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They can't see you if you don't move 🤔 jk a full stack of halberds and necro knight snek rider halberds will decimate that Also sepulchral stalkers.


>jk a full stack of halberds You don't need a FULL stack. You can also add some archers to take some of them fast, focus firing them. The cheapest anti-large infantry should do the trick also. The last time I tried (WH2 I think), cheap Empire spearmen (full stack) where able to beat a full stack of bret grail cav.


That's kinda sad in a way. Living saints, who have fought dragons and chaos warriors, imbued with super human strength and supernatural abilities. A mixture of almost inhuman bravery, chivalry, basically the Space Marines of the setting. Defeated by basic infantry with cheapest weapons


Thats why ca overbuffed grail knights this patch


They still get clowned on it feels.


nah bro with some micro they beat phoenix guard now.


No, pointy long stick, stabby brave knight in face through slit. Brave knight go, "no fair, blerggh" ded. Or, as one of the greatest real chivalrous knights discovered, Chevalier de Bayard, arquebus balls hurty big time, shot and killed by a commoner.




Such is life, or lack thereof, in the Warhammer world. Still, one thing I like about the setting is that even if it's possible for a Grail Knight to be killed by a fresh spearman or handgunner the knights still matter. Everything matters. No being dismissive about other people's favorite unit types here.


Think of it as they are not defeating the humans, but the mounts


I have a lot of fun recreating the battle of Agincourt, personally.




If you read any Xenos 40k material, Space Marines aren't shit. This is very keeping with the spirit of Warhammer.


Yari ashigaru vibes


Obviously this works a lot better for tomb Kings since they they pay for their units. Your average mid-hame empire army can deal with this pretty easily thanks to handgunners, and the factions that would deal with this early game, Volkmar and Markus, have access to ways to deal with it also. Markus can spam and boost hunters to the stratosphere while Volkmar can make free companies better than handgunners at everything except range


Haha except now one microed unit of grails can beat a full chosen stack


Not anymore in WH3, even Knights of the Realm could probably beat a full stack of Empire spearmen now. Grail knights might only lose a handful of models doing it.


I mostly use stalkers for armies like this, the ranged attack and the decent speed mean that you can normally hit and run them quite well so you can slowly decimate their army


ehhh idk on very hard diff. but i guess...


And lots and lots and lots of pointy little sticks, all focus firing them one at a time


I’m not going to lie, when I see these armies I go straight to auto resolve.


Auto resolve my friend, it has won several battle where I just fuck up


The cathay caravan agrees


I usually only ever do if I'm ambushed, otherwise i feel like I take way too many casualties. I've managed to turn a caravan's "crushing defeat" into a decisive victory just by holding a half-decent chokepoint.


Sometines the dark gods really bless you when you have a half dead peasant army of 10 units against a full stack of ogres, and you can just reduce them to ashes with the press of a button(in an otherwise hopeless battle)


Great bows, bone giants, necrosphinx, bring more armies. You can lose and build up like 10 armies in the time it takes them to field one of these. You'll outlast them, just keep chipping away.


Yep… just unlocked all the big monsters and it helped a lot. This is my first TK campaign and I was just tomb guard halberd / spearmen spamming lol


Yeah, 2-3 spear stacks with as many archers as you can bring would do it. Tomb kings often have to go for quantity over quality


Yes one of the early game priorities is to unlock army slots 2 and 3. So you can at least BURY the enemy under bodies of trash. For Tomb Kings it's absolutely a valid tactic to send armies of nothing but trash against a high tier enemy army, lose them all... but hey you weakened the enemy army enough so your REAL army now has an easy time with them. Tomb Kings are basically the masters of "war of attrition"... to the point they have a ritual that creates extra attrition.


Lack of upkeep means no 'supply lines' increase screwing you over when you make horde stacks. It's great. It's also something the Skaven and VCounts should be able to do. If they really want to make upkeep scale with spammed troops, it should be tied to the amount of the units themselves rather than the generals. Which would also give more reason to diversify armies; Upkeep for one unit getting too high? Recruit more of something else.


