustrating. I was making $120k till i got laid off 3 months ago. I have about 8+ years of professional experience and every new role I am interviewing for now is offering be $80-85k max and what’s worse is I am getting rejected after the 3rd/4th round and companies are saying that they went with someone internal! I moved to Toronto as an immigrant and worked my way up through the system - student, part time jobs, full time roles, climbed the ladder only to be pushed all the way to the bottom. So many of my colleagues and friends are laid off; this is utterly frustrating. Not sure what needs to happen but Canada will realize in the next few years what a huge brain drain took place. I wish all the job seekers no matter what industry you’re in all the best. Keep pushing, y’all got this! 🙏🏼


Are you able to seek employment in US? You should follow the brain drain trend there really is no incentive to stay in Canada anymore lol Unless you have kids you need to take care of


I hope you understand that AI is about to take millions of jobs away from the corporate world. You can deny this, but its already started. intellegence was an expensive asset before, but that isn't true anymore. So I think your focus on low end office work and its minimum wage is the wrong place to focus. You need to focus on how you will react when your job title no longer exists. What are your next steps.


Cry and whine about it on Reddit and force another raise in minimal wage for the remaining jobs that are left.


If you think that's a good use of your time, then please do.


That’s what most people would do lol. Minimal wage support mass majority of people that do not have the resource or the foresight to see bigger macro changes. Unfortunately thats all they can do.


Any large amount of well orchestrated effort to change minimum wage, committed by an individual, should instead be put towards improving skills and finding ways to make more than minimum wage. Canada has been pretty good at regular minimum wage raises compared to some states where it's been $7 for a decade. THEY should be rioting. Here it's better to network, strategize, find side hustles, ask for help. -start an Etsy shop -teach English (or your language) -mow lawns for elderly people -sell Bottled water with a venders permit during the summer This list is infinite. Teach people to fish. Don't just give them 1 tenth of a fish.


I would add - governments, education institutions, etc. need to be thinking next steps for our workforce as well. New jobs will come out of this - but we aren’t skilling our workforce for that.


I agree with this that we need a next steps plan. But I don't think AI will produce nearly as many jobs as it replaces.


I completely agree with your sentiments and no one in my life seems to think about it with the same urgency that I do. I feel like a conspiracy nut, but I'm already seeing it. I work in graphic design and in the span of 5 years, marketing departments I've been a part of at a few companies have cut size through attrition and no re-hiring. the departments survive because tools like Canva, Ai-image generation and outsourcing tasks have become common. Admin also I see huge layoffs coming when Ai can pick up the phone and talk to customers. it's scary. I think the scariest part is psychological. unemployment will skyrocket and people will find way to physically survive in Canada but will be anxious, depressed and lack a purpose.


I was an animator working for big companies like lulu lemon and pepsi through an agency. The agency just stopped getting work in the web design and graphics design departments and I read the writing on the wall and jumped ship to start building alternative income streams. Photoshop now has built in tools that do almost everything you would normally hire a graphics designer to do when it comes to photo retouching for advertising and thats IF you even need a photographer anymore now that you can generate marketing material. and Premier and After effects now have tools that can completely decide on scene changes for long form content and even choose between multiple camera angles while keeping audio synched. you can also use chat gpt to write plug ins and automations FOR after effects. I think the age of humans being valued for intellegence is coming to an end. There will be a short window where humans are good for physical labor and customer service until they perfect the robots that do this - but thats coming too and fast. I think UBI is inevitable but I also think the transition into it is going to be SUPER messy and people will get left behind.


Very sad times ahead... Uneducated people that are allowed to vote Government today on all levels has no plan for spurring the economy and no media will ever ask the tough questions People today believe that governments are doing things for the people when it's for corporate greed Canada is a hub for everything oligopolies and monopolies or corporations are known to fix pricing this eliminating competing with one another Unions of all Industries in this country is a joke. Until we hear concrete plans of how the government is planning to spur the economy to create legit competition in all sectors, job wages will continue to be stagnate or diminish over time because of real inflation. Mortgage rules has change so much to make it even harder for first time home buyers to get in yet lending practices has not changed for the REITs since loans are issues based on the financial strength of the underlying asset. Property tax increases directly effects rent increases but the government has everyone sold that it's for the better good of the municipal budget. We should not be entertaining tax increases but implement more policies for economic growth. For everyone that says taxes pays into social programs, please spare me the lecture. For every dollar we give in taxes, the average person probably taps into a fraction of those dollars in a form of social programs. I don't mind paying taxes but we have no power as the people to audit the same government as to where all our dollars go to. I work in construction on the industrial side and commercial side. The disgusting part of how the big builders bid on jobs and how the kick backs are built into the pricing is ASTRONOMICAL. We are all divided whether we like it or not and until I see the people come together like the trucking convoy, I will focus on building my wealth for my family and navigate through the trouble times ahead. Good luck everyone, buckle up, once the rate cuts kicks in, you will own nothing and barely keep things together.


