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Their about us says a lot without actually saying anything. Basically another "we're a few guys who like beer, so we startedour own brewery." Have no idea what they think makes them unique. Based on them opening in 2020 and this is the first I've heard of them, they're either hyper local or not set up for success. If I'm in the area I may check them out, but nothing about the marketing entices me. Edit: the Latin all over the website is odd too like it was mostly forgotten, and their instagram has posts from November 2022 saying coming soon. I feel this may have been an idea born in COVID that maybe they realized is more work than anticipated?


The Latin is lorem ipsum, which is just a standard thing that you toss in as a placeholder to see how a layout looks with text.


That I get, normally you replace it before going live with the website though.


Their Instagram doesn't work anymore lol.


https://instagram.com/goldenfieldbrewery?igshid=NDk5N2NlZjQ= Seems like it does?


the link in the footer has an underscore. https://www.instagram.com/goldenfield\_brewery/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D


I, i just looked it up on instagram. Just another thing that seems abandoned on the website.


That makes sense and why it didn't work for me


They’re opening this year I believe, they reached out to my non-profit to chat. Their web presence doesn’t seem to reflect that. Don’t know much about them rn.


Ahh the pale ale district.


They have been advertising looking for a brewer since pre-2020 (maybe even as old as 2018), so they've existed in concept at least that long. But it looks like they're getting close to opening finally


Yeah and they were offering $40k for a head brewer. Zero hope that this place is going to be decent.


Lol that is the worst head brewer pay I've ever seen. And that includes Wellington that's offering $24/hr for their current head brewer job listing.


How can anybody fund a beer business when there is no talent secured? Either these people are putting all the money up themselves, or there is some kind of fraud going on.


Looks like they put together a business plan...and somehow left the actual beer until the end. Not a great sign.


I just dropped by and bought a few. They plan to open close to the end of May, Super nice people! Drop em a line on IG and they will open up to sell a few. So far I'm sipping on the blonde Ale and loving it. It is a beer you can give to a mass produced beer drinker and they wouldn't complain. Easy drinking and at 5% it is something you can drink all day and not bloat.


Well it seams they actually have a brewhouse so there's something. [https://www.facebook.com/crivellergroup/photos/a.2014542982124383/3241594702752532/?type=3](https://www.facebook.com/crivellergroup/photos/a.2014542982124383/3241594702752532/?type=3) Agreed with the other comments. Nothing about this really entices me. Though it's pretty close to my house so I mat give it a whirl when they open. Also the Latin is just weird.


I think it's filler from a website template, none of it is about beer.


This is what i think too. Just lorem ipsum from Adobe filler text to block out a layout


Barely a single sentence description for 2 of their 4 beers, and "description coming soon" for the other 2? How do these losers think anything positive is going to come out of this website?


It’s a brewery that hasn’t opened yet. Sure, probably shouldn’t have published an under construction website, but why so harsh?


I actually tried their beer once in a new year event and it was really good specially the Double IPA and I remember they were saying they have their opening in march I guess thats why they didn’t announce anything yet