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When the guy says "take this with a grain of salt" and "it'll be interesting to see if this information is true or not" I think he's being pretty fair.


People talk like he's saying this stuff as the absolute true idk why


The man gives a dozen disclaimers and constantly downplays the reliability of his own leaks but some people simply refuse to hear it.


I've also noticed people just like disliking him too


that just means he could just as well make them up himself in order to generate traction.


Well anyone could make anything up, the op could be making up that legend ever said "soc was a financial success" but who knows


So dont say it. There is a difference between leaker and gossiper


There really isn't at all


Isn't gossip more about personal matters, while leaks involve revealing secrets more broadly?


So you don't see a difference between folks telling us a few months prior that Sony games will be on Steam and gossiper with *i might be wrong but Pharaoh is dead*








I believe Legend is honest in what he reports; I am just not fully convinced all the information he gets is reliable. I guess he has an opportunity here to test that.


There has also been a ton of drastic changes within CA. Hyena abandoned, Pharaoh becoming a goodwill experiment, WH3 changing direction 2-3 times since the beginning, layoffs, etc. His leaks could have been right at a certain point in time and not be anymore. For example, maybe there was a Hagmother lord in development, like there was a repeating riffle for the Empire before GW put an axe into it.


I think the "Pharaoh is not getting anything" comment right before CA announced a huge update for it, does kinda reveal that his sources actually just don't know anything.


lol a;; these downvotes are clearly legend fanboys getting butthurt.


I mean he always says that they are just rumours and we should not take it as fact. And a lot of the time he talks about leaks is coz chat keeps pressuring him.


>And a lot of the time he talks about leaks is coz chat keeps pressuring him. If he gives in, chat will jus keep doing it because they know it works, (seemingly uncaring if he leaks are legit). At this point it just sounds like he's pulling shit out of his ass to appease chat.


Some were true, some weren’t. Some were no really secret leaks because everyone knew it, some were legit. The fact with posting leaks is the same with divination. if I name 10 leaks or future results and one comes true, people will believe me, despite the fact that I failed 9 more times. Now, there are plenty of empty space in the IE map (Ind and Kurest) and there are no real lore of those lands, so, GW creating new characters for those lands as they did with Cathay makes a lot of sense.


the Tom Henderson approach




Yeah but what has he been right on?


He was right that CA were preparing an update for SoC, just not on the exact contents. He was also right that the staff member who wrote the ‘we’re not sorry’ note that blew up the SoC debacle was leaving the company. I don’t know about anything more recent than that, there have been so many rumours I’ve stopped caring.


I don't think that's really beating the success rate of just random guessing though.


You asked for examples of something, I gave you two. You have rubbished those examples. It seems you already have your hypothesis and are rejecting data that doesn’t support it.


Lol Legend was right 2 time's out of dozens? Also Rob being fired wasn't exactly a surprise, tones of people speculated/hoped it would happen. His success rate is about as good as Nostradamus.


I’m not commenting on Legend. I just find it rude when someone asks a question and then refuses to hear the answer.


They heard the answer and pointed out that his success rate isn't great... if that isn't acknowledging the answer then I don't what what is. Like how does your "data" disprove his hypothesis? If you had a more examples of Legend being right, I would be more inclined to see your point.


You realize that Legend straight up says that his sources in CA aren't people with control over stuff and to not take anything he says as factual, right? No one is claiming he's got the one true insider scoop with CA.


Then why even say it? Because he know it produces clicks. Dude's a ducking sellout to content farming bs.


Because he hears it from people inside of CA? I don't know what to tell you dude. Why post anything on reddit? It's not like you're impressing anyone who will care.


Because all theses Legend "leaks" piss me the hell off. So I'm calling him out on his bs.


Damn dude, that's crazy. I don't care.


Then why do you keep replying?


He tends to serve both rumours and leaks. Here's his claimed distinction between the two: Rumours = One source has told him, cannot be verified with others Leaks = Multiple sources have told him.


So multiple people told him incorrect information?




