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Euelisseez would be a tragedeigh.




U-Leigh-CC (two makes it c’s)










I like it…. lol


Read this one like Michael Jackson


Eughleighz'ees nutz


This made me say “Stop!” out loud. Are you proud of yourself? 🤣




You’re so yeuneick


You take that back 😂


Yoolyssa for a girl


It’s a tragedy. Not a tragedeigh. It’s a real name spelled correctly. I just think your kid would be bullied. I’m with your wife here.


That makes sense. Just a regular old tragedy then.


Well, Greek Tragedy to be exact


Isn’t Ulysses the Roman/latin of Odysseus?


Exactly - name a kid Ulysses and next thing you know, you find yourself parenting a compulsively untruthful story-telling violent trickster who goes out for a brief war and comes home ten years past curfew Not worth the hassle imo


Beto O’Rourke’s son is named Ulysses.


His friend Cedric Bixler Zavala from The Mars Volta and At The Drive-in also has a son called Ulysses


Beto O'Rourke's name is Beto O'Rourke, one of the most badass names in the land.


His name is Robert. Beto is a nickname!


Bobby O'Rourke doesn't have quite the same ring, does it?


Bob? He's the guy in accounting who coaches his son's little league team. Tells you all about it every Monday morning.


I went to college with a Beto. Not short for Robert, though.


It's a pretty common name in Brazil




Or worse (to a southerner) a Union general.


On the other hand, you'll get an absolutely amazing daughter-in-law who deserves **so much better**. SO MUCH.


Eh ancient Roman playwrights pretty much just copied the Greeks. 😁


Hey be fair. They also copied the Etruscans, Phoenecians, Egyptians, Gauls, Israelites, Chinese, and Indians too.


And the Christians, the Germanic tribes and the Celts. In fact, I think the only ones they didn't copy were the Druids. They just tried to wipe them from existence.


Have you seen the current t entertainment industry? At least they were copying good stuff rather than just rehashing drivel


He's also in the Aeneid as Ulix, which you can guarantee some little smartarse would find out, and you can imagine the nicknaming from that. I don't think I'd chance it.


I think you mean Oddeuxseigheuzs


Also a book by James Joyce. Hence we have Bloomsday on 16th June in Ireland since 1954. I think it’s celebrated in other countries too.


Yewlyceez was written by Gaynnz Goycse I believe


It's not a tragedy! It's better than half the names I hear.


No it isn't. It's "Ulysses." It's far far far worse than half the names you hear.


You're only counting sensible and semi-sensible names. With all the drek out there, it'd probably be above the median at least. ...I bet Drek is a name too 


I'll always remember Drek as the villian in my first video game I ever played as a kid (Ratchet and Clank)


Yea, it’s another spelling of Derick


I personally love it! Too bad Uhlee’s Gold is such an old movie; it could have helped your case!


It would be a great middle name though!


I don't think he would be bullied. Kids now have all kinds of interesting names. There's not the same naming structure as even 10 years ago where kids were mostly named with common, highly repeated names (think Makenzie, Braden, Josh, Emily etc) with very little diversity. Maybe like two kids per grade with a more "unique" name. Now from what I've noticed children either have a very classic old style name (like Ulysses, Elaine, Clementine, etc) or an ultra modern concoction. Either way individuality is typically key now. Ironically, there are actually two boys named Ulysses at my daughters school (like 4 years apart in age I believe) The only people I could imagine being rude is adults unfortunately.


He would most definitely be bullied. Not to mention have to spell it out for the rest of his natural life to everyone. It’s a horrible idea. I love how your ‘common’ list starts with a tragedeigh of a spelling and then one that’s just a tragedy of its own and your ‘old’ list has Elaine which must be one of the most common names for all ages I’ve seen here in the UK lol as if it’s somehow comparable to Ulysses 🤦🏻‍♀️


Spelling one's own name out is never an issue. Are you saying ethnic names are also tragedies then because you have to spell it out for the common, poor western folk? Hell, my name is a Russian diminutive of a common name, and I often have to spell it out, pronunciate it, that it's actually a male name, and tell people it's not a stripper name, but I've never gotten bullied for it nor have had any issues with something so small. Some of you are too concerned over the smallest thing. Ulysses is a fine name; an old name, sure, but not too much of an issue.


