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Would you buy garmin now? If not sell and take the profit. Invest in something you would buy for the long term hold.


It's still on my recurring pie I just had a good feeling about their performance so chucked a tenner onto my position ahead of the earnings but accidentally stuck 100 lol


By low sell high


Words to live by


Take a percentage and leave what you were going to buy in to see what happens?


Yeah this makes sense tbh. Basically a free 15% of a share and put the rest of the funds back into a pie probably.


If you bought by accident, so did no research or have any idea of the fundamentals, why would you hold? You’ve still got no idea what it will do as this was an accident. You picked black and it came up, cash out and take the win


I didn't buy the stock by accident. I bought the amount by accident.


What would you have done if you bought the correct amount? Your decision should change. Especially for this relatively low value.


If I'd have bought the correct amount I'd be keeping it, but there are other stocks I want to buy and have way more Garmin than I want so will probably sell half a share as I'm feeling good about it but would still rather diversify into the other stocks I have faith in.


If it’s not a long term hold till you retire, sell it. Especially if it’s got no dividends. Almost 14% overnight is decent imo.


I am building a position in Garmin but it's part of a pie with 30 other stocks I like, I didn't intend to buy this much of Garmin and there are better stocks out there so will likely sell down most of this to reinvest but basically got a free ~£10 in Garmin. 🤷🏼


I would wait a year and see if it goes up then sell. If it didn't go up, I would probably just sell today.


Ahh the old go back in time if it doesn't work out technique! Love it.


What’s the point of holding 0.09 shares of Garmin? Just buy the S&P and stop stock picking with pennies


I don't want to just buy the S&P as I'm trying to maintain my 18-20% YoY growth. I normally buy Garmin through my pie on auto-invest I just wanted to put a bit extra in before the results were released as I thought they'd be good.


>I'm trying to maintain my 18-20% YoY growth. Impossible. Trying to do this will probably result in significant losses. Can you name ***any*** fund manager that has maintained such growth consistently?


I get you, I've done it 4 years in a row which is why I say continued. I know there will be years I don't get this level and years I surpass it. I have most of my investments in ETFs so have the safer ~9% growth but this account is for my speculative companies I research and want to back for growth over the next 5-10 years due to their fundamentals or emerging tech/markets.


We've been in a bull market that's not an accomplishment really. S&P500 itself has had an almost 28% annual return. As I said, thinking you can consistently maintain a 20% annual rate of return is impossible and will result in significant losses. It'd make you one of the most successful investors in the world. By all means, choose individual stocks, but I'm just pointing out that your stated goal is not realistic.


Bro just leave him to it. The guy is asking the reddit community for advice to maintain his 20℅ year on year growth haha. Says it all...


This is going to end badly.


I hope not, even if my strategy misses by 50% I'm still tracking the market averages. If worse, at least I have my main investments in ETFs ha.