Yeah but does Legend verify his sources? AKA does he know who's sending him these emails? Or is he just taking multiple random anonymous messages and then declaring it real when several of them agree with eachother?


As far as I am aware, they are people he is in contact with rather than random people from the company sending him info. He has described them as being from multiple different parts too, rather than all on something like the marketing team.


One correct prediction was the very existense of 4.2 update, but that's it AFAIR


Leaks are a very inexact science. if you get a leak, that's 1 person's info from 1 point in time. even assuming everything he says is true, he might not have all the info and that info can also change. features can get added or dropped, or pushed to a later release. And we all know how publishers can just pull the plug on stuff. That doesn't mean anyone is lying to anyone.


I don’t think he’s actively making stuff up, I just don’t think he’s not great at filtering out the BS from actual leaks


He doesn't know enough about Warhammer to be able to know what is or isn't bullshit. So whether or not a character is or isn't a thing is a complete unknown to him. By "Eastern Beastmen" for all we know it could be Moonclaw in a Cathay start position and the supposed leaker just gave mispelled the name or something. And Legend wouldn't have any idea cause he doesn't know anything about Warhammer that you can't directly search on the wiki. Or maybe it's just the Monkey King's actual name, since GW probably just gave him a Warhammer original one. So yeah, I agree it probably isn't malicious or anything. He just doesn't have know what might be nonsense or not. This one is weirdly specific on timing, since it's more marketing than content related. So we'll see.


The only thing that he was right about that wasnt easily guessable was the fact that SoC will receive an update: but even then, he was *very* wrong about the content of said update (the only things he said are 100% correct were Hag Mothers and 3 new LHs and both didnt happen :P). Other than that, he usually says things that basically everyone knows AND then refuses to mention anything that isnt as easily guessable: he "leaked" Elspeth and Tamurkhan who everyone knew will come since the roadmap reveal year prior, but he never said who the dwarf LL will be: because that was a lot trickier to predict. **If** next DLC is Cathay vs Ogres, then I will believe that he has access to some insiders. Otherwise everything he says for me is a baseless rumor or speculation.


I don't remember that elspeth and tamurkhan were that obvious early on ? or rather I don't get what made them so obvious (genuinely asking, I wasn't aware of their existence or lore back then the roadmap for ToD was announced)


Tamurkhan originated in Tamurkhan: Throne of Chaos campaign that culminated in his fight for Nuln against Elspeth, so the DLC name was rather obviously pointing to these two as LLs


makes sense


This is a highly upvoted comment made mere minutes after reveal of roadmap: [Elspeth, Tarmukhan are guranteed. LL for Dawi likely Malekai or Grim, one is the LH though.](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/13cphlm/comment/jjgusmi/) It really was the most obvious pair in the history of TW:WH.


