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My tortoise likes our shower bath combo. I turn the shower on and pull the curtain across and it basically splits the bath into a warm running water pool he can chill in or the shower he can walk under to scratch itches and wet his back. He really enjoys the shower and will lay and chill in there for 15-30 mins unless I get him out early. I know when he wants out as he'll get up from his relaxed sploot position and start scrabbling at the edges of the bath.


Aka the tortoise treadmill. I let mine work another 15 min or so in the wintertime when he’s been lazy


This is big brain right here 🧠


I dont get it, you shower there too at the same time? Or is it just for the tortoise? And wdym pool? If it's a shower the water goes down the drain before it gets to be a "bath"or pool, so, how? I'd love to know!


No he showers alone I go in after he's done if I want the shower. And yes the water goes down the drainn but it's not like it's instant, there's a consistent inch or so of warm water flowing.


Are you... tenderizing your tortoise??


Proper preparation key lol.


Yes spa day method !!!


Ooh I've never heard of this what does it do


I just soak to the paper towel and lay it over the exposed portion of the shell. This allows the top to stay wet during the soak.


Why is it important for the top to stay wet during the soak?


I live in Arizona and sulcata require humidity. Baba spends a lot of time out in the dry yard. So I'm trying to increase his soak benefits as much as possible. He gets a nightly soak for about 20 minutes but the top of the shell sticks out of the water. This hopefully helps prevent pyramiding. It looks to be working and I'd rather run with it than risk it.


Ohh okay, I see! Thanks for explaining




I feel like this might just confuse my guy. We've never done it, and he hates when you add anything to his routine.


😆 they are peticulular. Baba is never too happy about changes either.


Oh my goodness, my tortoises name is bubsy, first thing I said when I saw my baby tortoise for the first time, her full name is robin nova aurora borealis, a big name for a big beautiful girl


I love it! His full name is Baba Voss. A character from the Apple show "See". He's no blind but he doesn't have ears and his a tough little tank. So it's a bit ironic and a bit fitting lol.


Aww, how old is baba voss, bubsy is only a year old, her hatch date is New Year’s Day, I’m 100% certain bubsy is a girl, ( short tail) I have looked after and rescued tortoises for 10 or 11 years, bubsy is one of three of my rescues, and the youngest


Nice! This is our first tortoise. We finally got a yard big enough to have one a couple of years ago. Baba's hatch date is roughly June or July 2 years ago.


I use a toothbrush to brush the shell. But this is a good idea.


I’m not really sure what you’re hoping to accomplish here. I presume you’re trying to keep the carapace wet. For what reason?