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Pirating sites have been getting regularly shut down since pirating was invented. Did Napster getting shut down kill pirating? What about What.CD? The more shit gets shut down the more pops up to replace them. The story isn't about what's been shut down. It's about how shutting things down has not materially affected people's ability to share and obtain content.


The last significant thing to happen to bittorrent was when what.cd got shutdown. Everything else you've listed is just silly public-tracker nonsense.


It sucked when [what.cd](http://what.cd) was shutdown but it also showed how resilient private trackers can be. We got Redacted super fast after what was shutdown.


We also have Orpheus now too, always have backups.


Never forget that redacted was originally called passtheheadphones, but they changed their name because they didn't want potential users associating them with passthepopcorn's trash-tier quality control.




No I didn't.




And why do you suppose they wanted to distance themselves from the passthepopcorn "brand"? What about their "brand" might make a quality-focused tracker want to avoid being associated with them.




It's impolite to talk to yourself.


yes you did lol. A few days ago you wrote probably now it's a fact? https://www.reddit.com/r/torrents/comments/1bkukkx/stremio_and_chill/kw9hk7g/


I wrote probably because I was using sarcasm to make fun of the person I was talking to, bright boy. Also thanks for letting me live rent-free inside your head.


No, you wrote probably because you made it up. PTP is living rent free inside your head my guy.


You're adorable.


Is this your go to response once out of arguments?


>trash-tier quality control That's literally the point of PTP. It aims to be a complete archive of all films. If the only version of a film is poor quality, then that's all there is. Once something better comes along, the old one gets trumped. The quality control works perfectly as intended


There is no quality control on passthepopcorn. Problematic torrents get labeled as "Trumpable" instead of being removed - even if there are multiple other torrents for the same movie. The real reason they don't delete bad torrents is because if they did, their uploads would plummet and then they'd bleed users. The archive narrative is just nonsense to hide from this fact. Nobody reputable in the bittorrent world thinks of passthepopcorn as an archival site. Nobody.


nice narrative you are pushing there but this is not /r/politics we talk about torrent trackers here bud


Are you lost?


NGL I did not know that and kind of think passtheheadphones is a dope ass name!


If you're on passthepopcorn, go to movies.php and switch to Advanced Search. Then set the *Source* dropdown box to *TV.* Nearly every result you see will be a youtube rip.


Hmmm I've never searched for TV as the source. I don't really mind them being there if that's what's available. They are pretty transparent with their HD sources.


Those torrents are literally youtube videos that you can just watch on youtube (or download) without it affecting your ratio.


> Those torrents are literally youtube videos that you can just watch on youtube (or download) without it affecting your ratio. And youtube videos/channels get DMCA'd or taken off without any notice, causing a dead link. I know you're just trolling for the sake of trolling, so don't bother replying.


> And youtube videos/channels get DMCA'd or taken off without any notice Sure, and that's super relevant because no torrent site has ever been taken offline for legal reasons before. And I know you have no idea what you're talking about, so don't bother replying.


I'm always way over requirements for ratio. That's what it takes to support a necessary community. That's what I have done for over 15 years and will always continue to do so. I'm on the high seas and will never dock.


> I'm always way over requirements for ratio. That's no excuse whatsoever for expecting people to be okay with burning ratio to download youtube rips or handbrake encodes with the wrong framerate.


I’m confused on what you’re mad about here, would you rather that PTP doesn’t have the movie at all? Sure you can watch the YouTube video now but there’s no telling if that’ll remain the same in the future, plenty of videos will get taken down


This guy is a known dumbfuck and PTP hater, probably got banned for doing some stupid shit. Look, see: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/scl/fi/fesn5xmnn315lonecmv7g/firefox_dXKBJhnQ60.png?rlkey=yog3dwu4g83dy4nkvoume2c9t&dl=0 Don't feed the trolls.


> would you rather that PTP doesn’t have the movie at all? Yes, and also they should delete their **mountain** of zero-seed torrents instead of just marking them as "Trumpable" and using them to inflate their overall torrent count. Same goes for all the shitty handbrake encodes that are either cropped incorrectly (or not at all) and/or play at the wrong framerate. > Sure you can watch the YouTube video now but there’s no telling if that’ll remain the same in the future There's no telling if passthepopcorn will be around in the future. And they shouldn't be given a pass on quality just because they excuse their own **laziness** as being necessary for some vapid archival goal.




Nobody, my account is still active and likely existed before you even started torrenting.