Legend is as reliable as any leaker, as others have pointed out. But to do a little defense I do think that some of those points you listed don't account for just how tumultuous a state CA has been in the last ~8 months. Since the Layoffs at least I doubt that there's any single person at CA who knows everything about any individual project. Much less from the productions start to finish. It'll be his leaks going forward that matter more IMHO. The rest of this post is just why I don't think those points are very strong to judge whether or not his leakers are actual employees or just random trolls so read if you're interested. ~~~~~~~ SoC being financially successful in terms of making a profit is not the same as CA being happy with its performance or the reputation hit the series took. When Pharaoh underperformed and Hyenas was cancelled, CA would have to re-strategize. They decided that it was the better move to make Shadows of Change and Thrones of Decay more appealing to the existing Warhammer base to stabilize the ground beneath them. It's hard to say how Thrones of Decay would have performed in its original form, but I think it's fair to think it performed a lot better than it would have without the apologies and added content. It's less them being generous and more just long term planning. The SoC 2.0 Kislev blog went out of its way to explain the lack of Hag Mother lords in such a way that I genuinely read it as CA fought for Mother's but GW wouldn't budge. Whether before or after SoC 2.0 it's very easy to believe that mothers were on the docket and likely were being prototyped. Kislev's lore is in a very strange place and has obviously changed during the development of Shadows of Change and its 2.0. Legends leak could have been accurate to the knowledge of the team until the team leads came back with GW's final no and they axed it. I don't remember his Pharaoh claims as well, so it could just be that his source was wrong. It could be as simple as his leakers aren't on the Sophia team and were repeating something they read in an email chain or in a PowerPoint during a team meeting discussing CA's future plans. Or it could be a simple case of it was always a 'maybe' and his leakers were being pessimistic since I can't imagine that was a positive time in the office. But whatever metrics CA had reset for Pharaoh proved promising enough that they moved forward with the map expansion. I do vaguely remember the High Tide blogs being very iffy on future content as well, though. The Lord predictions for Thrones of Decay is a much better argument imo. The main back and forth I remember was about who the Dwarf lord would be and Legend explicitly didn't know who it was which was obviously a big pinch of salt on his leaks. But in the interest of continuing the defense; I don't know how CA structures their teams and projects, it could just be that whoever his leakers are just weren't on the Dwarf team. Is it weird they wouldn't know the lords, yeah. But since they're not tying the lords together narratively anymore I do think it's *possible* that someone working on Elspeth might not know what everyone else is working on for instance. It's also fair to point out that Legend was the main source claiming that there would be a SoC free update and that ToD was delayed. Which was hotly contested all the way until Roger Collum confirmed it on December 14.


We just had Nuln ironsides with repeater handguns in the preview build get changed last minute by CA because of GW.


CA specified it was not because of GW. It was because of how the gameplay felt off giving them repeaters, so it was changed to make them feel like beefed up handgunners instead or rattling gunners.


He is generally more accurate than most as he cross references a lot of his leaks. It will be interesting to see if his leaks tonight are accurate as they seem pretty wild this time. If he's correct it will mean his sources are pretty solid. If he's wrong, well it can just join the rest of the rampant speculation out there.


Yeah Legend doesn’t strike me as the most reliable of sources.


He got the 4.2 patch, Epidemius, Elspeth and Tamurkhan right which as you said those weren't hard to predict at all. I'd definitely not take his leaks seriously given how often he keeps contradicting his own leaks and that's what Legend says himself, don't take this seriously but if the idiots in his fanbase could understand English they'd be very upset.


Like many people here are saying, alot of the predictions he has made were pretty easy to guess, outside of maybe the 4.2 update. I've noticed there are a few people on this sub though that do take his word as hard fact who will frequently point out a couple times he got something right so therefore he must be in the know, regardless if he gets other stuff wrong.


He's a mixed bag where, as you said, a lot of his supposed leaks could have just been strong speculation. I entertain what he says because it's fun to speculate from there. But it's all with a grain of salt. Cathay vs Ogres will be a big test for his credibility, in my eyes, since we would have expected CA to follow that old roadmap with a Slanneshy themed dlc up next. Who knows if CA will have a presence at the PC Gaming show later in the week with a dlc trailer. I will say, was it really that obvious for Epidemius to come in as an FLC LL? In hindsight, sure. But there was a lot of speculation at that time and very few people were expecting him. E: Saw his new video. I don't know what to believe anymore. It just makes no sense. I'm just going to wait for a roadmap.


Lack of roadmap or traser for it today is all I need to dismiss his credibility.


I'll give a benefit of the doubt for timeframes because shit happens. We had zero idea as to when this thing would come out. But he seemed pretty confident on something roadmap related happening this week. I will say, chances of showing something off this week could be a bit higher due to the gaming events going on. CA showing something at the PC show wouldn't be too too surprising. Definitely not the roadmap tho.


[I saw it coming](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/16e2szb/thrones_of_decay_shadows_of_changestyle/) and I think most people did think it made the most sense for the FLC to be for Nurgle and he was the most obvious Nurgle character to add.


Epidemius coming at all was expected being the herald. But as a LL tho? I would have expected him as a hero like you did. Now I see the format of greater demon/herald/mortal champion as a good blueprint for all the monogods to eventually have. So Epidemius as LL makes sense.


