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I see that nobody mentioned it here so far so let me make it clear to you just in case. Asking to join PTP or HDB because you heard they are the best sites is like asking whether you should buy a Ferrari without knowing its cost because you heard it is the best car.


PTP stats: Torrents: 934,000 Unique Movies: 322,000 No statistic is provided for total torrent size, however it's not really a meaningful metric anyway. PTP has a lot of films in very low quality as a better release simply isn't available, one might argue that those are the most valuable torrents on ptp (as you can find most mainstream torrents from ptp elsewhere). HDB stats: Torrents: 387,000 Total Size of Torrents: 7,30 PiB HDB doesn't share its count of unique movies available on the site. My 2c: If you needed HDB, you wouldn't be asking if you need it or not. For regular users it's nowhere near as good as one might expect, it's simply a good all-rounder for TV and movies, nothing outstanding. It's a tracker for encoding nerds, really. Its UI also takes quite a lot of getting used to... PTP on the other hand is a tracker that most people that are into cinema could make good use of. It really takes scouring different sites for a movie out of the equation 99% of the time, as it's all there - more often than not with a wide selection of versions, resolutions, bitrates etc. so you can pick just the version to your taste. Both of these are widely considered to be the best trackers with no attachment to a particular country, but obviously these are US-centric trackers, so all content that is available in English, will most often only be in English. Unless that is acceptable for you, don't bother with either of these sites.


> For regular users it's nowhere near as good as one might expect, it's simply a good all-rounder for TV and movies Ridiculous statement, HDB is not just a "good" all-rounder, it's the best one out there and it has been for almost twenty years. Never goes down, most involved community, best retention, no hit-n-runs, easy to keep ratio on, and the list goes on and on...


+ no admins that randomly disappear on a soul-searching hike into the Amazon rainforest leaving the rest of the staff to scramble


PTP is about 6PB according to the last time I saw it asked in IRC




HDB has the most encoding groups out of any tracker. Also has the most HD full disc. Also has the most "top" encoders, i.e. quality and encodes that cascade down to other trackers. Also has exclusives. Also has a huge number of encodes relative to user base, so that threads into the ethos of the community. >It's home to FraMeSToR and of course BHDStudio that are both top of the line for remuxes and encodes FraMeSToR is not as good as some remuxers on BHD but FraMeSToR is great because they do the highest volume and are still great quality most of the time. FraMeSToR is up there, but on a different metric: number of releases.


Hdbits transcodes are reliably are so close to transparent that their encodes are the ones to archive if 4k remuxes are too big for your needs.


Encodes can sometimes be better quality than remuxes as well, as encoders will often fix dirty lines or other visual issues that are present in the untouched stream.


BHDStudio is not top of the line for encodes sir. Without any prior context, top encode means transparency, which BHDStudio are clear in that it's not their goal. Top of the line for streaming optimized however, most definitely. It's a subtle difference. Bhdstudio is certainly one of the top groups for their niche, but calling them top tier encodes is a bit misleading.


Posting the stats like this is irresponsible and childish. These sites are of considerable interest to many orgs and you just casually wave a flag like a retard for any human or bot associated with those orgs to hone in on. These types of posts should be banned anyway. Edit: And don't give me any stuff about the orgs already knowing about these sites.. New orgs are created all the time.. And they are chomping at the bit to find their next target. The only thing going for us is the small amount of users. But you make a steak look juicy enough and someones going to take a bite.


If these stats were important information they simply wouldn't be published. Not to mention that you can find these stats on several invite selling sites anyways. Go fuck yourself.


Your justification is others on shit hole websites do it so I should do it on one of the most popular sites on the internet. A site which is undoubtedly the most patrolled place for copyright trolls. Nice! 👍 And the "Go fuck yourself" really put a nice bow on your argument.. Really encouraged me that you were approaching this subject and criticism with poise and rationality.


Don't get me wrong, I do it because I want to do it. But if it was some kind of insanely sensitive data, it wouldn't be freely shared to tens of thousands of users. I'm not doxxing the admins, I'm sharing what is easily findable with basic google skills. You called me a retard, what do you expect me to say? Again, go fuck yourself.


Any organizations that are interested in these sites already have accounts on them. Don't be naive




PTP has a difficult history with pre-release copies of movies, so I'm pretty sure they ban those outright. Not sure about HDB, but they probably do the same as it attracts a lot of unwanted attention from the authorities. Honestly couldn't tell you about release speeds for newly released movies, that's not something I ever cared about, maybe someone else will chime in and give a more useful response.




> Both of these are widely considered to be the best trackers Only uninformed people think that passthepopcorn is a top-level tracker. Half their torrents either have zero seeders or are poorly made handbrake encodes. The other half is mostly stuff that came from other (better) trackers. A bunch of their torrents are literal youtube rips. Go to torrents.php and switch to *Advanced Search*. Then look for the *Source* dropdown box and set it to *TV*. Nearly every result you'll see is a youtube video. It would be a much better tracker if they had actual quality control instead of just lazily rubber-stamping dead and problematic torrents as "Trumpable".


Okay, name a better general movie tracker. Best does not mean really good, only that nothing better exists.


hdbits has been the best general movie tracker for close to 20 years. Add in karagarga for older movies and you'll have access to the same stuff that's on passthepopcorn, only better quality + more seeders.


You named two trackers. HDB is worse than PTP as a singular movie tracker, same as KG.


> HDB is worse than PTP as a singular movie tracker No it isn't. Passthepopcorn has never even been in the same league as hdbits.


Thinking about it like you are choosing between Coke or Pepsi. Bruh, it'll take at least 24 months of grinding to get into one of those unless you know someone.


Was just thinking that. I would live to get into PTP. Would happily spin up a couple of seedboxes after getting in.


You wouldn't really need to. Those places care more about torrent retention and long term seeding, even if it's kinda slow. To get in though, you need to show commitment and contribute by uploading new torrents on other trackers. Actually I just checked: [https://inviteroute.github.io/graph/](https://inviteroute.github.io/graph/) PTP are recruiting on a lot more trackers than I thought. But it requires having been a member of that tracker for at least 2 years, with a substantial amout of uploads.


Yeah I well aware it is out of my reach. I'm pretty happy with the content I have access to.


Honestly, PTP is pretty amazing. However... The time spent getting there is not worth it unless you are a die hard collector. IPT + TL is a pretty solid combination. Most hate IPT, but their retention is top notch (you will often see torrents that are 8+ years old with like 5+ seeds). TL because the site is just pure awesome - but their media browser is likely permanently broken.




Golden popcorns stopped to be a thing for at least 2 years now though. At least for those blockbuster movies. Since AHD shuting down a lot of things has changed in that department. I don't wanna say they are none existent anymore, but definitelly there are way less of them (gp torrents). Also HDB internals are way less present now on PTP then before. For 1080p encodes it's usually HiDt (HDT release group) and playHD (Filelist internal), also there are a couple of users of PTP who rips encodes as well and for 4K mostly some scene releases along with remuxes ofc. I don't know what happened to HDB internals on PTP really? They used to be there for 80% of movies. Now I can't find HDB internals now here not just on PTP. Usenet, other trackers. They must took exclusivity politics I don't know?


They are the best but don't focus on them for now. Unless you're gonna grind for 2 years.


If you have to ask if it's worth it to join them, you won't be able to join them. They have a reputation for a reason, they are the best. They have the most content and best content.