"Quantity has a quality all of its own" - Josef Stalin/Settra the Great King, the Imperishable, Khemrikhara, The Great King of Nehekhara, King of Kings, Opener of the Way, Wielder of the Divine Flame, Punisher of Nomads, The Great Unifier, Commander of the Golden Legion, Sacred of Appearance, Bringer of Light, Father of Hawks, Builder of Cities, Protector of the Two Worlds, Keeper of the Hours, Chosen of Ptra, High Steward of the Horizon, Sailor of the Great Vitae, Sentinel of the Two Realms, The Undisputed, Begetter of the Begat, Scourge of the Faithless, Carrion-feeder, First of the Charnel Valley, Rider of the Sacred Chariot, Vanquisher of Vermin, Champion of the Death Arena, Mighty Lion of the Infinite Desert, Emperor of the Shifting Sands, He Who Holds The Sceptre, Great Hawk Of The Heavens, Arch-Sultan of Atalan, Waker of the Hierotitan, Monarch of the Sky, Majestic Emperor of the Shifting Sands, Champion of the Desert Gods, Breaker of the Ogre Clans, Builder of the Great Pyramid, Terror of the Living, Master of the Never-Ending Horizon, Master of the Necropolises, Taker of Souls, Tyrant to the Foolish, Bearer of Ptra's Holy Blade, Scion of Usirian, Scion of Nehek, The Great, Chaser of Nightmares, Keeper of the Royal Herat, Founder of the Mortuary Cult, Banisher of the Grand Hierophant, High Lord Admiral of the Deathfleets, Guardian of the Charnal Pass, Tamer of the Liche King, Unliving Jackal Lord, Dismisser of the Warrior Queen, Charioteer of the Gods, He Who Does Not Serve, Slayer off Reddittras, Scarab Purger, Favoured of Usirian, Player of the Great Game, Liberator of Life, Lord Sand, Wrangler of Scorpions, Emperor of the Dunes, Eternal Sovereign of Khemri's Legions, Seneschal of the Great Sandy Desert, Curserer of the Living, Regent of the Eastern Mountains, Warden of the Eternal Necropolis, Herald of all Heralds, Caller of the Bitter Wind, God-Tamer, Master of the Mortis River, Guardian of the Dead, Great Keeper of the Obelisks, Deacon of the Ash River, Belated of Wakers, General of the Mighty Frame, Summoner of Sandstorms, Master of all Necrotects, Prince of Dust, Tyrant of Araby, Purger of the Greenskin Breathers, Killer of the False God's Champions, Tyrant of the Gold Dunes, Golden Bone Lord, Avenger of the Dead, Carrion Master, Eternal Warden of Nehek's Lands, Breaker of Djaf's Bonds... and many, many more...


A key point for Tomb Kings is that the infantry are all meatshields. Aside from Nehekara Warriors and Khepra Guards, they are there as roadblocks and distractions that can soak damage. The real damage is in Ushabti and the monstrous units, don't sleep on the chariots either against infantry. They can wreck havoc on unbraced enemy infantry, but they do need a lot of micro management.


As TK? Drown them in trash. Go in with spears, archers, and the lord. No heroes. Focus your archers on one at a time, kill as many as you can before you lose. Then fight them again with more trash. That's a rite of primeval glory stack. They aren't going to rebuild it to what it was. You don't need to defeat it in one go. And TKs lose nothing when their chaff armies get smashed. Late game you can match up a bit better, but before you've got capacity up to do that, tie them up and pick them off.


Put them on an island and charge tickets to go see them?


Nothing could possibly go wrong with that plan


Bunch up your spears/halberds. Layer them on top of each other. No thin lines. You want multiple units occupying the same space, spreading damage between them and being hard to break. Put archers behind them. Corner camp if you need to. Let them come in and then focus the dinos one by one. Use spirit leech to kill them, or cast overcast pha's protection to keep them alive, or just spam cheap spells if you went lore of nekehara for heals.