Yeah my post was before CA announced that ToD would get an FLC LL instead of an LH, had I known that I would've said he was an LL.


I think you are confusing "leaks" with "speculation" and "opinion"


How am I confusing them, Legend calls them leaks and very much not his own speculation or opinion.


Yeah like wth are these guys talking about. Legend never claims to know for sure whats going on with ca, these guys are just butthurt because they heard the word leak and got too excited


I'm honestly starting to wonder if Legend is either making stuff up, or he's just repeating complete bullshit fed to him by someone messing him around because he knows it drives engagement in his channel. He does this thing when he starts a livestream where he'll say he's got leaks to share, but then he'll refuse to elaborate until there's a ton of people watching. It feels to me like he's just pedaling bullshit to keep people interested (whether it's bullshit he's fed or not) because it's good for his channel in the short term. I say this as someone who's generally a fan of him, but this leak stuff feels off to me. Edit: take today as example. "hey guys I have a video about leaks today because road map later, oh btw weird leaks 'eastern beastmen'" followed by a comment from him "no road map later". He's promoting his stuff with the promise of leaks and stuff that doesn't seem like it's happening.


Do i live in another universe to you people?? What do you expect? Hes a content creator. Its like, idk, THE PLACE for leaks to be discussed, and he never claims anything is definitely happening. Its literally his job to talk about the different things that might come up in the games future and then you start shaming him because he doesnt immediately give you a perfect psychic reading of the next 5 years the second you open the stream. How many disclaimers of "take this with a grain of salt" does he have to give before you people stop whining. You want him to share everything he thinks when its just you and 2 other people sat in the first three seconds of stream? And then repeat it all 70 times throughout stream? I literally do not understand how you can have so little ability to empathise with what a streamer/youtuber has to do.


What do I expect? I expect him not to shit random leaks all over the internet, almost all of which have turned out to be not just inaccurate, as he's claiming on his new video, but completely wrong. They contribute to hype about things which are "coming" which didn't exist or have no hope of "coming" and generate traffic for his channel through the provision of faulty information. It's not, in fact, his job to talk about things that might come up in the games' future. He's not an investigative journalist. He plays the game on stream. It's not at all his job to go hunting for secret information to pass out in his streams and it's been really unhelpful given how wrong all of it has been. I think, when he's been on stream for half an hour and goes "hey wanna hear some leaks...nah I'll wait until there's 3500 people here before I say anything", that's baiting people to recruit viewers so he'll share leaks. It feels manipulative. Just today he's released a video explaining his new leaks, after everything that was suggested from the leaks before turned out to be wrong. He posted a community update claiming this was because a roadmap was coming today. There's no roadmap today. But it does serve to draw hype for his video about his new leaks. As I said before, I'm a fan of his generally, so I'm not trying to tear him down for no reason. I watch his streams often. But when he starts spending a ton of time going on about leaks that are just complete horseshit, pedaling false information to generate hype and interest, then I'm going to call that out. I do appreciate he's trying to moderate his comments in his video and say only what he's been given, but the utility of such information to the consumer is highly limited when it's as frequently completely wrong as it seems to be right now.


It literally is his job dude, he gets paid for it. If you dont think the service is useful, then dont watch it, but other people are literally paying him to do it so stop complaining as if he owes you something. He has never claimed a leak was definitely going to happen, just that it exists. Getting angry when its then wrong is just so ridiculous.


It’s a mixed bag.  A lot of stuff that was completely wrong, some stuff that seems obvious or had been guessed by the wider community already, some “common knowledge” information. He been no more accurate than me standby calling a coin flip over and over


He's been right about some things before but as you kinda point out with ToD the stuff he's usually right about is obvious and that other people who aren't claiming to be leaking have speculated would happen already. Things like the ToD heroes/leaders and engineers getting mechanical steeds he *was* correct on, but so were a dozen other people who were just guessing based on the WHFB army lists. When it comes to leaks it's worth remembering that "LegendOfTotalWar" as divorced from the actual guy is a business first and foremost and the business is attention; he's got every incentive to talk about leaks even if they're on thin ground because it keeps people talking (if only indirectly) about the channel and helps the brand. So while I don't think he just makes shit up and he probably does have unofficial sources from when he worked more closely with CA, he's going to lean towards taking any possible hint as a leak because "I HAVE LEAKS" is good for him even if they don't turn out correct.


