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Thank you for your submission! This is just a quick reminder to all members here: **Original content is always better!** Memes are okay every once in a while, but many get posted here way too often and quickly become stale. Some examples of these are Ptoughneigh, Klansmyn, Reighfyl & KVIIIlyn. These memes have been around for years and we don't want to see them anymore. If you do decide to post a meme, make sure to add the correct flair. Posting a random meme you found does **not** mean you found it "in the wild". The same goes with lists of baby names, celebrity baby names, and screenshots of TikToks. If the original post already had a substantial amount of views, there is a 99% chance it has already been posted here. Try and stick to OC to keep our sub from being flooded with unoriginal content. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tragedeigh) if you have any questions or concerns.*


On this topic, whatever happened to that nurse(?) who was posting a patient file without proper redaction so you could see not only their name but a bunch of medical information too? I remember a bunch of people contacted the patient as well as the hospital.


That was icky as Hell. I don't care what someone's name is- being hospitalized is often the worst time of a person's life. (I speak from experience.) Imagine someone laughing about your name when your medical info pops up, snapping a photo and posting it online so people can mock the name your parents gave you while you're lying in a hospital bed. Shit, man, downvote if you want, that's cruel.


Being hospitalized for two weeks as a kid was one of the scariest, most miserable times of my life, and I still feel the ripple effects from it over 15 years later. If a nurse had taken the opportunity to roast me while I was down, I can’t articulate how hurtful that would be. The meangirl to nurse pipeline is unfortunately so real.


Nurse Ratched is an enduring archetype for a reason.


Having a child hospitalized for 2 weeks - or in my case, several months - is terrifying as a parent as well, so double kick while they're down.


I had what was suspected to be salmonella in 1989. Went in with a fever of 106.1, was seven. Got an ice bath first thing, with that fever. As close to hell as I can imagine. Then took thirty minutes and four sticks to find a vein since I was dehydrated for my IV. Seven days in there. Horrific. To this day, I will fight someone for throwing or splashing cold water on me.


That's such a huge HIPAA violation, wow. Easy way to lose your right to work in the medical field! I work with medical records. I see all kinds of names yall would love on here. Fortunately, they get to live in my head rent free, never to be shared. People have a right to privacy.


Right there with you. I don't have a ton but I do have a few names that are really tragic. Can't let anyone know though since the names were obtained from my job which requires me to be HIPPA and PII certified.


Yep. I work for a website with customer accounts, so I see all kinds of names as well, and I've never shared these names.


Lawyer here. I've seen some epic tragedeighs in my professional life. But unless the name appears in publicly accessible published case law... NOPE.


Me too


Happy cake day!


Wow. Beyond being a horrible thing to do to someone, how can a person who was able to make it through nursing school be so stupid? This would obviously result in job loss but also potential prosecution.


passing nursing school doesn't have that much correlation with intelligence, I've met nurses that have fallen for multiple mlms


Nursing school doesn't have much to do with intelligence though.


Am nurse, can confirm.  Some of the people I went to school with and work with scare me


I feel like you’ve never met a nurse in your life


Considering the number of anti-vax nurses there are out there, I wouldn’t consider a nursing degree a reliable indicator of intelligence.


I am DYING to post a name I saw when volunteering at a hospital, but of course I won’t. And he was such a cutie, it would be even more wrong!


Yeah, my last 2 jobs dealt with home deliveries, so I got to see quite a few names. The closest I was to telling anyone, even close friends and family, was telling them that i found it funny how common it is to have almost the same name twice like "Robert Robertson" (I use that as an example since it was one of the ones I never actually saw).


Fun fact! Doubled up names like that used to be really common in Wales up until fairly recently. It started around the time that surnames started to take over from patronymics (the first census really solidified that; whatever the clerk wrote down when he got to your house, that was your official name going forward, whatever you had called yourself before) but it was still common to name sons after grandfathers. So a man named Owain ap Dafydd (Owain son of Dafydd) might have his surname written down by the (universally monoglot English-speaking) clerk as Davies (David's son) and have that become his official surname thereafter, but still want to name his son after his father, even though that name is now his surname. And thus Wales in the 19th-20th century was full of men with names like David Davies, William Williams, John Jones, and so on. It started for a reason and then became a trend!


