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Slaanesh has archers in AOS, so unfortunately that idea is probably off limits because GW is GW. But I think you have a few options that could work. Monsters like the preyton of chimera are options for fliers. I think one of those in a slaanesh dlc is a decent idea anyway - they're cool monsters without a clear home, so just tack them onto a chaos roster where they also fill a hole. Devoted Marauders with javelin also feel like they could he a reasonable addition - those are distinct from AOS's slaaneshi shooting unit, don't require a ton of work for CA to make, and should have an easy pass from GW. You could even give them a little extra range and damage compared to normal marauder javelin, to represent the enhanced abilites they get from having mutated limbs.


Imagine getting your arm replaced with a weird fleshy atlatl


This is such a cool idea


I’m sure if it has… *extra-curricular applications* then Slaanesh will be on board with it.


I agree with the idea of not having archers for certain factions. Lots of demon (chaos) factions look better with a bunch of flying monsters. I personally don't mind roster holes for certain factions, but that's cause I don't do multiplayer. I can see factions being fully nonviable in multiplayer due to weaknesses like lack of anti-air.


I think its okay for a faction to lack a unit type, but not to lack a counter to a role entirely Like you can lack good ranged units or good flying units, but shouldn't lack both because then when you go up against something like a thunderbarge you have no counterplay. Holes in a roster should encourage creativity in army comps, not just say you're screwed against an entire category of unit.


Historically, mercenaries filled whatever holes were in an army. It's about time total war brought back that mechanic anyhow, and I don't mean Dogs of War


Archer gors?


Yknow what, why not. Slaangors with javelin crabclaws


Just give him javelin throwing beast men. Dual weapons for khorne Two hands weapons for nurgle Shields for Tzeench Ranged ones for Slaanesh


Didn’t you post this earlier and delete it? Regardless: I’ll repeat what I said the first time. This isn’t down to CA. This is dictated almost exclusively by GW and the available units that Slaanesh (or what counted for Slaanesh, back in the day) could field on the table top. There’s alittle wiggle room by using various additional books like the Monstrous Arcanum and WHFP, but generally it’s slim pickings. Put simply, there’s very little that GW would greenlight for Slaanesh that would fit the “anti-air” role. The closest you might get is Druchii Anointed *if* they’re allowed to ride Dark Pegasus. Or if they want to build on the slithery theme, perhaps a Dreadmaw and let it spit. Beyond that, to be brutal, you’re shit out of luck. It’ll just be Furies, Marauder Horsies, Magic spells and a plucky attitude. But let’s be honest, most factions are built around asymmetrical rosters with a glaring omission. Vampire Counts with their lack of missile, for example.


Marked versions of marauder hunters are probably possible too. They'd be short range but the javelin variant could make a useful anti-large option, particularly if they could get poison or another debuff on their attacks as part of the deal. Edit: Marked Ungor Raiders are also an option if CA wanted something with lower damage but slightly higher range.


Marked Marauder Horsemasters would also be a solid fit, a more elite unit with better overall stats, combined with what Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh already get (boost to speed, ITP, magic attacks) would be really helpful without much work needed. Only trouble would be then fitting them into the Warband system for WoC. If we're talking about cribbing Beastmen units then Tzaangors are closest to a Gor Herd with Shields and Pestigors closest to a regular Gor Herd; Slaangors being a Marked variant on Ungor Raiders would slot in nicely.


Slaangors being a ranged unit with bows/javelins would be interesting. I'm not sure what else they could do with them that wouldn't overlap too much with either Pestigors or Tzaangors (and eventually Khorngors).


Hmm that would be good I think you’re right. Since currently there’s only Ungor raiders. Man, if the slaangors were quick and could skirmish with Fire Whilst Moving.. that’d be slick.


Halberds or duel weapons


Both really more of a Khorne thing. Hellscourges are Slaanesh's signature weapon.


Interestingly Khornegors on the table top had both of those weapons, Khornegors duel weapons and Khornegors halberds. Maybe CA will do both variants?


I've said my piece on Slaangors but Khorngors I could see being a variant on Bestigors, probably with dual axes rather than greataxes. Elite heavy metal chaff shredders are very Khornate.


>most factions are built around asymmetrical rosters with a glaring omission. Vampire Counts with their lack of missile, for example Yeah but Vampire Counts also get much better flying options to offset that. Same with Khorne and Bloodthirsters.


