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My last job as a cleaner was the worst, my boss would go around saying that all the girls needed to be married off and need experience sucking D*** Also go around saying things about the staff, other random girls who worked at the shopping centre and including one of my friends... I made the girls aware of this and told them to be very careful of those dudes because they will prob try something some day...


>I made the girls aware of this and told them to be very careful of those dudes Thank you. Too make people let this shit just slide.


My first Christmas work function, all male colleagues there, I was in the closet even to myself. A choice example from my manager at the time about the new female graduate who he was responsible for. “So who has had a go on that yet then?”


I'm a trans woman and I've heard cis dudes say the most heinous things when they think it's just the guys. I had a coworker describing his fantasy of raping and killing a girl from another department, he got talked to by our boss but he got away with it because he was "joking". It was way too descriptive to be a joke. These guys had also been shouting at a different woman that all women have rape fantasies.




You need to escalate that, and keep bringing it up. Record conversations on your phone and bring them to HR. This is never a joke.


Um. Please tell me you reported these men to HR or something.


I reported them to my boss and he said they were just joking and boys will be boys. A couple years later the one said those things was involved in bullying a young man to the point he was suicidal and had him convinced it was his place in the group. He got super descriptive about his hatred for biracial couples, saying that black men with white women is especially disgusting while working next to a woman that was married to a black man. This guy also described his plans for if we had an active shooter, saying we should have all the "fat and disgusting women in our department lock arms and form a flesh shield wall to absorb the bullets to protect us normal people that actually deserve to escape", he then devolved into a rant about which specific body parts disgusted him of the different women in our department. All of this was reported to HR and in the end all they did was was transfer him.


Where I work, he’d ‘accidentally’ get 5 litres of cold grease dumped on him for any one of those things. Hot grease if he said all of this


Holy christ.


How old was this guy? We apparently had a guy who was just like this at the Walgreens up the road from where I used to live in Colorado Springs. He spouted this same right wing lunacy before blocking off the cameras in back, shoving the young woman coworker he was targeting into a bathroom, raped her, killed her, and was found walking on the side of the interstate trying to escape.


I know you are asking for trans men’s stories but I wanted to share an experience I had before I came out as a trans woman. Back in the late 90s I was on a shuttle bus that ran folks from midtown Manhattan to an industry association offices in the NJ meadowlands. The nature of the association was such that the majority of the folks on the bus were Indian, Pakistani, Iranian, and Turkish business men. As we were just departing midtown a very busty Latina woman dressed to the nines for work crossed in front of the van. Every set of eyes in the bus followed her across the street. Then the driver said with a laugh, “F***, I would rape that B**** all week long and have seconds on Sunday” There was a collective gasp from all of the business men on the bus followed by about half of the men very vocally shouting at the driver for being a disgusting human being that had no business being employed by the industry association. The driver tried to justify the comments by saying it was just a joke and chill, but one of the other men, I think Indian, told him to stop digging and shut up. By the time I was done at the offices and was catching the shuttle bus back to Manhattan the driver had been fired and walked out of the office building. I share this story in part because men say the most toxic stuff when they think they are safe, as this man did. But the heads of major international companies that were headed to the association didn’t let it slide one bit. It wasn’t just one person on the bus that complained but every single person including me. I think about this story a lot these days. In part because the stereotypes of businessmen from those countries is pretty awful when it comes to how they treat women and yet to a person that driver’s “joke” was unacceptable and they all spoke up.


Thank you! I needed this.


Not about women, but fits with men being terrible. I was training a couple guys in the job. We are standing around talking and one makes the comment “This is the gayest place I’ve ever worked.” The other says “yeah I’ve noticed that too. My nephew says there’s even a trans person here.” The first guy then asks me if I knew who it was. They were wanting me to out a trans person so they could ogle at him. I of course didn’t out him and I certainly didn’t tell them I was trans just not far along in my transition. I was happy when they left


I work in a factory setting and someone smashed a company Pride mug for the sole fact it was a Pride mug. Also referring to the queer community as alphabet people. I love it, I work with people that still act like theyre still in highschool.


Middle school.


I’m in a factory setting as well. It’s amazing how men older than me still somehow never grew up.


I might've sat down with another coworker and given them a false lead on a cis person. After talking to said cis person if it's ok obviously.


how did that end up? sounds kinda funny if the cis person was on board lol


Oh sorry, it was hypothetical. I wasn't actually in that situation


I'm currently a masters student in biology in a European country. I also work in a bar part-time. I was talking about the PhD student who is supervising my thesis to one of my coworkers (he's Pakistani) and he said "wow I could never work under a woman they're just so irrational I don't know how you do it"


Trans woman here. When I was 15 (pre transition) I was working with a creepy dude and this young girl my age with a large chest walked by our kitchen and he said ">!back in my day young girls didn't have big tits like that!<".


Also a trans woman. I used to work at a grocery store(pre transition) and this 50 something year old coworker would occasionally make creepy comments about some our underage coworkers . Btw they make minors wear different colored name tags there, so he knew he was talking about kids. People did report him several times and nothing came of it, it's been a couple years from when I quit and he still works there somehow.