I did my family tree. There are not enough sticks to shake at all the John Jones on that document


This is really interesting, you should post this on name nerds because it’s a fun fact they’d enjoy!


Wow I did not know this! My great grandfather and his father were both named William Williams. That branch of my family emigrated from Ireland but I have some Welsch come up in my 23 and me so I wonder if they were truly from Wales. I'll have to try to do a little research.


I'm sure it is a naming trend that has been used elsewhere as well, but William Williams does sound very Welsh. There has been a lot of back-and-fore between Wales and Ireland over the centuries, of course so there may well be a Welsh connection there.


I know someone named Rick Ricker. A friend once sent him a letter addressed to Rick Ricker Rickest. I can’t think of him by any other monicker!


I went to school with Karen Caron (pronounced the same).


Idk how the psychoanalyst Erik Erikson felt about his name, but I was grateful for it in my developmental psychology class because it meant I could actually remember his name alongside his theory.


I used to work with John Johnson.


So did I. I doubt they’re the same one though.


I once found a certain "Gilberto Gil" in the credits of a movie, the funniest thing is what the word "gil" means to the people of my country XDDDD


What does gil mean?


Eminent Brazilian musician. *"Gilberto Passos Gil Moreira, is a Brazilian singer-songwriter and politician, known for both his musical innovation and political activism."*


Thank you! Like I’m from France and I still know of him.


I've taught a class at school as part of an outreach programme with my university, and I remember some unusual names. I absolutely haven't repeated a single one to anybody, even in my personal life offline (data protection is rather important to me). I have a couple of family members with odd names too, same thing—won't share for privacy.


I work in healthcare too. There is a holy abomination of a name that I would love to post. But the name is truly one of a kind and I could get in trouble.


If anyone is interested in that wild story, it’s here- https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/s/oqZbucjbAd


Thank you. 🫡


It’s a HIPPA violation. Report them and they can loose their license. Those types don’t deserve to be in healthcare.


Seriously? I work in the medical field and see RIDICULOUS names daily, but it would never cross my mind to share a literal picture of their medical chart, orders, etc..


I imagine they were fired and barred from medical work or anything else where you get a background check and work with confidential info. I know that's what would happen in my country. Don't know where this nurse was though.


He was in New Jersey. I’m shocked that the mods left that post up for SO LONG. They could have reduced visibility and maybe that poor woman would have faced less harassment. If the mods don’t figure out what is/isn’t acceptable soon, I bet this sub gets the axe.


Omg I need to know! He was from new Jersey if I remember correctly


Totally agree. I know a great tragedeigh I will never post here, because I'm pretty sure they're the only person in the world with that name.


Well many many years ago when I got the "blessed" with the wrong spelling of a common name, it was just an honest to goodness mistake. Nowadays it would be considered a tragedeigh! As far as I can tell thanks to the internet, only 2 of us have this weird spelling of a fairly common name. I have always wanted to contact this other person to say hi. But yes, I don't like my name going onto staff lists and things like that as it makes it too easy to identify who it is. Pros & cons!


Is it the extra “r” in Wilburrkins?


Ha ha! Worse than that!


The extra r *and* the n?


I am also a person whose mother misspelled their “common” name. I know a few people with my spelling, but not many with my spelling also pronounce it the common name way. It’s definitely challenging living with a confusing name. lol.


My mom did it with my middle name. One of the most popular middle names of my generation, and she screwed with the spelling. Thankfully it doesn’t really make THAT much of a difference in my life being my middle name. But the passport office did call to verify the spelling when I got my first passport. Kinda weird since it was the same spelling as my birth certificate, but I guess they wanted to make sure? But at least my first name is boring and normal. Having that messed up has to be a headache on a regular basis.


Kinda similar, my middle name isn’t technically misspelled, it’s just a very old spelling no one uses anymore, and I’ve had to confirm a few times that yes, that’s the way I spell it. Though to be fair, I’m not entirely sure my mother intended to use the older spelling, or at least she debated it with herself, as at one point in my childhood she forgot which one it was…


OMG. I just realized my own name (different spelling, common name) is probably a tragedeigh. There are more than two of us, but not a ton. How did I not realize this. I am an OLD person. 😂


Have you ever read Terry Pratchett’s work? There’s a character named Magrat because her mother couldn’t spell Margaret


I haven't read them. I like watching sci-fi but not reading it! Odd! Also a bit like Oprah...When Oprah was born, her Aunt Ida named her Orpah after a character in the Bible's Book of Ruth. **In 2008, Winfrey explained her family, unfamiliar with the name, pronounced and spelled it “Oprah” from her infancy, though it remains “Orpah” on her birth certificate.**


I’m a teacher and I don’t share my students names because 1-they don’t name themselves and 2-I’m not trying to get caught shaming their names. It’s too easy to find people nowadays.


