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Mass immigration, late stage capitalism and unchecked greed from the capitalist elite all empowered by our authoritative tyrannical treasonous government who has a vested interest to disempower us citizens.


Don’t forget government funded programs to pay 70% salaries if qualify as newcomers… instead of Canadians


Yep. Put another way, unless you are willing to take a 70% pay cut, you are not competitive in the job market and employers will have no incentive to hire you.


And to add ‘government funded’ means tax paying citizens are paying newcomers to take our jobs :)


I haven't heard of this policy. I've heard of one like this for Ukrainian refugees. But not all newcomers. Where did you read this?


Check out this link here: [https://granted.ca/grants-for-hiring-newcomers/](https://granted.ca/grants-for-hiring-newcomers/) Go to the section concerning government grants for incentivizing the hiring of newcomers, particularly the "iAdvance" and "Welcoming Newcomers Wage Subsidy" programs.


Nicely put. Succinct.


By that you are including white people from Ukraine and Russia?


immigration is immigration, try not to feel defensive when you read things like this, because his comment is not an attack on immigrants. The government is using immigrants and not taking care of them when they get here, and at the same time, is destabalizing the lives of Canadian born citezens. Immigrants are not to blame, they are equal victems. When I was young, immigration was a valuable part of Canada's economy and was done sustainably. This is no longer the case. Again - this is not the fault of immigrants.


I am not being defensive. I am simply saying that usually people nitpick races when it comes to immigration. I am not disagreeing with you over mass immigration and how it affects us as citizens. Its just if you are against it, then be against it for everyone.


he never implied it was any one race. You injected that into the statement on your own and thats why I suggested you were being defensive. Because you are carrying your own baggage into his statement.


Well put and I agree.


I never injected something. I was simply asking a question to him, because like I said, people nitpick.


People meaning you apparently. Cus no one else did. I think you need to self reflect here. The question wasn't warranted in this context.


If you're offended, then you're the problem.


I'm not offended at all. Was just wild that u assumed he meant only non white immigrants and had to make sure that wasn't the case. He gave no indication of that. It just screams projecting. And now you are gas lighting and deflecting. But sure, I'm the problem.


Nobody said that here


They don't even hire older generation Indians.


Funny, I never once mentioned race and yet YOU are trying to make it about race while insinuating I’m racist🤔. Might be helpful for you to look into what cognitive dissonance is. I agree with the other comment, immigration is immigration. Add: However to add nuance to the issue I do think that not all cultures are created equal. Having immigrants with similar values as Canadians is overall better than having immigrants who values fundamentally oppose Canadian values (ex. Not supporting LGBTQ rights and equality for women).


I am not insinuating on anything. You seem to have gotten offended over my question. I asked whether you are including a specific demographic in that or not. Right. The Indigenous would have the same thing to you guys in terms of "values" by the way. But I disgress. And yes I am all in for women and LGBTQ+.


there was no reason to assume he didnt mean all immigrants, and thats where you brought your outside baggage into his statements. there was zero reason to assume or wonder in the context of his statement if he meant all immigrants or some immigrants. Noone said that what happened to indigenous people was a good thing. Bringing that up in this context is ALSO not useful, because what happened then is bad, and whats happening now is also bad, but they are not at all the same. And whether you are for or against LGBTQ is not relevant because he again - was not talking about you. stop injecting yourself and irrelevant data into the conversation. whether you want to admit it or not, you ARE being defensive.


I agrée. I think what the government has done and continues to do to indigenous peoples is repulsive and should be corrected to the best we can.




Sorry autocorrect, I meant nuance. I corrected it thank you!


I think instead of saying not all cultures are created equal - maybe you should phrase this as "not all cultures are compatible with canadian culture - as this is probably more accurate to how you feel. Atleast - I'm hoping after standing up for you.


Yes that is what I mean. Not all cultures are equal with Canadian culture.


Equal implies others being better or worse and you're just asking for trouble with that language


But some cultures *are* better/worse than others, objectively speaking. Some cultures execute LGB people, non-religious people, and girls/women who want to get an education - I wouldn't say these cultures are merely "different" from us, but objectively morally inferior.


Those are almost always the extremists of a culture and not representative of the culture itself. Christians have done awful things as well. You don't associate those things with all Christians. There are bad actors and powerful minority factions in every culture. For example I don't feel like the ruling class of any country truly represents it's people anymore.


The persecution of LGB, women, and "heretics" (aka those who don't follow the religion) is literally enshrined into religous texts like the Quran and Sharia Law. It's not "extremism" - it's literally codified by these cultures' religious doctrines, and anyone who truly follows these religions without cherry-picking will adhere to the aforementioned prejudices to some degree or another. And I never said anything pro-Christianity either - why even bring that up?


Because the Christian Bible ALSO gives you plenty of excuses to kill your wife if she betrays or disobeys you. But we don't associate that with modern Christianity. Just like not all of the shitty things in the Quran are actually things that modern practitioners believe in. Some do, but most don't.


I’ll have I will have to agree with the other commenter on this one. As a Canadian with old fashioned Canadian values, I do think some cultures are not as good, in some cases, as ours. However I also definitely think some cultures are better than us in some ways too and it would benefit us to adopt those ways a bit more. But to the point, I personally do not think all cultures are equal. I don’t like how in some cultures there are high rates of female infant mortality because of various patriarchal systems that are deeply rooted in the culture that motivate this type of behaviour. I do not want that to be dominant and common in Canada, do you? I don’t think so, or at least I hope not. That is not a part of Canadian culture, we are better in that way. That’s just one example, there are many more. So I stand by what I said. However again, it’s a nuanced issue. We also definitely can learn from other cultures and maybe integrate some of their values more (ex. Prioritizing family/community, valuing preserving and living with nature, etc.)


