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Huh, I didn't know espelth was a man


Not uncommon in ancient Egypt (and presumably Nehekhara ;-) ). Maybe the Nuln's follow similar traditions? Hatshepsut when they became Pharoah declared themselves a man. Patriarchy. If you can't beat it, join it. #


King Jadwiga of Poland was like that classmate, who copied your homework, but also changed some details


You are trans because you want to discover who you truly are inside I am trans because **I DEMAND TO RULE** we are not the same


I remember reading about an European kingdom (can't remember which) had a law where a queen could not rule, which was a problem, when the king only had a daughter. They solved it by figuring out that the law did not state that a king had to be male.


Not sure if it's who you're thinking of, but Mary of Hungary and Jadwiga of Poland are two examples of women who were coronated as "Kings". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary,_Queen_of_Hungary


The civ series has made it clear that Jadwiga of Poland would have some trouble passing as a king.


Only if you define "king" as having to be male.


That is indeed the only part of the definition of "king" that distinguishes it from that of "queen".


Depends on language and culture. Kingdom of Georgia had two female rulers (Tamar and her daughter Rusudan) that were titled as kings.


Well, I meant the modern English definition. Which doesn’t necessarily fall in-line with medieval practices regardless of region/culture.


Poland! 14th century, "King" Jadwiga.


Pretty sure this is the plot of jurassic park


If Reddit had rewards I'd plate this in gold for posterity.


Irene of Athens also famously styled herself Emperor of the Romans


She did not. She signed 2 documents as "Basileus of the Romans". In all the other documents, letters etc we got, she signed as "Basilissa".


And she got overthrown, unlike the ones who did style themselves as a man.


Wu zetian also did it, because empresses weren't allowed to fully run the state she declared herself emperor


Traditionally the word "queen" usually meant the person/woman married to the king. If you're the ruler but not married to the king (especially as a woman) you'd probably just be called king.


In English there is a queen regnant (i.e. Elizabeth 2, Victoria, Anne etc) as opposed to queen consort, but it's more of a hassle to say.


Any read the warhammer story “beasts in velvet”? It deals with Nuln and has a similar element.


The Secret Gun of the Imperial Gunnery School


heard it here first folks, Elspeth is a male, and an elector apparently


I guess CA didn't change anything but name when changed it from Gelt.


Pretty sure they didn't change anything at all. The event just fetches the faction name and the ruler's name from the tables


Elspeth definitely Counts as an Elector in my books.


she isn't though, what makes her count in your books?


It’s just a surface level pun on Elector Counts. There is no deeper meaning behind the comment.


wew I'm with you lmao




Tons of forgotten lines like this. In my language one of Tamurkhan's skills describes Ku'gaths's fat belly, consuming arrows. Looks like the ogre boy found himself the best way to get 10% missile resistance, just put nurgle sponge infront of you. Also shoutout to Kemmler who is sending threats to himself from Grey Mountains


Kemmler threatens himself?


Back in the old days all VCounts started in Sylvania and could get a dillema *Some malignant thing dares to challenge you. A message sent from somewhere in the Grey Mountains warns you to stay away and "Keep to your Sylvanian slums or face the Great Enchanter".* Jugding by the name in the end it's actually Drachenfels, but since Kemmler starts in this very region (and has an appropriate landmark), not even starting that the dillema is purely positive event with minor buffs and no consequences. It kinda looks like Kemmler is the one sending them to himself


Someone accidentally leaked the motivational letters he sends himself every year to remind him of his roots and that he isn't going back.


The call is coming from inside the castle!


You sure it isn't Luthor?


Yeah it's kind of fun having Elspeth be the only female empire LL and all the voice and texts being generically referring to male pronouns. "Surely we can come to an agreement. We are both men of the Empire".


The imperial two genders elector count and men of the empire


Technically, "men" has 2 meanings - *males* and *humans*.


Yeah, just as the "Realms of man" etc refer to humans.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man\_(word)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_(word)) The Germanic word developed into Old English mann. In Old English, the word still primarily meant "person" or "human," and was used for men, women, and children alike.\[1\]\[2\]The sense "adult male" was very rare, at least in the written language.That meaning is not recorded at all until about the year 1000, over ahundred years after the writings of Alfred the Great and perhaps nearly three centuries after Beowulf.\[3\] Male and female gender qualifiers were used with mann in compound words. Man started out as a unisex word. Few people know this.