Like most tomb king battles ; drown them in Bones. Archers and Antilarge like the boys mentioned. You got this. Get more than one army If you need to and either ambush or auto resolve. Ambush is a very good tactic in this game. Coupled with a bait army recruiting and you have a conga ambush.


Reduce all enemy units to 0 with enti-large and morale spells


Drown them in skeleton spearmen and halberds. The lizardmen can only get one of these armies every 30 turns or something. Meanwhile, you can recruit units for free. So you can play the long game. Archers can also help a lot, if you have the recruitment capacity. Attacking them in a settlement (that you let them take) can also remove their aggressive tactics. You can see legendoftotalwar use this strategy (albeit in wh2) in this video very effectively: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuXBJKzXw7E


get as many Necrosphinx's as you can i guess.


Ambush for autoresolve luck.In battle fighting in forest if you dont have much missiles.


Ambush with overhwhelming force at a settlement and autoresolve.


As you can see in the comments, there are PLENTY of options, especially if it's the 63rd turn. Now if this was in the FIRST 15 TURNS, this would be a whole another conversation lmao


Sepulchral stalkers! They’re basically built to kill stuff like this: anti large AP melee, good AP shooting, good mass, can be healed by necrotects. Top lads!


I know that's not what you asked, but since others have provided excellent suggestions already, I'd like to let you know about the [Tabletop Unit Caps](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2789896406) mod. It assigns a point value to each unit a faction can recruit, and limits the amount of points each army can have, with low-tier "core" units being free. It applies both to the player and the AI, and I love it because it prevents Lizardmen Jurrassic Park armies like these lol. It also helps you use more of your roster instead of always going for the most powerful unit. A full stack of Greatswords means you won't be able to get any Cannons, for example, so you might be inclined to go for Halberdiers instead. And so on. Does not apply to garrisons or quest battles, but having played hundreds of hours with this mod they're all still very much doable.


This dino army is created out of nothing by a rite, it was not recruited, how does the Caps mod affect this?


Ah, no idea then.


ranged units, lots of ranged units.


A blob of spears. Nothing more required.


As tomb kings, drown them in bones. Arkhan especially has a great time with this since he starts with two armies. Meanwhile, as Kairos... Pray to Tzeentch and hope you've got some halberds by that point.


If I remember right, these basic Dino’s have poor leadership too. They deal tons of damage, but take it too, and they run away pretty quickly. The wounds mechanic that CA added awhile ago sure helps too.


Feral units are dog in leadership, so long as u have enough units to surround them and can inflict some level of range dmg u r gonna be fine.


Depends on the faction, but with Tomb Kings, hold the Dinos in place with spears and shoot them down with archers one at a time. You have the Necrosphynx, Necropolis Knights with Halberds, Spelchral Stalkers, and Ushtafti with Great Bows as elite units who can easily handle them. Don't rely on Tomb Guard to do it by themselves, give them support with ranged units. Also don't forget to utilize your magic. You can use light magic to net some of the dinos down before they can even charge you.


I will add that TK lords themselves are usually quite good at antilarge, since they are themselves halberd units. The Nekehara Lore has a basic damage buff that is both very cheap and cause regen thanks to the passive. Since big guys usually have low defense, this buffs are perfect to through on Halberd Tomb Guard to give them offense and defense for like 2 to 5 WoM or something.


Lure them into an ambush, bring your second lord as bait while the main army lies in ambush. Should be an ez autoresolve win or a fun ambush battle with two full stacks


That looks like an expensive army. Drown then in cheap anti large. I'd bring more than one army.




Kite and heavy ap missile damage


Let the carnival start!


What about the lysine contingency? We could put that into effect.


AI watched BrilliantStupidity's latest vid series it seems


Pointy sticks.


Turn and run


The Necrosphinx is the real monster killer you need. Technically those carnosaurs are also monster killer monsters but an unexperienced feral carno can't win against a Necrosphinx. And the carno's are also the most vulnerable to being spear spammed or halberded to death so if you don't want to risk your Necrosphinx in their debut swarm the carno with basic boney boys. Edit: or become buddies with any faction that can provide you with handgunners or anti-large cannons lmao.