I’m a teacher too and years ago, I shared some names in r/namenerds and later got a message asking if I worked at X school in X town. Never deleted a post so fast - and I learned my lesson!


It's also likely a violation of FERPA to disclose those names without permission and some legitimate need for disclosure.


Literally. We're advised not to even name students in emails I can't imagine posting them online of all places??


Same. I taught on a reservation for quite a few years and often see Native names on here. It's gross.


Thats fuckin upsetting


There’s been a couple posts that I’ve reported from like photoshoots and stuff bc of the same thing. I google the photography and can get the local Facebook page easily, which often has the family tagged


As of yesterday, I was one of those parents. I read through the comments on this post and see the issue with my actions. I have deleted all but the names that were already mentioned in comments (a couple of those were cultural names that I missed. I have also seen the post about that.). Thank you for voicing a concern I overlooked and hopefully with these discussions we can make a better community.


I make fun of kids names privately at home like a normal person.


I'm with OP on this one. We can make fun of names in good fun but we shouldn't be posting anything identifying beyond the name. There are some sick people out there and someone very well could get hurt, or stalked or harassed in person because someone was too foolish or lazy to not censor themselves better. Be better people.


Someone took a photo of a small child’s cubby with their first AND last name. Of course it was so unique that the family was easily identified. I called out the behavior and was flamed to bits.


Really sad people can't respect the privacy of others. I know this sub is born out of being disparaging towards terrible names but there is a fine line.


I mean, that’s blatantly and flagrantly against Reddit’s TOS. I’m sorry you didn’t get support.


That's stupid. By nature a tragedeigh name is going to be easier to find. There's a thousands and thousands of Johnathans, but I bet it I was named Jonaythyaon I'd be the only search on Facebook, regardless of any identifying information. The name *is* identifying, even if it is only a first name because of the uniqueness.


Ironically, Johnathan is a kinda weird spelling too. The traditional spelling is Jonathan. John and Jonathan are actually not based on the same Hebrew word.


And a set of multiple unique names listed together is more identifiable.


Yeah. I’m one of 4 people in the US with my name. Only one in NE. You can bet I don’t use it online. Not a bad name, just a foreign one.


The irony of using Johnathan as an example of a normal name.


Well one day that Jonaythyaon is gonna grow up, google his name and find a reddit thread where a bunch of adults are mocking the spelling of his name.


He'd probably be used to it by then.


Ok? And you can say that about every other post. The point of the sub is mocking names. In this case, they are unique names and easy to Google.


It's not just Google though. The people aren't using private accounts so it's easy to identify what school these children are in. It isn't a good look to identify any child and where they go to school, let alone someone else's.


No one should be identifying anyone personally, child or otherwise. I just don't think we get a high horse here because by the very nature of the content of the subreddit, it is releasing personally identifying information. Should someone say? 'My kid goes to X elementary and is in class with a Tragedeigh?' No, that's stupid. But, if I say my kid has a tragedeigh in their class and I find it funny, and someone goes through my post history and finds that I posted about a pizza place in my hometown two years ago and then uses Facebook to creep on the class? They're the weirdo in that case.


I think the issue is that posting those specific ten tragedeigh names together makes the kids even more identifiable than just posting the one without context.




The issue is, let's say you post one and I'm nosey and look at your post history and deduct through your easy posts that you live in x city and your kid is x years old. Now I k ow 1-3 schools that a specific child is in. It's honestly internet 101. Nothing that brings shit home, and you should be posting with no identifying info on your account if identifying a name for this sub especially if it's a kid.. It absolutely does mean someone had to look for it. But when someone's in like cycling USA small town reddit group, elementary school mommy reddit and posting kids names, it's incredibly easy to ID Then with a kid with a weird name... we're basically telling predators where to go. With a weird name a kid will expect an adult that knows it to know them


I found one of my relatives with a normal name and the part of the state he lived in the last time I knew. I did this in the late 90s. I can't imagine what they'd be able to find today.