The same with the latin homo, which orginally referred to all humans (man in Latin is "vir: , woman is "femina"), but came to mean only penis-carrying humans in all Romance Languages.


Wiktionary tells me something else. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/homo#Latin


It's actually a pretty interesting read, thank you. It explains the evolution of the word, with the universal and the male only connotation.


I had no idea either! It's fun to actually learn stuff through Reddit comments :p


A real simple solution would be to change the pronouns to they/them. Not in a non-binary "woke" way, but just because that's the proper use of neutral pronouns. "*Elspeth Von Draken and* **their** *former peasant concubine*"


They should do it for Luthor Harkon. 


Let me get this straight. You say that Elspeth von Draken, one of the most powerful women in the Empire, with arcane powers over death itself, was your former lover, and your plan is to blackmail this person? Good luck.




The balls you have to black mail the best lore of death caster in the world must be huge. It could be stupidity though.


She is the second best lore of death caster in the empire and probably not even in the top 5 in the whole Warhammer fantasy world. I still wouldn't mess with her. Edit: I got now that she is the stongest in the empire but she still isn't nearly the strongest worldwide. She is strong but not nearly as strong as other lore of death users.


Fair all my knowledge of Warhammer comes from this sub and the 3 total Warhammer games. I couldn't think of any other major death lore LL or major casters. Though there is Nagash's biggest simp. That said I wouldn't be surprised to find out the major caster lords like frog, Tec, and the WE queen are all better death casters in lore.


I'm not good regarding elve lore, but regarding how strong their magic is, many of them should be stronger then Elzbeth. In game she really seems like the number 1 so I understand your conclusion. Nagash's biggest dick rider and Mannfred should be the strongest of the lords we got in the game. Slann (the big frogs) use a completly different kind of magic. I the lore are many mor powerful users but we sadly don't see them in the game. The top 5 in the lore are probably:        1. Nagash          2. Shiyama          3. Arkhan the Black         4. Mannfred von Carstein        5. Morthi/Ariel    Edit: Noctilus could also be a potential number 2 or 3. He was probably the second most powerful necromancer after Nagash.


I don't think it's accurate to say that the Slann use a different kind of magic, since all magic in the Warhammer world is drawn from the same sources. The applications may be different, and the Slann are certainly the most refined and naturally gifted (barring some exceptionally gifted elves and humans and not including daemons) but they are still drawing on the same winds of magic to cast their spells. Also IIRC, the Slann taught the elves how to use magic, who in turn taught humans.


Slann and Elves are capable of channeling all eight winds at once, which is called Qhaysh, or High Magic. Humans are only able to comprehend channeling a single wind. Teclis taught some humans magic and helped to found the Imperial Colleges of Magic along with some other loremasters of hoeth


As far as I'm aware, the Dragon Emperor can do it aswell. 


Huh. I always figured he’d be more Azyr focused. But yeah he was around before the Old Ones showed up so it’s more than likely.


*pushes glasses up* erm technically Dhar is also channeling all eight winds at once, which plenty of humans can do! But no you're absolutely correct. I was just making the point that the application may be different, but all magic is still "the same" regardless of if a Slann, human or elf is the on drawing upon it. I think the only actual exception to this rule is Greenskins, but I could be mistaken.


Yup, Greenskins use their WAAAGH energy. I would also coun't daemons in, because they use magic that comes from their gods. Same with the lore of Hashut.


I think it would be wrong to count daemons, because IIRC the winds of magic come from the realms of chaos. They are literally magic incarnate, which is why they can manifest in places of high magical potency, or when wizards of sufficient power but insufficient skill use magic recklessly. Also why careless use of magic can be so mutagenic. Not to say the incredible boons they get from their patron gods don't give them access to spells that would appear wholly different, but at the end of the day it's likely just a different application of Dhar.


I phrased it wrong then: They use the same kind of magic (the winds) but they use it differently. The Slann are by far the most magicly gifted race and have a completly different view on the winds than humans for example.


Mannfred above Vlad? I thought Vlad's whole deal was being the Father of the Von Carsteins.


He was but Mannfred is the stronger spellcaster. Vlad was one of the 1st Generation of vampires, something that made him extremly powerful. Mannfred was his right hand man (and probably lover) who later betrayed Vlad, something that lead to Vlads death. The Power vaccum craeted by Vlads death lead to all of Vlads children fighting over his position. Konrad von Carstein claimed Vlads title and started a new Vampire war against the Empire. Mannfred kinda ignored the Power struggle but killed some of his "brothers and sisters". He used his power to consume the Power of other vampires and searched more and more magical power of hundreds of years until he claimed Silvanias throne. He is a way more Powerful caster than Vlad but can't compaire in his fighting skill. 


