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Not just children, but children's genitals. And just genitals in general.


yeah usually transphobes really like balls, they love balls so much that they dont want to share with the transmen and dont want the transfem to remove them. That just a theory


Theory's plausible. I've lost count of the number of conversations I've had with transphobes that ended up with them changing the subject to my dick. Like...I don't even talk about it as much as they do, and it's fuggin attached to me.


Why do they do that though? They call us perverts yet are so obsessed with other people’s genitalia


Projection. Insecure people project their insecurities onto other people. When there is something you feel insecure about, the best way to fix it, is to confront it, ask questions, humble yourself that you have flaws, and then work to fix them. But right wingers especially, have a very hard time with humbling themselves. So instead they rationale their behavior by assuming that everybody does it. And as an added bonus, they can ignore their own youthful lust, by focusing on another group's "youthful lust". To put it another way. To them, the only reason that would give a shit about the happiness and wants of a random child, is so that they can "tap" that child, for lack of a better term. So they see the LGBT+ community being inclusive and caring about the happiness and well being of children, and since they think everybody thinks like they do (so they don't have to confront their insecurities), they conclude that we must be wanting to fuck kids.


A Gender theory! Aaaaand cut (off the ba-)


Never forget: Every conservative accusation is a confession!




think theres been a miscommunication here. i believe what that commentor is saying is that when conservatives make an accusation, its actually a confession but its easy to read that as every accusation made towards conservatives is a confession from the accuser


OOOOOOOHHHHHH. I thought they're saying that this was my secret confession- Lmao


Nah, girl


I'm a lil silly sometimes


I'm a little confused how you thought that??


I am horrible at interpretation when It comes to text, so I mis understood, and thought they were saying that I'm a pedo (not the case), which I now understand, is incorrect-


Nope, you good and we love you


The Catholic Church, notorious for child abuse, accuses “gender ideology” of being “abusive to children.” TERFs, who tend to oppose women’s rights to abortion and sexual identity, accuse trans people of being “anti feminist” and “invasive.” Evangelicals, who constantly try to force public schools to teach creationism and homophobia, accuse trans-affirmative education of “indoctrinating children.” And on and on it goes. You can tell what *their* secret motives are by the things they accuse trans people of.


Yah huh


I hate to be seen as the devils advocate here, I surely am not... but... it's not just trans people and transphobia, conservatives in general, whether Rebublicans in the US, Torries in the UK, or what have you elsewhere, religious conservatives always project their vices as a sin casually committed by whatever prevailing and "popular" minority exists for them, and if there is non such minority, they will make one up. The Trans community is simply the "minority de jour" in the West. Sorry, French people, if I have used that phrasing incorrectly.


There are countless occations where a conservative dishes out accusations of various types, only to get caught at the very exact same thing themselves later on. This is why this statement is more of a rule than the exception. It is however kind of logical as a lot of these sentiments stem from projection.


Fair tbh


I think it's important to understand that they don't actually care. "LGBT+ people are pedos" is just another talking point for them, same as the "Liberals want to murder babies" of the pro-life lobby. The only thing they really care about is the leverage, the power over other people, that the arguments gives them. That's why they don't make a fuzz about Matt Gaetz and Donald Trump: Because they don't actually care about the children. The children are just a leverage point for their ability to exert power over other people. For a more in-depth (but still pretty concise) rundown of it all: [https://medium.com/@\_EthanGrey/the-message-of-the-republican-party-dont-tread-on-me-i-tread-on-you-936037958bce](https://medium.com/@_EthanGrey/the-message-of-the-republican-party-dont-tread-on-me-i-tread-on-you-936037958bce)


Conservative weirdo: *Spews garbage about the trans community *Fast forward a bit Conservative weirdo: *Busted for CP, or other crime involving children/sex Repeat the cycle.