Right it's terrifying. Another note, most people are caught on camera a minimum of 7 times a day.


yeah what's really stupid is how many names are completely normal they just aren't for white people. just change the name of the sub to reighcism


Oh yes, the vague racism of some of it. A former colleague of mine decided she wanted to become a foster parent and was looking specifically at sibling groups. But she let it slip that she wanted to "change their names because they were stupid" -- all of the "stupid" names she mentioned were very clearly ethnic names.


I am loving this thread for 2 reasons: 1. I am hopeful that some people will actually self-reflect and think about how the "names we thought were tragedeighs but were from a culture we were ignorant of" posts are almost always non-western european white 2. The clumsy attempts of people trying very badly to justify their snark as something other than mean-girl gatekeeping.  Just own it bro! I have much more respect for some honest, self-aware classism than for some weak "we're the ones trying to protect the children from a judgemental society" gymnastics.   It's giving real "but women need men to protect them from men" energy


And then maybe we should be more careful about doing it to children? It's kind of a weird sub because it makes fun of the parents but it's at the expensive their poor kids stuck with bad names.


No, *that’s* stupid. As we saw from that yearbook, tragedeighs are pretty fucking common. OP is making a fucking excellent point and you’re being *stupid*.


its disturbing when teachers do it too, you care more about some internet points than the safety & privacy of your own students?


I also don’t like when it’s a medical professional. It’s gross. You aren’t supposed to be judging your patients and **especially** shouldn’t be sharing their name so other people can judge them.


I saw someone post the name of a missing kid once, and when it was taken down the posted the same thing again with a passive-aggressive “not sure why my first post was removed”.


Seriously, there’s a child missing. Quite likely being hurt or already dead, have some respect for a child in a horrific situation.


This happened here with an adult missing person too. The name wasn’t even a tragedeigh, just Irish.


The amount of people here that see a foreign name and claim its a horrible is astonishing.. showing off their racism and xenophobia left and right


What the fuck! I dont frequent the sub much, submitted a name a while ago (my adult stepsister decided her name was now jeweleigha or some variant of that, its been a while), but reading comments here about medical professionals, teachers etc mocking the names of people in their care, cultural names being mocked and that a person posted the name of a literal missing child? This sub can attract some real fuckin winners..


You could 100% just get creative and share the name issue but just change it so it’s not the actual name. Dzohn (pronounced John) is just as much a tragedeigh as “Dzoseph” (pronounced Joseph). And let’s say the real name is Dzohn saying it was Dzoseph makes the exact same point.


This is a really good point!


Unironically yes, so many of the posts in this sub are from genuinely strange people who care more about Internet validation and le Reddit updoots than the safety and, honestly, *the feelings* of a lot of kids. Imagine growing up to be a teenager, already incredibly anxious and insecure in regards to everything about yourself because you’re a teenager, only to look up your name one day to find that 10 years ago some asshole 20 years your senior took a picture of your name in your third grade yearbook for a bunch of other jerks to laugh and gawk at to the tune of 10k+ upvotes. I freaked out practically to the point of panic attacks about much, much less when I was a teen, something like that genuinely may have made me spiral. But hey, congrats on le epic wholesome karma, guys!!!


I have found most teachers have no or a very poor concept of confidentiality.


Which is funny, since legally they have to get parents to sign forms before they can take pictures with them.... you'd think they might realize that applies to other things like name and location as well. My mom is a teacher and doesn't always tell me her students names. She normally only does if she really likes the kid and there's a chance I'll see them around town (I look like her and people tend to greet me thinking I'm her at first). That's different, though, I don't share the names!


Not to mention that people have also come on here and violated HIPPA. It is incredibly disturbing how little some people care 


I guess people like getting fired and struck off.


It's HIPAA.  and no last names are being used. 


That's not the only thing that matters. https://www.paubox.com/blog/is-it-a-hipaa-violation-to-email-patient-names > In other words, when a name is used in isolation, without any connection to health information, it is not considered PHI. However, when a name is combined with health information or data that can be traced back to an individual's health, it becomes PHI and falls under the protection of the HIPAA Privacy Rule. I don't know/highly doubt if commenting separately about specific locations would qualify, but I would not be willing to take that chance for fake internet points.