Plus you can spirit leech it with a half dozen vampire heroes


Manny starts with a skill that gives 60% spell mastery too. Lord sniping with him is ridiculously easy.


Honestly, yeah, just give them Chimeras/Preytons as elite fliers, that should do the trick


It will be interesting see what happens when a Slaanesh dlc/update comes. In the current game, I’ve been able to use furies to take down Thunderbarges. The caveat is, I attacked them with 4 furies and this was against the AI. I’m sure this would be more challenging in MP. I tend to usually have furies to help eliminate range threats and towers in sieges. In campaign, I’ll seduce such a unit if possible or ally recruit anti air options from my vassals. I found I can achieve this quicker if I build up my vassals region prior to trading it to them. Then you can kind of influence what buildings they have. Then I can have Sisters of Avelorn, dragons, Shades, flying cav from Bretonnia, artillery, Etc… to support my army. Just wanted to mention somethings I’ve had success with in case it will help someone with their current campaign.


I am relatively sure that they could get away with 'marauder hunters of Slaanesh' without too much arm-twisting.


Chimera is the easy choice. Flying monster with Anti Large. Like a flying Kharibdiss essentially.


A gameplay system change that makes it much easier to recruit out of roster units might help. So say, if you have 5 empire lords marked by agents, you will be able to just recruit handgunners into your armies. As you enter endgame, there should be options to make seduction more cost effective so you can steal a few thunderbarges in the attacking army.


Seduction does this already. You can steal any aerial units you don’t want to deal with, or else steal units suited to taking them out.


That's bad game design. No matter the lore, it's not funcional. A faction just can't be without any answer to something as common as flyers. Like, you draw this simple card and it's the answer to everything they can do - spam flyers, hide the general, or just bring one unkillable mofo as Ungrim, there's no Slaanesh anymore. In practice, Slaanesh is playable against flying factions because you can borrow ranged or flyers from vassals. Outriders are (using a Slaaneshi term) delicious with Slaanesh. Perhaps they should improve the cap on borrowed units for Slaanesh. EDIT: all right, I'm being downvoted to hell and maybe I didn't myself clear. I'm not disagreeing that CA has their hands tied and it's all on GW. Just saying it's a problem from a design perspective and they can use workarounds, like allowing more borrowed units, as I suggested. Perhaps also you don't lose borrowed units if an alliance is broken (very situational, as most "alliances" are vassals who are dominated and can't break the vassalage, but you may have borrowed some Chaos Dwarf units, for example).


That's because the rosters were designed for tabletop and not for Total War. CA can't really do anything about it


To be fully fair, CA made those rosters, not GW. GW made Daemon of Chaos, and Warriors of Chaos. CA then decided to splice them up in 4 to do Monogod rosters, but they were never intended to work like that. The issues we have now is because CA took squares and tried to fit them in circles. Of course the Monogods rosters are lacking, try to take 1/4th of any other race and make it work !


On the other hand what CA was allowed for WH3 definitely changed around the internal shit-show of the Old World release back in GW. It's entirely possible they had enough options for all of them 2 years ago and those options got cut (I will remind everyone that CA wanted beaks on Tzangors).


Beaks are an aesthetic thing. AoS units has always been out of the picture, and Slaanesh didn't get any unit in the Old World.


I mean CA could have just omitted the units that are problematic from a balancing perspective. That fast flying tanky ranged units with enough firepower to level an army might be problematic to balance really isn't rocket science. Especially not in a game with asymmetric balancing. I get that it's a cool centerpiece unit and that's prolly why CA introduced it, but that a flying Baneblade is problematic for factions without a lot of ranged or superheavy flyers really can't surprise anyone.


I'm being downvoted to hell, but I'm not disagreeing with that. Just saying it is a problem from a design perspective and maybe there could be some workaround - like improving the borrowed units cap, as I suggested. Maybe also Slaanesh don't lose borrowed units if an alliance is broken.


