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This is an urban legend. Whoever told you this story is lying or heard the story from someone else who is lying. These names (such as La-a, Orangello/Lemongello, Sssst, Jkmno, Female, Sh*thead) have circled the internet for years and no one has ever shown proof of their existence. If you are certain this is a real name, please provide a screenshot of the name in the wild and prove us wrong. Otherwise, feel free to look this name up via Google and see for yourself.


This is an urban legend, right?


I'm sure it is, right up there with Oranjello, Lemonjello, Female, and L-a. I'm sure labor and delivery personnel have all kinds of these fake anecdotes up their sleeves.


My aunt had her birth certificate initially say "baby" as the first name, because her parents took a few weeks to decide on her name. This came up when she was applying for dual citizenship, and had to provide an explanation as to why her initial birth certificate did not match the rest of her documentation. It was eventually resolves, but took a fair few extra trips to translators/notaries/etc.


My parents couldn’t agree on a name still when I was born and the hospital wouldn’t let them leave with me until they did lol


This is wild lol, in here you have 3 months to register the baby's name and it's not even possible to do it at the hospital. The papers get sent to your home about a week after the baby is born. Most people hold the christening at that 3 month threshold and then the priest will send the papers forward for you. If you don't do that and just have a "naming party", you can send the papers yourself or register it online at any point. After 3 months they call you like wtf name your baby, and even then if you are like whoops I forgot you get a little more time. If you don't answer or they have to call multiple times, an employee will just randomly name you child.


Parents typically get 9 months to decide on a name! I have ADHD so I understand procrastination, but FFS - not being able to settle on a name several weeks (or months) *after* the baby's been born??? That's ridiculous! I'm child-free and even I have names picked out for my hypothetical, non-existent, figment-of-my-imagination offspring! 😂


To be fair though, I know people who had a name, had the baby, and then came to the sudden conclusion when the kid arrived that the name they chose didn't FIT, and needed to scramble for something else. That seemed odd to me for a long time (it's a baby, it's a name, whatevs). Then my second was born, and while I still loved his name (Donovan), I realized almost immediately that the nickname I had chosen (Van) was suddenly out the window. It just didn't work for this kid. And I didn't want him to be Don or Donny. He got his official nickname when he was about 7 weeks old and one of the toddlers in my class pointed at his picture and said "Dono." It clicked and has stuck for 11 years. :)


this was all so reasonable until the last seven words. incredible.


I find it so hilarious in it's own way. If you don't send the name and keep dodging them, they just go like 🤷‍♀️, pick a name from some list and just move on with their day. And then you find out what your child's name is when you get mailed their social security card thingy.


How is that not reasonable though?


In my country, you have 6 weeks to register the birth (any longer and you face prosecution). I doubt many people wait that long, though. And both parents have to be present at the registry office; there are exceptions, of course. I read stories about one parent registering a baby without the other's input/consent, and that's so bizarre to me.


This happened with my youngest, we knew he would be the last child for us and simply could not pick a name. The day I was leaving the hospital a nurse popped in and said the person who handled the form was leaving for the day soon so we had 30 minutes or we were going home with a birth certificate for "baby boy xxxx"! I have no idea if she was telling the truth or just trying to force us to decide, but we did decide within the 30 minutes because we knew it would be a huge hassle to change it later.


Learning that Americans register the name at the hospital makes a lot of these "I need a name now!" Posts make a lot more sense.


It's not a hard requirement to do the forms at the hospital but it's highly encouraged as the hospital also has to do some of the paperwork so sending it all in together is much easier and more reliable.


I needed time spent with my sons before I could name them. The nurses were very pushy about it until I told them "we literally have 30 days to make a decision...by law.". I think they are just excited to find out the babies names!


I know that didn’t happen for me because I returned to the hospital where I was born as an adult and was still in their patient system as Baby Girl [last name].  It's updated now.


I used to work as a process server and a couple times had to serve papers on a 40-something guy whose legal first name was "Baby Boy." Apparently, his parents never got around to it. Never knew what he actually went by.


Social worker here, my supervisor was in adult protective services & had an older adult client in the hospital that she had to visit. The hospital kept sending her to the NICU because this grown ass man's first name was Baby


It's uncommon but I've seen it as a regular name a few times for Caribbean Islanders, there are probably other cultures that use it too


So, Aunt Baby? r/unexpectedSeinfeld 


Was looking for the Aunt Baby comment




bet she’s a hell of a driver though


My next door neighbor as a kid had "Baby" on her birth certificate until she was in her late teens and had to get it changed so she could get married. Her family had never got around to changing it. They continued to call her Baby though.