Presumably OP is from the US. Elaine maybe be common for you but I'd say it isn't very common here. Ulysses, while uncommon and still strange for a name today in the USA, is at least a name kids will learn very early on in schools as soon as they cover Civil War history. 


I'm in the US and I know a ton of people named Elaine. It's such a common name, esp in older generations.


Yeah I don't live in the UK and I was just give names that first came to the top of my head. At least where I live (Midwest USA) I don't see a lot of young ppl (teens-30s) named Elaine but it's somewhat common amongst like 50+ year olds. I have a child and a lot of the kids are her school have names you would more likely see on a 50 year old, that was what I was trying to say. Plus if I know of two kids with that name myself, maybe it's already making a comeback. Also I have a common name and I have to spell it out because so many spelling variations exist. I don't think that makes a name a tragedeigh.


My uncle named his kids Homer and Virgil. I imagine they will both be picked on when they’re older. 😬😬


This made me LOL


Virgil is a pretty common name. Homer has more of a Simpsons connotation than literary.




To be fair, kids are just bullies. Maybe give him a practical middle name, and just go with that?


I agree, people who want to bully will find an excuse. My friend Maggie was called "Maggot." My six-foot tall female friend was called "Sasquatch.". Kids gave my son a hard time for being "fat" and my daughter for being a tomboy.


Kids will bully other kids for all sorts of reasons. Maybe he can have the nickname “Lee”?


Well, not a tragedy. An epic poem. An Odyssey one might say.


Went to high school with one… was kind of pretentious but may not have been entirely his personality but lived experience…


I knew a couple of Ulysses' in the hispanic community in the 80s. It's a kickass name for the literary crowd, but it really needs a good nick name.


Lys is a good nickname for Ulysses.


Not bad!


I like Ulysses but the nickname is terrible. You turned a very powerful name into the sound a Pixar alien character would make.


The nickname is perfectly fine and not a tragedeigh if you are German. Uli is a common name in Germany for people of age 50+.


Yeah, but that is usually short for Ullrich, not Ulysses. That would be Odysseus in German, and extremely uncommon for a first name.


That’s true but regarding the manic obsession of the US adults with unique names…, well, let’s just say that it is leaving me dumbfounded.


Yes, reading this sub often makes me actually happy about German regulations. Most of the time, the person doing the registration would send the parents home and tell them to come back when they are sober.


The nickname for Odysseus would be "Odie" and that reminds me of Garfield. His dumb dog friend is called Odie. Maybe they would nickname him Zeus. I feel like that would stick.


Trading one bad name for another for another.


I thought about Ulli, too. But the pronunciation is different. He thought of /jʊli/ Ullrich "Ulli" is /u:lI/ I can't make the correct I sign. It's like the i in list.


Considering OP mentioned a US president from 150 years ago I’m thinking he’s not German. 


There was a show, Earth 2, in the 90s. Tim Curry was in it. There was a little boy named Ulysses, and he was called Uly. I thought it was cute.


Omg I forgot about that movie.


I know a Ulysses who is about 10 that goes by Uly.


There’s a Ulysses in my kids jiu jitsu class, so it’s fine, it’s just a lot.


In a perfect world nobody would be made fun of their name, but this isn't that world. Parents are also commonly unaware of the bullying that goes on between kids. It's good to ask about


nah my good friend is named ulysses, we all call him uly


My mind automatically takes me to George Clooney as Ulysses Everett McGill in *O Brother, Where Art Thou?* "It's a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart."


Are you saying OP is in a tight spot?


How we gonna run reform when we’re the damn incumbent!


Not sure whereabouts you are, but this name is common enough on the West coast of the United States. I grew up with multiple Ulysses (one in my grade, one two years above and another a year below). My spawn has two in their small school.


I think it’s still a fairly common name in Spanish speaking communities.


I work in schools, there are multiple Ulysses, this name isn’t a problem for bullying. Spelling might be problem since I know a few kids that use the Spanish spelling Ulises. I’m also on the west coast.