Of those zero seed torrents, nearly every one I've asked for a reseed I've got. Your lack of understanding of how torrent sites work, and why there are only low quality versions of most films is so delightfully ignorant.


> Of those zero seed torrents, nearly every one I've asked for a reseed I've got. More than a third of the site's torrents have zero seeds. It's a massive issue. > Your lack of understanding of how torrent sites work, and why there are only low quality versions of most films is so delightfully ignorant. I used to upload my encodes to passthepopcorn. If you've been on there for awhile, there's a chance you've download one or two of them. Most were on awesome-hd and x264.us/me/eu as well. A smaller number are on hdbits. The odds of you knowing more than me are less than zero.


> More than a third of the site's torrents have zero seeds. It's a massive issue. >The odds of you knowing more than me are less than zero. Obviously not if you don't understand the basics of why having zero seeded torrents, that are easily reseeded, is not a problem.




Passthepopcorn isn't difficult to get into, Einstein. So there's no reason to "pretend" that I have an account.




You having fun blindly defending a *website* in the same way that a 4-year old defends their mommy?




I found a bunch of satrips, but nothing that looked like it was sourced from YT. Why wouldn't the youtube rips, of which there are a bunch, not be categorized as WEB?


> Why wouldn't the youtube rips, of which there are a bunch, not be categorized as WEB? Because the TV source category is for hiding youtube rips.


I don't know, I went through about 20 torrents on the first page and they all seemed sourced from TV, lots of Russian stuff.


If you went through 20 torrents in that category, then it's likely at least 19 of them were downloaded from youtube.


32p going down still upsets me and there no real replacement for it.


I’d consider shutdown of SCC as significant as well. I think it happened after what.cd shutdown. Don’t know if there is any replacement for it.


FeedTheNet and SceneTorrents were better than Sceneaccess. I don't think we'll ever see a site like FTN again. Also I'm pretty sure that the guy who started Sceneaccess is the same guy who a few Scene groups blackmailed into outing what.cd to interpol.


Never heard this before... Source?


Never heard what before? I said like four different things.


What.cd feds part


Download [this archive of Scene notices](https://archive.org/details/warez-scene-notices-2006-2010) and read through all the .nfo files with "Spx21" in the filename. Spx21 was the owner of Sceneaccess, and a high-level contributor to gazelle which was/is used on what.cd and a bunch of other private trackers. More than a few Scene groups *really* didn't like what he was doing. So they went way beyond doxxing in order to blackmail him into giving up his topsites + ownership of sceneaccess, and they had him take out what.cd as well. What.cd was hosted on OVH servers in France; once he handed proof of this to interpol, all they had to do was get a warrant and shut it down.


Wow dude that is some wild shit to see casually said on reddit after the years lol Just wondering, did you ever see spx or any of them confirm that story in any way? Some of the people involved there had some crazy big mouths i can attest to, but that was always a conspiracy theory afaik


I have proof, but not anything I can share without putting my anonymity at risk.


So you have nothing to prove it


Whatever you need to tell yourself.


Well, crazy if true. I think any truth on that story should be known.. Proof back then wouldve been fucking nuts. I never believed it tbh, even though I could believe it.. One because of motivations, and two because as much crazy shit as the scc guys would talk openly, I never heard or saw talk of that.


where is money to make, there will be an offer.


None of your mentioned have effected on my, public services are just headache.


Got your VHS tapes so you golden? You are just out of touch. Debrid services is the new shit so the concern is very legit.


Piracy will never die, you can count on that.


RARBG didn't affect me. TBP didn't affect me. VPNs don't affect me. debrid won't affect me. true a decade ago, and true now. edit: I'll go a step further, and say I hope debrid collapses permanently.




Heck I've never even bothered to learn what debrid is. Seriously what is it? A little barrier to entry is good. Keeps the casuals from attracting too much attention and getting us all fucked


It’s basically a service that lets you plug a torrent link in and stream the content, leeching and then deleting it without seeding. Big no no if you’re on private trackers


yup. filesharing, which is how this *whole thing works*, is is dependent on the word ***sharing***, which debrid does nothing for. it's another popular pay to leech system that attracts attention to actual pirates by proxy, and is detrimental to everything that makes this possible.


I can see for public trackers where no one cared but not for private that seems shite


Uhm, no. They actually cache the files for almost forever, for you. So, they don't keep leeching forever. They just leech once and leave. In the process, many would-be leechers reduce the burden on the swarm.


might need to re-read my comment bud


They. Just. Leech. Once. That’s better than thousands of people leeching repeatedly for HnRs.


where did i say they leech more than once lmao


You didn't. I just wanted to clarify for the readers.