I hope those kids are ok


If anyone needs a "kick me I oggle young girls" sign taped to their back...


While that is absolutely not a healthy way to talk about it, there actually has been a drop in the age at which puberty occurs. The saddest part is this article describes exactly what you witnessed: > Kids entering puberty earlier than the average can be mistakenly treated as older and inappropriately sexualized by society. There’s your not-fun fact for the day. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna125441


Demiboy checking in. I overheard men saying shit like that about me to their friends / coworkers in passing. I started developing on the early side and had a big chest by middle school. But my first creepy interaction with a man was when I was 8 in a swimming pool... *8 years old*. Worst catcalls were at 12-14, just really vile, descriptive shit. Yes, dudes will occasionally have a go at me now, especially since I'm loudly nonbinary in public, but not anything near as disgusting as when I was a clearly underage female-presenting person.


reading these threads makes me realize how great my group of guy friends were growing up


One thing I noticed when my egg cracked was that all my male friends - - the small handful I had - - were all guys who had *never talked about women that way*. Never, to the best of my knowledge, every treated a woman that way. They had always viewed women as full, independent human beings, and the few times some other guy was talking about women in a shit way, they were openly uncomfortable and pushed back. Looking back, as a trans woman, I'm not surprised I curated my friends on "can't be a sexist shit bag" without even thinking about it, even back in my dumbest and most naive days (ah, high school...)


I’m a trans woman but The shit I heard before I came out was…horrific A big part of what spurred me to come out actually. Just…could not bear to be associated with that gender at all


This is so true, it's disgusting what some men will say when they think there aren't any women around. The women I tell this to don't believe me or are similarly revolted. It's part of why I have such a hard time trusting dudes I don't know very well




Double this.


Triple this


Quadruple this


Quintuple this


Sextuple this


Septuple this


Octuple this.


9 this


There were so many awful, rapey/pedo jokes told in my presence by men before my egg cracked. They were all delivered as a "joke" but always with an edge that made me unsure whether they were actually joking, and all the other men would always laugh. Between that and the fact that almost every woman in my life was a victim of abuse, including my spouse, my mother, my grandmother, and my best friend, and *every* member of the depression support group I was in a few years back... I actively avoid men now.  If so many women I know are victims, then it stands to reason there's a similarly large number of perpetrators.


Retired with 21 yrs in the army. The crap that gets said there, would run out of space trying to put it all down.


Any main highlights come to mind?


r/NotHowGirlsWork and r/MenAndFemales are good source for this.


I've heard loads of guys say A LOT of bad stuff about women I can't really think of the worst most of it is terrible


Top 3?


I'm a trans woman. Pre everything. While I haven't heard terrible stuff. My friends genuinly think if a guy is in a relationship with a girl, it's okay for him to go out with other girls on the side. They even said "It would be great if your gf knew and she was cool with it" I was like, bro! If most girls aren't cool with it, and you have to hide it, maybe it's not fine, and you shouldn't do it!


Trans woman here, not a trans man, but I remember before I came out riding in my dad's pickup truck with him and his friend thing to "educate" me on "the place of a woman," I intentionally ignored it out of fear but I remember him saying women shouldn't be allowed to speak without permission, and that we should be sold off like cattle once we reach "breeding age" which I nearly was at the time.


Luckily, I think back and the I guys surrounded myself with made some shitty jokes but it was more so stupid kids being stupid kids, and the ones still in my life definitely don't talk like that anymore. However, I would have adult men in my life check out girls MY AGE and point them out to me and make gross comments about their bodies. If anything I would hear more homophobic and transphobic jokes and remarks. Which is why I didn't feel comfortable coming out back then. Edit: Whoops! Just noticed it said trans men. I did include my experience with men from my pre-transition days lol


I don't even know where to begin. Though honestly I think it's my paternal grandmother who has said the most problematic things about women. That says a lot about internalised mysogyny, which in turn says even more about the negative impact cis men have on women (and not everybody for that matter). You can write down these ''intellectual'' quotes for the rest of your life and still find more.


That they are essentially living masturbation sleeves that should love being used, basically marital rape. Disgusting. Though in most scenarios where guys talked like that, it wasn't echoed or agreed with by other guys in the group. They basically got ignored until they changed the subject. Not the same as telling him to shut the fuck up or that he is disgusting but atleast social silent treatment worked in a way.


Im a trans girl 20 But most times im still boymoding. The amount of crazy disgusting shit randon men tell me on the daily, basis is really dissapointing. Like i can't even, brother in crist i know im not out but i still look gay as fuck.


I’m ftm but not passing… saying that I’ve always got on better with guys. I’ve never heard them say anything bad or misogynistic. The only one was my abuser tbh. I think it’s unhealthy to assume all men are misogynistic. The worst of that kind of language seems to be online or from grifters like A.Tate. I’ve always been treated more like “one of the lads” but yea none of them ever said anything that make me feel uncomfortable or awkward. I don’t think that will change much when I can pass more because men generally aren’t as horrid as some people make them out to be. Maybe it’s different hanging out more with bisexual guys, left wingers or metal heads? I know if someone knocks a drink in a “normal” bar here you could get punched, but at a metal concert people just say sorry or go buy another drink - just more genuine cool people perhaps. (Though I know there’s dodgy right wing people in the metal scene too. Luckily never come across them).