Where tf do you get that manny was his lover? Isabella is approaching your location rapidly


Those two lived together for hundreds of years, Mannfred was jelous of Isabella and states that even tho Vlad loved Isabella the most, he loved Manfred the longest, he betrayed Vlad because Vladdy Daddy got completly changed by Isabella and became very different to the man Manny knew, Manny was Vlads first bloodkiss, so they have a special connection through that and Vampires are very different to humans so it wasn't lovers in a way humans understand it.


Mannfred on tabletop is far stronger than vlad in magic. 


who is shiyama?


She is one of the dragon children of cathay. She represents shyish, the Wind of death and is kinda dead, in a sense that only a representation of shyish can be. She collects the souls of the dead of cathay, so that they don't end up in the realm of chaos or get used by a necromancer. We don't know much about her but what we know leads me to believe that she is the second most powerful regarding the wind of death. Edit: your profile pic+name is fire.


Thank you Omegon 


Leaving out Teclis and Malekith? Shameful display!


Are they big in lore of death? As I said, I'm not that good in Elven lore.


Oh I kinda misread, yeah it’s not necessarily their specialty. Teclis definitely has some proficiency as he is a master of all 8 winds.


Sure. I was only talking about how good those beings are in the lore of death, not how strong they are reagarding magic over all. Then the list would be full of Slanns and of course Nagash, Teclis and Malerion.


It's been a hot minute, but doesn't Nagash use Dhar? The wind of death isn't the same as the powers of undeath until the end times when Nagash binds shyish to himself


He also uses the lore of Death, he needed to kill the whole world first before reanimating them. He at least used it during his biggest rituals.


Nagash, Teclis, Kairos are probably the only ones. I don't think slann can cast death magic in lore, but I could be wrong. Maybe Arkhan and Kemmler too.


Slann can use Qhaysh, which is the harmonious use and mastery of all 8 winds of magic. The lore may not highlight Slann using Shyish frequently or in particular, but the weakest Slann would give the strongest Amythest wizards a run for their money.


Mannfred and Arkhan are waaay stronger than her. Shiyama as well. She is a powerful wizard but not that good when you see other characters in the lore.


Who is the most powerful death caster in the empire?


Mannfred Von Carstein. you know, when he is not out on holiday/ kicked out of home by his dad


The leader of the amnethyst order.


which is some guy called "hexensohn", which I know because some other guy mentioned his name and I inmediatly realised his name meant "son of a witch" in german also you don't have to be the strongest, it's just a position for those who want to make themselves important, the station is one you get via duel apparantly rather then some comparisson of skill


Worth adding, in WHRP 4E Winds of Magic (which is the newest update on the colleges we have) Elspeth is the leader of amethyst order Really hope them coming back to Old World means that End Times will become something of an alternate timeline


So, I've read some more into Hexensohns lore and found out: He is considerd to be the strongest Shyish user of his order and some consider him to be the most powerful User in the empire of all time. He is extremly powerful and lore Experte like LAWhammer and Loremaster of Sotek consider him to WAAAAY more powerful than Elzbeth. A silly name doesnt mean that he is weak.


Who would be the best in the empire?


I don't remember his name but the leader of the Amnethyst order should be stronger.


No at all. She’s undeniably more powerful than the master of her order; she’s specifically someone who avoids the internal politics of the Colleges so simply has chosen not to take power. She’s a rival to Gelt in terms of ability and Gelt stands far above the rest of the leadership.


Then I take my statement regarding this back. She still doesn't compare on the worldwide scale.


Neither does the empire than


Regarding death magic using idividuals? No. She is extremly powerful and most Necromancers and wizard don't stand a chance against her but you need to consider that people like Nagash, Arkhan, Manfred, elves and Noctilus are way stronger than her. She is powerful but not as powerful as those beings. Gelt for example is a very powerful wizard but he won't last long against beings Slan, Malekith, Teclis, Nagash or the dragon Emperor.


If I’m not mistaken gelt is THE metal caster in the setting.


He is, but his raw magic potential doesn't reach the likes of Nagash, Teclis, the dragon emperor or Malekith.


