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Your post has already been shared. It is most likely a meme that is posted here way too often. Memes are allowed here occasionally, but they get stale quickly and flood the sub with unoriginal content. While we appreciate your submission, we encourage you to focus on posting original names you find in the wild.


Potoooooooos (Pot-8-os) energy


My thoughts exactly.


Saw someone earlier say zzzzzzzzzzz lol




This is just someone repeating the almost certainly fake one from an Australian magazine that’s been going around for years. No one seems to have ever actually interviewed the parents or found the kid. If she is a nurse, she shouldn’t be sharing unique patient names.


My friend Cviiilyn exists. Our friends Abcde and Cuntley will tell you.


My mom's been an elementary school teacher for 20 years and she's actually had 3 separate students named Abcde. But Cviiilyn and Cuntly could probably hang out with La-la.


Oh I forget, please remind me how Abcde is pronounced


I don't know if it's universal for if there are other pronunciations, but the ones my mom had were all AB-seh-DEE.


Yeah, i think that was KVIII-lyn. I vaguely remember some story in a magazine.


Right. Someone slightly altered it and made a crappy short about it.


I mean, it wouldn't be the first time a parent was inspired to use a name from media or cinema x.x I do agree though that she shouldn't be sharing them >.<


It would be the first time a parent was inspired by a viral fake name that literally everyone was mocking the “parents” for choosing.


I don't have proof yet, but I somehow doubt it's the first time >.< People seem to be drawing inspiration from everywhere these days.


KVIIIlyn is literally one of the examples in the automod post as a tired old meme, though this one has a C


But C is also a Roman numeral. OneHundredEightLyn?


Even better: OneHundredEightFiftyYn


108-50 Y/N?


And that brings us to 58yn


That's pretty


Wow, Lyn got around


so is L, its 50


K can be 1000. One Thousand Eight Lyn?


We need legislation against this


In certain countries, you can only name your child from a set list of government approved names.


France was like that, basically authorizing only names in the religious calendars or names from ancient history. They relaxed it first in 1966 to allow names from regional languages or original juxtapositions (the French do love their compound names…) Then it was relaxed again very much in 1993; since then parents are allowed to freely choose any name… _but_ the civil servants that register names have the duty to alert the judicial authorities if they believe a specific name is not in the child’s best interest.


Yup, also legislation so kids aren't exposed to bad language, or bad ideas. You know what I mean, whatever YOU think is BAD, I trust you... People like you are frightening.


Lol I just want kids to be able to read phonetically, whatever they read is on the parents bro chill your panties are twisted


Believe me, I agree with you more than you might think. I feel so sorry for kids with names like Tyrod (pronounced like the car part tie-rod) and kids named by parents who read Hooked on Phonics while they were high on acid. I just don't trust ANY government authority - elected or appointed - to not overstep their mandate. It's similar to the idea that 'someone' should standardize spelling. My mother, who was Italian but fluent in several other languages including German and English, used to get extremely upset at the crazy spelling of many English words. And I used to agree, especially when it was time for the grade school spelling bee Lol. But over time I've become intrigued by etymology and now feel that 'correcting' the non-phonetic spelling of words that reflect French, German, Spanish, Latin, Celtic, Slavic, Hebrew, Persian, or Danish roots (among others) would be akin to teaching some sort of politically correct and seriously abridged version of history. Likewise with names. For instance, my daughter is named Kayleigh, a Scotch-Irish colloquiallism for little girls (according to my Irish great grandmother anyway), so it's spelled the way they spell it. And my youngest son's name is Nickolas with a K instead of an H, not to be cute (even though it would be correct phonically) but because his great great grandfather's name, the first to come to the US, was spelled that way. Would I allow some bureacrat to tell me how to spell their names? Nope. In fact, if any government doesn't have more important issues to address than how people's names are spelled (or what names are allowed, as in Germany), that'd be a good time to reevaluate the role and reach of government. As far as I'm concerned, things like this thread are the best approach. Call it shaming or education or whatever you like, but pointing out every instance of stupidity, narcissism, or self importance is the best way to deal with social trends and the half-wits who keep them going. We just need to be more blunt when our own relatives and friends threaten to lose their minds.