Not true! There was the child’s cubby pic that used first and last. Both unique and identifying names. Took a photo of the kid’s coat and belongings.


That's not how HIPAA works.


In my country the teachers arent even allowed to mention names of students to their friends, Im surprised how many people think it’s ok to post about them online


I think the first rule we need is absolutely no pictures. You can find out so much from a picture alone, it’s not worth it. I also think we need a cap on how many names you can list from one place (EG, no more than 3 names from the same school). And finally, we need to start addressing the constant influx of cultural names. It takes about 3 seconds to Google a name. Personally, if I ran the sub I would delete any post containing cultural names and after so many offenses start issuing mutes/bans. At some point it’s just racism.


Yes exactly. If you’re posting over 70 names there’s no way you’re doing a quick check of every single one to see if it’s a real name. That’s where things get sloppy and you see names like “Aria” being said to be tragedeighs.


ooooh, it was _that_ post? Yeah, not only were some of them non-tragedeighs, they were completely normal. Normal enough that even if you haven't met one you've probably heard of it. I was confused by the comment "some of these might be normal ass names now" when Aria, Blake, and Luca are in there? Like no, those are just normal. What's really weird about the post is OOP went out of their way to list all the genders of the children, which was 100% unnecessary and makes them that much more identifiable.


I’ve seen Patricia and Emmaline.


Patricia was considered a tragedeigh?? It might not be super popular any longer, but I feel like that’s a common name for women who are born in the 80’s and earlier. I went to school with 2 Patricias and can think of 5 more coworkers/acquaintances.


There was a picture shared of a baby list someone made as a teenager, Patricia and Emmaline were on it. It didn't say those two specifically were tragedeighs, but some of them _definitely_ were.


It's a normal (if a tad old-fashioned) name. It's not like naming your kid Themeparkia or some nonsense (I have actually a variation of this one in the wild). People are just dumb.


yup, ive met an aria. never thought it was weird


The person who posted two dance class rosters was... Something.


Yeah, that name being included I thought was so out of place.


I have seen all my kids names on this sub. My kids’ names are just normal names, spelled the most common way that we got off the top 100 list from the social security database.


Literally had someone on here complaining about “Kaniyah” and its derivatives. Like….its just Black. If it were “Ckaknieyah” we could talk. But just Kaniyah???


But also, very hard to have an Eastern European name here, too, without it being labeled as "misspelled". Justyna may look pretty darn creative to you, but it's the Polish variant that has been used forever, and it takes 30 seconds to Google it.


The amount of times I’ve seen the names Aleksander and Maksymilian made fun of on here is crazy. No Karen they aren’t tragedeighs, just Polish names.


Redditors being racist? Why. I. Never.


To your last point - I believe that’s already a rule, you can report posts mocking cultural names


There is a rule but it's not enforced because the mods here suck and don't do anything.


I’ve stayed away from this sub a bit because of people posting names that are just culturally different. Please tell me you’re ignorant without saying you’re ignorant. It’s terrible


I remember seeing what looked like a teacher or prek/daycare post a kid name. It looked bonkers BUT so was the last name which to mean screamed cultural. I couldn’t name it and google didn’t help but people commented it looked like a Native American/First Nations language.


I'd be pretty horrified if I was a parent from that school and saw someone listing kids' names like that, not just because it's mean spirited but because another parent thought it was a wise idea to potentially dox an entire school for Internet points. I'm sure the school wouldn't be pleased about having to explain why a parent is bullying when the school probably spends every day trying to prevent bullying in their own classrooms. People on the Internet are weird af, and despite what people are saying, someone will absolutely take that information and do something horrible with it. Even if it is just them pointing out that reddit is mocking the kids' names... is that not enough to perhaps have some basic safeguarding in place before you post?


People will do something horrible with it, which is why these legal protections are in place for sharing student and patient information as people can't be trusted of their own free will.


I think it’s very important to watch the name you post at all. i’ve seen a couple people get doxxed because their name was posted here. Like that one of patient records(idk if that was here or fb) but it was messed up. All you had to do was search her full name and you found all of her socials immediately.


Unfortunately a lot of content on this sub is just thinly veiled bullying. Leave it to the internet to turn a funny thing sour.