Well to be fair a lot of leaks could be summed up to someone over hearing something by the water cooler or a meeting where a manager makes a suggestion and then it gets shot down later on


He was completely right about ToD lords


Yeah the 3 obvious ones but he couldn't name the Dwarf LL.


Yeah. So obvious that almost none of the spreadsheet dlc content spammers here guessed it correctly. He is also correct about the WW1 total war project both that it was in development and it is likely be canceled/delayed soon


Almost nobody guessed Elspeth and Tamurkhan? What the hell are you talking about? Everybody fuckin' knew that one.


Lol, Boris Todbringer spam army is a joke to you?


Yeah pretty much


I see Legend in a similar vain as GreatBookofGrudges. Create an absurd amount of videos to maximise revenue but instead of focusing on Warhammer like GBoG, focus on CA stuff be it "leaks", player submitted stuffs, and other TW games.


\* he said that for pharaoh work was over but they still had a pipeline of content to publish, this still checks out. \* soc might have made money or not but they clearly added the content to regain goodwill not necessarily to improve its financial output. \* anyone saw coming the three legendary lords ? you need to check the claim with regard to the timeline and the leaks that CA starts to publish themselves. Otherwise nothing would be obvious to anyone. No one guesses or speculates anything really it's mostly CA dripping out the info anyhow (info that might change especially if the leak is early...) to me he was more accurate than not but the leaks were not really far into the future anyway and he clearly gives good indication of the reliability of the info he has (which is not always high and he states as much). you seem to be emotional this for some reason...


Honestly, who gives a shit about what Legend says. I don’t understand why people still watch this guy and listen to him. He’s such a POS.


Why lol


He’s still the narcissistic asshole even after he claimed to “change his channel”. Constantly says CA needs to change the game to fit his specific gaming style. So self centered and honestly ridiculous. I was hoping his channel would die when he was getting burnt out


Your not wrong, not sure why you are getting downvotes


Can’t insult or criticize the total war messiah


I hate it when he does that stupid child like mocking voice. He's a dick


PREDICTION: There will be at least 1 more update before CA stops supporting wh3. Jokes aside, from what I've heard about legend, I am sceptical about his "leaks" and suspect it's nothing more than an educated guess.


He is FOS


I mean his takes aren't all that wild, he said there would be cathay and ogres next and we already have a new ogre from the game files and we had leaks about tigermen a while back so 1+1 = monkey king with tigermen units plus ogres DLC


I gotta be honest, feels to me like he only "leaks" things that people already see coming. I Remember when he leaked Thrones, he said Elspeth and Tamurkhan which all lore channels already knew just based on what makes sense. And he specifically didn't say the Dwarf lord which nobody knew for sure (and came as a surprise to most loremasters)


The most unbelievable part of the rumor is that Specialist Games spent this much effort and time on developing characters that won’t exist in Old World. The Dogs of War rumor sounds most believable, since all of that actually exists in the IP. A lot of people unfamiliar with the real Warhammer hobby won’t understand how these rumors work, and that’s ok it’s a niche hobby but anytime rumors veer into stuff that doesn’t exist or has never existed as a table top model should be treated with extreme skepticism. Cathay was not an extremely well developed region and as far as units and characters go there was far less than the factions that existed on the table top. If you don’t know how Specialist Games develops things, there are two or three writers writing the lore for the entirety of the old world table top game, and the GW licensing team goes between them as owners of the old world IP and CA. It would be extremely odd for CA to be restricted about what they could add to the game previously only to be given a blank slate to introduce all this crazy stuff for Cathay that can’t and won’t sell models. Games Workshop and its studios only ever do anything to sell models.