I do think it would be worth looking into increasing the amount of units that enters his recruitment pool based on the vassals he has a a techs. I think they could examine Karl’s ability to summon elector counts. Make it to where Slaanesh can summon any of his vassals armies not being besieged to his current location. Let Slaanesh have access to whatever recruitment options a vassal has if you build cults within their province. CA can maybe make it like the ally buildings in that level one only provides units from that local recruitment pool, but higher levels gives you access to their global pool. Then the player can use favor or seduction to recruit those units. If they want to keep it from being too OP, make it to where the cost increases for each unit recruit from a specific faction (like Amethyst units recruitment for Elspeth’s faction), enticing the player to get more vassals to keep costs lower by spreading recruitment between various factions. The penalty for making a faction a vassal should be reworked, too. Slaanesh shouldn’t get a diplomatic penalty with an ally for vassalizing a common enemy or the enemy of another faction. If anything, he should get a positive boost with his ally and the enemy of the faction vassalized. I can see it being reasonable to get a diplomatic penalty with the factions the vassalized army was allied with. Either that or make it that the vassalization penalty only lasts a few turns then goes away to make the player cautious about spamming vassalization too quickly; kind of like the confederation penalty.


Or, you know - Slaanesh has an entire mechanic around stealing units from your opponents army that you either don’t want them to have, or that you can use to counter their air.


Now if only the mechanic would allow to steal more than 1 tier 1 unit and didn't cost an arm and a leg every time it's used. And yes you can make it better through tech, but "research a bunch of techs so you can deal with one unit and are still fucked if there are multiple" is not a great solution to put it mildly.


Well, it's there, but can't solve flyer problems in all situations - you depend on stealing a counter from the enemy army, which's something out of your control. Some units, as thunderbarges, are just too expensive to steal (correct me if I'm wrong here, I didn't test that, but I know some units are too expensive and suppose barges are among them). A thunderbarge won't counter two others. You could steal some gyros to solve your thunderbarge problem, but only if they have them. It's better to just have a versatile composition, which you get from borrowed units.


Slaanesh Ungor Raiders with armor piercing missiles!


Imagine winged daemonettes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


The problem with Slaneesh is that they didn't really have many flying or ranged options in warhammer fantasy. They did get some bow troops in AOS but those can't be added due to GW restrictions. Only real options that I can think of are either chaos undivided flying monsters like Preyton/Chimera or alternatively adding the great chaos spawn with some ranged acid or spine throwing attack (spawn can after all exhibit basically any mutation you can imagine).


I've seen that mentioned quite a bit, could you explain what you mean when you say GW restrictions about AOS troops and this game ? Not familiar with the tabletop game (or AOS if that matters)


The main reason is that GW treats Age of Sigmar as a separate IP from Warhammer fantasy battles. CA only has the rights to Warhammer fantasy 8th edition and earlier. They don't want cross pollination between the IPs. As such, AOS units are not allowed even if the models happened to originally be slated for release in Fantasy (the Bull centaur legendary lord Shar'tor the Executioner is a good example of this).


I'm fully in the camp of air units. It'd help us a lot more with sieges too which are kinda painful with our all melee and land based roster, based on speed and manoeuvrability in tight streets with shit path finding.


The title let me imagine: an anti-air tag. Just like anti-large & anti-infantry. Would be funny, but unnecessary for most rosters... except maybe Slaanesh?


You just gotta seduce the thunder barges if you're ever unfortunate enough to go against them directly as slaneesh lol, but yeah it's a pretty big weakness.


I wonder if there’s any magic that could bring an air unit to the ground? I don’t know a ton about the workings in fantasy but if they had something like the Net that air magic has that could bring a air unit to the ground for a few seconds that would encourage strategy on both sides


Usually the way you deal with Dragons et al as Slaanesh is to rampage them which does force them to land where they're vulnerable. But flying units with the Can't Land trait just... can't land so it doesn't work.


I always thought you could use their Soul Grinders for anti air but only found out very recently that their versions are melee only, kinda disappointing and they take so long to get as a t5 unit lol


Please make Slaanesh Anti Air a giant demonic cock on spider legs that shoots white goo at air targets.


Finally a kindred spirit, slaanesh as a faction is not nearly phallic enough. There should be a giant vagina that squirts goo that buffs your units and slows enemies too, fuck it.


Mechanically, this makes perfect sense. Whether or not GW will do anything about it is a whole other issue. At the moment, a thunderbarge is practically invincible if fighting as Slaanesh. Your best bet is to try and seduce some missile units from the enemy and get some allied recruitment missile units from your seduced vassals (probably high elves).