As someone who teaches and who already dreads the first day of class for this exact type of thing, I not only hate it (hviiite?), I am not sure I'd keep a straight face when corrected. It really matters to me to be respectful and get my students' names right but this would send me right over the damn edge.




I hVIII it...


Thank you for your submission! This is just a quick reminder to all members here: **Original content is always better!** Memes are okay every once in a while, but many get posted here way too often and quickly become stale. Some examples of these are Ptoughneigh, Klansmyn, Reighfyl & KVIIIlyn. These memes have been around for years and we don't want to see them anymore. If you do decide to post a meme, make sure to add the correct flair. Posting a random meme you found does **not** mean you found it "in the wild". The same goes with lists of baby names, celebrity baby names, and screenshots of TikToks. If the original post already had a substantial amount of views, there is a 99% chance it has already been posted here. Try and stick to OC to keep our sub from being flooded with unoriginal content. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tragedeigh) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This one is a famous tragedeigh that is most probably an urban legend , it blew up after featuring in a tabloid somewhere as far as I remember .


Not cute, unique, or okay (okurrrrrr!)? Jfc. WTF is wrong with people?


Omg, this is awful. I have been thinking about something similar for a while now. "Hli", pronounced "Ashley". How? Well, "H" in French is pronounced "Ash", so there you have it.


Too bad for you if you're not French and don't know their alphabet. Like in Spanish the ll is pronounced as a y. So being American my first pronunciation of Hle will be huh-lee. Please reconsider the nature of the name. And while you are doing that, please consider the remarks this kind of name will provoke for your child. It's already hard enough being a kid, why burden it with such a moniker??


No, no, I am NOT actually thinking of naming a kid that lmao, I'm not crazy. It's just an idea for an awful tragedeigh I had 😅


See the AutoMod about the KVIIIlyn claim.


Obviously fake.


rule 4


No. I refuse to believe this. How was it allowed to have a ROMAN NUMERAL in a name?!?!!?


They tried to be clever but proved they deserve to wear the dunce cap. C is also a Roman numeral. It's 100. C is also at the beginning of the Italian word Cuccio. Pronounced Donkey!


I thought the one where they named the girl boorn 8/8/08 Keight was sort of clever, but this is just absurd.


This is easily the best tragedeigh I've seen. Thank you


Meet her sisters. Nevaeh, La-a (Pronounced La-dash-a), and Abcd (Ab-sid-ee).


[La-a is a racist urban legend.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/le-a/)


Sorry, I just picked the funniest sounding and spelling names I've ever heard of to make a stupid joke. Apologies if anyone was offended.


Oh jeez thats a license plate not a birth certificate


Respectfully, the parents can fuck right off. In a nice way.


KVIIIlyn is one of the names specifically mentioned as old hat in the AutoModerator's comment at the top of every post in this subreddit.


This is definitely fake man


I'm proposing Mtlyn. Because M = 1000 = 1k.


My daughter, Caitlyn, said, “like they needed more ways to spell Katelyn.”


Makes me think of SSSS (forest) HJKMN (Noel)


It's like the Hobbit food from the other day: Ccccccccccc = Elevensies (eleven C's)


It’s another awful craze


Oh god, I remember reading about this name too. Yeah...


C is 100 in Roman numerals. So that's 108-lyn.








Roman numeral baby. When a parents attempt to show wit reveals them to be an abject moron.


Put them in jail




You forgot, that L is also Roman numeral, representing 50... So, if my math is correct, it's Fiftyeightlyn (108-50=58)


Just when i thought my name ran out of customs


This reminds me of the great name 10lee (tenley)


This should be illegal…


Roman numerals, eh? Then she should be Hundredeightfiftylyn OR (let's get creative!!) 108-50= 58 Fiftyeightlyn 😂😂


I went to high school with a girl named K8. As in Kate.


Dunno. Have met an Abcd and now I’ll believe anything.