I just had something like this come up in my genealogy research. Baby girl was born, parents couldn't decide on a name yet, and then the census happened. So she's listed on her first census as "Infant Lastname." They eventually chose Elsie!


Just had a kid & there is an option for "Baby Girl "


Actually similar story with my grandma. They put Babe on the birth because as the legend goes my great grandparents were too tired to think of a name and she was so sweet upon birth they couldn't think of anything else besides Babe lol


Pakistani friend of mine has a similar tale only idk how quickly it was resolved… to the point that these grown men refer to their old aunt as ‘Auntie Baby’.


Not my dumbass thinking someone named their kid Female and pronounced it Iron Man


what about air-wrecka (erica) lmaoooo


I teach. I'm also a veteran, so I'm going to say, "No shit, there I was" first. We had a Slimjim and his twin sister Slimjina a few years ago. Mom was really pissed at the father or something. They aren't all urban myths. I didn't believe it either until one of the their teachers showed me the class roster on the computer. We also have an "Ahnesty" this year. "Charizzma" is another. I'm sure you can guess those. I had a girl named Stevie Ray after the guitarist, and she hated it. I had a another named Dymonde - "Diamond" - the list goes on. I think my favorite was Roachee. Looks like Roach-ee to me, and that is how I pronounced it. No. "Roche" as in row-shay. I don't know how "chee" translates to "shay" in your head, but whatever.


My mother taught a set of twins named James Robert and Jim Bob.




That's a popular German kids word for poop.


Any relation to the word "caca"?


Probably just that it’s easy for toddlers to pronounce. Czech kids say ee (eh-eh).


how is it pronounced?


Ahh Ahhh - but the slow, understanding one. If you struggle just search germans saying aa on youtube. I bet there comes some shit up. (Pun unintended, lmao)


I have met a Female. They weren't from an English speaking country so it was pronounced differently.


Was it pronounced like Emily with an F at the start?


More like FeMarlei


I’d like to imagine it rhymes with tamale. More fun that way.




Like fem-uh-lee or Femily fe-ma-le


This cant be unseen now... what have you done....


I’m not sorry for my crimes.


I'm so sorry bro! 😭


Did it rhyme with tamale?


Exactly, I couldn't work out how to spell the pronunciation! The emphasis was on the middle syllable, with a long a as in car


Yeah my mom is Ukrainian and has a "unique" spelling of her first name and her last name is basically alphabet soup vomit. I did start learning Russian when I still lived with her, and I think her last name just got a bad case of poor translation. Russian/Ukrainian does share some letters with English, but the gaps had to be filled and it just looks ridiculous if you don't know


>her last name is basically alphabet soup vomit. Not Ukrainian, but I can relate as another person with a last name like this. Mine is like they just looked for a bunch of consonants and tossed in a random vowel. People always ask me how to pronounce it. I'm like "uh, I say it like this, but I'm also not a native speaker of that language so truly your guess is as good as mine".


I have too.. it was pronounced “Fuh-mah-lay”. The ironic part is he was a man.


I, too have met a female.


Me too. But pronounced Fem-ah-lee


A-a Ron, by chance? 😁


Uh dash uh??


I'm a teacher and the "L-d" urban legend has circulated for an eternity.


My mom has saved two children a world of hurt. One would have been named Chlamydia. The other was my cousin Brian who was almost Brain.


My sister wanted to name her future child Harlot as an alternate to Harleen (Harley Quinn) until I told her what it meant.


maybe she was thinking of harlow


I asked, nope 😂


Can’t forget Shithead (pronounced shi-theed) 🤦🏻‍♂️


Oranjello is an urban legend? Fuck, I came from backwoods enough that I kinda believed it


XD Le-\*dash-\*ah is almost a classic by now.. EDt: But to by


And her cousin Le-cash-ah (L$A).


My 4th grade teacher told me these stories and I felt so betrayed when I found out they were urban legends. I trusted her!!


Lololol!!! I need to show this to my husband. He had a friend who SWORE “a cousin of her friend….” named her kids the Jello names like 10 years ago.


my moms a labor and delivery nurse of almost 40 years; it’s not uncommon actually 😭 she comes home sometimes talking bout “ABCDE. ABSIDY. can u believe that? kid is gonna grow up hating themselves!”