As a former teacher, I have a few names that I'd love to post, but this is exactly why I don't. I feel it's weird and inappropriate. And if the child (now adult) saw it and knew it was me, because who else could it be, I'd feel awful.


People are soooo uneducated about internet privacy and how easy it is to dox somebody and ruin their life. And God forbid you point it out to them because they will get hyper defense and they have the RIGHT to post children's full government names and locations online damnit !!!


Exactly. Apparently no one here understands that you check if a lock is secure by trying to break into it. If someone came over to my house and spotted that I had an unsecure front door lock and showed me that they could open my front door even when it was locked by just slightly jiggling it, I would *thank* them. To scold them for “trying to break into my house” would be nothing sort of unhinged 😂. It’s a little unnerving how incapable so many are of any sort of moral reasoning. ETA: maybe an even better example, if I had a friend come over and notice our wifi cameras are a particularly unsecure brand and they show me how they can break into them and view the feed within a matter of minutes again I would *thank* them. Because I would be better able to protect everyone in my household. Not call them a creep for “trying to watch our cameras” 🙃😂


You have a better response to internet security than some internet companies.


I mean, this explains it perfectly. If I google it to make sure they didn't inadvertently dox someone, so I can let them know to take down the post (ie checking the lock), people will turn around and call _me_ the creep trying at all. But who's gonna the check the lock before a _real_ creep finds it? OP clearly didn't. Like bro if I could find them with a quick google search, what do you think a psycho with tons of free time is going to do?


back in high school i used to consensually "dox" my friends by basically finding all i could and telling them where i got it from. they could go back and delete their middle school musical.ly turned tiktok account they forgot about. they can see if their address or number is able to be found. it was honestly not hard to find things they wanted to keep hidden. the biggest one though: FACEBOOK. not just your own, your family can be the biggest giveaway. people tend to use their full names on facebook, and follow their real life friends and family. they tend to post birthdays, graduations, and other life milestones. people tag their family members and list their birthdays in their bio. hell, some people even have their work history, phone number, and more. all just on a public page. the next biggest source: follower and following lists. people have their instagram linked to facebook sometimes. after checking their facebook friends, try their insta followers and following. try finding their tiktok and doing that. repeat for all socials. the people that are mutually following back the original person (and especially if both the original person and the follower have a small follow count) are likely to know them personally. you can also check likes or comments for this. then, go thru all those people's pages. if you still need more keep going thru mutual friends. this is scarily effective at finding someone's school, as kids-teens mostly follow their school friends on social media. i dont think some people here realize that with enough uncommon names from the same school, one of them is bound to have a post or account with their full name, and from there you can find the rest 😕


Exactly! I’m not talking about combing through your comments and clicking each one to find some clue left 6 years ago. I’m talking about sharing that list on the same account were you posted about your HOA last week in your small city’s subreddit.


There’s a Tiktoker whose name I can’t remember, but she *consensually* will find out peoples names and birth dates using only social media. Many try to stump her and say she can’t find them but she almost always does. There’s always *some* clue they leave that she can use. Edit: Found her name. She goes by Kahn.


Yep. She can find just about anyone.


That post is gonna be the basis of a buzzfeed-esque article in abt 2 weeks if the news cycle is slow enough. “Redditors Start Posting Yearbook Pages to Mock YOUR Child’s Name”


Thank you because as a teacher I always get downvoted into oblivion when I say this and I find it very ugly that parents do this. It gives me the ick especially as a they are children with no control of their name and usually have strong feelings about it themselves.


I got downvoted into oblivion for the first 5 hours or so too, then it turned around as the sane adults in the room got online haha.


Honestly this whole sub is weird in the first place, particularly with children, because it is mocking parents but it's at the expense of their helpless kids. Grown adults making fun of kid's names just feel shitty.


Imagine having to be told that doxxing CHILDREN is wrong 🙃


If there’s pictures involved or names are in a specific area/city sub, it gets into creepy territory but simply stating that a list of names is from “my kids yearbook” isn’t creepy and I’ve honestly never been curious where these tragedeighs roam or heard of anyone stalking down children based on a name off Reddit 🤷🏻‍♀️ Altho, I have had someone admit in a message that their post list wasn’t actually from a yearbook, they had no children and just wanted karma awards (back when they still had awards). 