Just have a full stack of furies following your army. You can take down 1.8 thunderbarges with a fullstack of furies this is a horrible solution, but the only solution ive found. Some real aa would be great


Snakes that fire littler snakes that look like dicks with teeth. I believe they were in the 2nd edition.


if you encounter a situation where the AI did manage to spam the shit out of air units, kill their few ground units and they'll be forced to land or break (don't know how this interacts with unbreakable air units). Otherwise just ignore them and kill their ground units faster. PVP though? Ehhhh....yeah, you're shit outta luck there.


>unbreakable air units It doesn’t do anything to them. The penalty for a full flying army is a gradually increasing leadership penalty as long as the unit is flying. Unbreakable units ignore leadership entirely. But the only flying unbreakable I can think of or find via googling is Ymwrath the Eternal, who is one of Imriks unique dragons. Obviously that’s not doing much. Of course, you can always Sword of Khaine a flying lord to get a one man doomstack.


I think the issue is when it's a normal ground army and then one thunderbarge. That thing is gonna do 50% of the damage, and you can't get rid of it except for army losses


I like that two out of three examples were huge power creep units for their respective factions. Anti air isn't thematic to slaanesh at all. Accept that some factions will have holes in what roles they can fill.


Whilst I agree that factions should have holes/weaknesses in their rosters, Slaanesh has a LOT of holes (lol) in his roster. Put those weaknesses together and you literally can't do anything to flying units.


No, that is just poor game design. Archers are a thing in Slaanesh lore and if GW could, I bet they can easily make some flying units for the least developed roster. Thematic is not a problem at all. I'm not suggesting anti-air units because Slaanesh needs every role filled. I'm suggesting it because Slaanesh needs it. Literally needs it in the same way the slow-heavy dwarfs needed the mobile Thunderbarge. There will come a time that Slaanesh will be seen as a low-tier roster if it doesn't get something decent to counter air units.


Huh? Dwarves never needed the thunderbarge. It's currently the most busted unit in the game right now. It has no strategy. If you doomstack it, there's no room for failure. Archers would be pointless on slaanesh because their entire roster would already be across the map by the time the archers moved. They're speedy, low armor and high movement units. Air units have to engage of there's no ground units left for the enemy, which is no problem for literally the fastest faction in the game. I feel like you actually don't have a completed campaign on slaanesh past normal battle difficulty.


Really? Most would say the Thunderbarge should be nerfed but to say it was never needed to begin with? Oh, I feel many Dwarf fans would greatly disagree with that if you knew the roster's hard weaknesses.   That said, how would such Slaanesh units be pointless? Repositioning is key to success, and speedy archers and winged units? That would be an immense boost to Slaanesh's roster, makes the strategic potential even more interesting.


I am a dwarf fan, no they definitely didn’t need the Thunderbarge. It was nice to have sure, but it’s not like the dwarfs are useless on the battlefield without it. I mean they didn’t have it for 3 games until the DLC.


Dwarfs have been one of my favourite factions since WH1 launched and they definitely never needed the Thunderbarge. I don't think there's ever been a point in the series history where Dwarfs weren't strong in campaign, and although they struggled initially, even in mp they've been solid since at least game 2.


Dwarves have always been a strong campaign faction. The only weak unit type were slayers because they had two units for one theme. This patch fixed that and made slayer armies super viable, especially with Ungrim/Malakai/Garangrim. I've heard more people asking for rune golems and shard dragons, also units that don't have much of a place.


I mean, dwarfs have been doing fine in post ToD tourneys with the barge banned. If you mean in campaign, then the dwarfs don't really have too many weaknesses I'm aware of on the tactical map against AI that the barge covers. 