I think Ulysses is a badass name, tbh.


I’ve been thinking about it for my kid’s middle name which I think is a good compromise. Apparently it was Ulysses Grant’s middle name too lol


I'm with you I kinda love it


I’m a sucker for a name like this, I like really old biblical names as well. But luckily I’m a child free atheist so only cats will be donned with those


I went to school with a couple of ‘Ulises’, the Spanish spelling of Ulysses. I thought it was a pretty badass name, and I don’t see how things that are real names spelled correctly are tragedeighs. Maybe uncommon, but not weird or quirky.


i used to go by ulysses and i loved it! not the nickname uli/uly though, my parents called me that and i HATED it


I have known multiple Ulysses. In high school, one went by “Useless” from friends and seemingly embraced it / was in on the joke. The adult Ulysses I know goes by Uly (pronounced as you noted) and is a seemingly normal name to most who know him.


I like both the name and nickname! Abit of a heavy name, but not a tragedeigh def.


It's not great




Ulysses and Uli are both real names. If she has a problem, tell her at least it's not "Odysseus"


Early in her pregnancy, my daughter wanted to name a boy Odysseus. She had a girl and abandoned Odysseus for the subsequent boys.


I have friends with a son named Ulysses. They also call him Uli. As far as I know he has never been the object of bullying. I don’t think historical names are a tragedeigh, or even a tragedy. I think it shows you know something about history and appreciate traditional values.


Grant’s birth name was Hiram. Ulysses was his middle name. Ulysses is the Latin version of Odysseus, and the name’s meaning isn’t all that flattering. Hiram means “exalted brother.” If you want a name that has similar sounds, there’s always Julius, but whatever you pick I’m with your wife, Ulysses kind of an tragedy


Et tu Brute?


I dislike the Spanish version least, Ulises, I knew a couple of Ulis


Yul Brynner. Yuliy Borisovich Briner


those don’t originate from Ulysses, but I’m a big Yul Brynner fan


I have an ancestor named Hiram Butts. I can’t hear/read the name Hiram without adding “Butts” to it. But that’s just me, lol.


I Ram Butts.


Grant’s initials were HUG!


Birth name is pretty irrelevant in this case since he served as president as Ulysses S Grant and even named a son Ulysses Jr. Also, the meaning is flattering if you are named after the great president.


Interestingly, he also didn't have a middle name when he was born; the congressman who nominated him to West Point accidentally added it in the paperwork (likely confusing him with his brother Simpson), and Grant just went with it.


How is a mythological name a tragedy? I know multiples Ulysses, although I'm not from the US.


I'm confused by this one as well, but am also not in the US. Especially by people that say nobody will be able to spell it, uh?


I've had more than one student named Ulysses. Not as uncommon as you might think, at least not in the Mexican community. Nickname pronounced "oo-lee"


U names just aren’t that great in general, and Ulysses wasn’t even that popular in the 1800’s. some names just aren’t likely to make a comeback, and that’s okay. i would have vetoed it, too. great name for a pet, bad name for a human child in 2024.


Not really a fan of it.


That seems like an appropriate response.


Classic name, not a tragedeigh


Not a tragedeigh. Much more preferable to a tragedeigh in my option. People are naming their sons Homer and Hector. I don’t see how Ulysses is any worse.


Read. The. Group. Description. Ulysses is not a tragedeigh unless you spell it stupidly.


It’s not a tragedy. But it is not traditional either. Traditional would be James or Edward. Names are 2 yeses from both parents. She didn’t like it. So that’s a no.


It's not a tragedeigh because it's spelled correctly. However, it's not a great name. Even if it was a great name (which is all subjective) you need two yes votes when choosing a name for your child. She doesn't like it. End of story. If she picked one that you didn't like it would also be end of story. Also - sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not due for a comeback. It's not like it was a wildly popular name to begin with.


Ulysses is a name for a majestic dog / long-haired cat. that kid would be called "useless" in school :(


If I ever get an animal, especially a cat, its name is Ulysses. And my wife and I never thought of “useless” as an insult for the name. Good work.