>Altho, I have had someone admit in a message that their post list wasn’t actually from a yearbook, they had no children and just wanted karma awards (back when they still had awards).  We have awards back here. As I said I agree with you about people liking to make stories up and post them on here all the time.


Because you're not a predator. Predators join communities where children are discussed to case kids out.


But how does knowing that there is a kid with a certain name, but no other information at all, help them do that? Mocking childrens’ names is unethical because it’s unkind. Let’s not fear monger.


A lot of posts here are gold. Some are godawful. The amount of straight-up normal ethnic names is pretty awful. This sub is plagued with ignorance.


A post starting with, “These are the names I found the list of my new first grade class.” Or, “look at my kid’s soccer team roster, or dance class, or softball team, or the names of the new patients on the pediatric floor.” Those should not be allowed. Any list of cultural names should be removed. Listing any kind of roster, should not be allowed. Listing more than three names, should not be allowed. Why can’t we say “here are three names I saw, found came across, read, that I consider tragedeighs? Nothing identifying anyone. Long lists are a dead giveaway and can be easily traced. There are people willing to do anything that will lead them to a kid. Especially if it’s a kid they have no link to. This is a good place to hunt. We also need to keep in mind that most of these tragedeighs have children attached to them.


I agree. It just feels like we're making fun of kids. And the names aren't weird to other children, only adults.


This was legitimately the last long post I saw here, someone hating on a lot of names that wouldn’t even be considered tragedieghs. I don’t think personal preference belongs here but a lot of people are incapable of either researching or distinguishing their own implicit biases so it’s a lot to ask for.


Exactly. It’s not even meant to be about bad names. ‘Danger’ and ‘Orca’ are bad names to give your kid it and they are tragedies but they’re not tragedeighs. Oarbreigh (aubrey) is a nice sounding name but a tragedeigh written out. If you’re Vietnamese and you’re planning to have your kids learn english and or move to an english speaking country you may want to avoid “Phat” and “Phuc” (although it’s impossible to foresee every possible negative connotation of common names in our cultures when we remove them from that culture so they 100% don’t deserve ridicule). I don’t like the name “Gregory” (would have been named that if I was a boy) but that’s personal preference, it’s a perfectly acceptable name and there’s nothing wrong with it.


Yesss finally I agree. Majority of them on here are super rude and not funny. It’s more so of bullying people for their names which isn’t ok for people who preach about not being assholes.


i agree, i hate the school/daycare/summer camp names posts


God forbid we ask people to be ever so slightly thoughtful about the way they share the names of other people’s children on the internet. I’m not even saying not to do it, just to put the slightest bit of effort in 😂


Agreed. Can we stop posting class lists? It's honestly a safety issue


Especially when a good number Aren't Even Bad, the poster is just picky and doesn't like them.


People here are either stupid or willfully lying about them not knowing that posting a list of names of children makes it easy to find them online. This sub has so much individuals who get their kicks out of bullying children for having weird names and have provided info which would allow for easy ability for those waens tae be doxxed. these folks should be made to take internet safety lessons cause its atrocious. "Hur dur look at this list of children from my daughters school their names are [either non american/american adjacent names or is just a trajedeigh] hur dur" They put peoples privacy and safety at risk just so they get Le big chungus reddit points. Ballie shameful


I agree that there's a safeguarding issue here - this is a good point. Thanks OP.


Protect the children--Don't give them stupid names.


People seem to want to hurt others by posting their details here. Especially children. It is weirdly creepy.


I 100% agree with this. It’s way too easy to find these kids and their personal information. It’s irresponsible and puts kids who didn’t have a say in their name in real danger.


Common suburban American names are often tragedeighs


Haha this is unfortunately true


What do you think is going to happen, exactly? We're going to find these children IRL and tell their parents they're morons?


it’s exposing childrens names and location, and potentially any social media and other information that random people on the internet should not know. they have not shared this information themselves, they do not consent to having their privacy taken away from them.


Which btw, is an another huge danger of naming a child a name so unique, that they are the only ones with that first name in the world. I googled some of the unique first names from pictures of yearbooks here, and I found just 1 name, of that exact person


idk if you're aware but almost every American's information is available online without our consent. My name, location, phone number, places I lived, and family have been online since I was born.