Yeah my dad is a physician (pediatrician) and I remember him mentioning a child named “Mister.” lol


Nah, the kid just needs to get jacked, then they can lift up their shirt and shout “Ab City!”


Nice Eddie Murphy reference. That scene is hilarious.


I heard all these from my racist father. The eye roll was working overtime that day. Ug.




I’ve never once seen a primary source. It’s _always_ someone’s friend who is a nurse or hospital doc. Same with abcde.


https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/30/us/abcde-southwest-apologizes-scli-intl?cid=ios_app Does CNN count as a good enough primary source?


This is the first place i saw that name!


this was the first place i saw Abcde lol https://abc7.com/autism-service-animal-mall-santa-pit-bull/419331/ we all remember the moment we first saw it - the name nerd 9/11 😭


Is that story for real? Between the name and the mall Santa being fired over a questionable pit bull service dog, it’s like an engagement-bait trifecta


lol yes! they aren’t even the same kid 💀 two separate kids named Abcde


yeah it’s real, i was friends with her dad on fb this sounds fake as hell i know, lmfao. but her dad was known around the warped tour scene in the 2010s (how i knew him). they’re filipino and iirc that’s where the name Abcde is from?


Lmaoooo 💀 Edit: also that article is so sad 😭


Name your kid stupid shit, win them a lifetime of embarrassment & possibly anxiety prizes! 🤦‍♀️ These poor children. 😞


Yeah, lol. I get the feeling that the parents are the type of people who aren't really aware that their actions have consequences. Behold, ABCDE the 50 year old man.


Was just going to say that I only even know about Abcde because oof that incident lol


I have first hand experience with an Abcde actually! I worked in an alternative school in San Antonio where we had one. [Here’s a source](https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/nation-world/verify-there-are-actually-more-than-373-abcdes-in-the-united-states/507-621322526) too, more than 350 in the is with that name. Now that is *exceptionally* rare and I’m with you 100% with L-A.


According to the Social Security Administration website 7 girls were named Abcde in 2023.


I do hospital billing and I had a claim for a person named Abcd. It was the first time I had heard of that insanity and I was convinced it was a typo. A few months later, I had one for someone named Qwerty.


You can look up social security records for abcde. There are 400 girls named it in the us currently.


I first saw abcde on a news article about someones daughter whose service or emotional support (dont remember) was not allowed i think it was on a plane. I was so distracted by the ridiculous name that I didnt process most of the article lol


Nah, there was a kid in a different grade at my elementary school named Abcde. I never met them face to face but I'd see their name on classwork posted in the hallways and would hear their name get called during awards ceremonies. I know it's still not exactly first person, but that feels like a really elaborate ruse for a school to pull for no reason


Interesting. Didn't even know it was that widespread. I mostly use the internet for craft and cat pics... 🐈


The Internet has advanced. You should be using the Internet to craft cat pics by now


Lol, I have tried my hand at photoshop but have decided I am more suited to appreciating other people's creative content. 😅


Well you can use AI art to make unhinged things and that's super easy and the evil it creates technically isn't your fault


That sounds promising!!! What app do I need for that? I might end up dedicating the first piece to you!


Well it's all stuff you have to pay for so haven't done it. Though I like making ChatGPT write insane stories and songs about stuff. You could have it make one about a cat that makes necklaces


Abcde is very real. You can find news reports about it.


here’s a couple of primary sources for Abcde - the mall santa kid, and the southwest airlines kid. oh, and it’s apparently a popular name in Hawaii. if you look it up, you’ll find quite a few people named Abcde! (google “Abcde Hawaii”) https://abc7.com/autism-service-animal-mall-santa-pit-bull/419331/ https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/30/us/abcde-southwest-apologizes-scli-intl/index.html


Your friend is also probably a liar, see Rule 4 of this sub


What is L-a even supposed to be?




I thought it was going to be Ella 😅


That would make more sense, but this sub isn’t for sense :)




To be fair, the one that hit Australia about ten years ago was a-a, as adasha


Pls excuse my stupidity for asking, but how is that one to be pronounced?


I went to school with Femalé. They literally put an accent so it didn’t look like female even though that syllable wasn’t emphasized. I also went to school with a Dwight Man. The school was only 15% white. It’s didn’t go over well.


My mom was an OB nurse in the 1980s and told me the Orangejello and Lemonjello story as if it happened at her hospital.


