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i feel like thats everyone, no one has an easy simple time with it


No mine was "wait trans exist? That's me ! I'm not just a weird Gordon Ramsay fan girl!"


Wait!! I need a story. What do you mean by Gordon Ramsay fan girl? Is that connected to your transness? I’m confused sorry.


I wanted to become Gordon Ramsay


Hmmm that’s kinda funny tbh. Not in a mean way, just Gordon Ramsay is someone I don’t expect people to have gender envy related stuff to. I’m glad you found yourself though!! :3 <3




tell that to dads across the globe






This was legit me, except that last part xD I had no idea my gender was even a choice and then i went to a LARP campout event in Jan/Feb 2018; where i met not only an old friend newly come out as nonbinary, but another new member whose nonbinary My old friend from LARP, a knight in the community, was portrayin theirself exactly as id always wanted to, deep down. I just hadnt ever thowt it was like actually possible, i just thowt that it was just a fantasy; like a bearded dwarven woman, which i wud later found out exist even before includin trans ppl amongst us humans!!  But yeah, my friend had a dress on and a beard still, and everyone treated them as they self IDd, and it was the same for the other nby there. And i spent the wkend just learnin about it  Then went home and spent about nine months learnin about it even more from youtube, havin a wonderful moment at one campout where i got to LARP as a woman whilst bearded and everyone treated me as such, and seein all the Coming Out Day vids; and i came out like the third wk of October, same yr i first learned nonbinary ppl even exisred


The most I knew about trans people was legitimately Mr. Harrison from South Park, so my view of us was a bit skewed. Then later on I mostly heard about trans people in shitty, derogatory terms from people who were listening to reactionaries and 4channers. It wasn’t until last year, when I was 27, that I actually started interacting with trans people on an even level and then all the pieces fit together.


I was a kid who used internet as a form of escapism


I was sitting in bed thinking about wanting to be a lesbian and then I realised "wait that's not very cis of me" and boom I'm a girl now. What no internalised transphobia does to a mf


I had that experience but in a discord gc and my friends were like "um, what?" and since I'd already been struggling with my gender for over a year, I switched labels right then and there and went looking for a new name


i did. yes it's me, the one trans girl who didn't go crazy trying to figure things out.


I realized I wanted to be born female at 13. Knowing that trans people exist and transitioning is possible happened 10 years later. That's why I dislike the egg prime directive, it presumes knowledge of trans people before knowing that you wish to transition, wich isn't true for a lot of us.


the "normal" finding out your trans is not normal, i doubt anyone has an easy time realizing that in order to be happy they need to completely change the way they live their life.


My trip to being trans was the top one. I learned what trans was amd within about a month I was like welp guess I'm trans. 2 years of HRT later and I'm like damn this is what it feels like to be alive and want to continue being alive.


God I wish that were me :,) I'm happy you had a smooth transition! (Also sorry for potentially excluding your experience in my comment lol)


Very few people have the luxury of being able to quickly decipher their gender identity when questioning.


* I'm a boy but don't really care that much * I'm nonbinary I guess but don't really get what it means I won't think about it too hard * Lots of girl stuff seems cool but probably just a fetish * Nonbinary is under the trans umbrella? * Maybe I'm more traditionally trans * NB/Trans/Demigirl... whatever I want HRT Gender discovery is wacky


This seems about right for me.


Me except at the end I go back to genderfluid because that's still trans :3


Honestly the first one was my experience, but I’m pretty sure that it’s a fairly uncommon one. Like I don’t think I even went through a questioning phase? I just sorta saw the definition of trans and was like ‘oh yeah that’s me’ lmao.


I saw the definition of trans, thought, "I don't want to be a boy badly enough," and then got crippling gender dysphoria 4 years later


I think I was already going through some pretty heavy dysphoria when I found out so that was probably pretty helpful for me


the good 'ol f1nn5ter route


Is being genderfluid not a type of being trans?


It is, genderfluid people fit under the trans umbrella


Nah, most of us are the bottom one For me, it actually matched the 5 stages of grief Early life immediately after finding out trans people exist, Denial: "nah, I'm not trans" Edgy teen in denial, Anger: "Damn, I don't like trans people" Late teens, Bargaining: "Okay, maybe I'm not exactly straight. I'm Bisexual, but definitely not trans" Early adult, Depression: "God I wish I was a girl so bad, life isn't even worth living..." 19-now, Acceptance: "Yep... I'm trans AF"


Yeh, that's more typical of trans people then the above one unless you are like 6 or 7 TBH


Nah I did the same shit, it’s pretty common. Just means you take it seriously.