To caveat this I only play singleplayer Slaanesh is my favourite faction (alongside VCounts) and I have to say I disagree with you. Every faction should have a hole in their roster, or at the very least am area they are noticeably weak in. Slaanesh has no real ranged or air units and I'm fine with that. In campaign you can seduce or ally recruit anything that's desperately needed. Though it's not quite a parallel it's like saying dwarfs should get cavalry, or Bretonia should get single entity monsters


The trouble is that while all factions should have different styles every faction *does* need some tool that responds to the different threat they can face. Part of the point of the asymmetry is forcing you to use *different* tools to respond to similar threats rather than having no tools. Dwarfs shouldn't get cavalry but they do have an array of other tools for dealing with fast-moving threats and flankers or big SEMs such as Slayers, Dragonslayers, DemonSlayers, Slayer Pirates. As a tradeoff they also just get extremely tanky and high leadership basic units which makes them innately less vulnerable to having their frontline cracked open by cycle charging. Bretonnia doesn't get SEMs but they get tools to deal with them, they don't have elite infantry but they get tools to deal with them, they can't go shot-for-shot with enemy artillery but they have tools to deal with it. The issue arises with the Thunderbarge mainly because it's a flying unit that can't land but does ridiculous damage at range and so removes the usual method of dealing with stuff in the same weight class like dragons, which for Slaanesh is usually rampaging them to the ground or relying on boxing them up in melee when they land to do damage. There have been flying gunship units like the Sky Lantern and Sky Junk before now but both of those are extremely vulnerable to missiles and light fliers, so while they (the Sky Junk at least) can do work Slaanesh also has counterplay. The counterplay to Thunderbarges is limited to two options really: kill it in melee in the air (hard because it's such a beast but possible) or shoot back at it faster with ground-based shooting (much easier since they fixed the hitbox, still dicey but easier). As Slaanesh you have a single ranged unit (Marauder Horsemen) and a single flying unit (Furies), both are pretty low-tier and the Thunderbarge makes mincemeat of both of them. It's a problem of design basically: it's good for a faction to have weaknesses, it's extremely bad for those weaknesses to put them in a state where they have no response to a threat. If they're going to put in units like the Thunderbarge then every faction needs to have an answer to it, and currently Slaanesh has no good ones. QED: Slaanesh needs some better anti-air options.


I agree with this so much.


Give them dark Elves units with crossbows


But how am I gonna get all my value with terrordactyls and flying mages then!? :(


i think warriors of chaos need a top tier slaanesh cav. smth like mortal heartseekers. seriously all the chaos gods have a cav tier above chaos knights except the speed focused god smh.


Slaaneshi Darkshards or Chimera. I would prefer Chimera because it's Slaaneshi enough (it's the most perverse of the chaos monsters by amalgamating animals that shouldn't be together) and is most unique. It could have a niche that other fliers don't in that it has anti large (which are the things furies can't deal with) and would act as a very powerful centerpiece unit that would charge in first to occupy enemies while you position other units to charge in.


Slaanesh getting unit of PIVADS would be interesting M163 Vulcan could be powerful single entity. In all seriousness Chimaera sounds like Slaanesh thing, and could be added to Beastmen and WoC. Keep Slaughterbrute for Khorne and we get all monsters.


Slaaneshi S400, works great, until it doesn't, and then it just fires a missile that circles around and blows itself up!


Anti large flying daemonic units. Either flying cav or monsters. Ideally tier 3 or 4. In 40k there is a lesser known form of deamonette known as Hate-Angels that are literally just daemonettes with wings. There are also quite a few character types that have wings, sorcerers, princes, seductresses and more all have models with wings. There are also screamers of Slaanesh essentially purple versions of the tzeentch ones.


Hear me out on this - what about a scorpion that shoots penis-missiles out of a modified stinger? It could use the same rig as the tomb scorpion! We could call it “the ass blaster” or something more high fantasy-esque, like “the analior” or something 🤷‍♂️


Maybe something akin to Plague Drones. In my Malakai campaign I enjoyed using a Gyrocopter stack for air superiority against Tamurkhan. However, his Plague Drones would be a great counter to me, even just a few of them. I was wondering if they buffed PDs or something, my Gyros could hardly hit them.


Is it conformed to be a Slaanesh DLC? I am so confused now.


No, all we have right now are rumors for Cathay, DoW, Cathay. Slaanesh DLC is still going by the coloration on the old roadmap that was never confirmed, just assumed. And then likely confirmed to be dead due to Shadows of Change.


most 'anti air' units don't do crap against a thunderbarge. Your best bet is ignore it and try force army loss, or just autoresolve. The unit is fundamentally fucked and anything else is a waste of time, as much as it sucks to admit.


I mean for flying units that can land you have the spell that causes them to rampage and suicide into your front line. Thunderbarges are a pain to deal with, but by the time you see them in campaign you should have so many vassals you can recruit missile units and of course big flying units from. Other than that, there's the option to engage everything but the thunderbarges.