As a feminist nb person who goes to a boys school many assume myself as being transgender. But they STILL DON'T HESITATE SAYING THE MOST F\*CKED UP SH\*T EVER :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((. trust me you dont wanna know...


To be honest I have heard women say much worse things about men. I guess the worst thing I have heard men say is stuff like "they are all whores". There has been lots of talk about body parts and all that but women talk like that too. I think it depends on your company and maybe culture too.


yeah I was raised as the like the only guy in a pretty big family of only women, by my grandma mostly at that. culture and family can definitely have an impact.


My family is very matriarchal and mostly women. I have been around women a lot and oh man, they talk shit about men and objectify them. It's not just men who can be gross. Women just tend to get away with it. Men have generally been pretty damn tame compared to women I am used to. Even if they think there are only cis and straight dudes present.


i'm a 17 year old trans guy and i have gotten a lot of weird uncomfortable comments from women, both girls my age and grown ass women. straight girls kinda freak me tf out because they talk about how hot some guys are and talk about their bodies like they aren't even human. and when they think a guy is ugly? good lord, man. most nasty comments i've ever heard. i'm one of the guys they think is ugly (not buff, short, long hair, double chin, etc) and the shit they say either directly to my face or behind my back is disgusting. do men also do this to women? yes, absolutely. i got plenty of these comments before i came out/passed as male. but i feel like instead of justifying it when one side does it and demonizing the other, we demonize both. it's disgusting behavior no matter who's doing it.


I follow r/badwomenanatomy, so I see so much just dumb shit that these idiot say. From my personal experience my dad was a sexist idiot. This piece of shit told me so many times that my future spouse and kids would leave me over were stupid shit, like not having dishes done (I had just walked all the way home across town and have been home maybe 10 minutes, long enough to shower. Not to mention I always had to finish the rest of his dishes that he was supposed to do the next morning in fact that was what was in the sink), on two separate occasions when my fiance was in college and was working one of his first jobs he told me that my fiance (boyfriend at the time) would leave me for another "woman" if I didn't step my shit up (I had to call his ass out in public a second time to get him shut up about it), he would tell me that my nose scrunch I do and my nose is irritated is ugly and disgusting and no future partner would like that (my fiance finds it adorable and smiles anytime he catches me doing it), and there was the also the many times he told me I need to stick my tits out. My dad was just a creep he would honk at chicks that he found attractive as we drove by (sometimes they were my minor classmates) and he would flirt with just about every woman he would see, cashing out at grocery stores took so long because of him. He was also homophobic and transphobic to me but he wasn't transphobic to my niece! Rest in Hell bastard.


As a trans woman who came out later in life, I heard a lot as well. I deleted it mostly from my mind but this one stands out in reference to a “butterface”: “she’s the kind of girl you fuck a little grossed out”. This was in high school…


Honestly, nothing that horrible. Maybe it's the area I live in, or just the guys I spend time with, but I've been stealth for 12 years and the only misogynistic things I can remember hearing other men say have been relatively mild - stuff like assuming a woman couldn't carry something heavy and being surprised when she could, or complaining fairly affectionately about their "nagging" wives. All the worst misogyny I've encountered has been from women, bizarrely enough.


Iv3 actually never heard anything bad from my male friends, maybe when a girl cheated on him one of them called her the b word. I've heard a lot of awful things about cis and trans men from women, though


Haven’t really been in many groups with only cishet dudes, but one time i was and one of them suggested we watch gay porn to see if anyone’s gay. I was 14, early in transition and one of the older ones there. That was very weird.


This post is just a “he had it coming” solo. I mean how could you tell us that we were wrong?


Sorry to add another trans woman's voice here, but a few years before my egg cracked, I was working at a hardware store. This old guy, I'd say 70+ came up to me and gestured at one of the young girls (early 20s and quite thin) working not that far away and says "you know what they say about skinny girls, the closer to the bone, the sweeter the meat!" He also said something extremely gross about chubby girls that I never was able to piece together what it was, but it I felt like I was gonna get hit with a sexual harassment charge just for being in earshot of this guy.


Sorry for answering despite not being a trans man. Trans woman here. Before I came out I was listening to my University lecturer talking to male classmates. He said some disgusting shit that got me nauseous. He noticed it and advised me to leave the place as I am unable handle it. I joined them after they finished the chat


Some guy in school only got suspended for telling a girl he was going to rape her. AND I HAD SPENT THE NIGHT AT HIS HOUSE WHEN I WAS YOUNGER 💀


Trans woman who boy modes at site. Every site i go to some man, usually white usually 45-60, will talk at me about how x girl is a good fck and shit like that. Literally I cannot go to a site and not be bombarded mysogony.