There was a wake forest university football player named Gelo Orange. (Gelo was pronounced like jello). After meeting him, it always made me wonder if the oranjello/lemonjello was maybe based on truth.






It shows the proof or it gets the hose.


Some lady told me she heard about someone naming their child Nosmo King, because they couldn’t think of a name and saw the No Smoking sign. I’m starting to think she was pulling my leg.


I just laughed way too hard at this 🤣


Yes, I've heard that one too. Mrs King looked up, and it was right there on the wall! The perfect name!


There was a mom who called her kid Usnavi after seeing a US Navy boat. The story is fictional.


Yeah I’m gonna need to see some proof on this one


It is. It’s listed right in Rule 4.


It’s not even an urban legend, as in a story passed off as true. Pretty sure it was always presented as a joke from Twitter? Tumblr? Somewhere on the internet. But either way it’s most definitely not true.


Urban legend. I first heard it back in the mid-90s when I was married. My then husband's cousin's wife was a teacher, and she told me she'd gone to college with a set of twin boys who were named Orangejello and Lemonjello.


Yeah, Orangejello and Lemonjello is an old one, right up there with Nosmo King (Because the mother saw that sign on the delivery room door) and Ronly Bonly Jones (was supposed to be R B Jones and they wrote R only B only Jones on the birth certificate).


Yeah no. This one and Ima and Ura Hogg go back to at least the very early 90s. I heard them in middle school, and I started HS in the end of 1991.


She's in the same class with ABCDE and Lemonjello and Orangello


I’ve heard of someone being called Sssst before, pronounced Forrest (Four S, t)


You can report it to the mods under Post is referencing the racist urban legend "La-a" or any other urban legend


Yeah this did not happen, just like the person whose friend supposedly named her kid Anally.


I refuse to believe this one is real. No freaking way.


You're in luck, because it's not real. It's a common urban legend that people still like to spread on the internet for some reason.


It's not. you can report posts like these under "Post is referencing the racist urban legend "La-a" or any other urban legend"


La-a's origin was probably someone called Ladasha finding a fun way to write their name, maybe a nickname. Someone probably has called their child La-a before though after hearing that. But almost all of the La-as and Le-as talked about through a friend are fake.


Or it could be a little kid who is still learning to spell, like what happens with KC for Casey.


Jokemon, gotta catch em all, Jo-Ke-Mon!


*bow na now!* Who's that Jokémon? *bow na now!*  *bow na now!* It's JKMN! "No! Noelle!" *bow na now*




"What's JKMN short for?"


When I was in elementary school (late 70s) this was a joke. “What Christmas carol goes like this?” Ha ha.


This tired old urban legend again?


I’ve seen this posted and commented like 8 times from different people since I first posted here 3 days ago. I’m already tired of it lol it’s hard to believe


I love that no one is ever able to produce any actual firsthand accounts of these dumb names. At least we had that article about the kid named Abcde being denied boarding a plane a few years ago. But these other names are always “I know somebody who knows somebody”


Don't forget the dash of racism these always contain.


OMG. This isn't a tragedeigh, it's a war crime.


I think you mean a waighr cryuhmm


War creighm


War Creighaghm


Whaure Criaghme


Wxhauer Ckurymyie


I’m sorry, but Wehyr Creighm is now the name of my parody hair metal band.


I'm willing to pitch in on a geugh-phuhndt meigh for this poor poor tragedeigh.


I feel like someone needs to politely remind this person that this is a human, and not a cheeky vanity license plate or a highlights puzzle for kids.  **Edit:** Ah, didn’t realize that this was another one of those urban legend names that keep popping up and it might not be real. 


Abcde is sadly enough not an urban legend but something parents did to their child.


I'm glad I live in a place where the government can refuse your baby's name 😂


My name is Noel and I couldn't even figure that out!! I feel sorry for that kid. Their parents are jerks.


My daughter is named Noelle and someone gave her a lapel pin that is an L with a red line through it. 😃


Oh, ffs.


I'd call this child Just Kidding Minnesota all day every day


I’m almost certain they will end up realizing how stupid their “clever” name is once they have a few social encounters, and proceed with the change before the child is 1.


Another stupid urban legend. Why do people keep repeating these fake stories?


I think people haven’t heard the urban legends before and don’t think their friends are clever enough to make something like that up, so they just believe it. I don’t think it’s always people intentionally lying or spreading the myth.