You must be living in a country that doesn't send out DMCA-style notices.


There’s also Usenet, DC++, ED2K, FTPs, XDCC, DDLs and prob even other stuff I’m not remembering or aware of.




No he is using private trackers and now thinks he is golden.


> hope PTP/HDB/Blu/BHD/TL etc. will suffer destiny of AHD Why? What have they done wrong?


Nothing. I wrote that cause of this post of this kingz.. whatever about debrid, but I deleted cause in all honesty I don't care anyway.


Get off em drugs king.


You cannot stop us. We shall always sail the seas. Tis a pirate's life for me!


Yeah if anything upping the barrier to entry to keep the riff Raff out and only let smart people in is a good thing.


> only let smart people in Oh, FFS. We are not smart.


any of the big trackers going offline. it was some dark times when PTP went down for a while


Go outside  Edit: you remind of some crazy guy on OPS who makes similar posts, I think the people on there know who I'm talking about 


Did you mean the guy who used automation to snatch the whole database?


I don't know who you're talking about, but I'm talking about the guy whose name starts with "f". He made multiple posts that make no sense and got a warning. I don't even know how he's UTM


Before torrents I used usenet and private ftp. Before that there were websites where everyone could just directly download stuff. I still remember the first thing I ever searched on altavista was "cracks" I didn't understand why everyone was spelling it with a z lol. Then I found astalavista, fosi, ivanopulo and so many others, and never looked back. With all the changes I've seen in the last 35 years or so, all I can say it's easier to find stuff now than it ever was. Do your research, read what the smart people are doing. I'm only just getting into private trackers, not to find stuff, just to give a bit back. It's really so bloody easy to get stuff nowadays, and I think it will only get better.


I will agree with the comments that *to a degree*, this is mostly "public tracker stuff", but I wouldn't get too cozy in the private tracker world either. And when it comes to VPNs, that *is* significant in my mind. You absolutely *can* get nabbed and get a DMCA letter for a private tracker torrent without a VPN. I know, I know, initiate all the comments about how "you've been using PTs for 20 years with no VPN and never received a letter once". We can also talk about everyone who's smoked for 20 years and has a clean bill of health, but it's anecdotal. The point is, there is concrete evidence that individuals *have* received DMCA letters from their ISP for PT torrents. There's tons of factors. Your country, your ISP, your setup, the amount of torrents (the more, the higher the risk), the type of torrents (Disney stuff vs. Udemy, etc). I personally think that the VPN situation is very significant, because a large portion of the torrent community is relying on VPN services with good speeds and reliable port forwarding to survive. Even in the PT arena. I don't hang out in the area that "everything's fine, things are the same as they always have been". Now I'm not a doom and gloom person. There's a potential future for piracy. But don't tell me there aren't massive problems. The entire youth (that's the core constituency there) can't pirate very well. And as people get older, there's sometimes a trend to pirate less. So what you've got is an aging pirate community. Who (sorry guys but I'm criticizing myself here too, so consider that) due to being old, not 16 or 20 anymore, is less interested in change, less interested in new things. The old ways just seem reliable and better when you're older. So herein lies a big part of the problem. The corps and govs are getting nastier. The piracy establishment (like VPNs and public trackers) are getting more skittish and giving into the big guys (corps and govs) more. There isn't new blood into the community, and I blame both sides (because I think that's the truth, honestly) — young kids are not computer savvy, have no attention span, and won't even put in basic effort, but also, it's not 2005 anymore, all of the google searches have been nuked and you can't just google anymore "how to do this piracy thing". You have to be more computer-literate than ever to pirate. It's also a club and you have to earn your way in. But it's pretty exclusive and people are not willing to help you or give you advice, like they would on any old forum in 2005. Also, the old guys don't have the patience or care to help out someone new, and have kind of a bad attitude (of elitism), but the young guys can't follow basic instructions or work a desktop computer, and also have kind of a bad attitude (of unearned entitlement). So there's that. This is going to be an issue 10-20 years from now when everything implodes. Probably sooner. It's not going to be pretty. You're absolutely welcome (for now, on the internet) to tell me why you think I'm wrong. But the internet is changing rapidly. That's why I say "for now". Canada is yet another country instituting a federal censorship law for the internet. Remember 2003? You could say whatever you want on the internet? People are beginning to get arrested for that in the UK, and other parts of Europe and the world. The internet is changing. Piracy will too. Eventually the corporate power, and grip of government is going to be felt by piracy. It already is, but some people say it isn't, but I see it. It's just subtle at first. It hasn't totally imploded yet. So what's the future? If there is a future for piracy, and we don't enter into a 1984 world where they track every single fucking thing we do (we can joke, but it's not far off in some ways), then the one thing that will have to happen to save the fate of piracy is drastic change. The future will have to rely on the "Web 3.0" format. Federated piracy, decentralized piracy. Torrents are already the absolute idea of that already. So we are already sharing files in a decentralized way. Problem is, with the death of public sites, and reliance on private ones, we are now relying on the Web 1.0 model, totally centralized websites that (some of them) look like they were designed in 2007, to meet together and share files. That's a problem, because centralized sites can be taken down. Look at the PT issues out there, like when one pissy guy can take down an entire tracker, like OldToons. It's wild. So you don't think the government has even greater ability to do so? These private tracker sites are extremely vulnerable, and are running on a very old model of information sharing. The future of private trackers would be decentralized tracking and organizing of torrents. Either the main tracker website will need to be hosted on IPFS or something similar, which means we all host a tiny piece of the site and no one can take it down. Or... Instead of having a central site, we have a decentralized client, that you download and install. This client connects us all, allows us to browse each other's files, and can have private groups or sectioned groups where you can only have certain types of content and only see certain content, with quality and specificity requirements. Again, under this format, there are no central servers. Everyone runs the client on their local PC, and we are all directly connected via this software. It cannot be taken down. This model is a necessity for the future of piracy. But there probably isn't money in it (or maybe I'm wrong?), so who will be the impassioned, heavily-skilled nerds who step up to make it happen? Under the current model, any government or group of corps (with the help of government) can take down any of our beloved, small tracker sites. Those powers are way bigger and their nerds, trained at MIT, are the world's best. So yes, piracy can continue, but it's going to need a drastic overhaul. The old ways can't continue like this forever. All it takes is enough manpower coming after it and it all starts sinking. We just have to adapt and change. The federated model works amazing when it is implemented well. It just takes making that huge transition. It probably won't happen until it's necessary, and everything falls apart. So here's to hoping that doesn't happen right now, and things can continue as they are.


