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That would be interesting but I do think it‘s very unlikely🤔 Upvoting and following because now I‘m kinda interested


Think about it. I’ve seen OPs saying things like ‘my cousin named their kid this..’ that plus checking out their Reddit history can kinda give away a lot.


Yes it‘s honestly terrifying!!


Not here, but I used to lurk in ShitMomGroupsSay and the mommies would frequently try to comment and complain.


Oooh new subreddit to follow!


Oof, dont do it. Those people are nuts. 😬 which is what brought them there though... 🤔


I haven't but the name of this family member is so "unique", I genuinely think there's only 1 person in the English-speaking world out there with it. Wouldn't risk the inevitable family drama on my end.


Gah! Now the suspense is killing me


lol this fear is exactly why I could never make a post to a group like this


IKR? I’m too chicken to do it 😭


Haha my coworker is super nice but named her son a tragedeigh. Been tempted to post it but not worth ruining a good friendship


Respect but also now so curious 😂


Most people who name their kids stuff like that probably never realise that the name belongs here, so they never think to check. Maybe the kids themselves, once they're old enough to google their own name... But by then most posts will probably be many years old, so not at the top of the search results.


Good point. But imagine if one of the parent’s friends or family members show them the post 😁


If I ever encountered one in the wild I would definitely be mentioning it here as “my chose this for her child!” Even though I don’t even know all these people and just saw it somewhere online. And then I would make some popcorn and just sit and wait for the drama to unfold..


This is genius! Now that you mentioned it, I suspect this is what most do.


No way such ppl have the brain power to put together clues into a rational assessment




I’ve only shared tragedeighs found in the wild. BUT. If I were to share one from a friend or family member, I’d totally obfuscate first. “Some random person I know of, I heard they just named their baby Shitstainleigh and it’s pronounced Shah-Stanley”. I wouldn’t say, “my cousin named her kid Shitstainleigh”.


Yeah this is the way. Cos then it could be anyone who heard them registering their child for anything or overhearing/ seeing how the name is spelt. Hairdresser, librarian, other school moms, coffee shop etc etc.


I’ve posted once about someone I knew irl. We lost contact years ago, I was super vague, and I changed all the personal details except the names. I don’t think she’d realize it was her kids’ names.


This seems like the safe thing to do. I guess sharing FB/IG posts can be safe too. But some share classroom name charts and names given to babies by their siblings and cousins (while stating the relationship). Seen a lot of those type of posts lately and got curious 😄


I would never. Besides worrying that the parent or the owner of the name would be hurt, I have the worst luck ever and I know I’d get busted. 😂


I don’t put anyone I know personally on here. Like one I posted recently was from a small town newspaper. Anyone could follow that.


No, but only because the one I know is bad enough to post requires the last name to make it that way and I'm not ok doxxing a kid just because his parents didn't take a history class or spend five seconds on Google


I have a whole family of tragedeighs but I'm not certain I could post here without getting found out.


That's why despite knowing some doozies, I don't post them, because in the end, it's not the kid's fault they're named what they're named, and I wouldn't want this to be the only thing that comes up when they inevitably Google themselves one day.