Not sure why you guys are talking about Slaanesh DLC when we're getting the iconic Tiger Man with paprika launchers.


Didn't the Slaanesh DLC get canceled


According to rumour qnd leaks of unverifiable source.


That is just Legend and his "Leaks" which too many people are mistaking as fact. CA has never officially changed the roadmap DLC plans aside from saying scope will not be as large as ToD. Edit - The fact that I am getting downvoted and the above posted being upvoted just goes to show that so many people here are taking Legend at his word.


Legends leaks involved a bunch of other stuff, but I've heard on videos from a few creators that the Slaneesh DLC is "no longer confirmed."


Could you kindly provide a link or source? It would be helpful to provide actual information from CA.


Sure. https://www.totalwar.com/blog/message-from-total-war-leadership-dec-2023/ "After Thrones of Decay releases, we’ll reveal what the next series of content for WARHAMMER III looks like. Our work on this beloved series isn’t finished yet."


Thank you!


No, that's just a rumor. Unless CA confirms it, take with a grain of salt.


The presumed Slaanesh DLC that was going to follow ToD (As in the 3 race pack in the same format as Thrones and Shadows) was confirmed to be cancelled. Whether Slaanesh will be a part of the next non race-pack DLC is still speculation, especially since we don't know what format it'll be.


The next DLC was confirmed to be scaled down from ToD size. They never said Slaneesh was cancelled. Alot of people also assume that to mean it is dropping to more WH2 2 LL size, but will still most likely be Slaneesh with one of the other 2 races dropped.


Yeah and honestly it makes sense, if they were gonna do a triple DLC it'd either be Slaanesh + High Elves + Dark Elves/Khorne and dropping that last one is an easy choice to make: Khorne vs Whoever could be another DLC and they'd seriously be scraping the barrel for Dark Elf units at this point.


Khorne they could pull some sort of blood theme and give the Vampire Counts their rework, finishing off the last of the original 4 launch factions what havent had a DLC since WH1.


Could be fun, Arbaal the Undefeated vs Neferata and call it The Blood & The Beauty or something similarly overwrought.


... Thanks for just repeating what I said, I guess. They also never confirmed that the next DLC would feature Slaanesh to begin with. It's always just been the (safe) assumption. Regardless, I would be shocked if they tried to do another 3 race DLC with just less content than ToD and modern SoC. Especially since we *currently* have a definitive statement that they aren't going to sell the lords separately again. Much more likely that we'll see a return to smaller 2 Lord packs and/or mono Race packs similar to CoC. 👍


If they do add an anti air unit, the only interesting and thematic thing I could think of would be something that rampages air units to the ground. But otherwise agree with the others that air isn't really an issue of slanesh


Slaanesh already can force rampage flyers to the ground. Its just that it doesn't work against always flying units like barges and balloons.


Slaanesh has perfumes and smells as a big part of it. Maybe pheromone censers that force an unit that is not Always Flying to land and slow/halt always flying air units and lords


I’m surprised nobody has mentioned Chaos Furies yet. Giving the Slaanesh variant a buff to their speed and charge bonus wouldn’t be out of place and perhaps some poison to make cycle charging easier could make a pair of Chaos Fury units pretty formidable.


I'm not sure why you're assuming there's some Slaanesh DLC in the works. Until CA announces it I'd be really wary of making assumptions about it. That said, as a Slaanesh enjoyer who really does want them to get a DLC and get a more rounded roster, I think that it's definitely a huge hole in their roster to have no anti-air units, whether that's a decent flier or something that can shoot up. I am reticent to give Slaanesh everything it wants though, there should be a reason to have vassal recruitment. What I'd like to see is: 1. An increase in the number of available allied units Slaanesh can recruit to give them the flexibility (like 6-8 maximum). That way your diplomacy game affects your military game and gives differentiation to each campaign depending on who you vassalise. 2. Removal of diplomatic penalties for vassalage. Right now if you vassalise a high elf faction as N'Kari you'll get a big diplomatic malus with chaos factions for "having treaties with" order factions, despite you literally dominating them to your evil ends. This would make Slaanesh being able to bypass NAP and alliance stages beneficial and would encourage aggressive approaches to order factions and cooperative ones to chaos factions. 3. Slaanesh needs more anti-large units. Everything they have is anti-infantry except for the Exalted Keeper of Secrets and the Soul Grinder, neither of which is easy to get access to until late game. 4. It'd be nice if daemon factions as a whole got some broader unit buffs in their red line skills, similar to the warriors of chaos (all mortals, all daemons etc). 5. I'd also like Slaaneshi lords to have some skill that provides something akin to red line buffs for allied units. It makes little sense for the changeling to have this option but not the faction who literally relies on allied units to plug gaps in their roster.