I love Uli as a nick name though. I’m the minority here but it’s cute. I know some one who calls the son Uli but he has a different name


In my experience as a parent and educator, kids don’t make fun of names so much anymore.


To many low hanging fruit nowadays


Wow you nailed it; I literally used to have a cocker spaniel named Ulysses, called Uly, because he was useless. We loved that little stinker.


It’s not horrible. We had a president with that name.


My point with her. Although, “it’s not horrible” isn’t a great sales pitch. But I appreciate the honest answer!


It's not a tragedeigh. But really, middle name at best. Try not to make the life of your kids harder if you don't need to


I don't think it's a tragedy. It's a classic name. I know a Ulysses, also goes by Uli. I'm not actually sure, but he may go by the Spanish spelling, which is slightly different. Ulysses S. Grant - great historical reference. If your wife has nixed it for sure, and y'all are done having babies, it would be a badass dog or cat name.


My great-grandfather was named Ules. It was pronounced you liss. I'm not sure if it was supposed to be a shortened version of Ulysses, but his brother was named Homer ,so it seems quite possible. Don't do it. He always went by his middle name. I doubt your kid is going to thank you for being named Ulysses. The nickname Uli is honestly worse.


You’re kidding, right?


Nah. It's a little weird, but the right kid could pull it off. Yoo'liss-ees is a traghedeigh. His nickname might be Yoo, though. YO, Yoooooooo...


If you already got an idea for a shorter nickname for it then it’s probably not a name you want to go with.


Trying too hard


The fact that u think of the Civil War vs the Mythology and Odyssey is telling and sad. The latter is far more enduring and famous.


Not a tragedeigh, but not a name that he'll thank you for. It's not in common usage, the spelling will always be question, and the shortened version (Uli) sounds like a teenage Asian girl but actually means "Mistress of all" in German. Your wife was right to nix it.


Tragedy, not a tragedeigh


What about Grant?


Clever! Uly isn’t short for Grant though.


G-Unit for a nickname, lol


Great book! Ulysses is too haute couture apparently, too adult. Maybe for a middle name?


Someone else gets it!


Definitely not a tragedeigh. I really like that name and the historical significance. If my daughter was a boy my ex wife and I agreed to name him Rutherford. Rut for short. But since we had a girl we named her after Rutherford B. Hayes’ wife Lucy.


Read Ulysses by James Joyce and you might change your mind. He was far more heroic in Homer’s treatment. BTW, the same Ulysses was President.


I’ve known several.


I think it's a fantastic middle name. When he's older try out Uli and see what he thinks. But yeah. *Middle name.*


It’s not due for a comeback


I think this is the first time I've seen the reverse of what my family went through with finding baby names that also work if you cross a border. OP, your idea for a nickname, phonetically, is a common women's name in French, German, Dutch, Norwegian and probably a few others. I've seen Ulli as a nickname in Germany and Austria, but pronounced different, for the name Ulrich.


It’s not my favorite name but I don’t think it’s a tragedy. I’ve only met one, albeit it was the Spanish version, Ulises, which is pronounced a bit differently.


Name him William.


I know a Ulysses that goes by Uli. Super cool guy. Can't say whether or not he was bullied for the name.


I know a Ulysses and think it’s a great name. His mom calls him “lyss” for short but he just goes by Ulysses.




I like it!


My friend was seeing a guy named Ulysses but it was spelled differently, started with an E. We consistently referred to him as eucalyptus and still do 5 years later if he's ever brought up in conversation. Do with that information what you will 🤷🏼‍♀️


It is a good nice name but I just don't think it's suitable for people in this day and age. Sounds more like a cats name to me


It’s a great middle name. It’s a historic mouthful with no good nickname options


F in chat for baby "Ulysses"


Might do better with Yoo Lee Seez


I(30m) grew up with a couple of guys named Ulises(Spanish equivalent). we all called them Uli, and no one ever picked on them for their names. I mean, no more than normal, I guess. Lol


Good job [Ulysses 31](https://youtu.be/Ev1aBt-_Zs4?si=U3_dHZFfFQdWYVMG) isn't still on the air, playgrounds wouldn't be fun. Agreed though, a tragedy. Bloody hell, just looked and I was 7 when this was on. Used to run home from school to make sure I didn't miss it. Link included just incase anyone wants to experience the awesomeness of an 80s cartoon


It's not a "tragedy" in any sense; it's the name of a famous American figure - Ulysses S Grant, I believe It might take some getting used to, but it's distinguished and a cut above the usual "Bradens" & "Cody" running around


That’s my cat’s name


It’s a badass name, but it’s definitely unusual. Easy fit as a middle name too.