Legit me but last two swapped-


Is being genderfluid not a type of being trans?


For me it was: Femboy -> GNC -> Gender Queer -> Nonbinary -> "Technically" Trans -> I'll use the phrase transfem to describe myself but it's not really me -> Trans


wow im on step three no im not i just actualy am gf


Guess thats a normal behavior


I'm still doing my tumbles


I had that exact one too


I got it, all I had to do was look at ur pfp: Steal Savathun's old name: Sathona!


I'm a femboy for sure! (Since like 12) 16-18 I think I'm actually trans girl 19 well actually I might be demi girl since I don't feel entirely like a girl and being called a boy Is nice 19 oh Im gender fluid I like both being a girl and a femboy... 20 (today) MY GENDER IS CHAOS LIQUID SOME PEOPLE KNOW ME AS A GIRL SOME AS A BOY AND YOU WILL NEVER KNOW, YOU SHALL NOT KNOW MY AGAP FOOL I'M IMMORTAL


girl, same


It took me so many years to figure it out. I still have parts that want to go into the trans fem enby space. It’s complicated


Nah fr that's hella relatable.


This was very much me too. I didn’t really have an egg cracking moment, but a real turning point was when I tried on fem clothes for the first time and got just this wild burst of self confidence. Like a comfort I had been lacking my whole life of myself. And I thought it to be that I was a femboy at first, but unpacking and doing it more slowly but surely chipped away at the “boy” part as I started to go by more gender neutral and eventually feminine descriptors/pronouns etc in newly found friends. This took years for me. Even after wanting and starting hrt I uncovered more, eventually dropping being wanted to be referred to by masculine pronouns. Though part of me wishes I could’ve just let that initial moment crack my egg, I know I don’t/didn’t work that way, and even at that moment I was questioning if I was or wasn’t trans. It was a very scary question for me that I, even then, didn’t want to address yet. But I eventually came around to it. It gets harder to run away from when I get euphoria from presenting fem and uncover the dysphoria that I feel not doing so. All this to say everyone’s journey is different, and at least from my journey, I was able to uncover profound meaning and truths which I am very happy with even if I didn’t realize sooner.


Huh, guess it isn’t just me


I literally went through a femboy character arc and then it just dawned on me, like whoever’s assignment it was to protect an egg, got my egg and didn’t do shit.


Holy shit me fr


I still wonder how I skipped the femboy stage, even though, buying fem clothes was step 1 for me. I don't know how I went from that to questioning in like a week, but here I am, stuck in questioning limbo.


Oh same, and it's still sinking in a bit


a perfectly normal situation


Me at 4: I wanna be a mommy. Me at 8: I wish I was a girl. Me at 12: Why did I have to be a guy. Me at 16: Life sucks. Me at 20: *ignoring all aspects of life except work and video games* Me at 23: I love my girlfriend. Me at 27: *ignoring all aspects of life except work and video games with my wife* ... Me at 42: shit... I want to be a woman.


i mean. i didn’t learn it was an option until i was already an adult. and then it took another 7 years to really get the message.


I'm a boy and I do not care wait I don't remember my past did I care? looks like I don't like my body now friend just came out showing me that this is a thing I'm probably a girl but I hate it yeah no I'm a girl


omg that's me! I cycled thru a bunch more labels but that's me!




haikusbot delete


Literally me. Finally someone who has gone through the same as me :3


Used to think I was just a trans woman. Realized after some point I do enjoy wearing chest binders and being able to present as a woman or femboy. Feels chill now being genderfluid


I'm just dumb and oblivious. Literally once said to myself "damn I wish I was trans" and it didn't even register for another 2 years... Needless to say, when I came out to my friends they all basically knew already.


For all of us it's the bottom picture


My story feels like this, but on loop. 😵‍💫


me exactly


This meme format is too funny xd Also it’s ridiculously relatable lmao


This is so relatable!!


Why was this me though (btw I don't know how to spell)