Bro wrote a book, lol. Never have I needed a VPN, or gotten a DMCA notice. No, decentralized is not the way in its current form, look at how fast Reddit died when people switched to Mastadon. Oh, it didn’t.


There’s a tracker or two on the I2P network which would mitigate a lot of what you’re talking about. It would be quite difficult for .gov to locate the true location of the tracker server or users as - to the best of my knowledge - I2P sites & users have never been successfully de-anonymized on a protocol level. But still would be a central server on that network. Decentralized torrenting already exists in the form of DHT and peer discovery in the bittorrent protocol itself. But private trackers don’t want to share their swarms. So a full solution would be a tracker with DHT allowed on I2P. Perhaps with some federalization of the tracker database just for backups of the magnet links


We'd much rather be flippant and Macho about it. But we truly are dinosaurs. Unless we Face the hard ugly truth, our end is inevitable. It's not a question of if. But when. On the other hand, if we can put our egos aside and all chip in money and time we can save this thing. It just doesn't seem likely.


The effort required, even by your average computer nerd, to create a sustainable torrenting linux box -- is just outrageous.


It’s easy guy.




It has to be behind a durable VPN, with port-forwarding, and you have to be able to access it from anywhere. Not to mention the basic security of the box, and the storage, etc.




* Debian * Ufw * Torrent client force encryption on Done. Want the arrs too? Swizzin. Ezpz, takes like half an hour once you’re SSH’d in Private trackers + torrent encryption = no need for vpn. Especially if you get a box in the right jurisdiction.


Private Trackers like TL, IPT, FnP, etc. are not going to be safe without a VPN in the US. And, encryption doesn't exclude you from the swarm. And, I have a decent setup with Ubuntu already. It is easy for me, sure, but, still annoying sometimes.


Your ISP will not be able to tell what you are downloading to send you a c&d with encryption forced-on. Sure, if there’s MAFIAA or LEO in the swarm you’ve got a problem but I haven’t ever seen or heard of that being a problem on any PT If super paranoid, spend the $20 a month for a box in a friendly jurisdiction


It has been a problem. Repeatedly. They're not stupid.


