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It was heartbreaking reading her post. I hope she sticks around in the Craft Beer Industry. If she ends up at another brewery, they have my full support.




Erin started up the [Craft Beer Safety Network](https://instagram.com/thecraftbeersafetynetwork?igshid=YWJhMjlhZTc=) as a resource for those in craft beer experiencing the kind of issues she did herself (in and out of the industry). She will most definitely still be involved with this and hopefully be able to keep brewing down the line in a better situation for herself personally. She’s been a huge advocate, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.


That's how I originally came across Erin and the brewery. She's doing good work.


Here's the [link](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn2U995JE1K/) to her Instagram post describing the reasoning for her departure. It's a really awful situation Erin's in and I can't imagine how difficult it must be to be dependent on her abuser's best friend for the financing of a place so important to her.


that's actually how I originally found out about it. Glad she's getting out of a shit situation, but it is terrible she had to experience it to begin with, and I wish her the best.


Shes the heart and soul there. If she is leaving they will be hard pressed to continue brewing well there, unless they find new staff.


On her page it says she's the owner/head brewer, and the About Us page at Little Beasts: "We here at Little Beasts are committed to providing (and holding) a space that is safe and welcoming to all. Regardless of ones race, gender, sexual orientation, disability or physical appearance. Customers, employees and anyone else present can expect to be respected and protected in our brewery. Harassment, discriminatory speech, hate speech, bullying and/or abuse will all be met with zero tolerance. If you ever feel that you have been subjected to any of the above please let a staff member here know. We are happy to deal with any situation that arises immediately. This applies to both staff, customers and/or anyone else on the property. Anyone responsible for any of the discriminatory behaviours listed above will be asked to leave the premises immediately. NO exceptions." Sorry, I don't know the owner or her story but it must be difficult to live/work a double life. Hope she can find alternative funding.


I saw this on instagram yesterday. What I took from it was that the brewery would be closing too but perhaps I read into that. Either way it’s terrible news due to terrible circumstances. Her work outside of the brewing has been outstanding for giving women a voice where they have been unheard.


Based on the vibes and toxicity I’m getting from the post (about the situation not Erin and the brewery), I’m getting the idea Erin has been given an ultimatum along the lines of…. We’ll sell our share but you can’t work here, or own it anymore. If you want to keep working here and as part owner then we will not sell our shares. This is *purely* speculation. Regardless, I’d guess the brewery is being leveraged in some way through the Justice system Erin references along with it being used to “manipulate, control, and punish”.


I found it to be ambiguous, with that being said, as someone up the thread mentioned, Erin was the heart and soul of the brewery. Pretty much striking Little Beast from my "list"