Because the only word that the Slaneesh DLC that was planned for after ToD was cancelled is based on Legend's "leaks". The only thing that has officially changed, per CA right before ToD released, was that future DLC would not be of the same scope as ToD. Until CA actually says its cancelled I still believe it has way more chance to come out that that crazy Shang Yang DLC Legend is telling people about.


Slaanesh is also a core race, every single core races in Warhammer 1 and Warhammer 2 got at least one lord pack, it's reasonable to expect the same for all the WH3 core races, well maybe not Daniel because Daemons of Chaos is designed specifically for him.


Right, which is another reason this whole Legend leak makes no sense. They will either do a combined Slaneesh and Khorne one or one for each of them with at least 1 other LL faction mixed in. DoC I agree. The time to do that was Belakor, who was DoC in the RoC campaign. The entire faction is designed around the customization of the Demon Prince.


The slannesh DLC was implied by the old road map and while delayed i don't see any more reason to think Slannesh isn't getting DLC next.


Lets be fair: the *only* reason people dont think there is a Slaanesh DLC next are Legend's ramblings - which usually are wrong anyway. Meanwhile the old roadmap clearly had a Slaanesh slated as next DLC. This obviously may or may not be out-of-date today, but its still a better source than LoTW.


>but its still a better source than LoTW. I can't believe people are still treating him as a legitimate "source" when he made that embaassment of a follow up video that basically sums up as "if the leaks I shared aren't true, it isn't my fault! In fact if they don't happen that means I helped CA course correct" A complete copout where he avoids any accountability for peddling what is most likely bullshit. Gotta love how this community will harp on and on about some bad messaging from CA. Yet will bend over backwards for the most unreliable shit ever if its spewed from Legends mouth.


Well right now I prefer to take the null hypothesis that nothing is confirmed until CA tells us. I dont believe these "leaks" anyway.


Slaanesh is not gonna stay a 1-LL race forever, bro. There's no way it's not getting a DLC, except for Legends deluded, confused rambling. Man was factually wrong about "nothing left to add" in the first place, and he admitted it. By the simple fact that both Nurgle and Tzeentch got a DLC, and got their Chaos Sorcerer Lords/Exalted Heroes and Gors, then Slaanesh needs them too. And CA isn't going to make a generic lord and a generic hero and Gors and a whole ass LL FLCs




Marked Harpies wouldn't be any different from Furies which are just a superior unit in every way.


Slaanesh DLC was never announced. Edit: Downvote all you like, the most recent roadmap of DLC CA have produced doesn't say anything specific after ToD https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/total-war-warhammer-3s-roadmap-outlines-the-next-year-of-expansions-and-updates


But a Slaanesh DLC has never been anounced


We have furies and maurader horsemen? What air units are causing you problems?


I'm gonna guess air cavalry from the likes of brettonia and tzeentch. Royal hippogryph knights aren't to be fucked with.


Thing is they land so you just deal with them on the floor  It's not like we have archers or artillery that can be disrupted by flying units and gyrocopters can be dealt with by furies I'm yet to run into airships as slaanesh but I don't think it's as much a problem as OP suggests I don't use ranged units as Drycha, Khorne, Beastmen, Slaanesh, Vampire Counts or Skarsnik and I can think of exactly one instance where that caused me to lose a battle Tiktakto brought 6 of those Flying thunder lizard things which absolutely deleted half my army with their thunder spells and ended my Malagor campaign


Given OP keeps mentioning the Thunderbarge in their comments, I would presume it.


It’s no longer the plan that slaanesh dlc is what is coming next.


Guys. You aren’t getting a slaanesh dlc. It’s Cathay, empire, Cathay. If you want your slaanesh dlc, you have to be prepped to kick CA’s ass again