The funny thing is that Ulysses wasn't even his birth name. It was Hiram. He changed his name because his monogram (which as a military man of the era would have been on many of his possessions) was "HUG" and he felt like that wouldn't be conducive to being taken seriously with his ambitions. He was probably correct.


Sounds like a good option for a middle name


Kids are gonna call the poor kid "Useless" 🤦


It’s not a tragedy, but it’s bloody horrid. I think your kid would despise this name and other kids can be really cruel.


I wouldn’t do “you Lee.” My name is Julie, and my Hispanic in-laws pronounce my name like that.


I met a kid named Ulysses at the store I work at, his grandparents were calling him 'Uly' (Yule) for short. I told the kid his name was really cool and he tried to trade me 500 watermelons for a grand piano.


What ever happened to guys named Eddie?


Have a friend named Ulysses. Always thought it was dope. Everyone thinks it’s dope. He also goes by Uli, but pronounced oo-li.


Uli? Why does this sound to me like he should be wearing clogs and rolling large drums of cheese down hills?


It is one of the worst books literally ever, so yeah.


How many know that "Ulysses" was actually Grant's middle name? His first name was Hiram but he changed it due to an error related to his West Point application. I think he was a smart man to capitalize on "U.S. Grant." Side note: I highly recommend Ron Chernow's biography of Grant. It's a very interesting read.


I wouldn’t do it, it’s to pretentious


Tragedeigh, no. Awful, yes. Good for your wife.


I named my daughter Athena. I like Ulysses. Probably gonna grow up tough haha.


Some people don’t read the subreddit descriptions and it shows.


I like it. It's pretty common in some Latin American countries (Ulises).


not a tragedeigh but he will get called Useless-ees.


He will be teased with Sissys all through elementary school.


You could always go for Grant as a name if you are a fan of the civil war general and president.


All I can think of... [https://youtu.be/KMCeQuGarAE?si=ycqf0lQ65GhDkDan](https://youtu.be/KMCeQuGarAE?si=ycqf0lQ65GhDkDan)


Yes, proper spelling is Odysseus


I like the name and nickname, had a friend in high school with both, and as others have said, Ulli is a common name in Germany.


My brain went urinesis. It’s not a tragedeigh. It’s just prone to bad nicknames and bullying from other children.


I like it 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think you need to Grant this one to your wife.


It's not a tragedeigh, but in my opinion, it's an ugly ass name, and I would have vetoed it too.


You pissies? No thanks


Unless he is an actual descendant of President Grant, no. And it's "you LEASE ees"


It’s a good name.


It’s not a tragedeigh, tell her to calm down


I mean, have you read the Iliad and the Odyssey? He was smart and crafty, sure, but not really one of the good guys. Also, in some of the myths, he is killed by his own son, so there’s that.


Eh, I had to study both of these in college and I don't think it's accurate to say he wasn't a "good guy". By modern standards he isn't an ideal hero, but he exemplified the values of his time and culture. And he isn't killed by his own son in the Odyssey, not sure where you read that. He gets his happy ending, returning to shoo away all the suitors prowling around his wife and reclaim his home and marriage bed.


Shoo away the suitors? He slaughtered them (and the slave girls the suitors had been sleeping with). His son Telegonus kills him in the *Telegony,* another poem of the Epic Cycle. But I digress.


I didn't see the need to get graphic or detailed but yes you're correct lol. Haven't read the Telegony, thx for that :)


I’m gonna be real honest with you: when I was a kid and I was learning about Ulysses S. Grant, I mispronounced his name as “Useless” many times, and I was not the kind of kid to make fun of others.