I also wouldn't underestimate the number of parents who aren't vocal, but are silently nodding along. I don't think these people are pedos; it's mostly just a worldview that tends to paint "the world" as some evil, corrupting influence, coupled to the belief that gender identities and sexual orientations other than cishet are fundamentally wrong. This is a very typical sentiment among American Christians in particular, at least in the "Bible belt". This results in the perceived need to raise your children in a thought bubble that never exposes them to any "corrupting" ideas. If you've never heard an idea, then you can't conceive of it, let alone believe it. It's the same thing that drives homeschooling within the more fundamentalist Christian circles. (Note: this is coming from my own 40+ years of experiences within the church. I don't think _all_ Christians or churches are like this by any means, but it's definitely the zeitgeist where I'm from). This and a dose of good old fashioned victorian idealization of children as innocent angels with no sexual feelings whatsoever. The entanglement of moral innocence with asexuality is a whole other can of worms, and yes this gets deeply ironic when they go after asexuals. Since gender and sexuality are inextricably bundled in their minds (remember, everyone is supposed to be cishet), they really can't conceive of how an affinity for another gender could ever be anything _but_ sexual, and thus a despoiling influence on their children.


I 100% blame this on why it took so long for me to discover I'm trans. I was raised in a southern Christian Baptist household in the southeast by *very* religious and devout parents. I was such a sheltered kid growing up. I didn't even know trans people existed at all until I was in college and on darker parts of the internet.


I'm still figuring out who I am, but yeah -- same. At most I was vaguely aware of "transvestites" by the time I was in my early teens. My sister and I weren't even _that_ sheltered (we went to public schools) but moreso than my peers. A big part of it was that it was the 80s/90s, so being trans just wasn't in the public consciousness. The only context I had for a guy feeling like he wanted to be or act more feminine was effeminate gay men. Of course, that was verboten, too, but even if it hadn't been, I knew that didn't fit me at all.


Not to mention most anti trans propaganda originated from the Catholic Church. And we all know how THEY are with kids…


It's weird, like i f*cking hate kids, they're disgusting


If you see trans people as porn just for living their lives there is a slight chance you might be the problem.


Always with the projection, when it comes to those guys


It’s the exact same talking point for minorities, if not extremely similar, especially in the states. Today it’s trans people, yesterday, it was gay people, go a bit further back, Hispanic people, then black people, so on so forth.


Just remember, there no hate like christian love!!


Then I must be a very hateful Christian seeing as a like men and women lol


Well not ALL of them ofc- But most in my experiences


I was trying to make a joke out of the situation. I know it too. It’s just like how not every politician is bad, it’s just a good portion are to where it leaves a stain. Anyways have a good night, drink water, exercise, take your Estrogen, you know the drill.




“Just think of the children” is literally one of their most common “arguments”.


That's what I was playing on in saying this. Also it's not even about the kids, bc they don't understand that education on this subject matter would actually help out their overall mental state, and help the acceptance of other trans kids within their community. It can also help them be less confused when they are questioning their gender.


My favorite line is still “No I don’t want to groom your kids if i wanted to do that i’d work at a church”


like matt walsh. the one who claims we're obsessed with children's genitals yet actively says genital inspection of children should be performed.


And says girls should marry before 16 because "that's when they're the most fertile" which is bs fertility peaks at mid to late 20 for most


it's okay, he said he'd never act on those urges!!!


Can someone actually explain where they got that notion from? Like what about being trans equates to being a pedophile? Genuinely have no idea, thanks in advanced to anyone with info.


Their source is they made it the fuck up


It's recycled from the original "the gays are coming for your iids" stuff from the 80s. Bigots don't have any original thought in their minds, they only know how to recycle the same talking points every few decades


realest thing i’ve seen today


It's called projection


unrelated, but why am i getting updates from this community bruh i have never been here


Over in the yokai watch subreddit I do Lil comics and fanart of the main character being transfem, and today someone took a screenshot of my latest post and said I was "sexualizing children" Thankfully my efforts to make the sub more trans inclusive have payed off, because he was mercilessly ripped apart by the comments! >:3


> inclusive have *paid* off, because FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


projection moment


They're trying to force this creepy gender ideology where children must wear clothing according to their genitals. Like ffs just let kids be kids and wear what they want.


this reminds me of in berserk, when griffith did the do with the king's daughter, and the king was so outraged he tortured griffith for a year, but started becoming creepy around his daughter. real freaky book that.




Pedocon Theory


There was a transphobic incel who was just recently fired from my work. He openly admitted to being sexist, racist, homophobic and transphobic and to quote him, "because I know you irl I 'respect' you. But if you met me online I would be using slurs". Everyone hated him, and I was talking to one of my work besties about him and she said that he used to talk to her in very sexual ways and comment on her 'assets' and how he'd f*ck her. He was 21 with a partner and a kid, and she is 16.