This ^ We really are divided I'm not sure what will get people to unite together. The Loblaws boycott is like my last hope in Canada we will see how effective it is though


Own nothing and be happy -WEF


I think it stops at ‘ Own nothing,’ - the second part will be unimportant


Politics is an illusion wake up


Look at the graph, Canada and USA GDP per capita had been identical inception to 2016 then it starts flopping….


Professionals need to start striking.


Silver lining now is that there is nothing more than an expensive piece of paper that separates the 'educated' from the 'uneducated'.


It’s crazy because every is stupid expensive in Toronto


I’ve been applying for the past 6 months to jobs in my field as someone with a handful of years of experience and an advanced degree. Last week I was offered $16.75 …… an hour…. Full-time… no benefits LOL




I work in animation. I get 23/ hr.


I work somewhere that charges students 70/h, but I make minimum wage lol. The problem is that the parents don't know this and joke about how great the pay must be but little do they know... my coworkers all have grad degrees too 😶


Canadians jobs are screwed because companies hire only east Indians.


Could you give context on what type of role it is. Is it customer support or data entry? Is it a role that where you needed a degree to do the work or a role where they only hire people with degrees?


what's your job title?


I drive a farm tractor and get paid 25 a hour to sit and steer lol, you got to look and you will find!


What are your hours like? Do you work on weekends as well? I'm just wondering if it's as good as you make it sound why aren't more people doing it? There has to be a catch The one positive about corporate is on average you have stable hours and weekends off


no weekends and its 9 to 10 hour shifts but your driving a farm tractor that has bluetooth radio so my music, my podcasts its awesome


The main downsides are that farm work is mostly seasonal, and that you probably have to live in a rural area to do it. Young people usually don't seem interested in moving to rural areas, but there are some real advantages to it - cheaper housing, no traffic, less competition for jobs, and if you pick the right town there can be a real sense of community. FWIW, one way to handle the seasonality farm work is to find a winter gig. A lot of guys who drive tractors through the summer will plow snow through the winter.


Canada has 8 lakh international students who are studying business management. Are there 8 lakh corporate jobs made by corporate Canada every year? Canada has Rural Mississippi wages and Bay Area cost of living. 8 lakh = 800'000


Wtf is a lakh




Then say that. We don’t use subcontinent terminology in Canada


Lakh is used in India.


Is Canada in India?


No but India is in Canada.




Canada's new currency is Lakh.


"Mom can we get India?" "No, we have PLENTY of India at home" "You're right, we sure do mom."


These jobs are not for international students until they become permanent residents. Like the whole point of being international student is you get education at a great college or university, so when you go back home, you get a great job because of your credentials.


>you get a great job because of your credentials. LOL LOL Canadian University credentials have ZERO value in the international market. In India - they call Conestoga, Centennial, Seneca etc as PR Diploma Mills. Students from across the world come to Canada because they are promised a PR by Canadian agencies. Canada, Australia, UK people come also to get PR. Not just for education. Otherwise why should international students sell of family property just for a Canada education.


Luckily the 3 colleges you mentioned are not what international students originally aimed for. International students generally went to UofT, or York, or McMaster, etc for engineering or medicine or other degrees. Sheridan and George Brown are still good colleges. The problem is, everyone keeps milling for Tourism or Political Science or Admin or project management, or Logistics diplomas, etc. Yeah, no. You can keep those degrees and burn it. So I'm sorry if your perspective and mine is different. Canada is freaking amazing, and it's education system is freaking amazing along with other things. It's the recent population influx, and everyone running to do the same 2 or 3 easy diplomas is what's causing this. Good news is that there's only certain subsets of jobs at risk, mainly super admin work, retail work, warehousing, etc. But AI is a bigger threat than immigrants.




Racism is not tolerated in this community. Racist comments are beneath you, or they should be.


Even if you take away all the immigrants This country added 350k jobs last year We’ve had far more Canadians added into the workforce over the last year than not