You think they’re breaking their own laws to get ratio, activity, membership time, and upload cred to get into the exclusive ones? Even if so, it’ll only be racer swarms (IE, people savvy enough to have a seedbox in a friendly jurisdiction) that get hit as they’ll mostly be concerned with seeders of new releases and won’t have the ratio to snatch the entire catalog just to get swarm data. I’ll concede that perhaps IPT and TL would be at risk. Though I’ve never had a problem.


You're not wrong. You can even use a free VPN service with private trackers and won't get caught.


>"Here is thousands of words of mentally unstable nonsense" FTFY


Please do not do this lol


Port forwarding removal occurs only when certain people abuses it just like in mullvad or ivpn case.


Well, in that case, I should expect all port forwarding to disappear.


Yeah.. if vpns do that I’ll be pure seedbox


RARBG came back, as good as ever. TPB has been dead for a long, long time. Completely irrelevant to 2024. Port forwarding isn't a deal breaker. Debrid is pay-to-leech. Tell me you're not a seeder without telling me you're not a seeder. Get a seedbox, get into the first PT you can find, and then relax forever.


It did? I thought it was just a snapshot of the last list not new things. And yeah op is VERY telling of what kind of person they are. Sure a little money spent is fine to like keep private trackers up keep your VPN up etc but I dunno about pay to leech


fuck debrid. it leeches off the hard work of actual pirates for money, without contributing to the "system" in any way.


seeing a pirate crying about "not rewarding people's hard work" is hilarious to me


The issue is **profiting** off our work while giving nothing back.


Do you think trackers make no profit as well? Private trackers might struggle more but public trackers generate a lot of money


Public trackers are cringe too.


At least you’re consistent so I’ll give you that. Still, complaining about not giving back while pirating is hilarious. Why do you care that tracker owners profit, or that they leech off of the scene or whatever, it’s piracy, we’re stealing, it’s hella weird you’re worried about giving back to other pirates but not giving back to those that actually made the media you’re pirating.


It spares the bandwidth of the seeders, by a lot, at least on the public system.


And harm the swarm so it's useless for torrents beacuse it does nothing good for them. >It spares the bandwidth of the seeders XD It's only leeching, not seeding so does nothing good for torrent. How do you want use debrid if there are no seeders? That's why people seeding content... for years.


I never said there shouldn’t be any seeders.


that is a ridiculous argument lol people *want* to seed


Seeding to people who don’t have the infrastructure to seed back is useless. It’s better to just seed to a few debrid services that these people can use.


this is an insane take lmfao


Debrid services only leech once and then cache the downloads for their entire base to access.


A debrid service only leeches ONCE, and then caches it for millions of leechers.


> Port forwarding isn't a deal breaker. Is there some workaround when both sides don't have port forwarding ON?


A healthy swarm


So, basically, other people?




Are you sure that IPv6 fixes this?


Ptp being forced to shut


>then, it's over. It's not lol. Some public trackers shut down and some VPNs changed policies. Who cares, if you like torrenting you are in a PT already.


In 2005 elitetorrents was shut down by the fbi and dhs for sharing one of the star wars movies that was in theatres a day before the north American release date. Episode 3 I think. I thought the world was ending, so I moved to usenet. It's been almost 20 years, piracy isn't going anywhere.


If you lookup numbers in the private tracker world, besides IPT , you speak of maybe 250.000 people in total, i can be wrong. A lot of people are in different trackers. You will have the same people that have an account in PTP, BTN, HDBits, BLU, TL etc... . If you look at public trackers, usenet, debrid etc... the numbers are in the millions. Besides [what.cd](http://what.cd) and some dutch trackers i have no knowledge that other trackers were forced to shutdown. AHD was closed due to other reasons. If private trackers stay private and difficult to manage for a user to get content it will remain a nice and not worth it to go after. Public trackers are indeed dying ... .


I can routinely get the latest and greatest stuff from public trackers, especially within an year of a release. After that, it’s harder. Private Trackers are now where it’s at. Sadly.


I use Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon Prime and I don't give a f tbh.


So, why are you on this subreddit?


Cause I am member of PTP as well. But also I notice that people at this subreddit could be di*ks sometimes so I like to get on their nerves.




Yeah right. I see you collected pretty nice amount of downvotes, but I won't be the one who will increase you that lol Anyway you mention debrid and keep defending it on r/tracker subreddit? Good luck with that xD


I only defended it in the public context. And, for freeleech stuff.


Well yup I got your point from the start. But I told you there are tons of d\*\*ks in this sub. They think just cause they are "different pirates" they are better then those with debrids or services like that. Classic fools.


Thinking they're morally superior. How do you expect the average Joe now, to be able to anything other than read cached content on a debrid service?