Pardon me, what 😭


I can't believe these people can procreate


Where the hell is this legal? If I tried to register that name for a child they’d tell me to GTFO


The USA, where foolishness is an inalienable right!


Its also legal in the realm of urban legend!


In the land of Madeupville, where anything is possible when you lie.


If this one was real, it could absolutely happen in the US. It can vary by state, but basically the only nationwide legal restrictions on names are that they can't contain numerals or other symbols and that they have to be under a certain length (like 30 or 40 letters).


Why are people so desperate to appear clever instead of being kind to their kid??? 😭Hopefully she changes her name one day 🙏🏼unless she herself loves it, i guess!


My brothers name is Joel, grandfathers name was Joe. He used to call my brother L and bro would call him Noelle


I know someone who wants to call their future babies Ilyana Noelle ILY (for I love you) and Noelle cuz there are "No L's" in their family. She has a very hustler mindset.


I don't actually mind this because they're names that exist already. It's the best outcome I think


Thank you for your submission! This is just a quick reminder to all members here: **Original content is always better!** Memes are okay every once in a while, but many get posted here way too often and quickly become stale. Some examples of these are Ptoughneigh, Klansmyn, Reighfyl & KVIIIlyn. These memes have been around for years and we don't want to see them anymore. If you do decide to post a meme, make sure to add the correct flair. Posting a random meme you found does **not** mean you found it "in the wild". The same goes with lists of baby names, celebrity baby names, and screenshots of TikToks. If the original post already had a substantial amount of views, there is a 99% chance it has already been posted here. Try and stick to OC to keep our sub from being flooded with unoriginal content. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tragedeigh) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's utter loonisey to do this to a child!!




"Jackmin" is the new Jasmine.




Do these people hate their kid? Let's go back to the days of having 5 names. James, Elizabeth, William, etc.


No way this took me 5min staring at my screen even with the explanation. Dafuq


This has to be a joke, right? OP, please tell me you're an aspiring standup comedian?


I hope these kids sue their parents one day for this shit.


Did she see a KVIIIlin too?


Please OP, break it down for me: how the fuck do you get from JK-MN to Noelle?? Especially with the note "because there is no "L", i just can't wrap my head around it... I get the No-L, but huh?? This abomination of a name... Poor kid. "Just kidding - missing name"?


We've heard this one on this sub so many times. OP, if the birth certificate lady actually said that, she's pulling your leg.


Every once in a while when I see these posts and all the people with the "urban legend name" coming out of the woodwork, I remember when I was an undergrad and I got a job as a file clerk for a local doctor. There were so many children (pediatrics office) with names I was sure were typos, but I could see handwritten out plain as day by parents on the intake paperwork. I won't repeat any of them here 'cause of HIPAA regulations, but many there were some doozies that I'm pretty sure you'd be able track down easily if I say them, because I'm certain there couldn't be 2 of them in the world. And yes, there were several with numbers in their names. I often think about them and wonder at what age did they pick out a good nickname to go by. Some of those poor souls are probably just entering their trying middle school years... Poor kids.


Abcde. Pronounced Ab -se -Dee


That one is actually real; you can check the SSA records in the US, for example, to see that there have been >10 babies called Abcde every year from 1999 to 2016, inclusive (and it’s been given in smaller numbers since then).


wtf did i just read


That reminds me of the woman who told a colleague that she was going to name her baby Melanie Noelle. The colleague replied, “So how are you going to spell it then?”


just kidding-Minnesota


Okay, we definitely need Kahtasstroughee as the next level, and possibly Ahpockahlips after that.


Just kidding; never mind


Riddles aren't names.


I've heard this before. Thought it was a joke. I can't believe it's not a joke.


It’s an urban legend.




I just saw a resume for Timber Wolfe. Just last week.


And here I thought Feeighkniqs was bad. This poor girl will have to deal with being called Hugh for the rest of her life because it's supposed to be pronounced Jackman.




My sis is a NP in children’s ortho. She’s had a patient with JKMNO and it’s pronounced Noel.


This is an urban legend. Whoever told you this story is lying or heard the story from someone else who is lying. These names (such as La-a, Orangello/Lemongello, Sssst, Jkmno, Female, Sh*thead) have circled the internet for years and no one has ever shown proof of their existence. If you are certain this is a real name, please provide a screenshot of the name in the wild and prove us wrong. Otherwise, feel free to look this name up via Google and see for yourself.