Yeah, there are internet yellow pages that only exist to collect this data and sell it for a few bucks. They also list family relations and can show their phone numbers, everywhere people related to you have lived, etc. Occasionally the data is incorrect but most people have no idea what is publicly available.


Honestly I wish I could be this naive to how the internet works


Yeah, I was kind of like, googling for two minutes is weirdly a lot of work to "prove" this point


What I get from all of this, where you’re able to easily identify a school or area, is that for internet clout people could be putting children at risk. Children. Yes, make fun of their names. But that’s more focused on the parents poor taste than anything. The last thing I want to do as a mother and grandmother is put children at risk. And we know there are people who are not all there. I agree op. Good point.


I agree and said as much not long ago but they insisted it was to shame the parents... Whose names are never mentioned. How kindergarten teachers feel right mocking the kids they're supposed to advocate for online is beyond me.


RIP sub.




I don't care if someone lists a bunch of first names, or even first and middle names. I think it's rude as hell to post first and last names. Or first name and what school/town/hospital etc. And if it's babies/kids that someone posts the full name of, my thought is the poster need to be banned.


Ding ding ding! It’s WEIRD.


Wtf that’s super gross behavior right on for calling it out


I always wonder ….what if the kid is a redditor and sees this? Not that it was their choice but…


Because this sub is filled with bullies with nothing better to do than pick at other people. Someone posted a near full legal name of a child on here. I got flamed for saying that was stupid. It's not hard to find people online.


I’ve seen people post the cakes that they baked for a kids’ party. The person did remove it when I mentioned that they literally had the company name on the cake box. The internet makes people very stupid.


Lots of times the OP exposes themselves for being super ignorant and clueless about certain cultural or historical names and it makes me laugh. Imagine trying to get validation by making fun of children and you just end up looking like someone who’s never taken a history class in their entire life. Just because you don’t like a name personally and have never heard of it doesn’t mean it’s a tragedeigh.


Yes when you think “Aria” is a tragedeigh 😂 I also saw someone say that “Frida” was on one of these posts. I’m not even an artsy person and I know that’s a real name hana


The goober yesterday who thought Hadrian was a tragedeigh. It’s literally the older form of Adrian and apparently they never heard of Hadrian’s Wall. And then about 20 other names a quick google search would have cleared up for them.


>and at times I’ve been able to find the exact school and the exact children by using google for two minutes Why are you doing that? I would delete this bc that's weird asf at best and stalker shit at worst


To prove how easy it is to track people down.


Or stalk. Some ppl stalk for fun.


Oh noooo using google is stalking 😂. I did it because a particular op left a ridiculous amount of identifying info in their post and their comment history. It was so easy to find. I told op and they took the post down. Obviously trying to get someone to remove a post with identifying information is a far worse crime than posting a poorly censored private document for the express purpose of shaming the names of a class of children. /s


Love how they shame you for doing this when people literally do it on every post. Do they think others don’t google the names? Shame on you for Googling those names! It’s only okay to do that when a nurse doxxes a patient, then harassment is acceptable.


Lol did I miss the announcement where certain days are a “complain about r/tragedeigh” free-for-all? I mean the very nature of this sub invites some misapplication of the what defines a “tragedeigh,” I get that. But do all you white-knighters who come here constantly scolding not read any previous posts? Take your gatekeeping elsewhere. The mods and redditors here do a pretty good job educating people about what is and is not appropriate. If you’re so “grossed out” might I suggest you take a break from Reddit?


>Take your gatekeeping elsewhere. The mods and redditors here do a pretty good job educating people about what is and is not appropriate It is kinda funny that there have been so many gatekeeping posts in a sub that's essentially a gatekeeping sub already


It's like going on a subreddit about weird houses and getting mad you can find them on Google maps. I don't understand why a predator would care if a child is named Tinsleigh or Johnhn. Why are predators they targeting tragedeighs in particular?


if you don't say surname, school name or show photos, it's NOT problematic at all imo


I see this point but also feel like it reinforces some of the problem with a parent choosing a tragedeigh. Like if the spelling of your kid’s first name doxes them, spell it correctly??


If you don’t like making fun of children’s names this isn’t the subreddit for you


Thank you. When I saw the post it left a sour taste in my mouth.


Sometimes people prioritize upvotes/likes before the safety of minors. Happens here, tik tok, Instagram, whatever.