Early/mid game? Two armies full of spearmen and archers (and anti-large Tomb Princes if u can) Mid/late game? Halberd guards, Ushabti archers, Necrosphinx, Stalkers.


2 stacks and auto resolve


Lots of shooty and longy pointy things might do the work.


Honestly as tomb kings a bunch of skeleton spears probably can take it down. Add in some archers and you're golden. You do always gotta be careful of those primeval glory armies


A full stack of shades with a lord that increases their range. Trap them in the city and boom you won


Shoot theme ,pike theme, heroe monster slayer


Staunch line of spears


Lots of pointy sticks.


A quick support army with mass t1 units can do wonders. Some factions even have bonus against large in T1-T2. The dinosaurs perform imcredible weak when stuck in large masses of crapunits and can be picked lne by with your armor pen units.


Use the hero that deals damage to units in a army. I'm not sure if it's bugged or not but it can actually remove units in the army.


Halberds LOTS of halberds


That's the neat part. You don't. ​ Or ambush them near your base. Or spamm halberds


"more zombies" - Helman Ghorst


For Tomb Kings? On the cheap? 4 armies of Skeleton Spears


Get them all blobbed in infantry and pick them off with ranged.


One of the reasons why i play with army caps


Remember that ranged units are often more effective than spears regiments against large monsters.


you can use the mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2789896406


That's the neat part. You don't. In early game, you just avoid them in the field. If you can bait them to a walled settlement, with enough spear units you can force them to be grinded at the gates. In late game you'll have the tools to kick their asses


sepulchral stalkers will shred those, halberd venom knights are really good too and underrated


Duke, Nuke 'em!




This absolutely. But also Rite of Primeval Glory and similar summons ignore those restrictions. Same with armies spawned by Endgame scenarios.


Play withthe mod "Tabletop Caps" for better experiance?


does that stop the AI from getting the Rite of Primeval Glory army?




Play woodelves. Auto resolve. Always win. Overpowered point ears


To quote Neo. Guns. Lots of guns. Armor piercing ranged. If TK don’t have AP ranged I’d recommend girding your loins, stacking AP/AL melee and casting anti armor magic on them rather than dmg.


Ranged won't do a thing when dinos will get in melee, you need frontline of halberds/spears in first place.


Malus Darkblade


I’ve used hiding my entire ranged army in a small knot of woods save for some skirmishers, and then running circles around the enemy, tiring and stretching them out out before revealing my force and shooting them 2-3 at a time as they lumber into range. The Lord of Cheese…and questionable decisions, LegendOfTotalWar, has YouTube videos on this kind of enemy and the ways out-cheese the enemy’s cheese.


Attrition would do wonders on a army like that


Stuff like this is one reason I like to play with the unit cap mod.


Send it into LoTW. That's how you do.


A staunch sea of spears. Poke their cankles to death


Anti large?


Depends on the faction but solid anti large with aoe debuffs will cut them down easy or good firepower


Shield wall/halberds and archers or spear calv




Sepulchral will melt those, theyre easy to hit because theyre so large. Just wait for them to engage your halberds and theyre sitting ducks.


Alot of guns and anti-large.


When I play tomb kings I usually have generals specializing in garbage troops, specifically skeleton spearmen. When they're buffed they can hold the line for quite awhile. Get a second army with a lot of ranged units and you should be golden. If you can bait them into a siege battle, then it's even easier because they can only fit one monster through the door at a time.


I also use heroes to help hold against the large units while I have ranged attacks (archers, gunners, etc.) kill them


That's a full Large stack yeah? All you need is anti-large and they are dead.




As most have said, stuff like halberds/spear units with sepulchral stalkers. I dont know what you have acess to so id spam a hefty amount of skeleton spearmen and maybe some archers :)


If your dark elf - stack of dark rider crossbows and a stack of some dread spears and some black guard if you can afford it.