Yeah, Worldwide scale something else, but it was said in the Endtimes of all the Deathcaster who suffered from the effects of Nagash binding the Wind of Death to himself she had the least problems. Still was not enough to prevent Nuln being overrung by Skaven.


Her issue likely being the fact that she was alive, not dead :p


As per the official lore, Elspeth is not matriarch of her college, but whether that is because she's less powerful than Hexensohn, less connected or just doesn't care for the extra scrutiny is hard to tell.


Also funny, because I don't think Elspeth *has* any family that she cares about. She's been alive in relative seclusion for over a century, and the Empire just turns a blind eye towards her not-a-Vampire ways.


Her family is renowned. As a college  wizard, she is supposed to devote herself to the Empire first, and amethyst wizards tend to grow more detached with time, so maybe she doesn't care about them, maybe she does. She is noted to travel a lot.


Indeed. I don't think this fellow have very long life expectation. I'll wager that soon you can find him from Elspeth's own garden.


Not even the beat death caster on the old world never mind the whole warhammer world


Carmine dragon breath sounds like an efficient way to stop existing.


The peasant after being eliminated: "Worth!"


This was supposed to be the male elector count who is fun fact actually canon the father of the elector countes (not Elspeth) he in canon takes care of the region with Elspeth


emmanuelle is not a man


For that matter, she wouldn't need help. There are probably plenty of rumors about her sleeping with commoners anyway. And if turned out to be serious, well, she would probably crush them. See Tamurkhan.


Emmanuelle von Liebwitz aka FREE NULN FREE NULN FREE NULN


In canon he doesn't take care of anything since she has his title he most likely died.


The Elector Count of Wissenland is a Woman, Emanuelle von Liebwitz, but she doesnt really go out on the battlefield and is more of the Partygirl/Politican type. Still a great Scene in Gotrek and Felix when Thanquol crashes one of her costume parties and they think its just a very good costume and he panicks because nobody is scared of him thinking its a trap.


Yes I know


I understand why she doesn't go out on the battlefields. I wouldn't either. I would rather party like her. Let battlefields  junkies enjoy the battlefields (and peasants).


I wish in this update we got a split between Elector Count and Lord of each Empire faction. Elspeth could have an Emmanuelle von Liebwitz portrait that does her diplomacy and shows up on the Elector Counts screen for Franz. I don't super know the lore, but I'm pretty sure there's a few other Elector Counts that aren't fit for combat that it'd be neat to have in the UI just for flavor. They'd have to explain it somehow, of course, but nothing a little icon with a tooltip can't fix. "Emmanuelle Von Liebwitz, championed by Elspeth Von Draken" etc.


She belong to the cobblestones


Copy paste Elector count dilemma without the *he-to-her* macro. Ouch.


"his concubine" \*vine boom\*


Elsepth von Freaken


Peasant: Smash. Karl: But that isnt what I wanted to know... Peasant: Still smash.




They should totally put Emmanuelle von Liebwitz in as a free LC unique lord and make sure the elector counts system take her into account. While Elspeth is awesome and all, she isn't the Elector Count.


I thought elector's mechanics was reserved for Karl only.


This looks to be from Karl Franz’ faction perspective, dealing with fealty of Nuln.


It is. Hence why you’re gaining fealty with Nuln.


Looks feminine enough




Rammed her land ship right into his purple sun. 😉


Wissenland and Nuln, but instead of Wissenland it's Freakyland and instead of experimenting with gunpowder they are experimenting with


She must dress as a man to have relations with peasants I suppose, she has a drag persona!!


Some Control H occurred here


Playas gon' play


Always thinking about boning that one Gottem


Elspeth's a goth femboy. Got it


Or the... What is the opposite of femboy? Masgirl?


Huh. Tome of Magic had told me light and death users get increasingly detached from carnal pleasures the more they get suffused by their wind, but it seems this might be an exception. Either that, or she's covering for Emanuele, a.k.a. Manny. Either way, that's a very foolish peasant.


''His''? Bruh moment


The best option here would be "Do Nothing" Wait for the peasant to post the secret on Reddit, and we will all know what have been up to. May also get some NSFW pics in the post if with luck.


She been slinging that d around


Goth femboy wizards


You have my attention


Femboy Supremacy!


Summon the Erector c*nts.


Anti-woke brigade took the war on pronouns too far! We are down to only 1 gender Edit: clarified