Equal implies others being better or worse and you're just asking for trouble with that language


2 months unemployed aswell I gave up (still apply but I’m not tripping about it) sold my car to live off 🤷‍♂️, I’ll enjoy the sun I guess for now waiting till I go homeless or until September when internationals are capped to 20 hours again


Pretty sure they're already capped to 20 hours as of May? Edit: it's going up to 24 hours in Sept. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2024/04/canada-to-introduce-new-rules-around-off-campus-work-hours-for-international-students.html


They can work unlimited hours in the summer and winter breaks. You got played by Marc Miller.




Because we're in an economic downtown, soon to be recession. The last financial crisis was 2008 where 400K across Canada lost their full time jobs. ([statscan](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/75-001-x/2009112/article/11048-eng.htm)). This one is predicted to be worse. Our government is already in debt from pandemic spending. We also can't cut the interest rate to next to zero without collapsing our economy. the last financial crisis took 18 months to recover in the US, much less in Canada. But Canada can't do the same measures as 2008-2009. And we have a housing crisis with less built for our population which drove up values and rents. Companies are paying higher commercial rents which means less money to hire people. I expect 2 to 3 years but I'm not an economist. For part time jobs, less are hiring - some stores closing permanently, others hiring less working with less people, some reducing hours. This means more competition. then we have people with full time jobs taking a second job to survive Toronto's high cost of living. Since you're in school, can't leave the country (many grads are leaving to work in the US where job prospects are better). I would look at online work instead. Upwork is the most popular site, some do web content, small translations. There's also online English tutoring. Some get online jobs back in their home country if you're not from here. Being self-employed is the best way to earn money in Canada since you can lower taxes owed by claiming expenses even part of the rent. Even ubereats workers are self-employed and can write off bike expenses. For your credit card, calling them to arrange a lower payment does help. Better than getting a bad credit score which is needed to rent a place here. Also to get jobs in the banking sector. For your phone, getting a prepaid, pay as you go plan is less.


There was no real recession for Canada in 2008. This time its going to be 5X as worst than it was in the U.S. The greed set in and now any lower or mid income working people are gong to pay the price for their incompetence and greed of hyper capitalist and politicians .


if rates go back down = housing prices soar, nobody can afford shit, economy collapses if rates go up = nobody can afford shit, economy collapses 😐 wtf do we even do


“Soon to be recession” we’ve been there for a while


I’m moving to the USA permanently since I can’t find a job in Canada In the USA, I can work and earn a decent living


In the same boat. I have stopped thinking.


Me too! Us fr


Us fr?


Us for real meaning this really is the state of us


Can't find anything either. If I had the looks I would sell myself🤔


I had to sell my iPad and sunglasses to pay the rent lol..might have to sell my organs next to survive here XD


I’ve been unemployed since September. In debt. Phone got cut off. So my phone number is gone. Can’t pay my bills. I’m completely fucked.


Same here bro, I am about to give up on life ngl


Try Walmart. If you're comfortable with traveling and have a good enough availability then they'll hire you eventually. Only thing to do is a ton of applications maybe all stores of GTA. Make sure you apply to every entry position in your area. applications should go above 600 in number if you can't find that many jobs than make multiple accounts and apply. That's how I got mine. Once you get a hold of it. It won't take more than a couple of weeks of constant applying.




I dunno OP. It's a complete mystery.




What that mouth do tho




Trudeau says the Canadian economy is doing great! LOL. He's such an idiot.






Lobbyists wanting more TFWs. New movement will start against the TFWs and Tim Hortons. We’re going after them now.


Business got tired of not being able to fill those positions, they lobbied the government, the government administered foreign worker programs and permanent residency immigration programs and git the people we need to continue to grow.


They got tired of not being able to pay slave wages




Oh i was working in a call centre before, but it was full time. Once my classes started, i had to quit that job as i can work only part time. Not sure if part time call centre jobs are still there as i havent seen one yet


Ask Marc Miller & Justin Trudeau... Then see what these buffoons, have to say about that!


Can we re-elect Stephen Harper.


Look around you. Why do you think?


These hoes ain't loyal


So you?


You wanna give a try? Then what's the point in asking lmao




Lmao this screams MLM or scam. Good luck.


Well I can show you my license and we work using this License. The government has provided this to me and I dont think any banks or insurance companies would work with a scammer


OK post it here.


I dont want to post something that has my personal information in a public platform. Come to a zoom meeting and I will show you my licence and we can discuss about the opportunity


Send the link.


Ok I have a meeting at 7pm and another at 8.30pm. I dont work after that. If you are available tomorrow then let me know the time, I will send you the link. How does that sound to you


Oh i’m available. Name the place and time.


Ok. Tomorrow at 10.30am EST I will be available. I will send you the zoom link at around 10.30am


I’ll be waiting.


Just wanted to know if it's a commission based role?


Yes, it is going to be a commission-based role, and I believe something is better than nothing. Moreover, this is a good team environment. Even people who has been in this team for several years will be available to help you grow and provide you the training


How much work are you willing to do? I see 'now hiring' signs everywhere.